《Male OC/multiple personality Reader x Bully RWBY》First contact part 1
A little boy is chasing his little green ball in the streets of his village. He falls over and looks at his ball roll away.
He gets up quickly to run after it but bumps into his ball and looks up to see it being handed to him by Bianca dressed as a white fang member. The boy shakes and reluctantly grabs the ball before running off.
Bianca: Poor thing. Roman must be teaching the white fang members here how to strike fear into anyone.
Ash comes next to her dressed as one of Roman's henchmen.
Ash: We'll liberate this entire village once we see what this whole meeting is about.
They look around before coming to a stop.
Ash: Now, if I was having a meeting in a village...I would try...the mess hall!
Bianca's ears perk up as she puts her hand on Ash's shoulder.
Bianca: Or...Just look out for a white fang member handing out masks to Faunas wanting to join the cause.
She points at a bear Faunas wearing the usual white fang attire handing out masks to Faunas who enter the building.
Ash: Huh...very perceptive Ms second in command.
He signals her with a 'lead the way' hand gesture as she takes point and heads to what they guessed was the old village leaders house. If he/she was still alive.
Bianca walks past the white fang member after a simple nod between the two.
Ash goes to follow but is stopped.
White fang member: Hey! Where do you think your going?
Bianca looked back.
Ash: Oh, well I thought-
White fang member: Yeah well you thought wrong. Finish your patrol human. If you have an inquiry with your boss then wait till after the meeting.
Bianca was about to intervene but Ash looked at her and nodded. She got it and looked away.
Ash: Alright. Fine.
He walks away.
Bianca approaches the stairs to the house as she heard voices up top. She walks up and see's a guard. She clears her throat and walks up to the door. The guard notices her and faces her.
White fang guard: What?
Bianca: Post swap. You have patrol on the outer perimeter.
The guard sighs.
White fang guard: Alright.
He leaves and she nods. She looks at the door where she heard the voices. She taps her mask as the X-ray goggles lit up and she saw two people inside.
Bianca: Thank you doctor Polendina.
She turns to dial on the goggles as the voices went from mumbling to clear.
???: Are you sure there's enough space? I do have a lot of stuff. By stuff I mean a lot of dust for YOUR men Mr Taurus.
Bianca: Adam Taurus...?!
Adam: There is. The warehouse down the hill is big enough to store half of the dust right next to the airships. The rest can be brought here. Our good friend Phil can provide that space for us.
Bianca notices a third man in a corner, looking down. His head looks up as he simply nods.
Adam: See?
Roman: Yes. Bravo for your hospitality skills Mr Phil.
Phil: It's Stewart to you scumbags.
Roman laughed.
Roman: Aww. It was getting civilised too.
Roman gets a text on his scroll in which he turns his back on the two.
Adam: Why couldn't you just message me the details?
Roman: Well I wanted to see the village itself. Just to make sure there was enough room for my men that are still in the warehouse that's all....a shit.
Adam: What is it?
Roman: The big boss of this whole operation just messaged me. Wants to meet us both tomorrow. Here apparently.
Adam: What for?
Roman: I dunno. According to her I fucked something up?...Whatever.
Bianca backs up and heads for the exit. She walks out and texts Ash saying 'mission accomplished'. She also sends the Ironwood a message telling him to order his men to go down to the docks in Vale and look for warehouse 3.
As she walks away to get back in her normal attire.
Ash: Adam Taurus?!
Bianca nods as they were running away from the village.
Bianca: Yep! In Vale! Isn't that great?! Vale's most wanted and the most wanted white fang leader in the same place!
Ash cackles.
Ash: We'll get our own ops for this when the tournament is over! Sure-
They come to a hill as Ash falls forward and rolls down it
Ash: Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Bianca chuckles and slides down the hill. She sees the sun slowly begin its decent on the horizon. She reaches the bottom where Ash is laughing hysterically with his hands on his stomach.
Bianca smiles and helps her leader up.
Suddenly they hear bushes rustle as point their weapons out in front of them.
???: Whoa whoa hey! It's us! Matilda and Riley!
A feminine voice called out from the bushes. Bianca and Ash sigh while lowering their weapons.
The girl known as Matilda wore a leather jacket over a blue dress that went down to her knees. She wore boots and black and white stockings. Her hair was green and tied up in a bun. Her weapon was a lever action rifle which was in its sheathe behind her back.
The male known as Riley was a big buff guy with a purple vest on over a black singlet. He wore cream trousers and had gold metal wristbands on.
The whole of team AMBR huddled in a circle.
Matilda: Hey hun. We got your message to meet you in the forest just outside the village.
She leans in and pecks Ash on the cheek.
Matilda: Didn't think you'd 'drop' in though
Ash rolls his eyes with a smile at the terrible pun.
Matilda: How did it go?
Ash smiles.
Ash: Good. Turns out Roman Torchwick and Adam Taurus are working together and are using a village to store dust.
Bianca climbs onto Riley's shoulders and giggles.
Bianca: Best part, I messaged the general to send his men to clear out the warehouse where I found the map. When they do, Torchwick will have nowhere else to go.
