《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 10: QinFei returns


" I've been wanting to ask about Ruyi." Feiyun asked.

Tian Huo's eyes returned from outside the carriage window.

"Ruyi is my head shadow guard and also a good friend of mine."Tian Huo replied a faint smile in his eyes, slightly gentle.

"Is he strong?" feiyun asked her fingers twirling the small teacup around.

"Not as strong as me." Tian Huo was slightly jealous, why is his wife asking about another man in front of him.

With a slight crease between his brows Tian Huo continued, "He might look like that but he patrols the estate and guards our main residence during his free time."

"Hmmm." Feiyun contemplated in her head. She agree that Ruyi looked gentle. If she had to describe him, he always had on a smile, his eyes were sly and cunning. As though always looking for people to tease. Ruyi reminded Feiyun of a fox. She knew he wasn't such a simple happy-go-lucky person.

When they arrived back, Tian Huo carried feiyun in and set her down once the doors closed.

"I have things to do, wait for me." Tian Huo said as he touched her cheek and left for the study room.

With his touch still lingering on her cheek, Feiyun quickly prepared to change out of her dress. As beautiful as it was, the dress was also very restricting of movements.

Once in her comfortable silk gown, feiyun ordered for no one to enter the room and closed the door. Although to An and Xu, feiyun appeared to be resting, in truth she was cultivating her inner energy.

As evening was falling, feiyun was still holed up in her room. Her ears twitched slightly and she open her dark phoenix eyes, smiling slightly.

"So she's back."


"Who are you?!"

Xu asked cautiously, her two wheel blades in her hands, ready to fight. Her fiery eyes fixed on the dark clothed figure in front of her.

In a moment, the black figure disappeared and closed in behind Xu, knocking her unconscious in one strike.

An saw this opportunity and slashed towards the figure from the back, her Katana gleaming in the moon light.

"You think an assassin can sneak in to our prince manor? Foolish."

Just as An thought that she had gotten the assassin from behind. Her blade was stopped between the the person's index and middle finger.

'not possible. Such strength!' An thought to herself, stunned by the opponents ability.

Using the same move, the shadow knocked An unconscious.

Ruyi who had been brought over by the sounds, raged the moment he saw the two bodies on the floor.

Ruyi released an immense pressure onto the person.

In an instant, Ruyi and the figure started clashing. Their twin blades cutting at each other swiftly. Ruyi's strengths greatly surpass his opponent's but the other party was nimble and quick.

Ruyi was on the offense, he movement swift and deadly while his opponent could barely keep up. Between the two, only the sharp slicing of the air and sparks of their swords.

Just as Ruyi was about to deal a lethal strike. A small rock flew and struck his hand, stopping him and causing him to drop his sword that was about to hit the assassin's neck.

Feiyun who was watching the whole thing happen clapped her hands. Ruyi only looked at her a frown on his fox like face.

'was she the one who flicked the stone? Impossible, such strengths. From my investigation, she should have been nothing but a copper rank.' Ruyi thought to himself.


"Master!" The figure stopped attacking and quickly bent down, one knee on the ground, her right arm in front of her chest in salute.

Watching all these, Ruyi raised an eyebrow. He still did not know who this intruder was. His movement swift as he pressed the cold blade of his other sword, pressing on to the person's neck, he did not trust her on bit.

"Who are you?"

QinFei did not respond instead she just continued waiting for orders from feiyun.

Feiyun ignored them and walked towards the two fainted girls and poked them with a thin needle. Slowly their eyes fluttered open.

"Mistress?...Mistress becareful! Assassin!" Xu did not know what was happening as she started regaining consciousness. She only knew she had to protect the person in front of her. She scrambled to her feet, rushing to feiyun whom was now standing in front of Qinfei. an stared at Qinfei with one hand extended in front of feiyun in case she attacked.

An on the other hand rubbed her neck as she stood up, still in shock that she had loss in one move.

"Ruyi, this person is my shadow guard. Withdraw."

Feiyun's voice was nonchalantly as she put her finger on the tip of Ruyi's sword, bringing it away from QinFei's neck. Her face held a gentle smile but the smile did not reach her eyes.

In that moment, Ruyi was suddenly aware of the cold commanding voice and the fierce look in Feiyun's eyes.

'was this 16 year old girl always this strong? She has the same cold aura as Tian Huo.'

"I apologize for being rude but it was all to protect mistress."

Ruyi spoke, respect in his voice as he sheath his swords and bowed forward his hand cupped in front of him.

"Strong warrior, I apologize for causing the misunderstanding. I did it because I want to test the strengths of the people in this manor."

