
After a long, break less, three hour! training session, we all stumbled hungrily up to the hall to get food, my stomach growling loudly as we sluggishly walked through the corridors.

"That wasn't so bad, was it!" exclaimed Axel cheerfully.

We all glared at him and watched in disbelief as he sprung by the side of us still full of energy.

"What?" he questioned defensively as he took in our sulky faces.

I shook my head at him and sighed as we approached the hall, I took in a deep breath and smiled happily at the smell of all different sorts of foods flowing out of the doors. We pushed them open and sat at our usual table while Axel went to sit with his friends from his own year.

Food was already positioned on the tables ready for us, I immediately grabbed a piece of bread and shoved it in my mouth, mentally thanking the cook's organisation.

"I've never been so happy to see food" sighed Chase, taking a bite out of a chicken strip.

I rolled my eyes and took a big gulp of water.

"I'm sure you say that every time we eat," said Orpheus, taking the words right out of my mouth.

Chase shrugged at the comment and continued to stuff his face with chicken.

"I can't believe that we're still doing the games" complained Shade changing the subject "with the demons building up for an attack, we should be focusing on war training" he continued, setting his cup onto the table.

I was really looking forward to the house games but I do have to admit, Shade has a point. Isn't the fate of the whole school more important than an elemental victory?

"You're starting to sound like Asher" voiced Orpheus.

"Well, Asher has his priorities straight" scoffed Shade.

The table fell into an awkward silence, I continued eating and watched as Orpheus picked up a blood bag. He took a long sip of it and his eyes turned silver making those weird marks appear on his face.

"Since when do you drink blood?" I asked.

It may seem like a stupid question, but because Orpheus was a vampire, dragon rider hybrid he can survive off human food as well as blood, so he usually stays away from the stuff because he tends to lose control.

He blinked a few times, allowing his eyes to return to their normal colour.


"It makes me stronger, so the principal told me to start drinking it to prepare for the war," he said, his fangs still visible.

"But don't you have control issues?" asked Shade rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but I can't exactly harm anyone here. Humans don't enter the school's borders," he replied clearly annoyed.

I finished eating and looked over to Shade who had returned to his usual, blocked off self.

I recently discovered that if I focused hard enough I could feel Shades basic emotions, not as strong as the bond between Obsidian and I but it was still there, I know its weird but I can only do it with him. It must be another side effect of the prophecy.

I began to read him through the connection and had to bite onto my cheek to stop myself from gasping. He was in pain, it was an emotional pain but it was so strong, just tapping into our little connection had me wanting to burst out in tears and this was only a hint of what he was going through. How can he look so calm? So normal? He must have been hiding his emotions his whole life to be this good.

I quickly exited his mind and sighed as relief flooded through me in a wave of calmness as all the pain and worry diffused out of me. I stood up from the table and looked down at everyone's confused faces.

"I'm gonna go and see if Kai needs some help sorting out the dragons" I lied convincingly.

I pushed my chair under the table and walked up to Shade casually.

"Come with me?" I asked sternly.

He instantly got to his feet realising that he didn't have a choice. I smiled at Chase and Orpheus and gave a little wave before swiftly leaving the room, Shade following behind me.

"Whats wrong?" he questioned as soon as we left the hall and walked down the school corridors.

"We need to tell somebody about your demon side," I said seriously.

His stopped In his tracks and turned to face me, his eyes hardened and he cleared his throat, straightening his posture.


"Firstly, by telling somebody we could actually make sense of it, maybe even understand it" I began, walking towards him gravely.

"Actual-" he started.

"Secondly!" I shouted backing him into the wall "what happens if the school comes up with a weapon to kill ALL demon-blooded creatures? Did you think about that?"


He hung his head and looked at the floor in thought.

"Shade, I know your hurting..." I said more softly.

"How could you know that?" he questioned, bringing his fiery eyes up to meet mine"No seriously, tell me. How could you possibly know how I feel" he shouted taking angry steps towards me.

I backed up and hit my back on the other wall of the corridor.

"The connection!" I screamed without thinking.

"What?" he questioned.

I brought my eyes up to meet his to see that they had softened. I let out a sigh and straightened myself out.

"I can use it to feel your emotions," I said quietly.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again, we continued to stare at each other before he finally spoke.

"You feel that too?" he whispered.

I nodded slowly, only now realising how close to each other we were. He silently continued to look into my eyes as if he was searching for answers, I stood frozen at our close proximity, taking in his unusual scent, he smelt of pine, with.. a faint hint of...peppermint?

"You're nervous?" he asked, searching my face.

I shook my head in disagreement but felt my heart pounding against my rib cage, I tried my best to calm it down, praying that he didn't hear it. He moved a strand of hair from my face slowly and backed up hesitantly never taking his eyes from mine.

"Fine, we will tell the principle" he concluded, breaking our eye contact.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding and gave him a faint smile.

"Ugh... l-lets go" I stuttered.

I began walking down the hallway towards principle Stonehearts office.

I hated how much power Shade had over me, it's strange, I've never felt that way around anyone. It's hard to describe but when I look into his eyes, the whole world stops, it's just us, frozen in time. He makes me feel nervous but at the same time, he makes everything seem like its going to be ok. I know that sounds cheesy but it's how I feel and to be honest, I don't think that I could change it if I tried.

I came out of my thoughts and approached the door to his office. I knocked on it three times before entering.

"Mr Stoneheart?" I called, walking into the dark room.

"Stop" shouted Shade, grabbing my arm.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him with a questioning look on my face.

"I can smell blood" he whispered.

I took in the disgusting metallic smell and pulled out my dagger, advancing into the room slowly. I nodded to Shade and he flicked on the light, illuminating the room.

My blood turned to a frozen slush in my veins as I took in the horrific scene before me.

Principle Stoneheart was slumped backwards over his chair with a large silver blade protruding from his chest. I dropped my arms to my sides and gasped, looking over the blood that was pooled below him and splattered all over the walls.

I hesitantly walked towards his lifeless corpse, noticing that there was a note attached to the blade. I broke it off the handle and read it aloud.

As soon as I had finished reading it, the note went up in flames sending a cloud of ash to coat the bloodstained floor.

'torturous death' I looked over to principle Stonehearts dead body to see that his eyes were pure black which meant that he was hexed to endure as much pain that his body could physically cope with before death. I watched silently as Shade walked over to him and closed his eyes.

"Nunc libera animam tuam" he mumbled softly, bowing his head

(Your soul is now free)

I stared at the floor and thought over the note. 'Your father' The words hit me like a tonne of bricks, Sebastian is my father?

Tears filled my eyes blurring my vision, I looked up at Shade as one escaped and rolled swiftly down my cheek. His mouth was moving but I couldn't hear him, the note's message still stabbed through my mind.

Sebastian is my father.

It was all too much, I know I said I wouldn't be seen as weak, but this was different. I closed my eyes and sobbed quietly, I felt a pair of comforting arms wrap around me but I stayed still, I couldn't move to return the embrace, all I could do was cry into his chest and take in his calming scent to mask the blood.

Shade is wrong, he isn't the monster, I am.

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