《Angel Academy》CHAPTER ONE


Aurora was never like the other girls in her pack, she didn't care for pretty things or make up all she wanted was to be free, free to be who she really is. It wasn't that she thought makeup or the people who love and use it are bad, she had just never developed an interest in such things, she didn't exactly fit in. You see, she is not like the rest of her pack, she is different. It is because of this that her true powers must stay hidden from the world because she would be seen as the ultimate weapon. For good, or for evil.

In her small village, she lived alone with her father because he didn't want her to live in the Pack house with the others. She didn't know much about her mother as she had died in an accident when she was young and her father doesn't like to talk about it. The only friends that she has are the people that her father trusts. The pack misfits. She didn't mind though they are her escape.


"Hey, dad?" She asked looking over at her father.

He rubbed a hand through his dark brown hair and sighed.

"You know that you have to train later, right?" He questioned looking at her sternly, already knowing what She was about to ask.

"I know but it will only be for an hour or two" she pleaded. "please?"

"Fine but make sure that you're not late for training" he concluded, shaking his head.

"You can use the pack link if you need me" she sang edging her way to the door.

"Fine," he said throwing his hands in the air "but you know the rules"

"No powers" she replied mock saluting him.

The last time she used her powers in public was when she was 10 years old. Vicky, the pack bully tripped her in training and mocked her for being weak and defenceless, the runt of the pack.

Boy was she wrong.

Instead of morphing into wolf form, Aurora grew ebony black wings and propelled Vicky across the field using her wind element. She had lost control. She didn't kill her but Vicky was left with a scar across her left cheek, reminding her of her lack of control. Aurora's father and Alpha Scott allowed her to use her powers one more time, to make the whole pack forget, only knowing her as a hybrid, a werewolf with a dormant angel side hence her newly turned purple eyes. After that day she was told to never show her true powers to anyone, why? Well, that was exactly what she wanted to find out.


She belted out of the door and ran through the trees. Taking in the scent of pine and earth as she ran, her eyes were spectacular even in this form, she could see everything clearly, from the detail in the tree bark to the dewdrops coating the blades of grass. She knew that it was unusual for her eyes to be this way in her human form but then again nothing about her was normal.


Although her parents both had rather dark hair. Her hair was an enchanting white and has been that way since birth, she also had ocean blue eyes infused with a deep purple which darkened depending on her mood. Sometimes she wondered if they were even her real parents.

called Chase through the separate group link they accidentally created when they were younger.

sang Zack dramatically.

she replied sending an image of her location through the link.

finished Max.

She burst through the trees into the open glade where they always meet.

"So, he finally let you out again," said Chase as he got to his feet.

She walked over to them and was engulfed in a group hug.

"He really needs to stop being so overprotective," said Max.

She nodded in response. She took in their faces and smiled, it had been too long since she had last seen them all. Her father used to complain about her hanging out with boys all of the time but he got used to it. She prefers it this way and wouldn't be caught dead wandering the woods with Vicky and her parade of followers who spent their time clinging to the top pack members in some sort of attempt to 'fit in' with Vicky, or impress her in order to gain popularity.

Aurora didn't judge the girls for this, at the end of the day it was their decision, but she wished that they would see that they didn't have to act differently to hang out with Vicky. After all, happiness is much more important than popularity, and Aurora was happy, she had her best friends by her side.

"What are you smiling about?" asked Zack snapping her out of her stare.

She shrugged her shoulders before moving to settle down on a nearby rock.

"So what's the deal with this school everyone is talking about?" She asked seriously.

"Our pack and a few others have been chosen to send its 16-year-olds, aka us, to learn combat and other stuff there" Max replied flopping down next to her.

"All of us" she questioned positioning her feet onto Max's lap.

"Yep" confirmed Zack popping the p.

"I thought it was a school for angels?" Chase asked with a sigh.

"What? Because it's called 'Angel academy'" She mocked chuckling.

He stuck his tongue out at her childishly, before he took a seat on the ground near them.

"No that's just its name. It's filled with loads of different supernatural creatures... even vamps" she said watching Chase as he shuddered.

"You watch too many movies," she said poking Chase in the side.

"Do you think they sparkle in the sun?" he asked getting distracted.

They all burst out laughing.

"Yeah sure, I bet they think that we worship the full moon and run around on our hinds like creepy hairy people as well," she said clutching her sides.


"Idiot" laughed Zack ruffling his hair.

