《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 9: The Huntress


The hall was filled with chatter, smell of the delicacies in the air. The eunuch at the entrance saw Tian huo and Feiyun approaching. His back immediately hunched, he took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"Imperial 4th prince, Xing Tian Huo and Princess Consort Fei Yun have arrived."

The hall instantly fell silent, bowing their heads and greeted the two who are making their way down towards the dragon throne. Tian Huo and Feiyun did not put the other guests in their eyes, they only held their head high. TianHuo's cold aura and Feiyun's elegance, sending fear and admiration down the backs of all the ministers that the empress had invited.

Among the various guests, Zhen Zhen and Qi Qi were sitting behind Concubine Xia. Zhen Zhen remained poised and elegant although her eyes were on the crown prince , discreetly sending him looks.

While QiQi was clenching her teeth, staring at Feiyun. Ever since QiQi saw Tian Huo at the banquet, she had fallen for him. She did not care about the crown prince or any other prince, she only wanted the man that was so devilishly handsome. But the woman in her way was Feiyun, thinking about it, her anger rose even more. How could a cripple with a scar be deserving of her prince?

The Emperor sat high up on the Dragon Throne, the Empress was sitting to his right and the Crown Prince to his left. The Empress had invited a big group of nobles and ministers, mainly the handful of ministers who wanted to push for Tian Huo to be crown prince. If they saw that Tian Huo married a wife who could not contribute to his power, they might change their support. She did not know that her plan had instead given Tian Huo more power than any other woman would be able to.

"Imperial father we are here to give greetings."

Tian Huo and Feiyun bowed down, their fist in front. The emperor coldly snorted, flicking his head to look else where. If Tian Huo would not kneel, he would not put Tian Huo in his eye.

The Empress could not contain her eagerness to rub salt into Tian Huo's wound.

"Did you enjoy your wedding gifts?" the Empress gave a benevolent smile, her voice gentle and caring.

Tian Huo looked at her, not saying a word. Instead he turned to his seat, pushing Feiyun along. Then, he easily picked Feiyun off the wheelchair and sat her close beside him.

Seeing his intention, Feiyun did not feel embarrassed, instead she played along. She leaned against his arm lazily, the loving aura between the couple, stunning the people in the hall.

If the Empress wanted to wed Feiyun to Tianhuo to spite him, then if the two were to appear happy and loving, it would seem that the Empress only helped Tianhuo. This action alone was enough to piss off the Empress.

However, the other people in the hall were in shock. They did not expect the rumored God of war to be able to love a woman. Don't even mention that his previous marriages ended in bloodshed. but now, not only was he pushing her wheel chair and carrying her to her seat he even willingly let her touch and lean on him.

In the past, a low rank official's daughter had fallen in love with him and threw herself at Tian Huo. He immediately drew his sword and separated her head from her body in one clean sweep.

Tian Huo remained silent and merely picked the meat in front of him and place it on Feiyun's bowl. There was nothing wrong with the food and so Feiyun just ate it.


Seeing this, QiQi was burning with jealousy and anger. She bit her bottom lip. if she was to lash out now, she would only get dragged out. She did not have an identity to stand out in the palace with her current strength. but that did not stop Qiqi from scheming, wrecking her brain for ideas.

The Empress who was ignored before was furious. Since when was she, the apple of the eye of the Emperor ever treated in such a way. Tian Huo might as well drag her face through mud. She looked sadly at the Emperor, her eyes tearing up slightly.

"Audacious! you dare to act like that to this Emperor's beloved Empress? Don't blame this emperor when people start saying that you have no filial piety ." The Emperor slammed his teacup down on the table.

As though he did not hear them, Tian Huo continued to feed Feiyun. This time, taking meat straight from his plate and feeding her to the mouth.

Infuriating the emperor even more as it seems that Tian Huo couldn't be bothered about him the Emperor and only continue to feed Feiyun.

The crown prince seeing this sneered, "I heard princess consort Feiyun was a virtuous person, well learned in the four virtues. Perhaps you could teach a thing or two to this brother of mine(Tianhuo). This Prince learned that you are talented in the arts of poems. How about we hear one?"

[The were propriety in behavior, speech, demeanor and employment.]

He knew from Zhen Zhen that Feiyun was good at music, dance and calligraphy but bad at making poems. Although the real truth behind it was that Zhen Zhen was the one who wrote the poem, and when the crown prince displayed his disgust, she immediately pushed it onto Feiyun.

