《Male OC/multiple personality Reader x Bully RWBY》Angels and Guardians
You awoke from your slumber with a small yawn. You sat up rubbing your eyes and walking slowly to the kitchen and making yourself a pot of coffee. You take bring the cup of coffee to your mouth and drink.
Jasper: So we going to start rebuilding Ruby's weapons today?
Your eyes widened as you choked in your coffee making some of it splash up and burn your nose. You go to the sink and put some cold water on it.
Star: You okay?
You pant and look out your kitchen window.
(Y/n): Sorry just...haven't got used to you guys yes.
Ike: That's fair. I guess it has been a day since first contact.
You stretch and bring your coffee with you over to the table where Crescent Rose's remains were.
You place the cup down and sigh once more.
(Y/n): Besides this, Need to head to the cemetery...they're burying (S/n) this afternoon...My sister if you must know.
Star: Sorry to hear that she passed away.
You nod off as you took another sip of coffee and look down at Crescent Rose.
(Y/n): Okay..What do we do first Jasper?
Jasper: Well before I take over, could you light a candle?
A candle? When the sun has just risen? You shrug not questioning him and grab a candle. You light it and look forward.
(Y/n): Now wha-
Before you can ask what happens next, Jasper takes over making your eyes turn red as you grunt and look at the weapon.
(Y/n) (As Jasper): A few broken bolts and dents in the frame. Should be easy.
You spoke in a rather raspy voice as you raised your hand above Crescent rose making it float in front of you.
(Y/n): Whoa! You're telekinetic?!
(Y/n) (As Jasper): Not exactly. I'm a Guardian. Guardians have access to all sorts of elemental manipulation. I'm able to use Fire, Water, Earth, metal and electricity to my advantage.
Jasper pulls the frame apart and look at the broken and bent bolts. He narrow his eyes and concentrate's before the bolts began to reform and bend back to normal.
You put your finger on the flame of the candle which had melted the wax during the time that had passed. Your finger catches fire and you bring it to Crescent Rose's frame as you began to weld it back together.
(Y/n): How do you do that? It's like a blowtorch.
(Y/n) (as Jasper): Like my brother Ike, who can control fire with his entire body. I can control fire as well, just not as good. Enough to make it flame thrower like or in this case if I concentrate enough, I reduce the spread and make the flame go in the direction I'm focusing on.
(Y/n): Do you ever get a headache with all that mind power?
(Y/n) (as Jasper): Guardian's like Ike and myself have our body and mind trained if we're ever put in the field.
(Y/n): Mhmmm...wait what's Star then?
(Y/n) (as Jasper): Its complicated.
Another minute passed by as Jasper stopped the fire and put it out. He looks at it and thinks.
(Y/n) (as Jasper): Is there a weapons workshop with red and black paint?
(Y/n): Yeah. It's in the building next to the dormitories.
Jasper nods and transforms the weapon into its carry form. He goes for the door only to pull his hand back after hearing loud bangs come from it followed by a muffled voice.
Weiss: Hey Asshole! Ozpin wants to see you!
(Y/n): Shit.
Jasper: What floor are we on?
(Y/n): Second. Why?
Jasper opens your dorm window.
(Y/n): Wait!
He jumps out. He rolls on the grass as soon as he makes contact with the ground. He brushes the grass off himself and heads to the workshop.He opens the door and immediately locks it behind him. He drops Crescent Rose on a workbench and finds some black and red paint.
Two and a half minutes pass, you step out haven taken control again. Now, just need to find Ruby and return her weapon to he-
Ozpin: Mr Hunter. Please come to my office.
Never mind. Ruby will have to wait.
You make your way to the tower elevator ascend to Ozpin's office.
Jasper: Your heart beat has increased. Be calm, we've remade Ruby's weapon.
You nod to yourself and take slow deep breaths.
The elevator dings and opens revealing Ozpin and...Shit. Yang and Ruby along with two other adults. One was a blonde haired male who you guessed was Yang's father and the other was a black haired male with red eyes and a red tattered cloak.
Ozpin was the first to notice your arrival.
Ozpin: (Y/n). Thank you for joining us.
You reluctantly step into the office and look at Ruby and Yang who were pissed.
Ike: I smell blood.
You mentally facepalm and look at Ozpin.
(Y/n): You wished to see me?
Ozpin: Yes. Ms Rose said that you purposely broke her weapon during a sparring match in Miss Goodwitch's class yesterday. Is that true.