Riley: He'll have to stay with in that village. With Adam and the rest of the white fang! Nice. We would have taken down the most wanted criminal in Vale and the most wanted white fang leader!
Riley puts his hand up facing Bianca for a hi five in which she smacks his hand with her open one.
Bianca: Aaand. A welcome back party hopeful-
Bianca's scroll goes off. She reaches into her pocket and pulls it out and answers it.
Bianca: Hello....Yes that's the one......what...?
She jumps off Riley's shoulders and puts it on speaker.
Atlas soldier: There's nothing here. We've swept the whole place. Even the other warehouse's to make sure.
Bianca looked at Ash and he stepped forward.
Ash: There's no way they noticed us. Nor would they have notified the men at the warehouse to quickly pack everything up.
Atlas soldier: Well there's nothing he-...wait. Who's there?! Identify yourself!
Team AMBR look at one another before back at Bianca's scroll.
Atlas soldier: What...the hell.
Suddenly shots were heard followed by screaming and the sounds of flesh being ripped apart followed by the bark of a beowolf or three.
The scroll hangs up on the other side.
Riley: Grimm?!
Ash: At the warehouses?!
Bianca looked at her scroll and starts dialling the number for General Ironwood.
He picks up after three rings.
Ironwood: Hell-
Bianca: General we need evac now!
Ironwood: Bianca? Wha-
Bianca: Now!
Ironwood: Alright alright! The earliest one I can get you will arrive in thirty minutes. Be safe until then.
He hangs up. She dials the number for the Atlas soldiers at the warehouse.
It picks up.
Bianca: Can anyone hear me?!
Bianca: Lieutenant!...Corporal?!
Bianca began to panic.
Bianca: Anyone?!
???: Anyone?!
Bianca's eyes widen as she drops her scroll and draws her sword. Ash follows suit and pulls out his double edged sword. Matilda pulls out her lever action rifle and aims at the bushes and Riley's wristbands transform into metal gloves around his hands up to his elbows.
They close in together back to back looking around.
Ash: Do you hear anything Bianca?
Bianca: Just bushes blowing in the wind.
They shift in their spots uncomfortably at the feeling of being watched. In which they are as a pair of yellow eyes watches them from above in the shadows of the leaves. The figure puts his hand out as a dark aura forms into a sword in front of him. He grabs where the hilt would be as the aura disappears revealing a katana with a black blade and grey hilt. He pushes off the branch he was crouched on as his body fell forward making the branch shake.
Bianca's eyes widen.
Bianca: Above!
They all look up and dash away from their circle and look at the figure who had slammed his sword into the ground. The figure has a black ripped up cloak with the hood up that reached down to his ankles. He also had a grey shirt, black pants which had silver chain on the right side that was connected with his pocket and a red scarf around his neck.
The figure stands and takes his sword out of the ground.
Ash: Take him!
Bianca and Riley charge at the figure as he blocks two slashes from Bianca then ducks under Riley's overhand punch. Riley grabs Bianca and throws her at the figure as the figure barely deflects which causes his hood to fall back revealing the figure was a male with messy black hair that barely covered his right eye. The black haired male moved forward taking swipes at Bianca which she blocks and deflects. She goes for a thrust attack but he spin dodges towards her and grabs her wrist.
Riley charges but the figure throws Bianca at him in which he catches her.
A shot rings out as the boy's shoulder jolts forward and he lets out a grunt. He looks at the gunshots owner, Matilda, and holds his arm.
He hears a click and look back to see Ash aiming at him with his double edged sword which turned into a double barrel shotgun with two blades attached to each barrel.
He shoots and reloads with each gunshot as the boy runs behind a tree.
They surround the tree. Matilda notices a liquid on the floor and kneels down.
Matilda: Bianca. Come here.
Bianca looks behind her shoulder then back at the tree. She backs up next to Matilda and kneels down.
Matilda: What is this?
Bianca looks at the liquid.
Bianca: It's black liquid...
She sniffs and looks at Matilda.
Bianca: Smells like blood.
Matilda's eyes widen as she stands up quickly.
Matilda: Ash! Riley! He doesn't have an aura! No kill shots!
Ash and Riley look at each other before looking at the girls.
Ash: Underst-
The black haired male throws his sword which cuts Ash on the cheek.
Ash: Ah! Son of a bitch!
Bianca hears the sword make contact with something and looks to see it stuck in a tree. They all look at the boy as he walks out from cover, his hand in his pocket too.
???: Some advice. You're going to want to kill me.
His voice was deep. He pulled his hand out of his pocket, holding onto something.
???: Hell....THEY tried.
He throws something to the ground in front of them.
A bloodied up scroll.
Ash's aura began to heal the wound. He then looked at Riley.
Ash: Riley.
Riley looks at him.
Ash: Thirty percent. Just enough to stun him.
Riley nods as he looks at the figure and his eyes glow as electricity flows to his gloves. The figure raises a brow before Riley does a battle cry and charges.
The figure looks at the tree behind him and jumps on it then kicks off it towards Riley, shoulder charging him which sends him flying behind Matilda and Bianca.
Matilda: The hell? He's shot.
Ash back up from the figure.