Qinfei said cheerfully as she pulled down the black clothes covering her face and revealed her eyes and a bright smile.

"I am Qinfei. Thanks for the duel, I have learnt a lot. And to the two ladies over there, I am sorry for causing you hurt."

Qinfei bowed towards Ruyi and then towards An and Xu who were behind Feiyun.

The three weren't sure how to respond to the straightforward Qinfei.

"Enough, you guys can talk later. come in and tell me how did it go?

Feiyun aware that the 3 probably had a load of questions. She motioned for Ruyi to leave and report to Tian Huo about QinFei's presence.

"Come in, all of you." Feiyun called the 3 girls into the room, lazily resting on the long arm chair, her slender body like a cat.

Qinfei sat in front of feiyun while An and Xu poured tea and sat to the side awaiting orders.

"Master, after leaving the Xue manor, i finally gathered 3, although they are young, they have potential. Sadly I am still missing 2. I hope master can give me more time."

Feiyun smile " What's there to apologize for? Besides, I've already found the other two. " She pointed to the two girls sitting anxiously on the side.

"It's just the matter of whether they want to join." Feiyun added.

Hearing the conversation, An and Xu were stunned.

"How about it? Would you like to join my squad of shadow guards?" Feiyun turned slightly to face them, her finger tapping on the wooden arm chair in rhythm.

"But we are not strong enough. We could not even stop an assassin from entering the manor." Xu spoke slightly dejected, her fiery tomboyish spirit had been extinguished after losing to Qinfei in one move.


"Strong? Qinfei tell me, a week before I married the prince, what was your martial rank?" Feiyun asked nonchalantly.

" Bronze rank." Qinfei said, slightly embarrassed.

"And now?" Feiyun continued, her eyes returning to meet Xu.

" I am now silver rank thanks to master." Qinfei replied a trace of happiness in her voice.

Feiyun continued" I Feiyun do not desire geniuses who are strong. I need warriors who are loyal. Sisters not in blood but in combat." Feiyun's eyes lit with dazzling fire.

Entranced by Feiyun's willpower Xu did not know how to respond.

An who had been quiet the entire time suddenly reminded." We are loyal to master. Unless master commands me, I will only belong to master." Her voice was gentle but it held resolution.

This pleased Feiyun even more. Such loyalty, calmness and fierce resolution only brought out feiyun's respect.

"I understand. Let me talk to Tian Huo." Feiyun replied, she was neither over bearing nor spiteful. Feiyun then turned to Qinfei

"Wait here. I have things to discuss with Tian Huo, meanwhile, you 3 can have a chat."

Ruyi had reported the whole incident to Tian Huo, not a single detail was left out.

"Our Wangfei(princess) does not seem to be as weak as the rumors say. Tian Huo, you see, this red spot on the back of my hand is from you wife throwing a small rock at me to make me drop my sword. What copper rank martial artist? what docile nature?"

Ruyi was speaking informally to Tian Huo, he would only call Tian Huo by his name when they were alone, talking as friends. However Tian Huo only smiled "just a small bump, quit making such a fuss. Let my princess do as she pleases."

To Tian Huo , he had already seen through her mask, she was not a sheep waiting to be devoured, instead she was a lioness in sheep skin. He knew that she was not as simply as the rumors.

Ruyi nodded with a sigh and left with a shrug. He could not understand what Tianhuo was thinking. He was happy seeing his stone face friend showing a smile more often. To be able to make Tianhuo show such expression Feiyun truly wasn't so simple.

Tianhuo continued looking through the documents in front of him when Feiyun entered the study room silently.

He did not raise his head but continued to do his work.

Feiyun looked at the man with his creased brows under the glow of the many candles in the room.

"Am I disturbing you?" she asked as she casually walked to the table and leaned against the side, her hands crossed over her chest.

"No, I'm done already." Tian Huo replied as he rolled the document and place it on the pile near the corner, his handsome face held a gentle smile.

'Such a deadly smile.' Feiyun tried to refrain from blushing, keeping her nonchalant attitude.

"Good, I want to talk about something. I'm sure Ruyi already reported everything. "

Tian Huo nodded, shifting his gaze to meet her cheerful eyes.

"Well... That person is Qinfei, she used to be a gardener slave back in Xue manor. I picked her to follow me before I married you. She is also my shadow guard. However, I am forming my own team of shadow guards. The two girls, An and Xu have potential. "

"The girls are still inexperienced and stuck at martial bronze rank, I will give you better people." Tian Huo replied his eyebrows raised slightly.

Feiyun walked behind him, tracing her slender hands up on his arm and gently massaging the broad shoulders.

