《Fortunate and Unfortunate Events #1-#12 to A School Dream》Lane- F/UnF Event #8 to A School Dream
Kara walked out of the elevator and into the bustling floor of CatCo WorldWide Media. She made her way to her desk and set her bag down, as well as Cat's morning latte.
"Hey, Kara!" Winn says from his desk.
She waved at him. "Morning, Winn."
"Hey, did you hear we got a new temporary head of security and she's also semi-working in the art department?" he asks, turning his chair to face her.
Kara shook her head. "No. Who is sh-"
"Kiera!!" Cat bellowed from her office.
She winced. "Crap, her latte and schedule." Kara grabbed her tablet and her latte for her and walked in her glass office. "Good morning, Ms. Grant," Kara greets her as she hands her the latte.
"It's not a good morning if I didn't have my latte exactly ten seconds ago." Cat sips on it, letting the hot, rich taste of caffeine enter her system. "But, I will let it slide. There is a new temporary head of security who is also parttime working up here on the floor with the art department. I want you to go greet her and make sure she knows her way around the building and city. You have the day."
Kara nods. "Of course, Ms. Grant. Where would she be?"
"Probably in Jimmy's room, since they're friends. Chop chop, Kiera." She dismisses her with a wave of her hand, sending Kara off on her heels.
"Where you going?" Winn asks.
"Apparently to meet the new mysterious woman." Kara walks over to James' office and knocks on the doorframe. "James?"
She saw his head poke out from one of the blocked sides of his office from where she could see from the door. A grin appears on the man's face. "Kara! Hey. Come on in. I think you have someone to meet."
Kara walked in. "Would it be that new head of security Ms. Grant was talking about?"
"Actually, yes, that's exactly who she was talking about." A short brunette with shoulder length hair and a black thin strapped top walked out into the open to meet Kara. She smiled at her and stuck out her hand. "Hey. I'm Lucy Lane."
Kara smiled in return and shook her hand. "H-Hi. K-Kara Danvers," she stammered. Rao, she's gorgeous, Kara thought as she blushed a bit and adjusted her glasses once she let go of her hand. She tilts her head, her last name feeling familiar. "Is Lois your older sister?"
"Guilty," she chuckles. "We've been.. distant, but somehow she's my sister."
"Yeah, I've met her a couple times. I'm guessing you two know each other through Clark." Kara asks, pointing a finger between James and Lucy.
They both nodded. "Lois is with Clark-"
"Who I told was your cousin," James added.
"And who you told a lot about," Lucy said, making Kara blush a bit more. "I couldn't wait to meet you. And when I let Jimmy know I was coming here, he told me that you were here, too. So that just makes it even better." She bit her lip and grinned at the blonde, looking at her up and down a bit.
The woman was making Kara flustered and she adjusted her glasses once more. Kara grinned back at her. "Well then, I know what would make your day even better. Ms. Grant told me to show you around here and National City."
Lucy smiled. "Awesome. I have my own personal tour guide. Let me get my things and I'll be ready to go." She walked away in one direction to get her jacket and purse.
James was studying the two's interactions and looks the whole time. "She's into you," he stated.
"What? Pssh. P-Please, James."
"Kara, when she came here a couple days ago, she couldn't wait to meet you. It was a mistake telling her you work here," he chuckled. "You'll be dating her in no time."
"Shut up," Kara said with an eye roll. Lucy comes back with her leather jacket on and her hands in her pockets and small purse over her shoulder.
"Ready to go, oh tour guide of mine?" she asks with a grin.
"I shall lead the way. National City is a great place. You'll warm up to it in no time," Kara reassures her as they walk out of James' office.
Throughout the whole day, Kara showed Lucy around town. Like where the best dine-in spots were, how Noonan's had the best coffee, where to go for sightseeing, all of it. Lucy paid vast attention to Kara as she was caught up in her beauty; how flustered she got whenever she flirted with her, how adorable she was, and just all of her features. She never did once leave her side. Kara also gave Lucy her number as well, just in case she ever needed anything and the same for Lucy.
