《Angel Academy》CHAPTER TWO


Aurora's POV:

I walked through the door to see my father sitting at the table with a serious expression on his face.

"Come sit," he said gesturing the chair opposite him.

I swiftly approached the table and sat down silently.

"As you are aware you are a hybrid of more than just a werewolf and an angel" he began slowly.

I nodded my head in response.

"Now that you're going to Angel academy you need to know what you are..."

He hesitated for a moment and sighed,

"You are a Mythica," he said cautiously as if it was some huge revelation.

I looked over at him and tilted my head in confusion, my mind racing for any recognition of the word. What the hell is a Mythica, I've read almost every species and ancient race book in the library and never heard of such a thing. How the hell does he know this?

I rubbed my hand down my face and shook my head looking him in the eye.

"I have never heard of this kind, what... what am I" I questioned resting my face in my hands.

"I'm sorry I have kept all mention of it away from you... It's an ancient race, the original beings of the supernatural word and they have been gone for thousands of years... until you came along"

I absorbed the information carefully.

"From birth, we knew you were different and always had suspicions but it was only when you awoke your angel side that we knew what you really were" he continued.

"Wait... us?" I asked.

"Your... your mother and I," he said looking down at the table.

"Who else knows?" I questioned.

"Nobody, but the Academy will help you understand who you really are," he said sincerely.


"How the hell would they know who I am if 'my kind' has been gone for thousands of years?" I asked starting to get angry.

I better get some real answers or I swear I'm gonna blow. I've always been told to hide my true self now suddenly there are people who can help me embrace who I truly am? Bullshit.

I crossed my arms impatiently and beckoned him to continue.

"The founders of the school were mostly angels, as you could probably guess by the name but what most people don't know, is that two people of the species Mythica created the school alongside the Archangels in a hope that all species would come together and fight against a common evil." He said, looking into my eyes calculatingly.

"The demons" I interrupted.

"Exactly, demons have hunted Mythicas since the start of time because they are the only beings capable of destroying Sebastian, they were hunted and killed so much that the race was almost wiped out, so after they created the school they gathered the remaining Mythicas and sealed away Sebastian, but he was a cunning man, he knew that they would come for him and got help from a witch to make sure that they got sealed away with him, Sebastian's absence and the rise of the angels kept the demons at bay for a while but they have been rising up to release their master to wreak havoc on the world and get revenge on the Archangels"

"Why would Sebastian want revenge on the Archangels," I asked massaging my temples.

"Because Sebastian is a fallen angel, he was rejected by angel kind for killing another angel in a lovesick quarrel for a woman called Athena"

"So you're telling me that Sebastian wants to destroy the world because he was rejected" I exclaimed.


"Pretty much, he was a lovesick fool whose mind was slowly corrupted by evil. " He finished.

"Okay," I sighed deeply "so what this all got to do with me?"

He looked at me again before retrieving an old book.

"There is a prophecy, that one day another Mythica would be born and rise up do defeat Sebastian once and for all," he said giving me the book.

"And you think that's me?" I laughed looking down at the old book.

"Please... just take it with you," he said.

"Okay, fine," I said in defeat.

"So, what is a Mythica," I asked eagerly, allowing my curiosity to get the better of me.

"A Mythica has a part of most or every supernatural creature inside them" he began.

"So what, I'm some sort of super hybrid freak?" I questioned wondering why the fuck I was only hearing about this now.

He sighed at my mood change and continued,

"You obviously are part werewolf and angel but as you know, you also are part vampire and witch along with other things that you have yet to discover."

"When the hell did I discover I was a vampire?!" That was it, he was officially crazy.

"The day that you lost control. You grew fangs and tried to rip Vicky's head off, and it's how you were able to make the pack forget about the whole thing, vampires have a small mind control capability" he stated.

"So my witch side is where my elemental powers come from?" I asked twirling a tornado at the tip of my finger.


"And why am I only hearing about this now?" I asked thinking my brain was going to explode.

"I didn't think you were ready, but now that you have to go to the academy I knew that I had to tell you, it would have come out one way or the other" he explained

I sat in silence thinking over everything he said.

"Okay, I'm glad you told me," I said deciding to let it go for a while, after all, this was the last time I would be seeing him for a while.

"I'm not hiding this from my friends... I can't lie to them again" I said looking down.

"If that's what you want," he said hesitantly "it's better coming from you I suppose, I'm sure the whole school will know sooner or later"

"Here is your list," he said ending the conversation, handing me a small piece of paper "gather your things, we leave at 6:30 am"

I accepted the paper and ran to my room clutching the old book he gave me tightly. Once I was inside I gathered some simple clothes and shoes, a hairbrush and other necessary things, packing them into a rucksack. We didn't need to take much as the school provides us with our uniforms to suit different activity's. I packed my favourite dagger and the old book into the rucksack before changing my clothes into my sleepwear. I slid into bed and thought over everything he just told me.

Everything was going to change.


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