《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 11: Sinful husband, Vengeful Wife


After Tian Huo returned to the inner room, he saw that Feiyun had just bathed, she was dressed loosely in white silk robe, in front of the mirror with An behind her.

Tian Huo wave a hand and motioned to An. She bowed and silently left, closing the door behind her.

Tian Huo picked up the towel and stood behind feiyun. Her long black lustrous hair was slightly damp and reached down to the floor. Tian Huo slid his fingers through a bunch and pressed the towel against it, slowly drying Feiyun's hair.

The moment was silent between the two, feiyun's phoenix eyes were closed, while Tian Huo's eyes were on the mirror looking straight at feiyun's reflection.

"Are you not wary of me?" Feiyun asked softly, from the start this man had accepted her, not a single question about her behavior or history. Judging by how cold and distant he is to others, Feiyun could not help but wonder why he was so accepting to her.

Tian Huo's hands did not stop, he watched as her phoenix eyes fluttered open, looking back at him through the mirror waiting for his response.

"Why? " Tian Huo's question was neither cold not fierce.

Feiyun lifted one of her eyebrow and recited softly, " According to rumors, Xue FeiYun is a legitimate daughter of the General Xue yet treated less than a slave. Although pretty and had ordinary martial talent as a child, in the end became a disfigured cripple. Untalented, like mud compared to her concubine born sisters. Obviously the complete opposite of me, still not curious?"

"According to rumors, Xing TianHuo killed all his wives to be." TianHuo spoke from behind after a pause a small smirk plastered on his face, stressing on the word 'rumors'.

Feiyun laughed lightly, such a devilishly intelligent man of little words.

"I won't question, i will wait until you are willing to tell me yourself." Tian Huo replied nonchalantly runnning his fingers through her silk like hair.

'this man really...' Feiyun sighed silently in her head. Amused that such a strong man was willing to wait for her, how come in front of her, his overbearing self is no where to be seen? She closed her eyes and began softly, her voice like a cold lonely flower in spring,

"My mother, Imperial Princess FeiYue was the daughter between the low rank maid-turned-concubine* and the Late Grand Emperor (the grandfather of the current emperor). Mother was unloved and bullied because she was only half royal, no one cared whether she was happy or if she had died in her courtyard. She ended up as nothing more than a pawn for the Late Grand Emperor who married her to General Xue to stop his military power from growing."

Feiyun took the teacup in front of her and sipped on it, her eyes held traces of anger as she recounted from the memories of the past feiyun.


"The same as what father emperor is doing to us." Feiyun suddenly added with a chuckle, her eyes clearly amused. The imperial family of such a big nation yet playing small tricks like these.

Tian Huo's cold fingers gently brushed her cheek, " You're not a pawn. You are my wangfei (princess/wife of a prince)." His words comforted Feiyun, his eyes serious.

A rare genuine smile flashed across Feiyun's face, "I know, let me continue. There were many schemes used to make my life harder. As the official daughter of the wife, my presence was an eyesore. After all if I was out of the way, my concubine borne sisters would be the official daughters of the General Xue manor."

Tian Huo's eyes flashed with anger but he continued listening, his hands pausing for a bit before continuing through her silky hair.

"A disfigured cripple?Hmp! This is why i will let them think what they want, let them enjoy this fleeting moment of triumph. until they are nearly at the end goal, only then will I drop them from the heights. Every single action that could possibly annoy or anger them, I'll make use of. Every hit, slap, kick or blood, ill make sure to return to them. For what they did to me, only can be repaid in blood."

Feiyun's eyes felt distant, her body shuddered with vengeful anger thinking of the horrible life the past Feiyun had to endure until she had died.

Tian Huo had no reaction to her thoughts. He only continued to dry her hair.

"I won't blame you if you're disgusted with me. I just want you to know who I really am. I am no longer the Xue Feiyun who would cower in fear like the rumors. My hands will be painted red." Feiyun's eyes looked down upon her hands.

Feiyun was not used to opening herself up to people.Her heart felt uneasy, there were so many 'what ifs' running through her head. Its too late, how did she know that she would fall so quickly for the man that stood behind her. Would Tian Huo hate her or abandon her in disgust?

Instead, seeing her downcast eyes, Tian Huo ran a lock of hair through his hand, bringing it to his lips, savoring her scent of flowery spring.

"Hmm... Blood for blood. A bunny consort I have no interest. I do not care of your past, I only love my wangfei. Play to your hearts content, with me here, who dare to stop you?" Tian Huo was staring deeply into Feiyun's eyes, not a trace of disgust or regret only a sense of doting and arrogance.

'play? to him, my talk of cold blooded murder is playing?' That's right, this guy was Xing Tian Huo. The over bearing and arrogant, aloof and cold blooded God of War. He's someone who would cut of the wrist of an official daughter just because she touched him. Feiyun could only chuckle,


"Silly man... Why are you so serious." Feiyun chuckled softly.