"I know a great place for a late lunch," Kara mentions. "Or early dinner. Whichever you prefer. Care to join me?"
"Well, how could I say no to a face as beautiful as yours?" Lucy asked with a smirk, knowing that she would make the blonde blush and adjust her glasses.
She did just as Lucy predicted. Knew it.
Kara smiled over at her. "Great. I hope you like sushi."
"Um, who doesn't?" Lucy rhetorically asked with a grin. "One of my all time fav foods. Or just comfort foods, really." She shrugged as she came to the conclusion, "Both work."
Kara chuckled at her. "Great minds think alike, Lucy."
Lucy smiled. "Great minds indeed."
The two told each other about their pasts and their families throughout the meal, sharing laughs and stories. Both women were having an amazing time with the other.
"Are you seeing anyone, Kara?" Lucy asked as she signed for the bill.
"No. It's..." she trailed off, thinking back on the years without Lena, or being involved with anyone else. "It's kind of been a while." She shook off the thought. "How about you?"
"Nope," Lucy says, popping the 'p.' "Though, I do have someone in mind." She glanced up at Kara with a smirk, seeing her duck her head a bit as she blushed. Adorable.
Kara thought of a place and smiled. She stood up and offered her hand to Lucy. "Come on. I know the perfect place to watch the sunset."
Lucy grinned as she took her hand and stood up. "Lead the way, Danvers."
After a while, Kara eventually leads her actually back to CatCo.
"Um, Kara, I thought we were going to see the sunset. Not go back to work. Hell, I'd go anywhere with you, but why here?" Lucy inquires as they go in the lobby and into the elevator.
Kara glanced at her out of the corner of her eye with a smirk. She pressed the top floor without her realizing as she was far too captivated in the woman's smirk and a hint of glee or mischief in her eyes. "You'll see."
The elevator dinged after a minute and they reached the top floor. Kara leads her through the hallways and to a door which revealed some stairs going up.
"Honestly, Kara, if you're trying to kill me, why do it at your job?" Lucy asked as they go up the stairs. "I mean, I could take you down if you tried to, anyway."
"You think?"
The shorter woman shrugged. "My biphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist father is a general in the army." Lucy smirked at her. "Try me, blondie."
"And I have a sister in the FBI. You try me," Kara teases as she opened the door once they reached the top to reveal them on the roof of CatCo, the sun setting perfectly over the horizon. Lucy's jaw went slack and let go of Kara's hand in shock as she saw the sun shine over the city in its beautiful colors. She walked up on the helipad and neared a bit towards the edge; not too close, though. Just close enough.
Kara smiled as she saw Lucy in front of her look over the view. She stepped a bit closer to her. "I have no plans on murdering you, Luce. I promise. Well, I mean, if looks could kill, then the looks you've been giving me all day would've killed me if I wasn't so strong."
Lucy smiled to herself as she ducked her head down. She raised her head up as she turned around to face her, seeing her only a yard away. "You think you're strong, Danvers?"
Kara shrugged and gave a small smile. "I'd like to think so."
Lucy stepped forward to her and placed a hand on her bicep, giving it a squeeze. "Yeah, I think so, too." Her hand trailed down her arm to find her hand, lacing their fingers and connecting it once again with her own.
That action made Kara blush a bit. Both her and Lucy have lost count on how many times the blonde has blushed throughout the day.
"I'm not the only one who feels something, right?" Lucy murmurs.
"Well, you feel the wind from up here, so no, you're not the only one who feels something."
Lucy resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the woman in front of her, so instead scanned her face, her eyes landing on her big, blue orbs that seemed out of this world to her. "Dork. I meant this." She pulls Kara closer by her hand and slightly went on her toes to reach up and kiss the woman softly. Kara's other hand finds her lower back, pulling her closer while Lucy's other hand finds her shoulder.
Both of them slowly pull away, opening their eyes, brown meeting blue. Both of them linger to see what would happen next.