You sigh.
(Y/n): I did break it but not purposely.
Yang: Bull! How do you accidentally break a weapon?!
Tai: Yang enough. Seriously though, this isn't a big deal. I'm sure we can all forget about this as long as you agree to help pay off repairs for my daughter's weapon.
You sigh and reach for Crescent Rose behind your back and pull it out.
(Y/n): No need. I had it repaired myself.
Tai looked at the weapon surprised. Ozpin raised a brow as Qrow stepped forward and inspected it.
Qrow: Hmm...all good in it's carry form.
He puts his hand out and you hand it to him. He tosses it to Ruby who fumbled with it before holding it tight.
Qrow: Give it a try in its other forms red.
Ruby looks at her weapon before spinning it around as it successfully transforms into its scythe form. She then twirls it around as it transforms into its sniper form next.
(Y/n): Jasper you fucking legend.
Ruby: I-It's like it never broke in the first place!
Ozpin looked at you.
Ozpin: How did you pull that off? I'd expect a quality weapon smith to pull that off in no less than three days.
(Y/n): O-Oh. Well I had a friend help me out. Spent all last night on it.
Tai: Must be quite the weapon smith. Might need to give me his number or something.
You chuckle and rub the back of your head.
Tai looks at Ruby.
Tai: Ruby. You should thank Mr Hunter here for repairing your weapon.
Ruby gulped and looked at you as you stared at her. She approached you and sighs, transforming her weapon back into its carry form and looking you in the eyes.
Ruby: T-Thank you...
You nod and go to the elevator.
Yang: Hey! No 'You're welcome?!'
Tai: Yang!
Ozpin: Miss Xiao Long. Need I remind you of our talk three days ago?
Yang looked down.
Yang: ...No
Tai: Wait, talk? What talk?
Ozpin looked at him before sighing.
Ozpin: You're excused Mr Hunter.
You nod and enter the elevator.
(Y/n): Just the funeral now..
The elevator closes unknown to you that Yang heard you talking to yourself.
Yang: Funeral?
You stared down at a casket being lowered into a grave. It was raining but you didn't care, all you could think about were the memories of you playing together when you were little, now here she was. You look to your right to see two more graves. Your father (D/n) Hunter and your mother (M/n) Hunter. A tear falls down your cheek before dropping off your chin all the way down to the casket before being buried in dirt.
You feel something placed in your right hand and raise it to reveal a small key chained teddy bear.
You look to see you're auntie with a small smile.
(A/n) (Aunt name for future reference): She always loved that bloody bear. Despite being made fun of at school.
You smile sweetly and sigh.
(Y/n): I wish there was a way to bring her back...
Your auntie spins you to face her and envelops you into a hug.
(A/n): I know hun. I know...
You hug back and lean your chin on her shoulder. You open your eyes to see a figure leaning against a tree. You squint only to jump as lighting struck lighting above giving the figure to see his dark messy hair and golden eyes stare at you. You don't know why but for some reason your body tenses up. You're aunt feels this and pulls away grabbing your shoulders shakes you slowly.
(A/n): Are you okay? You just tensed up.
You nod and look over at the tree to see the figure gone without a trace.
(Y/n): Yeah. Just the lightning startled me and I thought I saw someone over by that tree.
She follows the direction your pointing and looks at the tree.
(A/n): Hmm. Maybe it's the cold. You should head back to your dorm at beacon.
You smile and nod putting the bear into your pocket.
(Y/n): Thank you Aunt (A/n).
She nods and heads off to her car. You sigh and head out of the cemetery.
(Y/n): Boy's you there?
Ike: Just me. Gotta be careful on a day like this, got Star and Jasper all worked up and worried.
(Y/n): Why?
Ike: Nothin Just...Tell you what! Let's go get a drink!
You sigh.
(Y/n): Okay lets go to beacon so I can change then we'll head to Junior's.
You took Ike's silence as a yes as you head back to beacon.
Ozpin is in his tower watching the sun descend under the horizon. The elevator to his office opens causing him to spin around and look at the two figures who came in.
Ozpin: Bartholomew, Glynda. What did you find?
Oobleck gently placed the black rock with symbols carved on it on Ozpin's desk.
Oobleck: We double checked like you asked and the results were the same. We found nothing.
Ozpin looked at Oobleck then the rock.
Ozpin: So it floats in that cave then when brought to Beacon it's just a normal rock?
