《Indelible Affairs》Chapter 5
Money money money_
There's alot that money can do. I've seen it working, and I won't lie, with money comes alot of privileges.
It was already an hour past midnight and Strip Tease was getting even more crowded and busy but I wasn't complaining. The customers here are very generous.
My shift was actually suppose to end about an hour ago, however the club was said to be more crowded than usual, they needed an extra hand. I only agreed because I was given another hundred to cover the hour.
It has occurred to me that in certain occasions, when money is placed on the table, it has the power to buy people's time, devotion, efforts and in desperate cases......lives. For instance, I never thought to be working at a place like this, but here I am.
You see, the world runs on the following main things, money, clout and resources. Anyone with atleast one of these has a better chance at a secure life. The rest are just escorts.
"Betty," Mark called out from the bar. "Customers at five o'clock."
"On it." I nodded.
I was busy getting the order from the arrived customers and minding my own business up until I saw from the corner of my eyes four guys drowning their friend in taquila shots.
It was really hard to ignore the scene before me as it played out. And without knowing it, my full attention was now on the table of guys who seemed way too busy to realize someone was watching them. I just couldn't help myself. Not after seeing one of the guys literally shoving a shot of taquila down his friend's throat causing him to gag.
The friend looked red crimson from exhaustion, visibly out of place that I wondered for a second what a nerd like him could be doing in a place like this and with friends like that. He was obviously the lone pair. You can always tell the odd ones out of the group just from how they dressed, interacted and behaved. And that guy, he was not meant to be here. Unlike the rest who were dressed on leather and black, this particular guy had a white turtle neck on together with a vintage brown cardigan.
From the looks of it, they are college students, probably my age or a year older.
"C'mon little brother, get another shot." A blonde guy handed the now flushed so called little brother another glass.
He drank it in a flash and began coughing painfully. This is really disturbing to watch.
They cheered for him.
"That's the man"
"Damn bro, I swear you just broke a record"
"You know what guys, I think it's time that Callum here becomes a man."
"Yeaaaah." They cheered in unison.
I didn't spend much time looking at their parade and resumed taking orders. I've seen enough.
Compliments, I received numerous comments from men at the tables I served about my appearance. I tried not to get bothered. The Strip club owner has a policy that strictly works against sexual harassment. You can touch a lady here only if she allows it and not any other way. Plus, there's plenty of bodyguards around. I have nothing to worry about.
I was in the middle of serving a table of two when I accidentally heard a strange conversation across a distance amongst the guys from earlier.
"Pick a girl Callum. Its about time you fuck someone already." One of the guys said loudly.
So his name is Callum.
I stood a few feet away. Something wasn't right here.
"Nah man, I feel very w-wasted." He choked out seeming very uninterested, tired, worn out and barely awake. "Not tonight."
"Seriously? I don't think so. You'll have more courage fucking a girl drunk." His brother insisted. They actually looked the same age, twins may be. "Don't waste this opportunity."
The brother had short blonde hair and a more built body than Callum who had long blonde curls and probably weighed a bit less. One thing's for sure, they are both incredibly good looking. With deep ocean blue eyes and noticable handsome features. Sharp jawlines, straight pointed noses, cheekbones, and the perfect lips. These two men are gifted, affirmative.
The older shifted on his seat to point at a dancer who I recognized as Ruby. No way! Ruby won't miss the chance to take advantage of the drank guy.
"Look, that's a sweet thing right there."
All the men at the table cheered in approval. Goodness! These guys are disgusting. How can they try to make another lose his Virginity to a striper?
I noticed the uneasiness in Callum's lidded red eyes. He had too many shots that am surprised he hasn't passed out yet.
There's no way Callum wants to push through with this.
"No guys....m-may be next time." He stuttered. "Adrian, not tonight."
"Yap, let's get the dancer for him." His brother, Adrian, announced.
I saw Callum shaking his head and then placing it lazily on his brothers shoulder. Totally wasted.
"This is clearly none of my business. I'm out of here." I told myself.
As I turned to leave I couldn't help but wonder. What if the same thing happened to me?
Curse my conscious. I can't just stand here and witness this happen. This is very wrong and practically abusive.
