《Male OC/multiple personality Reader x Bully RWBY》Awakening
You followed Yang and her team to the cafeteria.
Star: This Yang girl really seems fond of you all of a sudden.
Jasper: Especially after all the crap you had to put up with from her.
(Y/n): Maybe she see's me as someone who's felt alone since he was born....Can't say all the rest of her friends are going to feel the same way though.
Ike: What? You want to forgive them too?
(Y/n): I didn't say that. The main reason I want to give Yang a chance...repeat, chance, is because she was there for me and I think she's honest.
You approach the cafeteria and gulp as your heart starts to race.
(Y/n): Alright, lets go get this over with.
You enter the cafeteria and look around. Yang looks at you as you twiddle your thumbs. She walks up to you.
Yang: You okay?
You look at her and nod slowly.
Yang: We can sit away from the others if you want?
You shake your head.
(Y/n): No, you can sit with them if you want. I don't want them to treat you the same way they've treated me.
Yang shrugs.
Yang: I don't care. If they do then they aren't really my friends are they?
You were taken back by that comment.
Ike: Damn. She spitting straight facts though.
Yang and yourself grab a tray and wait in line. A familiar team of boys push some students aside and cut in.
Yang: Hey! Wait in line like the rest of us Winchester!
Cardin turns to Yang and smirks.
Cardin: I'm sure all these guys wouldn't mind me getting my food before them...right?
Some of the students nod while others reluctantly nod.
Yang scoffs.
Yang: Not in my line.
She grabs your hand and basically drags you past Cardin and his team. Well...half way seeing as Cardin grabs your wrist.
Cardin: Where do you think you're going?!
You stare at him. Yang looks at you and Cardin.
Cardin: You have a lot to answer for after ditching our homework and getting us sent to detention.
You narrow your eyes as a dark aura surrounds the hand Cardin has and your eyes flash yellow.
Star: (Y/n)...
Your mouth gapes as you close your eyes and take a deep breath.
(Y/n): ....I'm good.
Cardin grabs your collar and lifts you up slightly.
Cardin: Hey! I'm talking to you!
Yang quickly pulls you away.
Yang: Leave him alone!
Cardin: Why?...He's a loser. You hate him too don't you?
Yang shakes her head.
Yang: No! I'm trying to patch things up.
Cardin: Patch things u-. Oh my oum. I see what's going on here.
He chuckles which turns into a laugh.
Cardin: You've fallen for this idiot!
Yang's face went crimson.
Yang: N-No! We're just acquaintances.
Cardin: Yeah right! Look at your face! It's obvious.
He continued to laugh.
Jasper: I want to crush him.
Ike: I want to burn him.
Star: hmmm...May I?
You think about it before Cardin's laughter got louder.
(Y/n): You May.
Your eyes turn hazel as Star takes over. He looks up at the laughing ape and becomes a blur for a second before standing up straight as he gives you back the wheel causing your eyes to turn normal.
Cardin: Woo. Okay jokes aside I have no problem with you going in front Xiao Long-
Yang looks down as her eyes widen and she covers her mouth.
Cardin: -But him!
Russel: Uhh. Dude.
Cardin: Quiet. But him, he will have to wait at the back.
Dove: Cardin!
Cardin turned to his team.
Cardin: What?!
They all pointed down as he looked down and gasped to see his pants pulled down. He screams and covers himself as the cafeteria erupts and laughs.
(Y/n): Nice.
Star: I figured 'little' Cardin would like to come out and say hello.
Cardin and his team run off as you chuckle.
Yang: What a dumbass. Good thing he ran off. I was about to deck him hard in the nose.
You look at her and nod. She looks to the side.
Yang: Hey. About what he said...
(Y/n): Yang, It's Cardin. He spits bullshit as a daily routine.
Yang looks at you and smiles.
Yang: Yeah true. Fuck that guy.
You both grab your food and go to an empty table which catches the attention of the rest of Yang's team, JNPR and CFVY.
Jaune: Seriously tho, What IS Yang doing with that loser?
Weiss sighed.
Weiss: They got into a fight yesterday at Junior's bar. For some reason now, they're best friends.
Coco: A friendship made from brawn huh? Must have put up one hell of a fight despite not having his aura unlocked yet.
Blake: Guess you could say that.
Blake answered while looking at you and Yang then looking down at the table, still remembering what Yang said about the hole in your stomach when she shot you.
Ruby: Yang always said she likes guys who can last a long time with her...
Ruby nonchalantly let out while she was playing with her food.
The whole table slowly turned to Ruby and looked at her. She notices and looks up from her food.
Ruby: What..?