"Life in the palace had always been bloody. There are many people aiming at me, just by becoming my princess, you have a target painted on your back. Are you not afraid?" Tian Huo asked, his cold fingers gently lifting her chin up, his voice was serious, cold yet gentle.

"Afraid? If I said I am what would you do?" Feiyun asked playfully. he rarely speaks so many words in one sentence, she couldn't help but love his voice.

Tian Huo creased his brows slightly. Why did she reply his question with a question? but Feiyun continued,

"I am not afraid. After all only a man such as yourself is worthy to stand by my side. The rest? Hmp! not worth my time. Your enemies are also my enemies. Want to target me? who said that I won't paint a target on them in return?" Feiyun's eyes were arrogant and haughty but also playful like a child.

Tian Huo's chuckle made feiyun blush slightly. His laughing and happy smile were rarely seen. Such a sinful devilishly handsome face, when he smiles even the gods would fall in love.

Feiyun realised she had been staring too long when Tian Huo interrupted her daze by poking a finger to her cheek, his eyes blinking in confusion as if she was a toy that was spoil.

Hiding her embarrassment, Feiyun quickly stood up and walked over to the desk, picking up the unopened letter that Ruyi had sent earlier. Tian Huo watched her slender figure as she opened the letter, following her and hugging her from behind, she looked really warm.

"i'm not your heat warmer..." Feiyun only glanced slightly at Tian Huo, whose head was now nestled on her shoulder. His hands wrapped around her waist.

Hearing a brief 'Mm' from Tian Huo agreeing with her but still not letting go of her, Feiyun gave in to the man and continue to read the letter which read,

//"- Xue Feiyun

Qualified candidate.

Qualifiers on day of the month.

Rewards :

- Blank Imperial Edict & 200 thousand gold + 1000 year old Cuihe Lotus

: 100 thousand gold + 100 year ginseng

: 50 thousand gold."//

Feiyun raised her eye brow. Behind the letter was another piece of paper.

// " Enjoy your last remaining days as Princess consort, you're not worthy to stand beside my prince."//

Feiyun sniffed the corner of the paper an mischievous smirk appeared. Jasmine flower fragrance. There is only one person she knew who uses it. little sister Xue Qi Qi!

"Feiyun, you do not need to go." Tian Huo said coolly.

"Oh? but my kind sister has laid the trap so nicely for herself. Not going would be rude. She sent me this letter to spite me because she still believes i am a cripple that can't take part in this tournament." Feiyun laughed.

"She wants to win first place for that blank imperial edict. See it's worth it to hide the fact that I can walk. Don't you think her expression would be interesting?" Feiyun slide the jasmine scented letter back into the envelope.

Turning around , Feiyun reached up and crossed her arms behind Tian Huo's neck, snuggling in his embrace.

"such a sinful man, even my sister is in love with you. How many ladies do you have running after you?" Feiyun sighed a hint of childish jealousy in her muffled voice.

" Oh? jealous?" Tian Huo eyes shone with amusement as he played along with Feiyun.

" In this life time, if another woman enters this manor I will personally send her head back to her family." Feiyun was after all a woman from the future.

"hmm...There is no need for you to dirty your hands, allow me to do it for you." Tian Huo whispered softly and kissed Feiyun's ear. Surprised, Feiyun looked up, her sensitive ears slightly red.

Looking into her bottomless black eyes, Tian Huo picked her up and leaned forward kissing her lightly at first then stronger, his eyes a fiery desire.

He bit her bottom lip gently, kissing her deeply, tongues teasing each other. He carried her over to the bed and laid her down. Continuing down her neck. Tian Huo's fingers fondled and eventually untied ribbons, unraveling the silk wrapping her body, exposing her curves and slowly traveling down.

He spread her legs and licked her wet chambers. His warm tongue playing around gently. She grabbed his shoulders and let out a moan of satisfaction. As he began to suck gently, she laid down on her back. His hand traveled to the entrance of her slippery wet chamber and entered.

She gasped and arched her back when he beckoned her and licked. Watching her every reaction, taking in the whole scene as if a delicious meal prepared just for him.

He crawled up on top of her. His eyes wanting to devour her whole. Her flushed face stared at him, then she grabbed his neck and brought his face to hers, kissing deeply. His mouth stopping her moans from coming out as he flicked harder with his finger, her body twist and turned uncontrollably.

He removed his finger and spread her legs wider, hearing her gasp as he entered.The thrusting continued, diving deeper relishing in her sweet voice that called out his name. Her fingers digging into his shoulders. Going faster and deeper with each repeated motion.

Finally the last thrust, he released. Her heavy panting mixed in with her twitching lower abdomen. He cleaned her up and laid down beside her. His breathing stabilizing.

Tian Huo pulled her into his embrace and kissed her forehead. Listening to his breathing, Feiyun slowly nodded of to sleep. In his presences, she finally could sleep deeply. Unlike the past where she had always slept lightly due to her notorious name and the many enemies she had.

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