
I lay awake that night thinking of Shade. I had seen a different part of him that I would never have imagined existed a few weeks ago, I regretted not trying harder with him from the start but a part of me still wanted to know why acted so hatefully towards me when we first met. Was it something that I did?

I shrugged off my thoughts and sat up, taking the prophecy book out of my draw. I skimmed through its pages back to the prophecy about me and Shade and read over the words again.

I had no idea what this meant, it could reference Sebastian in some way but why? he has nothing to do with me and Shade over than the fact we have to destroy him.

I read over the same sentence a few times, this must apply to Shade since he has demon blood but who else? he said that his parents abandoned him when he was young but even so, I think he'd know if his father was a demon. I shook my head and let out a frustrated groan before continuing.

My suspicions about this were confirmed as soon as I saw Shade's wings, they were pure white, and he had a black wolf form so it does make sense but I assume there is a much stronger meaning to it, after all, just because he is part demon it doesn't mean that he is evil.

Again, my wolf form was white and my wings black. Besides I was basically consumed with darkness when I learned to control my wings, I think that this scared me the most. Did I really have darkness inside me? sure, I know everyone does but to have a prophecy written about it, it must be important.

I continued to read the rest of the prophecy but it made little sense to me. I closed the book and threw it back into the draw. Why doesn't anything about my life make sense? I swear I'd give anything just to be normal again.


I allowed myself to fall back into laying position and after a couple of frustrated twists and turns, I finally drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


When I awoke the next morning, I immediately sprinted onto the bathroom. I grabbed the sides of the sink and looked into the mirror to see that my green hair had returned back to its original colour. I smiled happily and washed my face with cold water.

The regional games are in two days so all normal classes have been cancelled to train for them, even the elite team training is on hold since Asher is helping to train some of the events.

I ran back into the room and changed into my combat uniform.

"Aurora what are you doing up so early?" groaned Sylvia.

I popped my head around the curtain and smiled warmly at her groggy appearance.

"I'm part of the dragon team, remember?" I laughed watching her rub her eyes.

"Right, have fun" she yawned turning back over.

I laughed quietly to myself and pulled on my jacket before heading downstairs. I could hear a distant mumble of hushed voices as I walked down the spiral staircase, I turned the corner to see Orpheus, Shade and Chase waiting for me. Verity had decided not to join the team for some reason, I think she said something about not wanting to die but I don't know what she's worried about you don't stay dead, the protective barriers prevent fatal injury.

"Hey" they chorused.

I gave them a small wave and quickly caught the sandwich that Chase threw at me just before it hit me In the face.

"Thanks?" I said sarcastically.

"Sorry" he laughed.

I gave him a smile and headed out of the door with them following close behind.


We walked down to the training grounds to see Axel standing in the middle holding a bunch of flags. When we approached him, I saw that he had a really serious expression on his face, I held back a laugh remembering how defensive he got when telling us that our region hadn't won the team in two years.

"Is everyone here? Good" he asked without waiting for a reply.

I looked at Chase who was grinning knowingly at me.

"Listen up, we CAN NOT lose again, the Fire region has won twice in a row so if they win again we will lose our dignity, ok?" he began competitively.

"I only expect the best from you guys, besides, the dragon teams offer the most points for your region so, fly fearlessly and bring home that trophy so we can rub it in Felix's... I mean, the Fire regions smug faces" he exclaimed raising his voice.

A couple of people cheered and began calling their dragons.

"And have fun?" I laughed, drawing Axel's attention.

His eyes widened and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes! that too" he shouted half-heartedly.

I laughed at his behaviour and called Obsidian using my mind, I couldn't really explain it, but somehow it works, he always finds me.

Axel quickly organised us into two teams, and our team positions which included:

I was a chaser along with Chase, since his name apparently meant that he was born for the position, along with a few other people that I didn't really know, while Orpheus and Shade were both defenders.

A booming roar sounded above us and I looked up to see our dragons circling us.

"Call your dragons down in an orderly fashion" instructed Axel stepping away from us all slightly.

Remembering the new trick I taught him, Obsidian dropped down and flew full speed towards me, skimming over the grass. Axels face drained of its colour and he jumped back out of the way letting out a high pitched shriek. I laughed quietly and grabbed onto Obsidian as he flew past, he did a sharp turn and flew back past Axel with me still holding onto the side of him. I gave Axel a mock salute and swung myself onto Obsidians back.

I flew up towards the top of the field where the other dragons were flying around and waited for everyone to get on their dragons.

Axel flew up on Nacendra and flew a lap around us all, he flew past me tapped his hand on chest dramatically while shaking his head to represent me giving him a heart attack.

He stopped in front of us and Nacendra let out a roar that echoed around the field.

"Everyone into position" he ordered.

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