《Male OC/multiple personality Reader x Bully RWBY》Clash
Bianca tightly grips the hilt of her sword while everyone was on the defensive. You watched as Adam walks away from the group and holds his hand up.
Adam: Blake, My darling. Don't waste your energy protecting these humans. Come back to the white fang. I can guarantee your safety and my full support. That goes for you as well Bianca. Leave the humans to rot and join your own kind.
Blake's eyes widen as she grips her Gambol Shroud tightly and begins to tremble. Bianca just snarls and slightly removes her katana from its sheathe. Yang steps in front of Blake and cocks her gauntlets.
Yang: They're not going anywhere with you.
Adam's smile fades as he lowers his hand and sighs.
Adam: That's a shame....By force it is then.
Adam grabs the hilt of his sword however Nightmare puts his hand on the Bull Faunas' shoulder.
Nightmare: Please. Allow me.
Adam looks at him.
Adam: What?!
Nightmare looks at him.
Nightmare: I'll ask for your help if I need it. For now, prep everyone in the village for...plan B if it comes to that.
Adam looks at the teams, Bianca and yourself before turning back to Nightmare. Nightmare sighs.
Nightmare: I will deliver Blake to you after.
Adam grips tightly on the hilt of his sword but calms down before nodding.
Adam: Men. Begin preparations.
The white fang soldiers look at Adam before lowering their guns and spreading out around the village. Adam goes to a bench and sits on it while the pup Cerberus grimm goes next to Nightmare and nuzzles him making the black haired boy run his hand on the snout of its middle head.
(Y/n): He's going to take us all on by himself?
Star: Let me take over (Y/n). Please, you'll need me.
You look at Vulcan on your hip. You see your hand trembling and grasp it tightly.
(Y/n): ...Okay.
Your hands fall to your sides and your eyes turn a hazel colour. Nightmare immediately looks at you and smiles.
Nightmare: Heh. There's the little light.
He looks over into the woods to see six glowing yellow eyes looking at him.
Nightmare: I'll save you for a rainy day. For now just grow.
The eyes linger for a bit before disappearing. Nightmare looks at the pup Cerberus which nods its heads and runs off into the forest.
Ren: The Beowolf!
Weiss: We'll have to deal with it later. We have another fight on our hands.
Nightmare smirks.
Nightmare: I'll have a piece of all of you in due time. For now I want you, little light.
Your eyes widen.
(Y/n): Wait, he can tell?
Star: He's perceptive. He might have noticed the change of colour in your eyes.
Ike: We need Bianca to get help and get the others to safety.
(Y/n): Bianca-
Jaune steps forward with sword and shield in hand.
Jaune: Picking on the weakest link first to look tough Huh? That won't work on us. I'll be your first opponent.
Jaune charges while doing a battle cry.
Pyrrha: Jaune wait!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Jaune gets in close but Nightmare backhands him into the second story of a building on his left.
Nora: Jaune!
Pyrrha charges in next. She throws her spear which strikes Nightmare in the arm making him grunt. She then charges him with her shield and bashes it into his face making him lean back as a gush of black blood comes shooting out of his nose. She looks back only to see his hand reach for her instantly. He grabs her by the ponytail and slam her into the ground. He pulls her up to her her knees then removes her spear from his arm by using a shadow hand and then begins to choke her with her own spear. Nightmare gets shot in the same arm the spear penetrated and let's go of Pyrrha making the red haired spartan fall forward and gasp for air. Nightmare looks to see Ren and Weiss charge at him. He ducks under Weiss Rapier and pushes her in the back, causing her to fall forward into the dirt. His eyes dart over at Ren as the boy attempts to stab Nightmare with the blades on his weapon, Stormflower.
Nightmare's arm moves past Stormflower's blades as he grabs Ren by the neck and slams him repeatedly into the ground creating a small crater.
Nora: Ren!
The ginger haired girl charges next while Weiss pins Nightmare with her sword causing Nightmare to throw Ren at Nora and look at Weiss. He kicks her in the face which sends her into the same building Jaune was launched into.
Bianca: That's enough!
Bianca rushes in. She gets close to Nightmare, about to draw her katana on him. He turns to her hand puts his hand out. She goes to draw her sword but can't. She looks to see Nightmare's hand on the hilt, keeping her katana in its sheathe. Bianca tried to pull but his hand won't budge.
Nightmare: I gave you a second chance and look how you waste it. By hunting me down.
All of his wounds began to heal.
Nightmare: Now, I'm going to have fun peeling at your mind to see what makes you submit.
Ruby: We have to help!
Ruby steps forward while looking at her sister. Yang however was frozen in fear.