Ash: His semblance maybe? Able to mask the pain until a fight is over?
Riley gets up.
Riley: Well then. Let's see how much he can endure!
Riley charges again with Bianca following behind him.
Riley throws a few punches which the figure gracefully dodges. Riley growls and grabs the figure by his shirt and shocks him with the same amount of volts that a taser would contain. The figure yells in pain and grabs Riley's arms.
Riley: It's my own semblance you idiot! It won't work on me!
Suddenly the figure smiles and slides his left leg between Riley's legs, and kicks his left leg up from inside and turns his body and slams him into the ground.
Riley: Gah!
Riley grunts as the black haired boy shakes feeling the electricity still. Suddenly Bianca comes from behind and cuts his right leg causing him to gasp and get on his knees. She puts her katana at his throat as he looks up at her.
Bianca: Surrender, we don't want to hurt you anymo-
He cuts her off by grabbing her sword tight and pulling it to the ground where she falls forward and he delivers an elbow to her nose. She lets go of her sword and holds her nose. The figure stands up slowly but is shot in the knee by Ash causing him to fall onto his knees again.
Riley stands up quickly and grabs the boy and throws him into a tree which collapses.
Ash: Riley!
Riley looks at his leader.
Riley: What? He's fine.
Riley returns his gaze to the boy as he got up slowly, using the fallen tree as support. Riley saw the boy was bleeding and has cuts along his arms.
Riley: Oops.
Bianca slowly approaches the boy.
Bianca: If you give up now, we can get you medical attention straight away.
The boy starts to stand up straight as he cracks his neck and breathes out hard.
Bianca: ...Please.
The boy then does something unexpected. He grabs the tree and lifts it up.
Bianca: What..?
The boy looks at her and spins the tree to his left as it comes straight at her.
Riley: Bianca! Get down!
Riley pushes her down but is hit by the tree instead which causes him to go through a tree.
Matilda: Riley!
Bianca growls and stands up as the boy moves towards her with his sword and swipes down on her but she blocks as they lock swords.
Bianca: You're sword...but yo-
She looks at the tree where the sword originally was stuck to see it gone.
The boy pushes her away as she rolls back and stands up holding her sword defensively as she examines the boy.
Bianca: His wounds are gone...like they were never there at all...
The boy attacks and she starts blocking his attacks.
Ash: What the hell. He's still moving.
Matilda: What do we do..?
Ash started to think. He looks at Bianca and the boy fight. Bianca got hit but her aura took the hit so she wasn't cut. He then looked at Matilda then looked down.
Ash: Matilda. Can you use your weapon to cripple him.
Matilda looks at him.
Matilda: Cripple him?! Ash, Ironwood will be furious!
Ash put his hands up defensively.
Ash: I know. I'll take the heat later! It's just that nothing is working! Bullets don't work and he acts like his wounds aren't even there. Also, Bianca isn't going to be able to keep up with him for much longer.
Matilda looks at Bianca to see her attack but the black haired boy deflects pushing her sword down and back handing her them punching her in the face.
Matilda: Grrrr...fine! I'll do it.
She grabs the under side of her rifle as it bends and blades spring out on the top part of the rifle. She grabs the end and holds it up. She puts her index finger in her mouth and put it up testing the wind direction. She sighs and looks back at the two sword welders facing off.
Matilda: Sorry kid. Nothing personal.
She throws it as it spins. She twitches her nose as the boomerang like weapon develops a red aura around it and stops behind the two swordsman. It starts heading towards them as Bianca caught on and backed away. A slash was heard followed by the boy yelling and falling face first into the ground.
Meanwhile, Riley got up and went to Bianca.
Riley: You good?
Bianca looks at him and nods. He helps her up as they surround the boy who pushes off his right arm to roll over and look up at them as they approach.
Matilda catches her boomerang/rifle weapon and walks towards the boy with Ash.
Ash: Careful. He could still be dangerous.
Riley: I'll fix that.
He smashes his fists together as he charges more electricity as he grabs the boy and electrocutes him. The boy yells as his hands ball up into fists.
Bianca watches and sheathes her sword.
Bianca: Okay Riley you got him.
Riley shakes his head.
Riley: Not out yet.
The boy yells louder.
This causes Matilda to cover her ears.
Ash: Riley that's excessive force! Sto-
Suddenly the black haired boy looks at Riley as his hands grow a dark aura around them and turn into claws.
Riley: What the hell?!
The boy grabs Riley's head and digs the claws on his thumbs into Riley's eyes causing the tall buff male to scream as his brain gets fried and the electricity from Riley's semblance goes haywire causing Bianca, Ash and Matilda to cover their eyes.
Ash: RILEY!!
It stops as the boy pulls his blood soaked thumbs out of Riley's eye sockets. Riley's hands go limp as the boy drops down landing on his feet and pulling Riley's still standing body down by its singlets collar, slamming it into the ground.
The rest of team AMBR look at the body as the boy wipes the blood off his thumbs onto Riley's singlet.
He then looks at them and stands up, his sword reappearing in his hand as Bianca stuttered with her words.
Bianca: ...R-Riley....?
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