"Go out on a date with me?" Lucy asks softly, breaking the silence.
Kara smirked. "And I thought it would've taken you a while to ask."
"Well, I ask for what I want."
"And what do you want?"
"To go on a date with you and kiss you again."
"Both can happen."
"Can one happen right now?"
Kara smirked again. "Why don't you find out?"
"Stop testing me, Danvers," Lucy says before she kisses her again. This one more full and a little more anxious than the last.
Both of them smiled as they parted again. "You never answered my question."
Kara raised an eyebrow at her teasingly. "I thought that was a good enough answer."
"Well, I might need another one to make sure your answer is a good answer."
Kara hummed with a little smirk before their lips connected again. Not once did she think about Lena. Not once did she imagine it was Lena she was kissing instead of Lucy. Yes, she still loved her, but she didn't know where she was, what she was doing, or even if she still loved her. But that didn't matter to her right now. Right now, it was all Lucy Lane and not Lena Luthor. And honestly, Kara liked it.
"Mind if I walk you home?" Lucy asks.
"You don't know where I live," Kara points out.
"That can easily change." Lucy smirked up at her. "Plus, I need to know where I need to pick you up from if you're going on a date with me."
"I never answered you."
"The kisses sure did."
"So what did they say?"
Lucy gave her another kiss, this one more short, but her lips still lingering long enough to make it sweet. "Well, that one obviously said yes." Kara blushed, making Lucy smirk at her again. "And so did that blush."
"Alright, yes, Luce; I would love to go on a date with you."
"I'm glad the feeling is mutual," Lucy says before she captures her lips once again.
After departing from the roof, the two slowly walk back together to Kara's apartment, hand in hand all the way, a comfortable silence between the two while the last of National City's sunlight slowly trickled its way across the ocean to disappear.
Lucy walked back up the stairs behind Kara and they came to a stop at one of the first doors.
"Well know you know where to pick me up for our date," Kara says, leaning against the door, pulling her close by her hand so that she stood with her toe to toe.
"And I will let you know the details soon."
Kara grinned. "Can't wait."
"So tomorrow, then?"
"Even better." Lucy grins as Kara kisses her lips. Kara kisses her again, but it gets cut short as the door opens and Lucy falls on top of Kara as they both fall down to the floor.
Kara groans. "For a small woman, you're kinda heavy."
"Well, you never underestimate a short woman," a voice says. Kara tilts her head up and sees her sister crouching down over the two. "Trust me, I know."
Lucy rolls off of Kara and offers her a hand up. "Alex, what are you doing here?" Kara asks, keeping hold of Lucy's hand once she stands up to her full height.
"Did you forget it was sister night? I was just about to call you." Alex tilts her head as she shoots a look at Kara, saying, Who is she?
"Right, I totally forgot about that. I was showing Lucy around the city all day. Luce, this is my older sister Alex. Alex, this is Lucy Lane."
Alex nodded. "I thought you looked familiar."
Lucy nodded as well. "Likewise. I thought I recognized Danvers when I met Kara."
Kara furrowed her eyebrows together. "You two have met?"
Alex and Lucy shared a glance as they both shrugged. "A work thing," Alex answers.
"Classified," the two said in unison.
Lucy turns to Kara. "Have fun with your sister. I'll text you later for details."
"Okay," Kara says with a grin as Lucy gives her a quick peck on her cheek and walks back to the open door.
"Bye, Danvers." She shuts it behind her, leaving the two sisters in the apartment and in silence.
Kara looked back at her sister who was wearing a shit-eating grin. "What?"
"Kara Danvers, you did not just sweep up a woman in less than twelve hours."
"You gotta see it to believe it. And you just saw it." Kara's nose sensed food and she turned her head to see boxes of pizza and bags with presumed potstickers. She zooms towards them and brings them into the living room, flopping down on the couch.
"You know she's the daughter of General Lane in the army," Alex mentioned as she grabbed beers out of the fridge and walked over to Kara. "She was a lawyer for a bit, but turned to security."
"You worked with her a bit?"
