《Cigarette Duet (Jonah x Adam)》Chapter 9


Jonah was sitting on his balcony, not necessarily his but it was a part of the house. He never knew why they had it, honestly. It wasn't used much, but it had a good view. He wanted to use it more but he never had the chance until today. He received the AMAZING news that his dad was gonna be out of town for a few days, which was a blessing in disguise. Hell, not even in disguise, it was just a straight up miracle. He finally got a few days alone, not to mention school was out on Monday. He had his good pen and notebook, finally getting the chance to write more of his poetry. It was dark out, stars speckling the sky at a beautifully uneven pattern. He had a small flashlight to see enough to write, but it didn't take away from the mood. He had the phone up to his ear, talking to Adam. They'd been calling for hours, seeing as they didn't get the chance to do this often. It was about 11 P.M. by now, which was the latest they'd ever called, since Adam usually slept early. Adam didn't really mind though, surprisingly. Usually he always stressed to Jonah to sleep enough, but this night was different for some reason. He felt happy, much happier than he's ever been before. He was in the middle of a certain line of his poetry before Adam spoke up again. "Are you outside right now? I can hear crickets chirping."

"Yeah, I'm actually on a balcony right now, I don't sit out here often."

"Oh shit, you have a balcony?"

"Yeah, it's pretty cool out here. Wish you could see the view from here, it's incredible."

Jonah then heard Adam humming in response, as if he were trying to figure out something. "You okay, Adam?"

"Hm? Yeah, yeah. Just doing something."

Shuffling noises could be heard in the background, intriguing Jonah. The last thing he heard was a zipper clinking against some metal before Adam's voice broke the awkwardly loud silence. "I'm gonna hang up for about 12 minutes or so, is that okay? I might be able to stay on but we'll see."

"...okay. Why, though?"

"No reason in particular."

Jonah heard a door opening and closing and it now sounded as if Adam was outside, and he could hear him walking. "What're you doing, you coming over?" Jonah joked, laughing at himself. Adam chuckled a bit in response but stayed silent, not speaking a word. Jonah was confused now, and admittedly kind of upset that Adam had stopped talking. He tried not to pay much attention to it and went back to writing. The poem itself was about the very person he was talking to. The last one he wrote about him wasn't that good, so he was writing another one. Definitely not an excuse to write another one. Could never be. Totally...

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of loud clanging both over the phone and in his backyard. "Adam, what the fuck are you doing?!" Jonah heard Adam grunting and more clanging before he heard a silent "oh shit-" before the line disconnected. Jonah stood up from his chair and walked to the edge of the balcony closest to the backyard. "ADAM FRANCIS MURRAY, WHAT IN GOD'S NAME ARE YOU DOING?!" He didn't hear a response back other than a small chuckle coming from that direction. Before he knew it, Adam was standing below the balcony, but in front of it enough for Jonah to see him. Under his arm was the ladder from the shed he'd used last night. He waved up at a dumbfounded Jonah with a ridiculous grin. "Adam, I say this as the one who's normally stupid, WHAT THE FUCK?!"


"Don't act surprised, you think I have anything better to do? Even if I did, I wanted to hang out with you."

"I...you really went the extra mile AGAIN? Just to hang out with me?..."

"Of course, I might need your help getting over the balcony railing though."

Adam extended the ladder and placed it against the wall next to the balcony, beginning his climb to the balcony and Jonah. When he reached the top, Jonah grabbed his hand and helped him over, which was actually fairly easy. Too easy. "Why did you need my help for that? You practically did the work for me."

"I lied, just wanted an excuse to hold your hand."



He narrowed his eyes at the blonde before jokingly flicking his forehead with his finger. "Ow! Damn, violent much?" Jonah laughed, looking away a bit. "Oh yeah, I wanted to show you the view!" He gestured upwards to the sky and Adam looked, staring in awe at the beautiful bright sky. The stars twinkled in his baby blue eyes, showing childlike wonder. It was honestly adorable how big his eyes were. Jonah wanted to remember this forever, but he didn't have his camera sadly. "Isn't this amazing? I've been out here practically all day, I didn't even think I could see views like this out here."

"Yeah...it really is."

The two stared in silence, content with how they were at the moment. Neither had even realised they were still holding each other's hands, or perhaps they just didn't care. After a bit they finally snapped back to reality and looked at each other. "So...what now?" questioned Adam.

"I'm...not really sure, what do you wanna do?"


Adam looked as if he wanted to say something, but was too nervous too. Jonah took a bold risk and turned his head to look at him with his hand, staring into his now deep-blue eyes. He gave a reassuring smile before speaking. "You can tell me anything, and if you want something you can just ask." Adam smiled, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I...kind of wanna hang out...more, y'know? Since we actually have a chance..."

"For real? Hell yeah! I'm down for that!"

"Really? You sure you don't mind?"

"Absolutely, who knows when we'll get this chance again? At my house, at least."

Adam smiled at Jonah, feeling comforted by his presence and response. Jonah flashed a toothy grin filled with his lighthearted aura, gripping onto Adam's hand and leading him inside after grabbing his stuff. "You wanna watch a movie real quick? I have a short one if you're tired, it's really good!"

"Your energy is astounding."

"I don't usually sleep for another few hours so..."

"That really needs to change, Jo. But I wouldn't mind watching a movie."

"Hell yeah! Let's go then!"