Ruby: Yang?
Yang: Th-There's no mistake...he's the same-
You rushed in which snaps Yang out of her trance.
Yang: (Y/n)!
Nightmare looks and smiles.
Nightmare: Finally.
He lets go of Bianca's katana's hilt which makes her immediately pull it out to swipe at Nightmare. Her katana blade however doesn't hit him but hits you instead as you had rushed in at the right moment for Nightmare to use you as a meat shield for Bianca's attack.
You hold your arm.
(Y/n): Fuck that hurts.
Jasper: I felt it too. Star be careful. You may be able to take the pain but we can't. This isn't your body.
Star: I'll try.
Bianca: (Y/n)! I'm so sorry.
(Y/n) (As Star): I-I'm fine. We need to take him out.
You ran at Nightmare and Bianca followed.
Nightmare summons his dark blades katana and blocks the haymaker you were about to deliver to him and throws his katana at Bianca which gets caught in her hood and pins her to a wall.
You go to punch him with your free hand but he catches it.
Nightmare: Tell me, little light. Does (Y/n) really know what he's getting into? Or are you keeping the most important detail a secret?
You don't answer. You head butt him the deliver right hooks to his cheek. Nightmare looks to the side for a millisecond before punching back right into your nose which sends you flying into a building. You get up slowly but are pinned down with Nightmare's foot on your chest.
Nightmare: You have one weakness little light. The same with your brothers. You can't use your full power. No way of standing up against me.
Nightmare grabs you by the throat and slams you against a wall.
Nightmare: I know because it happened to me that time I had a little takeover of the boy's body.
He throws you into the open. Pyrrha jumps at Nightmare as he exits the building but is blowed by a shadow hand and sent crashing into the wall Bianca was attached to.
Nightmare: Now I'm free. I have all my power and abilities back.
Nightmare puts his hand out after picking you up by your throat. The black bladed katana disappears from Bianca's hood. Bianca drops next to Pyrrha and helps her up.
Nightmare: Don't worry, I'm going to tell you how I got out.
He brings the sword back.
Nightmare: Actually, No. I'll show you.
Bianca looks and her eyes widen as a dark aura surrounds his sword.
Bianca: No!
He tries to stab you but only managed to cut you as Yang had rushed Nightmare and delivered a devastating right hook which sent him flying at Ruby who had he scythe ready. Nightmare shakes his head and summons a shadow hand which boosts him into the air and he lands behind Ruby who looks at him and tries to quickly swipe the blade of her Scythe at him.
Yang looks at you on the ground groaning as a dark aura poured out of your wound.
Bianca runs to your side and lifts your head up.
Bianca: (Y/n). Are you okay?
Star: (Y/n). I'm sorry, I can't take over anymore. Whatever he did is pushing me back.
You were silent. Well, not completely as you were holding the wound and groaning.
Yang looks at Ruby who is struggling with Nightmare.
Bianca: Help her!
Yang: But (Y/n).
Blake runs to Ruby with Weiss right behind her.
Bianca: I've got him. Go!
Yang is reluctant but nods and runs to her sister's aid with her teammates.
Adam watches this and stands from his sitting spot. He slightly unsheathes his weapon as he walks toward You and Bianca.
Bianca: (Y/n) stay awake.
You look at Bianca but your gaze trails off to the side as you see Adam approaching with his blade fully drawn.
(Y/n): L-Lo...
Bianca tilts her head.
Bianca: What?
You grab onto her shoulder and push her to the side while shouting.
(Y/n): Look out!
Adam slashes your torso making you gasp and fall to the ground.
Bianca: Nooo!
Bianca exclaims as you were beginning to bleed out.
Bianca raised her sword and smashes at Adam who blocks with ease and backs away.
RWBY and JNPR look at you.
Jaune: Oh shit.
Pyrrha gets up slowly and walks towards you.
Nightmare chuckles then ducks as Ruby swiped at him with her scythe and kicks her into Weiss, sending the duo flying into a tree. Blake's ribbon from her weapon gambol shroud, wraps around Nightmare's wrist.
She pulls his arm out towards her.
Blake: Yang! Hit him now!
She yelled out but saw that Yang was looking away from the two and at you, bleeding out.
Blake: Ya-
Nightmare grips tightly around the black ribbon and pulls Blake towards him.
Adam was playing with Bianca at the moment as she was enraged at him.
Bianca: Bastard!
He throws Bianca to the side after getting behind her and taking a swipe at her back which causes her aura to break.
He smiles wickedly but then looks to his right to see Yang had left Blake with Nightmare to get a punch in on Adam.