Meanwhile you were eating your food. Yang looked at you and you looked at her.
(Y/n): Everything okay?
Yang: Yeah. It's just that you stood there fearless, face to face with Cardin without flinching. Something about you has changed.
You shift in your seat and gulp.
(Y/n): I-Is it a good change?
Yang smirks and gets closer.
Yang: Maybe~
Your skin crawls as you slightly back up.
Yang began to panic.
Yang: I'm sorry! Didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable!
(Y/n): No it's just, a new feeling I guess.
Ike: Virgin one hundred.
You lean against the table and exhale through your nose at that remark.
Yang: Are you okay?
(Y/n): Yeah. Just kinda died a little inside that's all.
Yang: Are you sure? Not having side effects from last nights fight?
She puts her hand on your head.
???: She's a good liar.
Your eyes widen a bit.
???: ...Let me take over. I can make sure she never hurts you again. She'll live as well as long as you can control your emotions.
Your eyes flash yellow as the dark aura from before returns to your hand as you subconsciously raise your hand to touch her head.
Yang: You're burning up.
You jump and look at Yang. She looks at your hand then at you.
Yang: You okay?
You look at your hand and lower it. You stand making the back of your legs push the seat back making a quick screeching sound.
(Y/n): I-I have to go.
Yang: What?
(Y/n): I'm sorry. I'll either be in my dorm or...the infirmary.
You walk off quickly.
Yang: O-Oka- Infirmary?!
Ozpin was watching you through beacon's security cameras. Miss Goodwitch was beside him.
Ozpin: He's heading for Emerald forest.
Glynda: Why?
Ozpin stands up and gestures for her to follow him.
Ozpin: Back to the cave where you and Mr Hunter found that relic.
Glynda stopped.
Glynda: Why would he head back.
Ozpin opened the elevator and stepped in.
Ozpin: Somethings drawing him there.
He gestures for her to step in, in which she does.
Glynda: I hope whatever it is isn't dangerous.
Ozpin: Indeed.
The elevator door closes as the descend from the tower.
Ozpin: ...and doesn't involve .
You kicked a pebble on your way to the cave. You kept your emotions calm and collected, hoping not to attract the attention of the Grimm.
Star: Puddle.
You look down and move your foot away from the puddle of water you were about to step in.
(Y/n): Cheers.
You keep walking and look around. You spot a beowolf and stop in your tracks. The Beowolf sniffs the ground before it looks straight at you.
You pull out your dagger and get ready. It growls and gets in a defensive stance. You tilt your head then notice a few puppy beowolf heads peek out from underneath it.
Star: They're a...family.
The alpha growled but you put your dagger away and backed off. It closed its mouth and nudged its pups and guide them away.
Jasper: These creature's, the Grimm. They're so fascinating.
(Y/n): Port and yourself would get along well, talking about the different grimm on remnant.
Jasper: I'd rather books if you don't mind.
(Y/n): Cool, after this we'll head to the library. After I see Yang.
There was silence.
(Y/n): What?
Ike: You like this Yang girl don't ya.
You blush.
(Y/n): No! She bullied me ever since I started in this academy! Why would I-
Ike: (Y/n). We see your memories. You had a crush on her when you laid eyes on her for the very first time. You have a decision to make if you guys ever do patch things up.
(Y/n): Decision?
Ike: Hit it or quit it. Y'know the usual situation with that type of complication. If that's what you want to call it. To me, this whole thing is more like foreplay especially with that cuddling session last nigh-
Jasper: Holy Christ, Shut the fuck up! We're here.
You stand in front of the collapsed entrance of the cave where you found the relic that contained the trio and their unwanted friend.
Jasper: Allow me.
Jasper takes over making your eyes turn red. A red aura surrounds your hand as Jasper (as you) raises his hand making the rocks move aside slowly. He goes into the cave and presses the button on the wall to open the room that leads to the altar. He enters and looks over at a rock in the corner and goes to it. He lifts it up revealing the corner of a buried box. He pushes the rock aside and digs out the box and picks it up.
You take over and put the box on the altar. You open it slowly to see three amulets with rainbow rocks in the middle of each one.
(Y/n): What are these?
Jasper: Relics from those who came before creation, the old gods.
(Y/n): Old gods?
Star: We don't know the full details yet. All we know is that they could've given us a fighting chance just like it's predecessor.
(Y/n): What was its predecessor?
You grab the amulets and stand. You head to the exit.
Star: A sword. A very powerful one called the eternal blade. One swipe fully charged and anything in its users way would disappear into a pocket dimension.
(Y/n): Yikes. Where is this sword now?
Star: Destroyed. By yours truly.
