《Far Away, In Another Place | Ruikasa》Part 4 - "Don't Go..."


Today's his last day... Today, he's leaving... I sat up from my bed and stared out my window. The birds sang their lovely tunes, people walked their dogs, children got on the bus for school. Peaceful... I stood up and went to my mirror. I looked different with the bags and dark circles under my eyes. I had taken Sakis makeup things to cover them up. No one should know I'm sad. Stars can't be sad. They should be smiling and making others smile. . . I'm not fit to be a star. I can't smile all the time. I can't always make people smile. Rui is the one who makes me a star. But by myself? I'm no star at all. I'm nothing but a fallen leaf on the ground. No purpose but to just sit on ground and rot away.

Once I covered up my eyebags, I put on a smile and left my room.

"Good morning Tsukasa! You're happy today!" Saki smiled.

"Yup! A star is always happy!" I answered.

Saki laughed, "I'm going over to Ichikas, see you in a bit!"

"See you later Saki!" I waved.

She grabbed her bag and left the house.

I also made my way downstairs. I wasn't going to see Rui, I couldn't. If I saw him, I'd just break down in tears.

I sat at the kitchen table and turned on my phone. My lock screen showed up. Me and Rui doing a funny pose, smiling, having fun. If only things could stay that way...

I set my head on the table. He's leaving soon...


I stood up and walked to the door. I took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hello-" I was interrupted by someone hugging me. "Rui..." I felt tears coming but I pushed them back.


"I'm leaving, so I wanted to say goodbye." He gently placed his lips on mine. He kissed me. One last kiss. A kiss I'll probably never get again.

He pulled away after. "Goodbye, my love."

I tried to speak, but I couldn't. Nothing would come out. Don't go. Rui, please don't leave me! He got in their car. It started driving off. Please don't go... The car was long gone by then. I shut the door trying to keep the tears in again. I couldn't. They started pouring out of my eyes. I wiped them away but more kept coming.

Rui... Why did you have to leave me when I need you the most? Why would you go? Why couldn't you just stay? Why did you leave me here? I can't do this.


"Tsukasa? Everything alright?"

I turned my head to see the mirage of KAITO popping out of my phone.

"Y- Yea." I said still trying to wipe the tears away.

"It's okay Tsukasa, Miku and I are here if you need to talk."

"Im okay- Well- R- Rui moved away, and I- I just don't know what to do."

"Don't worry Tsukasa, you can always text him to come meet you in the SEKAI and make plans on what to do next."

"You're right. I'm so stupid heh."

"Your not stupid, your just feeling a little sad right now."

The tears finally stopped. "Thanks KAITO. I feel- better now."

"That's good, if you need to talk to anyone, we're here," he smiled.

"Thank you."

"Oh Miku's calling me, I hope you feel better! Bye!"

"Bye," I waved.

I stood up and went to my room. Everything is going to be okay.

Tsukasa... I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave you either...

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