《Male OC/multiple personality Reader x Bully RWBY》Developing problem
An hour had passed since the incident with Yang at the bar. You had taken Yang into your dorm and placed her on your bed with towels underneath her to stop the alcohol that she was drenched in getting into the sheets.
She began to stir and slowly awaken from passing out. She looked around slowly and sat up, cringing at how sticky and uncomfortable the alcohol was.
She stumbled around your dorm until coming into the kitchen area to see you getting something out of the fridge. She froze and backed away a little as she didn't know whether you were hostile still or not. You close the fridge door and turn around and come in contact with her.
(Y/n): You're awake.
You turn on the light and look at her.
She stare's at you shirtless. Not because of how fit you were but because she couldn't find a single wound on your body. Not even the hole she blasted in your stomach with her weapon.
Yang: Yeah...
You drink the juice you got out of the fridge and sit on the kitchen bench.
Yang: Goddamn and I thought Sun was packing muscle~ That wet hair is just the icing on the cake too~....Wait. Yang what are you doing this guy just tried to kill you back at the bar! Ask the real questions!
She went to you and sat on a chair. You look down at her and stop drinking the juice.
Yang: Back at the bar, what was that? You had this intent to harm me severely but you bring me back to your dorm and-
She looks to her side to see a bandage placed their.
Yang: -treat me with first aid?
You look down.
(Y/n): I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you what happened but I'm making sure it'll never happen again.
Yang: How?
She asked almost immediately.
You looked down to avoid her gaze. She however leaned forward and looked up into your eyes.
Yang: I'm sorry if I really pushed you back there. I didn't mean to, I had no idea you were that close to snapping.
(Y/n): So you would keeping doing it either way if I didn't?
She looks at you.
Yang: No! I didn't mean it like that!
You look to the side this time.
She sighs and sits back.
(Y/n): ....My sister.
Yang looked at you.
Yang: What?
You look at her in the eyes properly.
(Y/n): Back at the bar you asked about the funeral I attended today...it was my sister's.
She slowly put her hand over her mouth.
Yang: Oh my Oum. What happened?
You sigh and drink the rest of your juice.
(Y/n): She attracted some sort of disease, something new that the doctors have never seen before in their life. It starts at the intestines and slowly gets bigger spreading through the rest of your vital organs until eventually reaching the brain. The doctors were treating her with medication that slowed it down until they could find a cure.... but the day I went into my coma.... And they said that the disease evolved somehow to counter the meds. It reached her brain before they could do anything.
You began to tear up.
(Y/n): She died before I got there. Probably wondering where her big brother was...
Yang frowned and stood up. She hugged you as you went stiff as tears fell on her shoulder.
Yang: Shh. It's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything or foresee it happening.
You went silent as all you did was sob quietly.
After calming down you slowly pull away as Yang has her hands on your shoulders.
You smile softly and look at her.
(Y/n): Can't believe I'm saying this but...Thank you Xiao Long.
She nods and smiles. She smells the air and chuckles.
Yang: I smell like alcohol.
You chuckle.
(Y/n): Yeah you do. I ran you a warm bath, been checking it until you woke up.
She nods.
Yang: Thanks.
She gets up and goes in. She leaves the bathroom door cracked open as she looks at the bath and strips. You wipe your eyes and jump off the counter.
Yang: Where should I put my clothes?
She yelled from the bathroom.
(Y/n): I have a basket next to the sink! Chuck em in there.
You replied back. She does so and gets into the bath, sinking into its warmth.
Yang: Why didn't you take me straight back to my dorm?
You sit by the door to hear her better.
(Y/n): Pretty sure your teammates would be the death of me if I rocked up with you unconscious with a few scratches and a hand print around your neck.
Yang: True....Those details sounded really dirty.
You let her bathe and go to your closet.
You grab two shirts of yours and put on the (f/c) shirt.
(Y/n): So boys. What's the plan about Nightmare?
Jasper: We need to head back to the cave.
You close the closet.
(Y/n): Where I found the rock you guys were trapped in?
Star: Yeah. Basically there's three artefacts in there that's easy to miss. We placed them in a specific spot inside the cave for only us to know.
(Y/n): Alright. Anything I should know about these artefacts?
Jasper: They were connected to the rock you found that contained us. If we were ever found and the rock was touched transferring us into a host, The artefacts would react taking away half our power.
(Y/n): Wait why?
Ike: 1. There could be some fucked-up people out there that could ignore us and strike up a deal with Nightmare straight away, unaware that he'd just take them over.