You stepped out of the cave and stood in one spot.
(Y/n): You destroyed something with 'eternal' in its name..?
Star: Mhm.
You take a deep breath and nod your head to the side.
(Y/n): Okaaay...glad your on our side.
You look at the amulets and both sides of the chains together.
(Y/n): So I just put these on and then what.
Jasper: Brace.
(Y/n): Huh..?
Jasper: We stored all our power in those before sealing ourselves. That includes Nightmare's power too. When you put them on, we will get it back but so will Nightmare.
Ike: Bottom line, be ready cause he's going to put up a fight to get out.
You take a deep breath and feel yourself shaking.
Jasper: Don't worry. It's okay to be afraid.
You nod and raise the chains over your head and began lowering them down to your neck, until-
Glynda: Mr Hunter!
Startled you let go of the chains as they fall around your neck anyway.
(Y/n): Ms Goodwitch..? Wha-
Ozpin comes from behind her and looks at you.
Ozpin: (Y/n). Remove those objects from your neck immediately.
You back up slightly against a rock.
Ozpin: You're not in trouble we're just concerned for your safety.
(Y/n): These things will guarantee my safety! I'm in danger and they'll protect me as long as I wear them.
Glynda: 'They'?
Ozpin steps closer.
Ozpin: Mr Hunter. I don't know what that relic showed you but you need to be cautious as we don't know it's true intentions.
(Y/n): I know it's intention Professor and you're wrong. It's not a relic, it was a prison.
Ozpin raised a brow.
Ozpin: A prison? For who.
You were about to answer until you noticed shadows from the trees around you begin to slowly make their way towards you. You look down at your feet to see your shadow spiral at your feet like a saw blade. Your eyes widen an you look at Ozpin.
(Y/n): Step back!
Ozpin: Wha-
Suddenly a shockwave came from your body sending both professors back. You groan as you see your body emit an aura that would emit electricity and quickly change colours from red to white, black and yellow in a loop, getting faster as time passes.
Glynda: (Y/n)?
Your eyes widen as they turn yellow and you let out a deep scream that sounded like you and four other voices.
A black and white energy dome surrounds you in a circular motion as you grip your head.
(Y/n): I can't do this! I can't!
Jasper: Yes you can! We're here with you!
Ike: Hang in there!
You tell once more as a yellow fire surrounds your body.
Glynda pulls out her riding crop but gets stopped by Ozpin.
Ozpin: Don't.
Glynda: He's in pain! We have to help him.
Ozpin: I don't know if we can!
He turns to look at you.
Ozpin: He's started this for a reason and by the looks of it he means to see it through.
You groan as your eyes flash different colours too.
Ike: Dammit! We're going to lose (Y/n) at this rate!
Star: He's somehow become even stronger!
Jasper: We can contain him! We've got this.
You get on your knees and look up to the sky as a small light slowly takes your vision.
Ike: No! We're losing him! He'll have a vessel and we'll be goners too!
Jasper: Grrr. Dammit (Y/n) stay with us! Don't fucking die, think of Yang!
You hear a ringing in your ears as the world around you goes silent.
Star: ....Shit!
Suddenly the energy ball explodes in a shockwave sending a few trees flying and making the two spectating professors take cover behind a Boulder. The light disappears as your sight becomes normal and your ears pick up the sound from the world around you again.
The fire dims before disappearing completely as you collapse to the ground barely conscious.
(Y/n): D-Did we do it?
Jasper: No. Something happened. We can't feel his presence inside anymore.
Ike: Did he die??
Star: No...he didn't die...
There was silence as your vision began to get blurry as you saw two figures who you guessed were Ozpin and Goodwitch come to your side.
Jasper: What do you mean Star?
Star: I had no choice! (Y/n) was going to die! WE were going to die!
Again silence as you closed your eyes.
Jasper: Star...What did you do?
Star: The only last resort I had...
Meanwhile, a dark purple orb surrounded in a black aura moves away from scene and comes to a cliff. The aura forms two claws as it climbs out of Emerald forest and makes its way out of beacon.
Star: ....I let him out...
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Flowers Before the Dragon
Linnea must grant a boon to a dragon before inheirting the throne, little did she know that the dragon would be asking for her. --- Cover photo by Kenny Luo on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/@kennyluoping --- Flowers Before the Dragon was inspired by the Grimm's fairy tales. I hope you enjoy it, and be sure to take a glance at my other works. I do updates on my twitter and blog on what I'm up to every now and again when it comes to my writing. Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdelaideGWest Blog: https://adelaidewest.blogspot.com/
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❤️Danganronpa opinion ships!❤️
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