Adam barely blocks her attack. He then sees her eyes are red with tears falling from the corners of her eyes.
Yang: You coward! Picking on someone who has no Aura.
Meanwhile, Nightmare had Blake by the throat and was dragging her in the dirt.
Yang: No semblance!
Adam blocks one of her punches again but finds himself getting pushed back. Nightmare had summoned shadow hands to pick up Ruby and Weiss and threw them at Ren who had tried to get a sneak attack in. He looks at Pyrrha to see her trying to do the same thing and throws Blake at Pyrrha leaving you alone in the dirt.
Yang: How low can you be?!
Nightmare's shadow hands restrain her last punch as Adam slightly recoiled back. Yang tries to get free but is restrained completely by another shadow hand. She's lifted slightly off the ground as Nightmare steps in front of her.
Nightmare: You're joking right? Are you even listening to yourself right now?
Yang's red eyes returned to her lilac colour as she stares at the black haired boy.
Nightmare: (Y/n) has spent months enduring the hell put on him by everyone at that school. All because he didn't have a semblance or an aura.
He walks over to you. You cough up blood and look at Nightmare. He smiles and taps the wound Adam had inflicted on you with his sword. Your blood developed a dark purple aura around it causing you to gasp.
Nightmare: No Aura. No semblance...but something better.....Darkness.
You look at him and breathe slowly. Nightmare looks at your wound and taps it with his blade. The dark aura begins to pour out of you.
Nightmare: Just a little exposure to darkness and your hidden power activates. Easiest thing to exploit in order to escape.
He pats your head.
Nightmare: Thank you dear boy. You may have been capable of something great...if you didn't have to die.
He stands and looks at Yang.
Nightmare: How about this. I'll do you a favour to repay my gratefulness to you. I'll kill all your bullies. Then I'll kill you so you don't see me dispose of Miss Bianca over there.
You grab onto his leg and attempt to get back up. Nightmare kicks you in the face which knocks you out.
Nightmare steps in front of Yang and brings the sword up to her stomach. He sees her aura blocking the blade and chuckles.
Nightmare: Oh no. That little truck won't work.
The blade develops a dark aura around, piercing Yang's aura and digging into her abdomen causing the blond to yell in pain.
Ruby: Yang!
Everyone tries to stand up but the shadow hands hold them down.
Yang's eyes go dull as she stops struggling. Nightmare smirks.
Your hand moves slightly before developing into a fist.
Nightmare pulls the sword out of Yang then brings the blade up to her throat.
Yang's eyes trail to the ground before looking at Nightmare's side to see's your leg. She looks up completely to see you standing behind Nightmare. The colour returns to her eyes as she lets out a little gasp.
Nightmare: Hmm?
Nightmare yelps in surprise as you grab him into a full Nelson hold.
Adam looks and fully faces the two of you.
Adam: What the..?
Nightmare struggles, trying to push off you. He tries to head butt you with the back of his head but you move your head back every time he tries.
Adam: Nightmare, shake him off!
Nightmare: I...Can't.
Nightmare grit his teeth. The shadow hands release Bianca and the two teams of four. Two shadow hands grab onto your arms, trying to pry you off. You growl and struggle against the hands but Nightmare gets free then punches you hard in the gut. You barely flinch and get free of the shadow hands. You grab Nightmare by the head and toss him into a building.
Adam charges at you. You look at him and put your arms up defensively. Adam brings his sword down on you but it bounces off you as a purple aura appeared around your body.
Adam: W-What?
You immediately lower your arms and Sparta kick Adam into a wall then lift him up by his neck. Yang steps towards you after getting up. She was holding the wound Nightmare had inflicted on her.
Yang: (Y/n)?
Bianca pulls her back.
Bianca: Wait. Something's not right.
Nightmare shook his head after emerging from the building. He looks at you and jumps high into the sky and lands on you which makes you let go of Adam and gets you on your knees.
Adam coughs violently.
Nightmare: I'll handle this. Meet up with the rest of your troops and the villagers. Blow the charges when I give the signal.
Adam stands and nods. He runs off.
Nora: Hey!
Nora gives chase but Nightmare stands in her way and stabs her in the stomach. She gasps and Ren looks wide eyed.
Ren: Nora!!
He runs in and Nightmare tosses Nora to the side. He gets in a defensive position but is shoulder charged by you into a building. You then reach down and grab his leg. You lift him up and slam him into the ground then throw him a few metres in front of you.
Nightmare stumbles as he tries to get up. His wounds heal and his eyes glow bright.
Nightmare: Okay...now your worth some effort.
He gets in a stance while you are breathing heavily and shaking uncontrollably with a dark aura irradiating off your body.
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