Oobleck: I'm afraid that's as good as it's going to get regarding any explanation for...this.
He gestures to the rock. Ozpin sighs and leans back.
Glynda: Ever since (Y/n) and I found it that day it's been non-responsive to anything. The Grimm used to have an interest in it when we first found it and now the Grimm we captured to test it on act like it's just a normal rock.
Ozpin looked up from the rock.
Ozpin: Wait.
Ozpin looks at Glynda.
Ozpin: Did you or (Y/n) come in contact with it at all.
Glynda: Well (Y/n) picked it up but-
Ozpin: He was out cold for an entire school day. Plus the video you showed me of him facing off against Miss Rose.
Glynda: He could have just discovered his semblance.
Ozpin went silent before slightly slouching in his chair.
Ozpin: I...guess I shouldn't assume things. I'd need more proof as well before I start pointing fingers.
He looks at Glynda before sighing.
Ozpin: I don't like doing this to my own students, but can you please keep surveillance on Mr Hunter for the time being.
Glynda simply nodded.
Glynda: Of course. If you think that he's in any danger then I won't let him out of my sight whether in or out of my classes.
Oobleck: I will do the same.
Ozpin nods and dismisses them both.
You arrive at juniors bar slightly wet from the storm that was passing Vale.
You see people dancing on the dance floor. There were some people enjoying their drinks or smokes in some booth's. You see a free stool at the bar and head towards it taking a seat when you get there. You greeted by a bartender who looks at you and raises an eyebrow.
Bartender: Aren't you a bit young to be here son?
You look at him.
(Y/n): Yeah my age is the main concern here, not the fact that the most wanted crime syndicate in Vale is welcomed here anytime.
You look around to see men in black suits with red glasses and top hats. Some look at you as you avoid their look and focus back on the bartender.
The bartender sighs.
Bartender: What'll you have?
You look down at your hand as you tapped the bar counter.
(Y/n): Ike?
Ike: Something with Scotch in it.
You look at the bartender.
(Y/n): A Godfather please.
You put the money down and he takes it. He nods and begins making your drink.
Ike: You know drink names?
(Y/n): This isn't exactly my first visit...
Do you lean on one palm while watching the bartender work. You hear the stool next to you get sat on then followed by a familiar female voice.
???: Strawberry sunrise, no ice, oh and with one of those little umbrellas please.
You roll your eyes and rub your head.
(Y/n): Ah shit.
You look to your right to see non other than Yang Xiao Long.
She looks at you from the corner of her eye and sits up straight.
Yang: Hunter.
(Y/n): Xiao Long.
Bartender: Here kid.
Your drink arrives as you grab it and tilt it in a circular motion listening to the ice move around in the glass.
You take a sip and sigh.
(Y/n): What do you want?
The bartender puts her drink in front of her. She grabs it and sighs.
Yang: I... Wanted to say thank you to your friend. Yourself especially for taking Crescent Rose to him.
You sigh.
(Y/n): I don't need your thanks.
Yang looks at you.
Yang: ...Look I know we had our differences but-
You slam your glass on the bar. Not hard enough to break it though.
(Y/n): But nothing. What you did to me for the past couple months was torture I have yet to recall a night where I actually got some good rest after the shit you and your friends stockpiled on me. All it's been to keep me going is caffeine and more caffeine.
Yang flinched and looked away.
(Y/n): Oh yeah now I remember. The best sleep I got was when I was in a supposed coma. Figure that, I had to be in a goddamn coma to both get some fuckin sleep and get away from you assholes!
Yang stayed silent. You scoffed at her and drank your beverage.
Yang: ...You said something about a funeral to go to back at Ozpin's office.
You looked at her.
(Y/n) That's non of your concern.
Yang: I just wanted to say sorry for your loss.
(Y/n): You don't fucking mean that.
You finish your drink and spin on the stool and jump off it. You begin walking away.
(Y/n): One drink'll do me tonight.
You keep walking only to be grabbed by the arm by Yang.
Yang: I want to make it up to you okay! Please sit back down I'll buy you a drink even get to know each other little bit better.
(Y/n): Are you off your head?! This isn't a fucking date this is me trying to relax at a bar but even I can't do that. Your presence around me makes me nervous! Unsafe! You want to become a Huntress. Yet your attitude and your behaviour towards me does not match the description of that title. You're no better than the fucking criminals that crawl around in Vale at night! You and your sister are failure's if anything!