Alex nodded as she opened a box and grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza, biting into it. "A little while ago," she mumbled around her pizza. She swallowed before stating, "You like her."
Kara scoffs into a potsticker. "Duh. I was literally kissing her when you opened the door."
Alex laughs. "I'm so glad I intervened, then."
Kara shoves her lightly. "Shut up."
After their first date, the dates turned into weekly things. Sometimes lunch, sometimes dinner. In the mornings, they'd always get coffee and occasionally breakfast at Noonan's together, so that made their days better and better. Weekly turned into almost every other day, and sometimes they had movie nights.
It's been a little more than a month since they've started dating. On this movie night, Lucy's small frame was snuggled into Kara's side and Kara's arms around her as they watched A Wrinkle In Time. A thought came to Kara's mind and she looked down at Lucy as she murmured, "What are we, Luce?"
Lucy looked up at her. "What do you want to be, Kar?"
"You didn't answer my question," Kara says, pausing the movie.
"And you didn't answer mine."
"I asked you first."
Lucy smiled small. "Well, what would you call us?"
"You still avoided my question."
"Answer my question and I could give you an answer!"
Kara sighed as she shook her head with a smile. She pondered for a second. "Well, I would say girlfriends?" she says in a questioning tone.
Lucy fixed herself so that she was looking at Kara straight in her eyes. "Is that what you want to be?"
"Only if that's what you want to be."
"Honestly, I kinda already thought we were girlfriends," Lucy says, letting a small laugh come out, as well as one from Kara. "But being your girlfriend would be my honor."
Kara smiled. "So now I get to call the amazing Lucy Lane my girlfriend."
Lucy smiled back. "And the same for me with the amazing Kara Danvers."
"Hm," Kara hummed. "I like it already."
Lucy laid on top of her. "Me, too." She drew her in for a kiss, and it immediately turned into a slow make-out session, Lucy now straddling the blonde, movie long forgotten.
Their movie nights from there on out always ended up like that. They both liked what they had going on. Morning coffees, lunch dates, dinner dates, a couple galas together with an untimely crash in from Reactron (which Lucy found out that Kara was Supergirl, but didn't mind and understood everything), untimely make-out sessions in the copier room or bathroom with the doors locked, just in case someone came in. Sometimes Lucy even helped her with some basic Supergirl duties. Kara's barely felt so bold around her and what she's done with Lucy, even if they never advanced that far. Sometimes Lucy stayed the night, but as said- they never advanced that far. They were both enjoying what they had with each other. It seemed like both of them were comfortable just where they were.
Three, almost four months into dating, Lucy came up to Kara's desk with bags of takeout.
She places the bags on her desk and Kara doesn't even look up. Lucy sighed as she walked over to her side of her desk. She tapped her shoulder, making her jump in her chair.
"Winn! What is-" Lucy cuts her off with a kiss, Kara sighing and smiling into it.
"Not Winn."
Lucy rolled her eyes. "What got you so captivated that you didn't hear my heartbeat go away for a few minutes?"
"M'kay, first of all, your heartbeat never goes away," Kara clarifies. "I mean, unless you get kidnapped with lead-lined walls, then I probably wouldn't be able to hear you."
"Well, I hope that doesn't happen anytime soon. Didn't answer my question."
Kara sighed as she gestured to her computer with her hand and lets it fall back in her lap. "Planning for another stupid gala with Lord Tech."
"Didn't he make you go all Red K?" Lucy asks in an inquiring tone.
Kara sighed. "Yeah. I don't know why we're partnering with him."
"Tell that to Cat."
"She'll bite my head off and you know it." Lucy chuckles at her. Kara's eyes go to the bags on her desk. "How did I not notice that?"
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Dork," she mutters before placing a kiss on her lips.
"You happen to be dating this dork," Kara says with a smile.
Lucy smiles again. "My dork. C'mon. These potstickers are not going to eat themselves."
Kara got up and took a couple of bags from the top of the desk. She bends down to press a kiss to her cheek. "You're amazing."
