
I pulled away from Shade and looked up at him.

"I know what your thinking... but our parents don't define who we are, we make that decision for ourselves" comforted Shade as he wiped the tears from my soaked face.

I nodded my head and wiped away the remaining tears from my face. He continued to look at me with concerned eyes so I cleared my throat and tried my best to put on a cheery tone.

"We should go and tell someone... about Stoneheart," I said heading towards the door.

I moved through the frame quickly but felt myself being pulled backwards by a strong pair of arms.

"Are you sure your ok?" Shade asked as he turned me around to face him.

What I wanted to say was no, no I wasn't ok, everything I have ever known about my family just crumbled away, leaving a confusing mess in its place. But instead, I snapped out of my thoughts and placed my hand on his arm.

"I'm fine" I lied, giving him a fake smile.

He gave me a look that told me that he didn't believe me, but he left it alone and broke our eye contact, he let go of my arm and advanced quickly down the corridor with me following closely behind him.


Following the death of the Mr Stoneheart, there was a new principal appointed to the academy, and the Elysium Guard was sent to investigate the situation, I wasn't surprised when they found out that there was a traitor in the academy because there is no way that somebody could just walk through the schools borders and murder the principle on their own. But the question was, who?

Mr Albern, the new principle led Mr Stoneheards funeral ceremony, before assuring us that the traitor would be caught and dealt with by the guard. The Elite team training has resumed and the principal has decided not to tell the school about my newfound parentage and Shades demon side. He ensured us that doing so would just cause unnecessary problems for the both of us, although we did tell our friends.


So basically, the school has gone back to the way it was, as if nothing had happened, as if nothing was wrong. They were in denial, the war was coming whether they wanted it to or not, we couldn't prevent, it but we can win it, and get rid of Sebastian for good.


"Everybody settle down" commanded Mr Albern.

I sighed heavily and slumped further down into my chair and rested my face in my hands.

"Thank you," he said nodding his head. "the regional games are in two days, so do your best to train for them in the time that is given to you"

"How is this still happening after the principal's death" whispered Shade as he turned around to face me.

"A distraction?" I shrugged.

"I just have a really bad feeling about it," he said, concern flashing across his eyes.

I averted my attention back to the stage to see that Asher was standing next to the principle.

"As your fully aware, there is a traitor within our school," said Asher looking annoyed.

A couple of angered murmurs broke out but were silenced immediately by Mr Albern holding up his hand.

"I promise that me and my elite team will find the traitor, and deal with them as the Elysium guard seems fit"

I scanned the crowd for any sort of clues as to who the traitor would be, they would definitely look scared right now, the Elysium guard were known for their high skill and ruthless fighting. Some people were cheering or nodding their heads but none showed any of the signs that I was looking for.

I turned to face the others.

"Are you guys all free after training?" I asked looking around the table.

"No, I have... this... thing," said Chase hesitantly.


I rose my eyebrow at him and watched as his cheeks reddened.

"Same" shouted Zack and Sylvia at the same time.

Try both immediately blushed and looked down at the table. What the hell is going on with them I thought to myself as I took in their awkward appearance.

"What thing?" I asked.

"Its... ugh... well..." rambled Chase.

A smile grew on my face as he continued to make things worse for himself.

"Fine, I'll look for myself" I laughed.

Chase relaxed slightly and let out a small chuckle.

I entered his mind and immediately saw... unicorns (probably an attempt to block me out) and ... Elizabeth?

I asked telepathically through our link.

he replied.

My heart sank. Why wouldn't he think his life is important to me? He's my family.

I said.

Chase, Zack and Max nodded and relaxed into their chairs.

I chimed.

he said quietly.

I could feel his anxious emotions flooding through the link as he waited for my response.

I shouted excitedly.

I watched as they all covered their temples and shot me a glare.

I apologised sheepishly.

they both replied but Zack looked more decided than Chase.

I laughed to myself as their cheeks flared up.

"They have good enough reasons not to come," I said to the others out loud.

They looked at me in confusion and then shook it off when they realised that we had a private conversation.

"Is everyone else coming?" I asked.

They all agreed just as the bell rung loudly around the room. We all got up with a sigh and walked down to training, I promised myself that I wasn't going to get too caught up in my own life again. My friends were really important to me so they deserve to have someone to talk to about their own problems without feeling afraid that I won't listen.

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