"Tian Huo, I do not need strong people. I want people I can trust. I've seen their loyalty. Low Martial rank is not a problem. If you give them to me, I will bring out their potential." Feiyun's voice was strong yet gentle.

Tianhuo closed his eyes, enjoying the massage, "If you want then I'll trust you with them."

"Thank you for trusting in me Tian Huo."

Feiyun replied, her voice alluring and full of spring butterflies. She truly felt that she did not deserve the man before her.

Feiyun leaned forward and hugged him from behind, her head tucked into the back of his shoulder and back. She felt comfortable and secure in the familiar scent of mint.

Feiyun's voice, her touch and her warmth had stirred Tian Huo's desire. His fingers intertwined with her's as he brought them to his lips and kissed it gently.

When feiyun released her embrace wanting to return to the front of the table, Tianhuo grabbed her wrist and pulled her on top his lap.

His lips crashing into hers the moment she fell into his lap. A sweet taste and smooth tongue playing between them.

The Tian Huo suddenly grabs feiyun's shoulders and pulls away. His brows furrowed together as he tried to resist the temptation to continue.

Feiyun was confused at first but then realised the reason and chuckled softly " Are you holding back because of what happened this afternoon?"

Tian Huo did not reply instead he just hugged her and after a short while picked her up off his lap and let her stand beside him. If he touched her any longer, he did not know if he could contain himself.

Feiyun found the whole situation amusing. 'Such cold actions trying to restrain himself.'

As Tian Huo was about to stand, feiyun grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back into the seat. Not allowing him a chance to speak before She climbed onto his lap, straddling his thighs.

Her two hands cupped his face around his jawline, she stared into his dark blue eyes. Her eyes shone with confidence, " I am fine, I've taken the antidote. The poison has long been neutralised."

Tian Huo knew that her eyes and words told the truth. She pulled him in, nibbling at his lips. Sucking gently and playfully teasing him with her tongue.

Tian Huo responded to her desires. Easily lifting Feiyun up on to the large desk, sweeping the things on top to the side.

He slowly untied her robes while kissing her deeply. After it was loosened, he started making his way to her neck and down to her breast. Gently sucking and biting, playing with his tongue. Each movement making feiyun arch her back and whimper in satisfaction.

His hand travel to the small of her back, feeling her warm soft skin. His cool temperature sent shivers down her spine.

He pushed her down onto the desk, towering over her body and tracing down the center of her abdomen.

Suddenly feiyun's ears twitched, she sat up and closed her robes.

"Master. A letter from the Xue residence arrived, saying it is important for Mistress to read as soon as possible." Ruyi spoke from outside, not knowing what was happening inside the study room.

Tian huo eyed the door, anger slightly rising in him. His good friend sure had guts.

Why was he facing this cold silence even though Tian Huo was inside. Ruyi felt a shiver down his spine.

'did i do something wrong?'

"M..Master? is something the matter?" Ruyi asked cautiously.

Feiyun blushed and smile shyly. Tying her robes together. She quickly stood up. She caressed Tian Huo's face and spoke in a seductive whisper,

"seems you are still busy, I'll wait for you tonight. " She planted a small kiss on his lips before leaving with a mischievous smile.

When she opened the door, She found Ruyi waiting outside, a red envelope in his hand. Ruyi handed the envelope to feiyun.

Feiyun twirled the envelope around only a wax stamp with the Xue crest in it. Then she turned to Ruyi and replied leaving the latter part in a soft whisper

" thank you for bringing this to me......also, if i were you, i would run for my life"

Feiyun chuckled and left a confused Ruyi to face the seething Tianhuo.

Not knowing what Feiyun meant, Ruyi took a peek inside and saw Tianhuo looking at him with cold killing intent.

"T...t...t..tian Huo..?...Did something happen?... Did I do something?... "

The candle lights in the room suddenly went out and a cold pressure emerged from the darkness, followed by a thick scroll that flew right to Ruyi's face.

Of course Ruyi easily dodged it. But his back was wet with cold sweat. 'what in the heavens did I do wrong this time?'

"Ruyi, your timing is impeccable." Tian Huo sighed as he leaned back onto the chair, his fingers on his temples. After all Ruyi was his good friend, had it been anyone else it would have been instant death.

Although Tian Huo still silently vowed 'when your time comes, ill make sure you enjoy it."

"Tell the housekeeper to prepare lodging space for Qinfei. Also inform the girls that from today on, their new master is Feiyun."

The confused Ruyi could only scratch his head. He did not know if he should approach into the room to ask about this order or just leave quietly and do as he was told while contemplating what he did wrong. He chose the safer route which was the latter.

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