Suddenly you were then sent into a pillar by Yang.
I just punched him into a pillar...Oh god he doesn't have Aura!
Me: (Y/n)? Are you alright?!
I went to him and saw him laying there. He groaned and got up. I went to touch his shoulder only for him to grab my arm and slowly look up at me. Something felt off though. His grip was really really tight. Like crush a brick with your bare hands tight. I look him in the eyes to see that they were golden. He smirks which made me feel unsettled for some reason.
Me: (Y/n)...?
Suddenly I feel myself get flipped. The world around me spins uncontrollably a foot connects with my stomach causing me to groan in pain as I'm launched into the bar. I cough and see I'm covered in different type's of alcohol from the bar. I look at (Y/n) to see him approaching me, with that same smirk. The patrons begin to leave in a hurry.
(Y/n): You started this so unless you plan on finishing this fight I recommend you concede defeat.
I get up and look at him.
Me: I'm sorry (Y/n)! I lost my temper. I'll leave you alone for the rest of the night!
(Y/n): No I don't think so. You know what? You were talking all that mad shit all those months ago I think it's time you lived up to your word Yang.
He snaps his wrist beside his hip as a dark energy forms in it and create's a blade, a katana to be more precise. My eyes widen as he drags the sword along the ground which make sparks. I look at my self before realising and jumping out of the bar in time just as the sparks touch the alcohol. I quickly regain my composure only for him to rush me and slam my head into a wall and drag me along it. He throws me into the middle of the dance floor.
There's something not right about him. He's not fighting me to get me to back off.
I flip and look at him, his eyes glowing as he approaches me.
He's fighting with malicious intent.
He started to walk faster towards me. I have to weigh my options here. I can't use my semblance cause if my hair catches on fire it'll light me up...
I look at Ember cecelia and grit my teeth. He has no aura so my shot will tear him open.
I hear him close and dodge a swipe from his attack.
Damnit. I don't want to kill him...but if he keeps coming at me ferociously like he has he'll get one in when my aura is gone and it'll end fatal I just know it.
He swipes again, this one hits me and causes my aura to break. I look at him to see him watch the aura flicker. His smirk fades as he looks at me. It then reappears as he charges me.
I cock Ember cecelia.
Forgive me.
My fist lays in his stomach. I look forward to see blood splattered on the dance floor. I look at (Y/n) to see him slumped over my arm with his head on my shoulder. I hold him tight and feel myself begin to cry.
Me: I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to but...you...
I rub my eyes on his shoulder and sob.
I feel a hand touch my shoulder. I look and my blood runs cold as I follow it and see that it's (Y/n)'s.
His head lifts up as he looks at me and whispers in my ear.
(Y/n): You did what you needed to survive. I know the feeling.
My eyes widen as his hand wraps around my neck and he lifts me into the air. I look at the wound I inflicted to see the shrapnel pour out of his body thanks to this weird black mist coming out of him.
(Y/n): That's why you must understand that I do what I must-
He slams me into the floor as his wound heals up instantly showing almost no sign of my shot even hitting him.
(Y/n): -To secure the future I have planned.
He lifts me up and begins choking me with one hand. My vision begins to go blurry as I look down at him. He raised his free hand as it was covered in a dark aura.
(Y/n): Tell me Yang....what is it that your fea-
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(Y/N) was a simple girl living a simple life. Until she moved. What happens when she starts working under the universe's most dangerous villain ever known, and what will it take to make weird her normal? One thing is for sure: anything can happen in Hatsville.~~~~~~~~~~~~Woah, information~~~~~~~~~~~1) No smut. Sorry, but no. 2) The characters are not mine, but i'm sure you know that by now. 3) Congratulations, you can throw your old name out the window. Your new name is (Y/N)[Your Name]. I know, how original~4) Hi, i'm weird 5) I try to make my story sound as nice as possible. Constructive criticism is most definitely welcome and feel free to give chapter recommendations!6) I said no smut. Go away, weirdos.7) Wait, you're actually reading this? 8) The story cover is my own art. If you wish to use it, please ask. I am more than likely to say it's ok. 9) If you genuinely like the chapter, please give it a vote. It may not seem like much, but the more votes a book has, the more likely it will be recommended for others! Every vote counts and every reader means everything! Sorry to keep you bothered with these 9 random notes. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it! -I_live_4_fandumz#3 blackhatxreader#15 villainous
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