《Far Away, In Another Place | Ruikasa》Part 1


*Beeeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeep* I lift my hand and reach over to my alarm clock. God, I hate mornings sometimes. I hit the button to get it to shut up and then slowly sit up on my bed. It's so early... I start getting ready for school.

I was putting on my school clothes when I got a notification on my phone. Rui texted me.

Rui ❤


Good morning!

I put my phone down and continued getting ready. I couldn't wait to see Rui today. We've been dating for a few months now, and I learned more things about him.

I went downstairs and quickly ate my breakfast. Saki was sleeping. She said she didn't feel like going to school today.

I left my house and started heading to school.

Tsukasa texted me back, but my phone was already back where I left it before I fell asleep. I put my face into my pillow.

If I don't get up now, I'll never make it on time. I won't get to see Tsukasa before class either...

I turned over onto my back and stared at my ceiling.

*bzzzt bzzzt*

I reluctantly grabbed my phone back from the nightstand and checked the notification.

My Star ❤️

6:10 am


Good morning!


Be careful on your

way to school ❤️

He's so cute. I sat up from my bed. I'm going to be late. I sighed and put my uniform on. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and started heading to school.

I made it to my first class, which I was 20 minutes late for, and sat down at my desk. My teachers couldn't care less whether I was on time or not anymore.

I slept for the rest of the class period. I didn't have any classes with Tsukasa, so it didn't matter.


The bell rang and I went to my next class. I'd have lunch after, so I'd be able to see Tsukasa. And Nene of course. Maybe Emu, if she decides to sneak in today.

I slept through my second-period class and woke up when it was lunchtime.

For lunch, I went to the rooftop where Tsukasa and Nene were sitting.

"No Emu today?" I asked, sitting down beside Tsukasa.

"Nope," Nene replied while continuing to play her game.

I opened my lunch to see. . . A salad.


He turned to me. "Yes?"

"You know. You should switch lunches with me. I'm uh allergic to salad. And uh-"

"Fine. Hand it over," He sighed.

I handed him my salad, and he gave me his sandwich.

"At this point, Tsukasas's gonna die from eating toooooo many vegetables," Emu laughed, coming out of nowhere.

"That's not possible," Tsukasa paused for a second, "Wait WHATTT?! Where did you come from!?"

I tried holding in my laugh, but I failed. Miserably.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me!" Tsukasa yelled, "I'm A STAR. Not a JESTER!!"

I continued laughing even harder than before.

"It took Tsukasa a good minute to notice," Emu giggled.

"Hey! Not you two! This isn't funny!" Tsukasa yelled again.

"It is pretty funny," Nene smiled.

"Sorry, my boyfriend is kinda slow," I apologized.




After a few minutes, we all settled down.

Nene and Emu were talking to each other and Tsukasa was resting his head on my shoulder while I was on my phone.

"I'm so tired," he sighed.

"That's why you shouldn't do your homework the night before it's due," I said.

"Shut uppp, you don't even do your homework."


"You're not wrong."

Minutes later, the bell rung, signaling lunch was over. Nene and Emu got up and started heading to Nene's next class.

"Do you want to start-," I turned my head to face Tsukasas, "oh." He's fallen asleep. He looks so... Perfect. And... Nevermind. He stayed up pretty late last night. I'll just let him sleep for a while.

I snuck a quick photo before continuing to scroll through Instagram.

Tsukasa was still sleeping, and I was playing genshin impact. The bell rung, which woke Tsukasa up.

"Rui? What time is it?" He asked, raising his head off my shoulder and rubbing his eyes.

"It's the start of 5th period."


"Yup. You've been sleeping for quite a while."

"Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"You were really tired, so I just thought you should rest."

". . . Thank you."

"No problem. I'm just looking out for you," I said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

I smiled as his face turned pink.

We ended up skipping the rest of our classes on the rooftop. When the final bell rung, we started going home. I dropped off Tsukasa, then I went to my house.

"Skipping classes again?" my mom asked as soon as I set foot in the house.

"Just today."

"The school called me and told me that you can get in a lot of trouble from skipping classes."

"I told you I only skipped a few classes today. Just today," I sighed.

"If you say so," she laughed.

I went up to my room and layed on my bed.

I was bored so I decided to visit the SEKAI.

"It feels pretty boring in here today," I mumbled.

I walked over to where the big stage was, unsurprisingly, Miku and KAITO were holding a show for the plushies. I watched the show with the plushies. It was pretty good. When it was over, Miku came running towards me.


"Welcome back Rui," KAITO smiled.

"Hello," I answered.

We talked for a while about their show. Miku was super excited. A little too excited. I didn't really pay attention to what they were saying, I just hoped Tsukasa would be here.

After a few minutes, I decided I should go.

"Whaatttt? You're leaving already?? But you just got hereeee," Miku complained.

"I'll come back later," I smiled.

"Be safe," KAITO waved.

I left the SEKAI and sat up on my bed.

"Dinners ready!" my mom called out.

"Coming!" I yelled. I made my way downstairs to see some fancy food. "What's with all this? What's the special occasion?"

"Welll~ I have great news!! We're moving!!"

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