2. It was a small price to pay seeing as the same effect on Nightmare would happen to us when we trapped our bodies and minds inside the rock to prevent Nightmare from escaping his little 'rocky' prison.
Okay that pun was terrible.
(Y/n): Wait so what will happen when I grab the artefacts? You'll get your power back but doesn't that mean Nightmare will too?
Star: Firstly, you put them on. Second, yes he will have his full potential, but we are really strong and we can.....maybe hold him back.
Put them on? You walk over to your study desk and lean on it.
(Y/n): ...And maybe's the best we're gonna get?
Jasper: Unfortunately yes.
Star: He's going to put up a fight.
Ike: We're also gonna need you. Fight any temptation he puts in your head.
You nod to yourself.
Yang: All done.
You look to your left to see Yang with a towel wrapped around her chest and her hair down all wet. You blush and look away.
Ike: Tap dat. Tapdattapdattapdattapdattapdat. Tap Dat!
You felt yourself get a headache and tell him to hush as you pass one of your shirts to Yang. She takes it as you look away. She puts it on and looks at you again to see you hand her some boxers. She puts them on also.
Yang: By the way...are we good?
You look at her and sigh.
(Y/n): For now...just not really sure yet.
She looks down sad.
(Y/n): However...Thank you for comforting me in the kitchen.
You let a small smile escape your lips as she sees and smiles.
She hugs herself and that smile disappears.
Yang: I feel really cold.
You look at her and nod. You open your closet back up and look through it and find her a jumper which you pass her. She takes it and puts it on while you grab a blanket and spare pillow from the closet.
(Y/n): You can stay the night. It's past curfew and I doubt you want a security guard finding you in boys clothing.
You head to the lounge room and turn off the lights, the moon light still brightening up the room from the window.
(Y/n): The bed is yours, I'll have the couch
You're stopped when you feel a hand grab your wrist. You look at her as she lets go.
Yang: It's going to be raining all night and only get heavier...besides. I'm still a little cold..
You stare at her as she avoids you gaze for a few seconds before looking at you, growing a small smile.
Team RWBY minus the Y head towards your dorm carrying clothing for Yang.
Weiss: Why would she stay with the loser for a night?!
Blake: She did say she was going to the bar last night. Maybe they coincidentally ran into each other and...well.
Weiss looks at her.
Weiss: You don't think he..?
Ruby: I doubt it. He really hates her guts. He slammed her into a cafeteria table remember. I've never seen someone surprise Yang like that before.
Blake and Weiss nod.
Blake: Maybe they got into a fight. Wouldn't be surprised if there's a news report on a bar that was wrecked overnight.
They arrive at your dorm and knock.
You jolt awake and groan softly. You look down to your right to see Yang holding your arm basically taking it hostage between her cleavage. You slowly take your arm back as she squirms. You hear the door knock and go to it. You open it to reveal the rest of Yang's team.
(Y/n): ...ladies.
You lean on the door and rub your eyes.
Ruby: Hey. Is Yang awake?
You nudge your head to the side signalling over at a still sleeping Yang.
(Y/n): You may come in if you'd like and wait.
The girls look at each other before looking back at you. Ruby nods as you make room for them as they individually come in.
They looked around.
Blake: You're dorm is very tidy.
(Y/n): Random but okay...? Thanks.
You go into the kitchen as the girls follow you. Weiss smells the air.
Weiss: Is that alcohol?!
You get a plastic bag.
(Y/n): Yes. Yang's clothes. She was covered in different type's of alcohol last night.
You hand the bag to Ruby as she places Yang's spare clothes on the kitchen counter.
(Y/n): In the bathroom in the basket next to the sink.
Ruby nods and goes to get them as you start to boil a kettle.
(Y/n): How do you take your coffee's?
You look at Blake and Weiss.
Blake decided to make herself comfortable and sat on a stool near the kitchen counter.
Blake: Two sugar's please.
You nod and look at Weiss. She held a glare at you for what felt like a minute before she also sat down at a stool and looked away before saying.
Weiss: ...Two as well....Please.
You nod as the kettle stops boiling and you begin making the coffee's.
Ruby comes back as you set a coffee mug down in front of her.
Ruby: Huh?
She looks at it to see it has cream on the top.
Ruby: How did you-
(Y/n): Yang and I talked a little last night before heading to sleep.
You push the coffee cup closer to her.
(Y/n): Five sugars.
You smile sweetly which makes Ruby blush a little as she look at the coffee mug and quickly swipes it off the counter and starts consuming the hot beverage.
You decide to fill up the sink with hot water and soap, ready for when they're done with the coffee.
Blake looks at you.
Blake: Ssssoooo. Are you and Yang like a thing now?