Feiyun had guessed the crown prince's intention.

'The show had begun.' Her smile could be seen beneath the mask, alluring yet beautiful.

"Crown Prince gives me much praise. I, Feiyun have never made a poem before thus have little education in this area. However, since Crown Prince insists, Feiyun will try her best and dedicate this poem to the crown prince sincerely. I hope you find my poem to you liking." Feiyun's eyes flash with mischief.

'The sun beyond the mountain glows

The Yellow River seaward flows

But if you desire a grander sight

Then you must scale to a greater height.'

Feiyun's voice was gently like the flowing river and sweet like the taste of spring. The ministers who were seated couldn't stop looking at her as her spoke. The crippled disfigured girl had suddenly become so beautiful in their eyes, emitting a dignified aura.

The prince face reddened. And slammed the table.

"Good! Good, you dare to contend with this prince. What is your identity?! Just a lowly disfigured cripple with martial arts that even children looked down on, don't think I don't understand what your poem meant!"

To others it was seen as a lovely poem but her tone and meaning behind it. The crown prince and the empress knew what she meant. She meant to say that he was trying to contest for the throne. When the emperor is still in his prime ruling, a Crown Prince should not try to take part in governing or they might seem that are reaching for the dragon throne. Feiyun's words alone carried the message 'Treason'.

Seeing the crown prince's rage, Feiyun's tone was blatant, her eyes full of contempt, like a lioness playing with her prey just before she pounces in it


"Me? I am the Princess Consort Xue Fei Yun. Identity? As the Princess Consort of your older brother, the 4th Prince , Xiao Tian Huo, if that itself is not an identity, then Crown Prince do educate this Princess Consort. Besides, everyone here is a witness, Crown Prince knew that this is my first time yet still insist this Princess Consort recite a poem, now you are slandering this princess consort. Do you no longer have a sense of propriety? Perhaps Mother Empress should find someone to re-educate this Crown Prince."

"You!" The crown prince fumed, his face red with anger. Not only did this crippled disfigured princess slap him in his face, she even dragged in his mother.

Feiyun dismissed the look in the crown prince eyes and glaces slightly to the Empress.

'hmp, dare to hurt my people, this is barely the start. Not a single one of you will escape.'

Seeing his mother Empress glare, her beautiful face contorting in anger. Crown prince Ruo Feng threw the jade tea cup in his hand at Feiyun.

However, Tian Huo's reaction was as fast as the wind, he caught the flying teacup and broke it, instantly turning it to dust. The jade powder sprinkled onto the food in front of them as though it was a seasoning.

At this point the entire hall was silent. The tension filled the air as Tian Huo's anger rose and even the guest sitting furthest away from them near the entrance felt the pressure he was emitting. Cold sweat start to form, they scalps felt numb.

Even the Emperor felt sweat forming in his palm. Should Tian Huo go on a rampage now, he would not stop until he tasted blood. And the strongest protector in the palace was only a martial King, the same as Tian Huo but Tian Huo is rumored to be at martial King peak, he could still be slightly stronger than the protector. This was exactly the reason why the Emperor could not openly act against Tian Huo, yet this silly Crown Prince stepped on his tail in front of everyone.

The Crown Prince who was now slightly fearful of the growing power refused to show his fear, stuck his nose in the air and claimed, his eyes looking down on Feiyun

" opps, my hand slipped."

Feiyun glanced at Tian Huo and place a hand on his lap and smiled sweetly to him, her eyes sent a message that she was fine and to leave it to her. He acknowledged her and tried to suppress his anger but continued staring daggers at the crown prince.

"It's okay, we all get a little bit excited. Should i also get excited in the future, when the time comes I hope Crown Prince can be forgiving and forgive this princess as well." Feiyun spoke forgiving but her eyes held a sense of maliciousness.

The crown prince realise he was trapped by her. If he were to disagree, he would seem petty but if he were to agree , it would mean that she had managed to step on his pride.

The Empress who had manage to suppress her anger saw that her son was in trouble decided to change the topic. Using this as a chance.

"Come people, someone replace the food and bring a new set of tea. To apologize for the mistake of the crown prince I will give you my personal tea I imported from another country." The Empress sweetly called out, hiding the faint sneer on her face.

