《Male OC/multiple personality Reader x Bully RWBY》Adjustment
You stirred awake as a bright light causes you to squint and look to the side until your eyes adjusted. Once they did you looked around noticing you were in the infirmary. You sit up quickly with a sinking feeling as you remembered what transpired a few moments ago.
(Y/n): Boys?! Are you good? A-Am I good?!
???: (Y/n)?
You look to your right to see Yang staring at you concerned.
(Y/n): Yang?
You reach out to her.
(Y/n): Please tell me you're real and this is not a personal landscape Nightmare conjured up.
She only looked more confused.
Yang: Nightmare? Landscape? (Y/n) you told me to come her instead if you weren't in the library.
Her words seemed sincere but it could be a trick. Your heart starts beating faster....until.
Jasper: (Y/n). It's okay. We're here and you still have your mind and body.
This calms you down as you begin to move and stand up the bed you laid on.
Star: Wait!
You suddenly collapse but get caught by Yang.
You feel your stomach churning and look at a trash can and crawl to it. You puke and cough as Yang rubs your back.
You look at her weakly.
(Y/n): T-Thank you.
You puke again.
Yang: I'll get you some water.
She stands up and goes to the sink located on your right.
(Y/n): What's happening..?
Ike: You're body has just taken a huge toll from all the power we got back altogether, especially Nightmare's power.
You look up from the trash can.
(Y/n): We failed at containing him didn't we..?
They went silent. This just answered your question as you sigh.
(Y/n): I wasn't strong enough...
Star: No. You did fine. We weren't strong enough. Plus, his power-
Ike: -Last time we fought him he wasn't that strong or had that much power.
Jasper: Honestly. The sudden change and that overflowing aura. It even scared me..like this life flashed before my eyes.
Yang comes back and gives you water. You take it and drink a little and slush it around in your mouth and spit into the trash. You then drank the rest.
Yang: Feel better?
You lower the glass of water and nod.
(Y/n): Very much so.
You look down at the amulets around your neck and fiddle with them.
(Y/n): They're very light.
Ike: Right?
Yang watches you and looks down. You notice this and look at her.
(Y/n): Are you okay?
Yang: Yeah. Just, who is Nightmare?
You sweat drop not realising that you said his name out loud a minute ago.
(Y/n): Shit.. ummm.
Suddenly as if Lady Luck was on your side, Ms Goodwitch entered and stared at Yang and yourself.
Glynda: Mr Hunter. It's good to see you're awake.
She stares at Yang, narrowing her eyes at the huntress in training.
Glynda: Miss Xiao Long. Could you give us a minute?
Yang: Huh? But-
Glynda: Please.
Yang looks down before looking back up at her teacher and nodding. She rubs her hand across your shoulder as she stands up and leaves.
You stand up as Goodwitch heads towards you.
Glynda: She didn't hurt you did she?
(Y/n): Huh..? Oh! No no no it's okay.
Glynda raised a brow.
Glynda: Really?
You nod and she shrugs.
Glynda: If you say so.
She takes a seat as you go back to your bed and sit down.
Glynda: How do you feel?
(Y/n): Tired. Plus a headache....how long was I out?
Glynda: A day.
You sigh in relief.
(Y/n): Less time than before.
Glynda takes notice of the amulets.
Glynda: Ozpin thought it was a good idea to leave the amulets on you. Just in case they would do more harm if we tried to remove them.
You nod and look around.
(Y/n): Speaking of...where is that wonderful wizard?
Glynda chuckles.
Glynda: He's currently meeting with General Ironwood.
Your eyes widen slightly.
(Y/n): The headmaster of Atlas? I thought all the academies weren't arriving till later this week?
Glynda: They are. Ironwood decided to drop in early with his soldiers and students. Him and Ozpin are close friends.
You nod.
Glynda: Anyway. Are you suffering from any side effects? That power you displayed was a lot. It frightened us when we saw you develop a dark aura around yourself.
You look to the side.
(Y/n): Yeah...it frightened me too...
Yang walks to the training room where she meets up with JNPR and the rest of her team.
Yang: Hey guys!
Everyone looks at her.
Ruby: Hey sis! Where have you been?
Yang: Just visiting (Y/n).
Weiss: Again?
Nora: Why do you waste your time with him?
Yang looked at Nora.