You look at her over your shoulder.
(Y/n): No just...friends.
Weiss: Really? After all the crap she put you through?
You look at Weiss, fully turning your body towards her.
(Y/n): You weren't exactly the icing on top either princess.
She goes silent as you stare at her. You look at the fridge where you left your sisters teddy bear keychain and grab it.
(Y/n): I'll be in the shower.
You head to your closet quietly and grab some clothes.
Weiss: Huh? We're still here!
You open the door to the bathroom.
(Y/n): Quite obvious that none of you are interested in me. So there's no need to worry about that.
You close the door and begin showering.
Blake: Can't believe he talked to us without breaking a sweat. He's changed.
Weiss: Glad I wasn't the only one who picked up on it. What was with that teddy bear keychain?
They hear a yawn and look in the bedroom's direction to see a messy haired Yang in your jumper and boxers.
Yang: Oh. Hey guys!
Ruby: Hey Yang! Your clothes are here!
Ruby holds Yang's vest up. Yang goes them and hears the shower running.
Yang: (Y/n)'s showering?
Ruby nods and Yang grows a mischievous smirk.
Weiss: Don't even think about it.
Yang: I wasn't~
She strips out of your clothes and gets into her own.
Once she changed she sat with her team.
Weiss: So what made you want to stay with the loser?
Yang narrowed her eyes at Weiss.
Yang: What made me want to stay with '(Y/N)', was cause he was trusting and patched me up after our little fight at Junior's.
Ruby: Patched you up?
Weiss: Wait. You mean to tell me you lost to (Y/n)? The same guy who has no weapon and no aura??
Yang looked down which caught Blake's attention.
Blake: Yang?
Yang: Can you guys keep this from Ozpin and the other teachers?
Ruby, Weiss and Blake looked at each other before back at Yang. They slightly nodded.
Yang: Guys please. I'm serious.
Weiss: What do you care if we do tell the teachers about whatever it is you have to say? Especially if it involves the dolt?
Yang sighed.
Yang: Let's just say that....I don't know if I was really fighting (Y/n).
Blake raised a brow.
Blake: What do you mean?
Yang: Something about him...changed. Not just mentally but physically too.
Weiss sat up and listened to Yang.
Yang: His...hair changed and his eyes did too. His hair went black, like blacker than black. His eyes had this golden glow to them too. They had like a ruthless yet calm feel to them.
Blake: Okay what about his mental state?
Yang: It was almost like a killer instinct took over. He wouldn't let up.
She shuffled forward and whispered to them.
Yang: I shot a hole right through his stomach.
The girls went wide eyed.
Ruby: You what?!
Yang: Only in self defense!...Look.
She jumped up off the bench and went to the shirt you wore to the bar last night which was laying on the couch and showed them the hole in it.
Yang: Here's your proof.
She put it on the kitchen counter and her team examined it.
Ruby: That...is a big hole.
Blake: The burn marks from your shot give it away too.
Weiss: How is he still alive?!
Yang told them to hush as the shower stopped. They looked at the bathroom door before Yang started to speak again.
Yang: I don't know, when I saw him he just completely walked it off and he healed from it.
Weiss leaned forward.
Weiss: Yang we can't just ignore this. He attempted to kill you! Not only that but there's obviously something not right about him that we need to report before he's a danger to anyone else.
Yang: No we don't Weiss! He's been through enough and the last thing he needs is to possibly get expelled from beacon!
Weiss: Worse than that! Prison!
They heard the door open to the bathroom. Yang quickly threw your shirt at the couch and acted casual.
You emerged from the bathroom turning off the light and drying your hair.
(Y/n): What's u- Oh Morning Yang.
Yang: Morning (Y/n).
You smile and go to your closet to get a jacket. Meanwhile Yang slams her hand on the kitchen counter getting Weiss' attention.
Yang: Not a word to anyone okay! This is between us!
The girls nod except Weiss who finally nodded after copping a stare from Yang.
You finished getting dressed and grabbed your scroll off your bedside drawer.
Yang noticed.
Yang: Heading somewhere?
You look at her.
(Y/n): In a min. It'll be a quick stop. Have to pick up something for a couple of friends.
Yang took your hand.
Yang: You should eat. Let's go get breakfast from the cafeteria.
Blake looked at Yang.
Blake: Yang thats not a good idea.
Yang: I'll make it a good idea.
You smile.
(Y/n): Alright sure thing.
Yang smiles as her team leave and you follow them out your dorm.
Jasper: (Y/n)...
(Y/n): I know. Something quick to eat and I'm out. I swear.
You close your door and lock it.
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