"Coming from you" replied Chase with a grin.

"You're all idiots" She added wiping her eyes.

"Hey?! I haven't done anything" said Max, faking hurt.

They all laughed and talked about the academy and other random things getting regular movie references from Chase which just made them fall into a fit of laughter for the remaining time that they had to themselves. Her friends never saw her as different, they accepted her for who she was. She was one of them.

bellowed Alpha Scott's voice through the main pack link.

Aurora got to her feet and sighed.

"Duty calls," she said as they got to their feet.

"Race you there?" Asked Zack a mischievous grin forming on his face.

"You're on" they all replied at once.

She sprinted forward and ran through the glade towards the training ground, she stayed at Chase's heels letting him believe he was winning before running past him in a burst of speed. She heard a thud behind her to see that they had shifted into their wolf forms. Chase ran right next to her and gave her a wolfish grin before edging forward.

'No way' she thought as she passed the tree line.

She leapt over a log and landed in her wolf form. She looked back at Chase and returned the grin. She sprung forwards extending her paws and overtook Chase easily and continued racing forward.

Once they reached the grounds she skidded to a stop to wait for them to catch up.

she said happily,

said Zack laying in front of her panting.

cried Chase through the link.

she laughed, knocking him off his feet.

They changed back into human form, their clothes reappearing.

"I'll never understand how that works," Zack said aloud, pushing his black hair from his face.

"Yeah" they all murmured in agreement.

They emerged from the trees and stepped onto the training grounds to see their packs Alpha standing in the middle.

"Steph will be taking training today, I have to sort out the school arrangements," he said loudly so everyone could hear him before running back into the trees in an urgent manner.

Steph bellowed through the pack link, aiming it mostly at Scarlett and her followers.

They slinked over in tow with Scarlett, following her lead as she slumped up against a nearby tree and rolled her eyes.

"Start by doing 20 laps" called Steph.

Most of the girls sighed and fell back jogging slowly but Aurora ran straight to the front and led running at her comfortable pace. She had always enjoyed running it helped to clear her head.

Chase, Max, and Zack caught up and ran by her side silently. One more lap to go. She pushed herself a little faster and finished her last lap.

wheezed Zack

Aurora laughed aloud and steadied her breathing as the others slowly finished their laps.

"Okay, good job" called Steph walking over to where we all stood.

"Now, split into twos" he called. "We're gonna do some combat"

She looked at her three friends and sighed.

"Who wants to get their ass kicked" she mocked.

"In your dreams" exclaimed Zack jogging forward eager to prove her wrong.

Aurora and Zack stood a few feet apart and waited for everyone else to find their pairs.

"You will fight in your wolf forms" began Steph "you must make your partner submit to you in order to win"

She watched carefully as Zack cracked his knuckles and danced on the spot before changing into his wolf form. She began transitioning painlessly, watching as her hands turned to paws.

said Zack taking in her pure, snowy white fur and striking blue eyes.

She replied looking at his grey fur.

said Chase.

Asked Max.

he sighed.

she said shaking her head giving them a wolfish grin.

replied Chase passionately.

"Get ready" came Seph's voice snapping their attention back to what they were meant to be doing.

"Go!" he called.

Aurora and Zack circled each other, both testing for weaknesses. She locked her blue eyes with his golden ones and growled lowly asking for submission. He returned to growl and lunged for her left shoulder. She leapt out of the way and jumped on top of him pinning him down with her weight. She nipped his leg and buried her teeth into his neck, holding him down. She watched as he squirmed around before releasing him and locking her eyes with his. She let out a loud rumbling growl and stood up tall above him. In response, he flattened his ears, broke eye contact and bowed his head. Happy with her quick victory she lifted her head high and looked around.

"Well done everyone" shouted Steph. "Change back"

Aurora quickly changed back and sat cross-legged on the floor. Zack quickly ran over to her and licked her across the face before changing back to human.

'Seriously?! What a moron' she thought, wiping the dog slobber off her face.

"That's for cutting my leg," he said childishly before he held out his hand to help her up with a smirk on his face.

She took it and got to her feet shaking her head. They joined Max and Chase and faced Steph.

said the Alpha seriously through the pack link.

They all looked at each other worriedly.

"You heard him, go" shouted Steph as he walked back towards the pack house.

She looked at her friends and pulled them into a hug.

"See you tomorrow," she said smiling reassuringly.

She jumped back into her white wolf and ran into the trees heading home.

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