Jonah led Adam to the downstairs living area, turning on the TV and inserting the movie as Adam sat down. He turned on the movie and took his place next to Adam. Jonah had a pretty big couch, could fit about 5 people, but they were still snuggled up to each other. Neither said a word about it though, they were content with what their situation was. Jonah had his arm wrapped around Adam and Adam had his head leaning on Jonah's shoulder, neither really focused on it too much. About 25 minutes in, Jonah noticed that Adam was shaking a bit. "You good? Cold or something?"


"Yeah, just a bit cold. Not a big deal."

"Ah, gimme a second."

Jonah quickly got off the couch and left the room for a few seconds, coming back with a blanket and wrapping it over Adam. His face burned a bit due to that, as Jonah sat back down next to him. Adam, without thinking, took some of the blanket and wrapped it around Jonah as well. The two slowly cuddled up to each other without noticing, just comfortable as ever. Slowly, their hands inched closer and closer together before resting atop of each other. Before they knew it, their hands intertwined. The movie ended, and they ended up looking over at each other. Slowly they moved their hands away from each other as Adam rubbed his eyes.

"You tired?"

"Yeah, honestly ready to sleep."

"Alright, uhm..."

They hadn't really discussed where Adam was going to sleep, and now they weren't sure what to do. But at this point, they'd become more and more comfortable and cared less and less, so obviously their answer would be Jonah's bed.

Jonah was laying on the bed now, waiting for Adam to finish getting changed. He'd given him one of his T-Shirts to sleep in so he wouldn't have to sleep in his hoodie. This gave him time to reflect on everything happening. Holy shit, he was being extremely fucking gay with the DUDE he has a crush on. How does Adam view this? He wasn't sure what the hell all of this meant, did Adam like him back or was this just his love language for platonic feelings? But Adam never acted this way before. Did that mean...fuck, there was no way. Right? He didn't know what to think, honestly. Maybe he was being too hopeful...maybe. Jonah shook the thoughts out of his head, luckily right before Adam returned. Jonah's brain briefly short circuited seeing Adam wearing his clothes, it was an odd sight to say the least. Adam wasn't too concerned, though, so Jonah tried not to pay attention. It was weird, he'd never spent the night at Jonah's house before. Couldn't be any different than him spending the night at Adam's right? I mean his dad wasn't home, so there shouldn't be any issues. Adam sat down on the bed next to Jonah, prompting Jonah to scoot over so that he would have room to lie down. "What time is it, Jo?"

"Uhh...12:34. Why?"

"Shit, man, I've never stayed up this late. I didn't even know."

"That proves I'm fun enough to be around that you lose track of time, hah!"

"Yeah...honestly, you're right."

"Wait what-"

"You heard me. Goodnight, Jo."

Adam laid down and closed his eyes, facing towards Jonah. Jonah didn't know what to do, his heart was racing unbelievably fast. Yet in a strange way, it was comforting. Jonah slowly closed his eyes as well, falling asleep almost immediately.

Morning arose, the time read about 7:30 A.M. The two boys were now entangled in one another, arms wrapped around each other tightly, closer than ever before. Adam was the first to open his eyes and really witness what had happened while the two were asleep. Quickly his face began to heat up, and his chest pounded throughout his body. Fuck, why does this feel...nice? He didn't really wanna move, but he didn't know how Jonah would react. Adam slightly shifted his position, trying not to wake up Jonah. However, Jonah still woke up, opening his eyes and locking eyes with the blonde. They both stared for a while, not fully processing what had happened. Finally, Jonah broke the silence.

"So...good morning-"

"Shit, dude- I'm sorry-"

"For what? You think I don't enjoy this?"


"Hah! You should see your own face, it's so red."

Adam sat up quickly and looked away, which got a laugh out of Jonah. Jonah sat up as well, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and checking the time. "Shit, it's still early as hell."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, not really. I'd rather it be that way, actually."

Adam smiled at him and stretched a bit before Jonah grabbed his notebook that he had tossed on his bed, flipping through the pages. Adam glanced over in curiosity, since Jonah once again had never shown him anything he wrote. He was genuinely curious, and of course he respected Jonah's right to privacy, but he wondered if there was anything he WOULD be willing to share, especially now that he's opened up about a lot more in his life. "So, would you ever actually share anything you've written in there?"

"Jeez- I dunno, I do have this one that's pretty vague, but it's also kind of old so it sucks."

"I mean, if you wanna share it you can."

"Alright, but again I'll warn you it's-"

"Jonah, have you read my attempt at poetry? Hush, and read the damn thing already."

Jonah laughed awkwardly a little before flipping through the pages once more, searching for the poem. It was a rather short poem he'd written when he first got into poetry. The embarrassing part was that it was a sappy love poem about Adam, but it didn't mention his name. He finally found the page and skimmed over it quickly. Oh God, it's so bad. Jonah looked up and looked into Adam's eye, and Adam gave him the nod to go ahead. He took a deep breath as his eyes trailed back down to the inked paper.

"Your blue eyes like the morning sky,

I'm a certified love freak.

Not even a flutter of the most beautiful butterfly,

Can compare how your love makes me weak.

Your passion burns more than the fire in my heart.

For you, I would fight every angel in heaven,

You yourself are a form of art.

I hope this love never ends,

Every day my heart aches at how much I need you.

One day, I'd love to hear your voice sing the words;

'I do.'"


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