The guy is barely functioning and will surely regret it when he wakes up in the morning. He's just too drunk to raise his hands in protest. To exhausted to speak.
"What are you staring at new girl?" Ethan bumped my shoulder with amusement, "Someone got your attention?"
"Those guys over there," I replied. "Let me ask you something Ethan, what does a girl from a strip club do when given the opportunity to fuck a wasted stranger who can't even pronounce his own name at that point?"
Ethan's head fell back, laughing as he registered my question. "Now I see where you're going with this. Didn't know newbies are this feisty on their first day. Never thought you had it in you."
I wasn't referring to myself. Clearly. Ruby is our subject here.
I huffed, "This ain't the time to joke around Ethan. Its a serious question."
"So you want to fuck him." He pointed at the other guy.
"Not him, the one with the cardigan."
"Ah! You like the good innocent kinds." He chuckled. "To tie on a leash and ride that."
For pit sake. "Shut up."
Ethan cleared his throat, "I'm no girl Elisabeth, but speaking from my own experience, if a hot guy like that one was offered to me, I'd fuck his brains out. Dutifully may I add. So he'd never forget who gave him the best sex of his existence."
I'm confused. "You're gay?"
"I don't put labels on it."
"Excuse me now."
I quickly approached Callum's table the second I noticed his brother getting up to get Ruby.
"You go girl, get that piece of hot son of a bitch." Ethan yelled out.
I turned to glare at him. "Shut up." I mouthed.
I know what I'm about to do may be extreme in a way but I have to do something. I just hope they don't see right through me. Because I need to go there and help this guy out. I know it's none of my business but I can't let this sickening act happen.
"Having a good time here?" I stood by their table and tried my best to act casual. I'm not really sure I sounded original. "We have everything you need boys, just say the word. Drinks, girls___ the best night of your life." The confidence that rolled out my tongue was amusing to me. Where on earth did this come from?
They all faced me, perhaps enticed by my offer. "We're having a blast," One of them winked at me.
Here we go. "Anymore drinks you'll like to order?"
"Not really." A guy with pitch black hair informed. "But I definitely want more of you." He continued.
I chose to ignore him.
"Leave the girl alone Marcus." Some other guy put him in his place. "Pervert."
I sensed the brother's eyes on me and prayed he got the hint. "On the other hand..." I heard him begin so I turned to face him. "Our man here wants a good time." He held Callum's shoulder forcefully.
"Can you do that for him?"
I pretended to think about it, putting myself in Ruby's shoes and hoping my next words fit a striper.
"What's the cut?" I folded my arms and tried to appear very interested in the offer.
"I literally wanted you first." Marcus intruded. I gave him a sharp glare.
"Shut up." The brother warned. Marcus cursed under his breath and raised his hands in surrender.
"This is some unfair bullshit." He spoke mostly to himself. No one paid attention to him.
Callum's brother averted his gaze from Marcus to me.
"A very generous amount actually." He replied with a grin and pulled out a stack of money from his jacket, placing it on the table. No doubt they come from wealth basing on the amount placed on the table. Seriously! How much do these stripers earn?.
I just need to pretend to go along with it, I'll strike a deal with Callum later to keep this between us.
"That should be enough." I agreed while picking up the money. Oh sweet mercy! This is alot of cash. My eyes flickered as I held the dollars in my grasps.
"Aren't you going to count it?" He asked while sipping a drink.
"No....this looks more than enough." Extremely enough, Thanks very much.
He chuckled then turned to face Callum. "So do you like her? This red head is actually way better than the last one."
Thanks for the wig Meghan.
The nerd just looked at me and said nothing.
"Meghan I gotta go." I told her while rushing inside the dressing room.
"But two hours are barely over. Why so early?" She turned to face me.
"Something came up. I have no choice."
She glared at me.
"Please." I tried mustering adorable puppy eyes.
"You only get half the cash we agreed for the extra hours." She informed. "End of discussion."
I frowned.
"Why are you pouting? I'm sure those guys you were messing with are giving you much more." She chuckled.
She saw that?
"It's not what your thinking." I quickly defended.