Lucy smirked as she grabbed the others. "I know."
They walked out on the balcony and sat on the leather couch, eating in comfortable silence with only the sounds of the city bustling below them.
Lucy looks down at her noodles and sighs. "I'm being transferred."
Kara looks up with her brow furrowed. "Where?"
Kara's brow goes high. "That's all the way across the country."
Lucy nodded and smiled sadly. "I know," she said softly.
"I could visit you."
"I don't think Bats and Robins would like you around."
"I am not my cousin and you know that."
Lucy smirked. "You're right; you're better."
Kara smiled and blushed a bit and turned to look out across the city. "When?"
Lucy looked down and sighed. "One week." She paused for a moment. "Do you think we could do this?" she asked in a light, delicate voice.
Kara took their containers and placed them on the little coffee table in front of them. She scoots closer and puts an arm around her shoulders, letting her small frame fit perfectly in her side. "Do you?"
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Purchased Wife
Emily Parker, the girl who has been through horrible things that you can't even imagine, being abused physically, emotionally, and mentally. But amidst all the horrible people around her, there is one person who tries to save her as much as he can, her cousin, Curtis. But he isn't enough. Living in the fantasies of marriage and love just to stay away from real life, she meets Liam Knight. Forbes sexiest young billionaire from New York, who purchased Emily Parker as his wife and continues to torture her until he finds out about her past. What do you think he will do? Save her or no? Read it so you'll know. -----------------------------⛔️This story is 18+ read at your own risk. This story consists of rape, all kinds of abuse, and a whole lot of anxiety. DO NOT read if you're not comfortable with the description.⛔️🚨THIS STORY IS ONLY A WORK OF FICTION. A FICTION. READING THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL RAPISTS ARE FORGIVEN. IF YOU ARE SOMEONE GOING THROUGH SOMETHING, I BEG YOU TO SEEK HELP OR TALK TO YOUR LOVED ONES.🚨⚠️I WROTE THIS STORY WHEN I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS RIGHT OR WRONG. THIS STORY IS EVERYTHING I STAND AGAINST BUT IM NOT GONNA TAKE IT DOWN BECAUSE THIS HELPED ME BECOME A BETTER PERSON. TAUGHT ME THINGS BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG.⚠️R A T I N G S:#1 in Anxiety#1 in ArrangedMarriage #1 in CEO#1 in Mature Content #1 in Billionaire#1in FallingInLove#1 in abuse #1 in Possessive #1 in strong#1 in Love#1 in Freedom#1 in Enjoy#1 in Married#1 in Rude#2 in Wattpad #2 in Romance #2 in Strong#4 in True Love#8 in Love Story#11 in Rude#37 in complete #21 in LoveAtFirstSight⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️ this book cannot be copied under any circumstances. Nor can it be translated into other languages.
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The Golden Rule of transmigration into a xianxia world is not to get involved in the affairs of important characters. Death follows them, bearing down on the ordinary people they interact with. For months Zhao Mi has managed to abide by this self imposed rule, making a living as an Assistant Admissions Disciple for the Misty Cradle Sect. When a misstep with a young master places him in the sights of a heartless clan intent on saving face, the only viable solution is to invert the Golden Rule. To surround himself with enough important characters that their fortune bleeds into Zhao Mi’s humble life. Walking such a path will require surviving violence, navigating politics, and unraveling conspiracies. The otherworldly knowledge he possesses might give Zhao Mi a chance at emerging unharmed. Whether his modern soul can weather the immorality of life in Jianghu is another matter.
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ᴋɪᴍᴇᴛsᴜ ɴᴏ ʏᴀɪʙᴀ |ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛs|
---Welcome to another Kimetsu No Yaiba one-shot book. Mostly any anime/manga I get obsessed with, I'll write about it.---I have read the manga up to the latest one. If you haven't read it, avoid reading Kokushibo, Yoriichi, Sanemi, Genya and Muichirou(I will update this depending on where the anime is at)
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Computer Engineering and Technology 1
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