《Angel Academy》CHAPTER THREE


The next morning I woke to the smell of breakfast cooking. I stretched my aching limbs, got up reluctantly and roamed into the bathroom to take a shower.

The scalding hot water streamed down on me as I picked up my coconut shampoo and scrubbed my drenched hair, I have always loved taking showers, I'm not one of those people who sing their hearts out but I do find them extremely relaxing.

I squeezed my drenched hair and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel, I threw on some underwear and made my way over to my wardrobe picking out a pair of my well worn black combat leggings, a crimson red t-shirt and my black leather jacket. I put them on quickly and ran my brush through my hair, braiding it back out of my face. I didn't bother with makeup and followed the smell of breakfast down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Morning" sang my father as I walked through the door.

I paused for a moment and burst out laughing upon seeing my dad attempt to flip pancakes dressed in my old pink sparkly apron from when I was a child.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled clutching my sides.

"Being a master chef," he replied as the pancake flew out of the pan and landed on the stove making it go up in flames.

"And failing," I said grabbing the fire extinguisher.

I put the fire out and turned to face my dad.

"This is why you do the bacon and I do the pancakes," I said handing him the extinguisher.

"Well at least I did the bacon right," he said handing me a plate of bacon and eggs.

"Thanks" I replied sitting down.

We wolfed down our breakfast quickly.

"We better leave soon," he said looking up at the clock.

6:20 am

I washed off my plate and ran upstairs to grab my bag, slinging it over my shoulders I ran back downstairs and pulled on my black combat boots.

"Let's go," I said as I ran through the door eagerly.

We walked through the forest in silence.

I called through the pack link.

said Max.

Asked Zack.

agreed both me and Max.

I asked noticing his absence.

I screamed.

said Chase unconvincingly.

I mentally shook my head at him. We emerged through the trees and continued along the open area of the pack house square, in the middle of the open glade, there were people gathered around a stage with a large round table in its centre.

I saw Max standing with Zack where they said that they would be and turned to say goodbye to my father.

"Go with your friends," he said. "I'll go stand by the other parents.

I hugged him tightly and smiled.

"Don't burn the house down when I'm gone" I laughed pulling away.

"See you soon and good luck" he laughed letting go of my hand.

I smiled at him one more time before running over to the others.

"Hey" I sang.

"Hey" they murmured back.

"Where the hell is Chase?" I questioned looking around.

"Late as usual" sighed Zack.

After a few minutes of waiting, we turned around to the sound of rustling to see Chase jump through the bushes with his bag slumped over one shoulder.


"Look who decided to join us," said Max raising his eyebrows.

He walked over to us and yawned, running his fingers through his unbrushed mousy brown hair.

He literally looked like he just woke up, and knowing Chase, he probably did.

"What?" He asked looking at our amused faces "I think this new morning look is hot"

"Whatever you say," said Zack rolling his eyes.

"Now that you're all here, there's something I need to tell you," I said looking at all of their faces in turn.


I quickly caught them up and they looked down at me their mouths forming an O shape.

"We knew you were different but holy shit Aurora," said Max shaking his head in disbelief.

"Your like some kind of superhero!" Shouted Chase excitedly earning himself a whack across the head by Zack.

"Can we not make a big deal out of this please, I don't really want everyone to know" I pleaded.

"Sure but we will help you figure everything out," said Max

"Thanks," I said giving them all a small group hug.

"Attention everyone" called Alpha Scott.

We turned to face the stage to see five people in hooded cloaks walking up to the table in the middle.

"You are all werewolves as I'm sure your aware" he called with a smile on his face. "But what you are not aware of is that some of you will have some extra gifts"

Mumbles broke out from the crowd and Chase nudged me and winked making me roll my eyes.

"Some of you could be hybrids and have a dormant side, which could potentially be awoken with some training, vampire being the most common among werewolves." he continued silencing the crowd,

"you will each come up and touch this stone which will glow a certain colour if you possess a certain gift" he explained.

We organized ourselves into a line and waited nervously. The first couple of people went up and the stone only glowed green, which meant that they were only a werewolf but when Cole touched it, it first went green and then turned red.

"Vampire hybrid" shouted one of the hooded people.

A couple more people filtered away.

"Witch hybrid"

"Another vampire hybrid"

It was Max's turn. He walked up to the stand and placed his hand on the stones smooth surface. It first gave off a dark green glow and then blazed with a light blue colour.

"Hunter hybrid" called the hooded figure.

He walked off to join the others who were standing by the group of four hooded figures.

Zack walked up to the table and held the stone in his hand. It turned green before glowing a brilliant purple.

"Angel hybrid!"

I looked over to Chase who was twirling his thumbs nervously.

"Guess that explains his golden eyes" I whispered knowing that angels have unusual eye colours.

He looked back at me and nodded. I patted him on the back and mouthed you'll be fine before he jogged up to the stone.

He picked it up in his right hand and held it out, at first nothing happened but then it let off a bright golden colour.

"That's an unusual one, Dragon rider hybrid!"

A big grin settled on his face and he marched off the stage happily. My turn.


