《Far Away, In Another Place | Ruikasa》Part 2



"We are moving! Your father found a new job that pays well in the USA!"

"Where- Where are we moving?"

"I just told you silly, we are moving to the United States!"

I felt sick, nauseous. "B- but what about my life here? I have friends! I have a boyfriend!"

"Oh right... Tsukasa was a nice boy too... Well you see Rui, life is unfair sometimes. And this is one of those times. You can meet someone new, someone better even. You may also find the girls there pretty."

". . ."

"Rui, it's a high-school boyfriend, it's not like it was gonna last forever anyways. Come on, eat some food."

I was angry. I clenched my fists. "I'm not hungry," I told her.

I turned around, and started heading to my room.


"Shut the fuck up."

I slammed my room door shut. I could here my mom yelling at me to open the door. I've never cursed at her before, it was truly an accident.

After a while, she gave up. I feel guilty.

I got up from my bed, grabbed my wallet, and left my room. As I went downstairs, I saw my mom eating. Alone.

I quickly walked pass her to the front door.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"The store...."

She didn't say anything else as I left the house.

The streetlights made spots of light on the dark sidewalk. The cold air felt nice against my skin. A relaxing feeling.

The luminous light from the gas stations sign was annoying, so I quickly went inside. I went in an grabbed some snacks. I came across the alcohol isle. (drink your problems away jkjkjkjk)

I grabbed a few bottles of sake and went to pay.

"May I see an ID?" the cashier asked.

I opened my wallet and grabbed the fake ID I created a while ago as joke. I'd never thought I'd use it until now.


The cashier accepted the ID and let me pay for my items.

At home, no one was downstairs. I put the box of chocolates I bought on the counter with a note saying it was from me to my mom.

I then took the rest of the items into my room.

I sat on my bed and turned on the TV. I grabbed on of the bottles of sake I had bought, and downed the whole thing. I didn't care about the taste or anything.

I watched the people move across the screen. They talked and acted stupid.

I grabbed the second bottle and started drinking it.

. . .

I finished it quickly.

I don't know when, but I feel asleep at sometime, and I woke up with a massive hangover.

Shit. I'm going to throw up again...

It's currently 6am and I'm sick. Seems like I can't handle alcohol well... I reach for my phone, that is on the nightstand, so I can text Tsukasa.

My Star ❤

Good morning ❤

I won't be comming to

school today but I love


Are you okay?

I'm just sick dw

feel better

I set my phone back on my nightstand and got up to go throw up in the bathroom. Again.

"Rui? You okay in there?" My mom asked.

"Yea," I said flushing the toilet. I came out of the bathroom and saw my mom who looked worried.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll be fine, don't worry." I walked back to my room and layed back on my bed.

I sat in class, staring at Rui's message. Is he really gonna be okay?

"Tsukasa? The answer?" The teacher asked catching me off guard.

"Uhm 1?"

The class erupted in laughter.

"Dude she litteraly said the answer TWICE PFFFFFTTTTT-"

"Settle down class, settle down. The correct answer is 23.86 squared. Pay attention Tsukasa."

"Sorry," I muttered.


Class continued and I still didn't pay attention. When the lunch bell rang, I grabbed my bag and left the school.

After picking up some snacks from the store, I headed to Ruis house.

*Knock Knock*

"Oh Tsukasa! I wasn't expecting to see you here today," Ruis mom smiled,"Are you here to check up on Rui?"

"Yup! May I come in?"

"Of course! Ruis upstairs in his room right now if you want to head up right now."

"Thanks Mrs. Kamishiro!"

I left my shoes at the door and went to Ruis room. I knocked on his door.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in," Rui yelled from the other side of the door.

I slowly opened the door and looked for Rui. He was on his bed, unsurprisingly.

"Tsukasa? Shouldn't you be at school?" Rui asked when he noticed it was me.

"I came to check up on you."

He sighed, "I told you not to worry."

Ignoring what he told me, I went over to him and placed my hand on his forehead.

"Hmm, your warm. Do you have thermometer? You most likely have a fever."

"Hey are you even listening?!"

I grabbed the water bottle from the bag of items I had bought.

"Here, drink some water," I said, handing him the water bottle.

He sat up and grabbed it from my hands.

"Thanks." He chugged the whole bottle and layed back down.

I stood up, but I felt something hit my toe. I bent down to pick up what it was.

Sake bottles?

"Rui? Did you drink alcohol?"

". . . You found the bottles didn't you?" He sighed turning away from me.

"Yea... Is everything okay? You can tell me anything."

"Well," he sat up, "I- I'm moving. . .To another country."

"What... Which country?"

"The USA."

"Thay really far... But it's okay!"

"But what about our relationship?"

"We could do a long distance relationship. It should work!"

"You're right."

"See its okay now. Anyways, you should get some rest." I said while starting to walk away.

"Can you stay?"

"But Rui..."


I sighed, "I'll do homework while you rest then."

Rui laughed a little, knowing he had won.

I sat down at his desk and started doing the homework I got from my first two classes, the only ones I went to. It didn't matter if I left or not, my mom wouldn't be home until morning, and my sister was at Ichikas house for a sleepover.

Tsukasa was humming a nice tune. I wonder where he heard it from.

I couldn't sleep. I was tired, but I just wasn't able to fall asleep.

A while later, I got up to use the bathroom. It was getting late. When i came back in my room, I noticed Tsukasa fell asleep on my desk. He must've stayed up really late again.

I picked him up and placed him on my bed. I layed back down next to him.

So warm... So comfortable... Slowly, I opened my eyes. Is that... RUIS??? IS HE SLEEPING?? HE EVEN HAS HIS ARM AROUND ME! OH MY GOD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I felt my face heat up. I tried shifting my body so I could be able to see Rui's face, but instead, Rui pulled me closer to him.

(STICK FIGURES RUI AND TSUKASA ARE BACK Ahem anyways this is what it looks like if you're confused 🙂)

My face went red. Redder than a tomato. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I tried moving a little bit, but again Rui pulled me even closer to him. My face was barely an inch away from his chest. I gave up and just snuggled close to him.

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