
The day of the regional games had finally arrived.

Excitement and anticipation radiated off on looking students, as we marched down the hallway in our silver, house uniforms forming an impressive v shape behind Axel. I took in a deep breath and listened to the eager buzz of various cheers and chants of support as we made our way down the field.

We stopped at the edge of the field and watched as the Water region and the Fire region lined up ready to begin the games.

"Nervous?" asked Chase, over the ear-splitting echo of the bell that signalled to start of the game.

"Not yet" I smiled.

I looked back to the game to see somebody spiralling towards the ground with an arrow sticking out of their chest. I gulped hard and looked back at Chase.

"Well I am," he said in astonishment, these games are intense.

I nodded my head and continued to watch the game alongside Chase until cheers erupted from the crowds singling the victory of the Fire region, we clapped out of respect and watched their gleeful faces as they left the field.

After a couple of minutes of people being carried away to heal on stretchers and the handing out of flags, the next game began, Air and Earth. Lucky for us, we didn't have to compete in this round since it would be unfair on us and our dragons to do two continuous games, so half of our original team lead the game. We watched closely as our team battled the Earth region fiercely, making the whole game swift and simple, so we beat Earth in a record time and minimum injuries so we were set to compete against House Fire to decide the overall champion.

I turned to look at Chase who seemed to look slightly calmer now that our team had won, but he still watched anxiously as the team began to filter out of the field so it could be prepped for the next game. Our game.


"Come on, you two need to eat something," Axel said while approaching us quickly.

He didn't bother waiting for our response before dragging us off to sit at a table. I saw that Shade was already there and took a seat opposite him.

"What's after the dragon teams?" asked Chase as he slumped down beside me.

"General combat" answered Shade.

Chase nodded his head before basically inhaling a sandwich. I sighed quietly and took a small sip of my water to calm my developing nerves.

"Where the hell is Orpheus anyway?" I asked noticing his absence.

Shade and Chase looked around and gave a small shrug.

"That little shit better show up!" shouted Axel from across the table.

I swear, that boy has super hearing when he wants too.

"He will," I laughed confidently, but Shade looked unsure.

We talked strategy with Axel and the other teammates until the bell rung out, singling the winning team to get ready.

"Who won?" asked Jackson, who was one our teammates and had also arrived late.

"Us!" replied Axel with a competitive look on his face. "Ok... remember guys, this is our year!" he shouted, hitting his hand to his heart in two quick beats.

We copied his gesture and gave a small cheer to make him happy.

"Everyone get into formation!" he said eagerly.

We jogged back into our v shape and walked strongly into the field with our heads held high. I may have looked calm from the outside but butterflies swarmed my stomach, making in churn uncontrollably with nerves, resting an uncomfortable feeling in my gut, I pushed my nerves aside the best that I could and focused my attention on Obsidian.

shouted boomed the magnified voice of Mr Albern.

Axel, and Felix, the Fire regions captain, joined their right hands in front of them, but each held a flag in their left. Fire erupted from their joined hands and was blown around in a circle by the wind that Axel generated, they broke contact and bowed to each other before stepping back towards their teams.


I shifted my weight around on my feet while I waited for what seemed like an eternity for the starting bell to finally echo throughout the field. As if on cue, the dragons thunderous roars were heard from above us, making us all glance up in anticipation.

Our team's dragons each swooped down gracefully in turn, allowing us to grab ahold of them as they flew past to make a dramatic exit. Memories of Axel shouting at me to teach them that particular trick flashed through my mind making me smile and momentarily forget my nerves but before I knew what was happening I was whisked away by Obsidian, ascending into the air at a tremendous speed.

I pulled myself fully onto his back and frantically scanned the field for the flag holders. House Fire, who were now on their dragons, had their defenders form a protective circle around their Guardians making it almost impossible to access the flags... almost.

I signalled over to Chase and pointed at the exposed space above the opposing team, he caught on to what I was planning and flew with me, shooting arrows at the other teams' Assailants. Chase and I swooped down swiftly through the gap and crashed into the guardians.

Dragon fire blazed everywhere, making it hard for us to avoid being scorched. A couple of people screamed in pain and plummeted to the ground along with their dragons, only to stop before they hit the floor and thump down gently. Obsidian continued to battle the opposing dragon while I was thinking up a plan.

"Come on, come on, come on, think!" I mumbled to myself, narrowly dodging an approaching arrow.

I had finally formulated a plan when two Assailants closed in on me, I drew my own bow and shot arrows as quickly as I could but they were blocked easily. I cursed under my breath and braced myself for the pain... but It never struck.

I looked back at the Assailant to see Orpheus in his place with a big grin on his face.

"Finally decided to show your face?" I questioned returning the smile.

I wasted no more time and shot up into the air.

Adrenaline surged powerfully through my veins making me feel invincible as I swiftly grabbed a flag off a Guardian. I smiled widely and dropped back down hurriedly towards our own Guardians to pass the flag when a burning pain pounded through my shoulder with enough force to send me tumbling over the side of Obsidian.

I screamed out in pain as various shapes and colours swirled past me, I can still do this I thought with determination, if I were to land on the ground holding the flag then it would be given to my team.

I pushed aside the overwhelming sense of terror that I was literally plummeting to my death and forced my body to swivel around, ignoring the excruciating pain that surged through my shoulder. I stretched my hand out in front of me so that I was falling head first, and reached out for the flag.

Everything slowed down around me as I strained under the pressure, death was no longer my concern. I wasn't going to stay dead, the protection borders wouldn't allow it, so technically, I didn't have anything to worry about.

With that slightly comforting thought in my mind, I closed my fingers around the flag and sighed with relief. I closed my eyes tightly as I continued to fall and waited for the impact.

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