Yang: Because, he's kind and honest.
Blake: So? Are you forgetting abo-
Yang's eyes turned red as she looked at Blake. She went silent.
Ruby: Blake you can't really object to that though.
Weiss: I agree actually. Keeping your true faunas heritage from us for all those months.
Blake: I did that to protect you all.
On cue, Ruby cuts the head of a training bot off and looked at Blake.
Ruby: Really?
Blake looks at her.
Blake: Yes, really.
She hugs herself before walking off.
Yang: I'll go after her. Blake wait!
The blonde bombshell runs after her teammate leaving the others to continue with their training.
Meanwhile you exit the infirmary and make your way to the library.
(Y/n): How are we going to find our missing 'friend'.
Jasper: Unfortunately we can't.
(Y/n): What?!
You stop.
(Y/n): There's gotta be some way! If he is as dangerous as you say, he can't be allowed to roam free in Vale!
Star: We know, it sucks. However there's nothing else we can do. Besides you need to meditate.
(Y/n): Meditate? Why?
Star: It's the best way to let your body to adjust with the power.
You sigh and keep walking.
You enter the library and put your hands on your hips.
(Y/n): I'll meditate in my head. Jasper, go ape shit.
Jasper: Thank you.
Your eyes turn red as you let Jasper take over. You being to meditate in your mind.
Jasper (as you) went around collecting books about Grimm, dust, aura and history.
He sits down and begins to read.
A familiar raven haired Faunas enters the library. A blonde following behind her.
Yang: Blake I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-
Blake: No! You know how infuriating it is to have that subject brought up again?! We've all been over this as a team.
Yang put her hands up and stepped back.
Yang: Alright. I take it back. I won't bring it up again. It's just I don't want you talking crap about (Y/n) anymore.
Blake looked at her.
Blake: Why? Have you taken a liking to the little errand boy all of a sudden?
Yang blushed.
Yang: No.
Blake: Oh my Oum you have! Even after he almost killed-?!
Yang covered her mouth and looked around.
Yang: Like I said, that wasn't him. It's was something else. Okay?
Blake looked to the side before looking at Yang and nodding. Yang smiles.
Yang: Thanks.
She removes her hand from Blake's mouth. As Blake steps back a little. Her bow twitches and she looks around before her eyes land on you.
Blake: What's he doing in here? I thought he was in the infirmary.
Yang looks and her eyes widen slightly.
Yang: He was. Then again he's recovered from worse.
She says in her head while looking at her gauntlets.
Blake: Never took him as a bookworm.
Yang: Just a punching bag right?
Blake looked at her to see her with a sad face.
Yang: Why did we bully him?
Blake looks down at her feet.
Blake: I guess it was just because he was...different. No aura, semblance or weapon.
Yang: Yet he got accepted into an academy for hunters and huntresses.
They both stare at you as you put a book down then pick it up with the others and go to rent them out.
Yang: ...We should hang out with him.
Blake: W-What?
Yang: You never know. You and him might get along too. Besides, I've noticed he likes to talk to himself a lot. Kinda sad.
Blake sighs.
Blake: I...suppose.
They go towards you.
Yang: Yo (Y/n).
Jasper(as you): Oh shit. (Y/n)!
Jasper hands the controls back to you as you stumble with the books and look around until you looked at Yang.
(Y/n): Oh Hey Yang.
You notice Blake.
(Y/n): Belladonna.
Blake narrowed her eyes at you.
Blake: Hunter.
Yang bumped her teammate and looked at you with a glare that says "be nice."
(Y/n): What is it?
Yang: We noticed you renting some books and wondered if you wanted a reading partner.
Yang pushes Blake forward.
You stare at Blake as you notice her bow tilt down slightly while looking at you.
(Y/n): ..Maybe next time. Jas-...I, have more important things to do that requires my attention.
Blake: More important-!
Yang went over to Blake.
Yang: Are you sure? You guys could talk about fiction, sci-fi books or whatever.
Blake: Yang it's okay.
You look back at them and look down before turning to them.
(Y/n): Okay look.
You walk up to them.
(Y/n): Yang I appreciate you trying to get me to be apart of the group but after the shit you guys put me through. I don't see it happening.
Yang: But..
(Y/n): You and I are cool! But...this-
You point to yourself and Blake back and forth twice.