I walked cautiously over to the stone and cupped it in my hands, it let off a faint green glow before turning gold.

"Dragon ri..."

Everyone gasped as the stone began to flash different colours quickly before letting off a bright white light.

Murmurs were heard around the crowd,

"Not possible..."

"What is she"

I looked over to the hooded figure who smiled warmly.

"So its true" he whispered to himself.

"Here we have a Mythica!" he shouted.

Everyone gasped and talked amongst themselves, I sighed heavily and looked at everyone's shocked faces, so much for keeping my abilities quiet.

I walked off stage quickly to join Chase and the others, they gave me worried glances but I shrugged them off. We continued to watch as everyone else took their turn and joined us.

"We will be leaving shortly, prepare yourselves as we travel by dragon," said the man who shouted out our forms.

He stared up at the sky in concentration and then turned back to face us, removing his hood to reveal dark brown hair that hung down to his shoulders. The others also pulled down their hoods to reveal they were all guys and all only looked one or two years older than us.

"My name is Jack," he said "I am a third-year student at Angel Academy, these are all second years and dragon riders he said gesturing to the other guys.

"This is Shane, Axel, Felix, and Dexter," he said pointing from left to right.

They all bowed their heads when their names were called. We smiled in nervously response and waited patiently.

A ground shaking roar sounded above us.

We all looked up to see five dragons circling the air, they all flew down swiftly and landed, in turn behind their rider.

"Three students will ride on one dragon accompanied by its rider," said Jack.

said Zack through the link.

said Chase sending excited vibes through the link.

We all rolled our eyes and got into groups of two and joined with one other pack member to make it fair.

"Hey hybrid," said Hunter as he walked over to me and Chase.

"She's more of a super hybrid actually" growled Chase stepping in front of me.

I don't know what it was about Hunter but Chase had always seemed to really hate him, which was really unusual since Chase wasn't the type to hate anyone.

"Whatever" replied Hunter "same difference"

I shook my head and stepped around Chase.

"I guess what you mean by that is can I travel with you?" I sighed folding my arms.

He shrugged his shoulders and smirked.

"Only if I can sit behind you," he said stepping closer a smirk clearly present on his face.

"You're not touching her" growled Chase pushing him back.

I said in his mind pulling him back.

He calmed down slightly and stood behind me sending Hunter warning glares.

Axel walked over to us and led us over to his dragon, it was had mainly black, shiny scales with silver coating the tips of its spikes.

It let out a low, rumbling purr and lowered its head towards Axel. He placed his hand on her head and sighed.

"This is Nacendra," he said pushing his pitch black hair out of his emerald green eyes "who's getting on her first?"

Chase pushed me forward gently. I walked towards the dragon and took Axel's outstretched hand.

"Aurora isn't it? The Mythica?"

"Yes," I said running my hand over Nacendra's nose.

"She likes you" he laughed "that a first," he said as she continued to purr deeply making the ground shake.

He boosted me quickly up onto her back, and I held on and settled down, trying to contain my excitement. I couldn't believe it, I was going to fly!

I felt Chase awkwardly scramble up behind me.

"This is so cool," he said excitedly looking around at the other dragons.

Once Hunter was on behind Chase, Axel vaulted up in front of me.

"Everyone hold on to each other tightly" he called over his shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around Axel's torso and felt Chase wrap his arms around mine.

"Your gonna have to hold on asshole" shouted Chase to Hunter who was being stubborn and refused to hold Chase.

He reluctantly held lightly onto Chase and sighed. I could fell Axel chuckling in front of me as he shook his head at the two boys behaviour.

"Ready?" He asked.

Without waiting for a reply, Nacendra bounded forwards and leapt into the air, her wings creating the power of a hurricane. Within seconds we were high in the air.

We saw the other dragons with the rest of our pack up ahead, Nacendra flapped her wings powerfully and easily caught up to Jack's dragon who was flying in front.

I said to Chase as we sped through a cloud.

he said shaking his head.

I felt him laugh lightly behind me.

I sang sarcastically.

I moved my hair to one side and he rested his head on my shoulder and sighed.

he said triumphantly.

I rolled my eyes and looked around, everything looked so small from up here, we passed a human town and a couple of onlookers gazed in awe at the incredible creatures.

The humans only knew about dragon riders because they were able to see them as their protectors, because of this, the academy had to put protective barriers around its perimeter to stop them entering so that they couldn't find out that creatures like werewolves and vampires roamed the earth, as that would cause all kinds of problems and most certainly result in war.

But even then only a select few humans knew about us, we lived in two completely different worlds, ours was filled with magic and old traditions, and theirs was filled with technology. The was a great barrier separating us from the human world that they like to call Earth, the only way into our world is through rare portals that lay in unhabitual, dangerous lands with the intention of staying hidden. Only a few had ever crossed it, and those who did now lived in our world, coexisting with us... but only learning about our worlds true secrets if they were truly special.

Nacendra dipped through a cloud playfully soaking us in the process. I snapped out of my thoughts and we all laughed, allowing joyful emotions to flood through the new the fading pack link.

Everyone was happy.


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