"Thats what they all say." She rolled her eyes. "Unless you care to explain."
"Well it's complicated."
"Try me." She insisted.
So I explained the whole situation quickly to Meghan as she listened attentively.
"You do realize that this is a strip club right? Stuff like that happen all the time. That won't be the first guy or girl who tries to be taken advantage of here." She raised a brow.
"I couldn't just leave him like that."
"So you're planning to do that same thing with everyone in that same situation?." She questioned while shaking her head.
I remained silent.
"This better be the last time you try to get involved in something that is clearly none of you business." She said firmly, I deserved that.
"Its a good thing I know those guys so if anything happens to you I know where to get them. Otherwise, I wouldn't be letting you go."
"You know them?" This is a surprise.
"Let's just say I did a favor for them a while back. You can leave now."
I didn't ask anymore questions and took my bag from one of the dressers and went for the door.
"Aren't you planing to change back to your regular clothes." I heard Meghan ask.
"I'm already running late." I turned to her.
"Take care."
The moment I and Callum entered one of the suites that his brother paid for at some hotel he drove us to before leaving, Callum rushed to the bathroom and vomited his guts out.
I followed him and tried my level best to assist him. I knelt next to him on floor and rubbed his back as he emptied his stomach in the toilet painfully.
That should help him sober up a little bit. If he kept on having those shots he would've been alcohol poisoned.
He was shaking vigorously as the alcohol left his now sweaty body. He tightly held onto the toilet seat as more vomit projected from his mouth. It was disturbing to watch especially with the terrible smell of the vomit.
After nearly 30 minutes of pure torture for Callum, he finished his Marathon.
"Thanks." He said as I helped flush the toilet. He still sat on the floor. Eyes red, lips swollen and body sweaty.
"You need to loosen those clothes." I reached out to help him take off his turtle neck but he flinched and tried to pull away.
"I'm not having sex with you okay, so loosen up. I only agreed to this so I can help you out. Now don't be an idiot and let me get you atleast cleaned up."
He looked disgusting, no way I'm sharing a bed with him smelling like that.
"Fine." He said in a monotone, clearly upset. Callum should be grateful that I'm even offering my assistance. I could easily choose to let him sleep in this bathroom, right there on the floor as I leisure on that king-sized bed. I don't care if I was paid all that cash, I can also flee the scene and that's the end of it.
Callum held onto my hand as I helped him stand up. Why did he even agree to consume all that liquor anyways if he knows he can't even handle it?
After taking off his turtle neck and vest, I reached for a small face towel by the counter and soaked it in water. I tried my best not to get affected by the fact that I was inside a bathroom with a half naked unfamiliar man. Callum seemed uncomfortable but still let me wipe him off because he was too weak to do anything. He couldn't even brush his teeth.
He wasn't feeling good at all and looked even worse than he felt.
Callum placed his arm around my shoulder as I guided us to the bedroom. He was really heavy, much heavier and harder than I thought.
As soon as we reached the bed, we collapsed on top of it.
I'm beyond exhausted.
The nerd managed to get himself in the covers of the kingsized bed and immediately fell asleep. I took off his shoes and folded his turtle neck nitely and placed it on the wardrobe.
I took my sit on the large sofa and admired the big city through the enormous window.
The hotel suite looked like heaven now that I finally took notice of it. I couldn't believe that I was even here. William would have loved this view.
I opened my bag and began to count the money I earned. "This is a lot." I whispered proudly to myself. I'm so glad I listened to my brain and took the job. I looked above and thanked God for the cash. And also for this suite. Damn! I can't wait to feel that mattress. I'd never been inside a place like this.
Callum's breathes were now heavy and less rapid thus indicating that he was deep in slumber.
After placing the money back in the bag, I freshen up in the bathroom and then look my place on the other side of the gigantic bed.
Callum had taken much of the space and I had to move further on my side to avoid any skin to skin contact with him. He only had his trousers on, half of his body exposed. I tried to ignore the way his body muscles flexed as he shifted on the matress. He was lean but had some muscle to his figure. I looked away from his body immediately.
I need some sleep.
That night I slept thinking about how comfortable that bed really was.
I was floating in the clouds.
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