(Y/n): -Not happening.
You turn away and go to the library exit.
Yang: I just want to correct a mistake. I thought this would help.
You stop and look at her once more.
(Y/n): Well...I'm sorry.
She looks down defeated.
You chuckle.
(Y/n): You and Ruby really are sisters.
You leave the library.
Blake sighs and puts her hand on Yang's shoulder.
Blake: It's alright. You were just doing what you thought was right.
Yang looks at her and nods. They leave shortly after.
You watch them leave behind a wall and sigh laying your head back against the brick wall.
At a Café just across the street from Juniors bar, a little girl in a high chair watches a video on a scroll while holding her beowolf doll. Her mother finishes her coffee off and checks the time on her watch.
Lady: Oops! Gotta drop you off at the kindergarten and get to work honey.
She stands grabbing her bag and her scroll from her daughter.
Lady: Come on Kate.
The little girl raises her arms as her mother picks her up and takes her to the car across the street.
The little girl notices her doll that she accidentally left on the table and put her little arms while whining.
Lady: It's okay hun it won't be long.
She clips her daughter in and gets in the car as the little girl looks out the window at the table to see her doll gone. She tears up as she slumps back into her baby chair. The lady puts her seatbelt on but is stopped when someone knocks on the window.
???: Excuse me miss.
The lady looks to see a brown haired fox Faunas wearing her hair in a pony tail.
The lady winds down her window and looks at her.
Lady: Yes?
The Faunas girl was also wearing a purple shirt underneath a green jacket and light brown shorts. The Faunas held up the little girls beowolf doll.
???: I think you dropped this.
The lady looked and sighed in relief.
Lady: Thank you so much.
She hands over the doll and the mother hands the doll to her daughter who looked and jumped excitedly while grabbing it and hugging it tightly.
Lady: Thanks again.
She smiles and waves as the Faunas girl does the same. Her smile fades as she lowers her hand and looks at Junior's bar.
She sighs and enters the club. She takes a seat in a booth and looks around seeing some construction going on.
A waiter comes by.
Waiter: What can I get you.
???: Just a snowball mocktail please. I'm waiting for a friend.
The Waiter nodded and wrote it down.
???: What happened here?
The waiter looked at her.
Waiter: Two kids got a little rowdy in the bar two nights ago. We're used to it by now.
He leaves with her order. She sits back and taps her fingers on the table. Suddenly someone takes a seat next to her.
???: Ash.
The dark grey haired male looked at her.
Ash: Bianca
The male known as Ash wore a red collared shirt with a white tie around his neck and long black pants.
Bianca: You got everything?
He nods and pulls up a briefcase from underneath the table and opens it to reveal a white gang uniform with a mask. Next to it was a black suit with a hat, red sunglasses and a red tie.
Bianca: Perfect. Will Matilda and Riley be joining us?
Ash shakes his head.
Ash: They'll be joining us at the rendezvous when we're done. Anyway why did you ask me to get all this? The people I got it from weren't really willing.
Bianca nods and pulls a map from out of her pocket and points to a red circle in the middle of a forest outside of Vale.
Bianca: Thanks to the tip General Ironwood gave me, I was able to get into the warehouse where Torchwick and his henchmen were posted at and retrieved this map.
Ash looked at the map.
Ash: Wait, Ironwood gave you a tip? Thought I was the leader..
Bianca looks at him and pats his shoulder.
Bianca: You are. He just needed this to be a stealth mission.
Ash pouted.
Ash: I can be stealthy.
Bianca chuckles.
Bianca: Next time. The general just really needed my semblance.
Ash smiles and nods.
Bianca: Ahem, anyway- Roman Torchwick and his men will be moving to this position today at one pm.
Ash looked at her.
Ash: How do you know?
Bianca: The guards talk to loud about current events. Pretty dumb.
Bianca spots the waiter coming back and packs everything up.
Waiter: Your mocktail madam.
He places it on the table.
Bianca: Thank you.
He leaves and Bianca drinks her mocktail.
Ash: Alright. Let's get ready.
He gets up to leave but she drags him back down.
Bianca: Mocktail first. We have-
She looks at the time.
Bianca: Four hours till they make a move.
Ash sighs and sits back.
Ash: ....Waiter can I have what my partners having.
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