《"Always": Severus Snape x Reader》The Quarrel


TW: Blood

"What do you want?" I asked him, he scoffed "less of the attitude y/n" I rolled my eyes and he lost his temper, anger slowly rising it his face "DON'T ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME, DETENTION AT. 6:00PM MISS BLACK DO NOT BE LATE" I felt the tears build up in my eyes and my cheeks turned a shade of a deep red, I ran out the classroom with tears streaming down my face. I hated being yelled at no matter who it is but it's even worse when it's someone you saw as a friend. I ran all the way to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, sat on the floor and allowed a puddle to form around me slowly realising my only friend was Draco. Did he even want to be friends with me? or was he forced because our family are friends? God I hate myself, I screamed into the mirror. I sat back on the floor and sobbed until darkness surrounded me.

I wake up still in the bathroom Myrtle staring at me from the other side of the room,"go away" I say to her, she flies off down the hall crying, I guess we have something in common I shrugged. I splash my face with some water and dry it with the arm of my robe. As I make my way to the great hall for breakfast I pass Snape who gave me a concerned look. I walked past him not even raising my head, I don't care anymore, I don't need him and I never have. I can protect myself and I have Draco to help me if I can't. I sat myself next to Draco and started eating, Crabb and Goyle gave me a smile and i smiled back. They've grown on me since the train journey, I mean they seem nice but they are basically Draco's minions. I felt a pair of eyes study my face, I turn to the staff table and lock eyes with Snape who gave me an apologetic look. I turn away my emotionless face showing him I was still angry and started talking to the boys.


Walking to DATDA class I feel a slight tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Harry smiling at me with Ron next to him. " sorry about the other day I just realised I haven't properly apologised" I laughed and gave him a forgiving smile "Harry you apologised already when it happened" I say raising an eyebrow at him. "I knew you were going to say that, well maybe it was just another excuse to talk to you" he looked down at the floor blushing a bit. "I'm still here you know" Ron said an uncomfortable look on his face. We walked into our classroom and this time I sat with Harry and Ron, looking across the classroom I see Draco giving me an angry look. I rolled my eyes and gave him a look that read, calm down it's just for today. Once again Professor Quirrell walked in and gave me a stare when he got to the front of the class, I looked down in embarrassment. "Today we will be learning about dementors, get your books out and read chapter 40"

TIME SKIP: Advanced potions class

"Today we will be making Draught Of Living Death potions" I heard Snape shouting in his usual annoyed voice. I decided I wasn't going to pay attention and got out my note book to start doodling. "What do you think you're doing Miss Black" a familiar voice boomed, I don't react, I don't look up I just continue doodling. I felt an unanticipated jolt in my arm causing me to gasp in pain. " I asked what do you think you're doing" rage building up in his voice. I look him dead in the eye and say, "Why is it any of your business, it's not like you care about me is it?" He took a step back his eyes full of shock, I could feel everyones attention on me. I pack up my stuff and storm out the classroom not even looking back at him. As I walk off I hear a fain shout behind me and everyone piles out the classroom, Soon enough Draco runs up to me and asks me what happened. "It doesn't matter, all you need to know is he's not going to be nice anymore" I say.


"Wait y/n" I hear behind me, a boy by the name of Cedric "You really made him mad, as soon as I left I heard things smashing. You've got guts thats for sure" he looks at me, his face seemed like he was shocked but admiring me. "Well thanks I guess but I have to go now, I have herbology class" And with a final wave I left everyone stood in shock at how i'm so unbothered.


"What do you think you're doing Miss Black" She didn't respond or even look up, I pushed her arm harder than expected so that she whimpered but I decided to ignore it."I asked what do you think you're doing" rage building up inside of me. That idiotic girl needs a lesson or two on manners. "Why is it any of your business, it's not like you care about me is it?" I took a step back shocked but furious about how she talked to me. She stormed out of the room not even looking back at me. Oh I was so angry, "EVERYONE LEAVE, CLASS IS DISMISSED" I yelled at the top of my lungs. As soon as the last student left the I couldn't handle the rage any more I started flipping tables and smashing jars continuing as the cuts on my hands got deeper and deeper until they were submerged with blood. I sat down as tears of sadness fell out my eyes, I lost her, I lost my best friend.

Soon enough Dumbledore opens the door and terror fills his eyes "What happened in here Severus?!" He used a quick spell to heal my hands and gestured me to get off the floor. "I screwed up, I yelled at her and now she hates me. Why do I always screw things up Albus, she was like a daughter to me and now she's gone" More tears fell down my cheek. "I know Severus, she was special to you and I understand you're upset but nothings going to happen if you don't talk to her" I nodded my head and walked Albus to the door. Im going to try fix this, I need to fix this.

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