《Airplane - BTS Suga x Reader》Chapter 17


"Can... can we talk?", you asked, your eyes looking at your own feet scrabbing around on the floor.

Yoongi nodded and stepped aside, leading you into his room.

You sat down on a chair, and so did Yoongi.

"Did something happen with Jimin just now? I heard you two talking about something", Yoongi broke the silence and you nodded a bit, "That's also what I wanted to talk about, Yoongi."

"Oh, then please start", he replied.

"Well, I don't know how to start stuff like this, I'm really... like really bad at expressing my feelings.

So... since you started the topic, I wanted to talk about Jimin", you started and told him what has just happened between the two of you.

Yoongi listened, his gaze eventually wandering down to the floor and a small frown forming on his face.

"Um... (y/n), I know why he was so sad and all clingy, telling you to promise him that. Last autumn, his girlfriend cheated on him, and that's why he said all of this. But don't misunderstand that he only used you to forget, whenever he likes someone, he does so with all his heart", Yoongi explained, making your eyes widen.

"O-oh... I didn't know", you said, feeling a wave of guilt sweeping over you.

"A-and... he wanted me to promise him something", you mumbled.

"What is it?", Yoongi asked in curiosity.

"Can I ask you something else before I answer?"

"Go ahead."

"Do.. do you like me?", you aksed, your voice low and your gaze glued on the floor, so he won't see the blush spreading on your cheeks.

Yoongi chuckled.

"Did you listen to me?", he asked, a slight tone of amusement in his voice.

"Y-yes?", you replied, slightly confused by his reaction.


"Why did I take you to that cliff on our date?", he asked, leaning back in his seat in satisfaction while crossing his arms in front of his chest, waiting for an answer.

"B-because... because you and Jimin promised each other to take the girl you like there", you answered in embarrassment, making your former question sound stupid.

"So, now my question. What did he want you to promise him?"

He leaned a bit forward, a slight smirk lingering on his lips as if he already knew the answer.

You gulped, looking at him for a split second. "He wants me to make you happy", you finally said, feeling like a rock has been lifted off your shoulders, giving you the freedom to breathe again.

"I thought you would never say that", he grinned a bit, making you even confused than his smirk.


"You heard me."

"Yes, but I have no idea why you said this."

"I heard you two talking; Jimin let the door open on purpose. I saw his foot in the doorway while you two talked", Yoongi explained, making your eyes widen.

You stuttered some incoherent syllables and words before you stopped yourself from saying more stupid things.

"S-so.. he had this planned?", you wanted to know.

Yoongi nodded, "He wanted me to trust him."


"Yoongi Hyung, I can hear her steps", Jimin said in between some sobs.

Yoongi looked down and nodded.

"Do you trust me?", Jimin suddenly asked, making Yoongi's head shoot up.

"Of course I trust you. Why are you askin-", the older wanted to know but stopped because Jimin was already on his feet.

"Then trust me this time", he said, giving Yoongi a warmhearted smile before opening the door and walking out.


After Yoongi told you that last bit of their conversation, he asked

"Was it the right decision to trust him?"

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