When everything was set, a older maid sent in a tea and poured it for Tian Huo and Feiyun. Feiyun eyed the woman who was shivering and sweating cold sweat.

"This tea is This Empress's favorite tea. It is really hard to acquire. Not only is the fragrance alluring, it is also a herbal remedy that can strengthen people with weak health. I wonder how Princess consort Feiyun has been feeling lately. I heard that you have a weak sickly body. You should take care of yourself so you can give the Emperor some grandchildren soon." The Empress declared loudly for all to hear.

Feiyun smiled and replied " Mother Empress was worried for nothing, I will take note to take care of my health."

From the side of her eyes, Tian Huo was about to take the teacup to his lips, Feiyun gently place a hand on his forearm for support, stopping him from drinking the tea. She immediately exclaimed,

"But Mother Empress is wise and have foresight befitting the mother of the land. I have been feeling slightly dizzy. This princess consort wishes to retire early."

Although Feiyun had the antidote, she did not want Tian Huo to drink the poison as there is already an existing poison in him. the full moon was just 2 nights away, 2 strong poisons colliding in his weakening body might complicate things.

The Empress bit her lips. She had meant for both to drink the poison. She could not give up here, she rarely had the chance like this to poison Tian Huo, ever since the Lan Jian flower poisoning, Tian Huo had kicked out all his servants, including the ones planted by her. Only a few loyal ones remained.

"Since you feel so, then take a sip of the warm tea. I am sure you will feel better, this Empress promise you... If you still feel unwell after, you may leave. " The empress face was fully of worry, such impressive acting would have won her an Oscars award.

Feiyun smiled, she knew the tea was the same one that Zhen Zhen had brought to her the other day. It seems the Empress truly was the one pulling the strings of the entire scenario. Such meticulous planning, even from before the wedding was announced she had already made preparation so that should Feiyun consummate with Tian Huo, She would not be able to conceive a child.

Feiyun had a warm smile but her cold gaze met the Empress who was watching her eagerly. Feiyun then grabbed Tian Huo's wrist and brought the teacup in his hand closer to her lips before drinking it down in one sip.

Seeing this, the empress sneered. Although Zhen Zhen had told her they made Feiyun drink the tea she gave, she could not trust them until she sees it for her self. Now that she made sure with her own eyes, she smiled and questioned innocently,

"Do you feel better?"

Feiyun pretended to feel unwell , purposely placing a hand on her womb. She weakly exclaimed " I feel much better thanks to Empress's herbal tea but it would be better if i could rest to recuperate."

Feiyun's small action of putting her hand on her womb did not escape the Empress eyes. Satisfied with her plans, had no reason to make them stay. She raised her eyes to the emperor and said

" My beloved, Princess Consort Feiyun still feels unwell maybe we should let her return. "

The Emperor agreed, he was tired of all this and just wanted to have some alone time with his beloved Empress. His hands itching to touch her.

"This emperor thinks you are right. Good, you can leave, Eunuch Lin accompany the 4th prince and see them out."

Tianhuo stood up, with Feiyun in his arms. He did not put her in the wheel chair and instead carried Feiyun out the hall, briskly walking all the way to the carriage. Seeing Eunuch Lin rushing behind with her wheel chair, Feiyun could not drop her act and only weakly exclaimed,

"Husband, i am sorry we had to leave early..."

Tian Huo only replied with a nod.

The 3 Guards were shocked to see Feiyun in that state. But Tian Huo didn't even leave a moment for them to speak, he entered the carriage immediately and put her down. Taking Feiyun's wrist and feeling her pulse.

Feiyun's action to stop him from drinking the tea had alerted him that something was wrong with it. Even though he had secretly place a silver needle in it to test for poison. Now she's this weak, he vowed internally, if something happens to her, he will burn down the palace.

Seeing his concerned look. Feiyun chuckled softly,

"I am fine." Feiyun rest her other hand on his reassuring him.

"What did that woman use?" His deep cold voice trembled in anger.

"Calm down, I am really fine. It is just a simple poison,called Cuxi. It attacks a person's reproductive organs. Prevents the victim from conceiving a child and should the person have sex, it would quicken the poisoning. "

Seeing Tian Huo's stunned expression, Feiyun chuckled, " There is a lot you don't know about me. Just believe in me. Beside I was prepared something like this would happen, that woman is really venomous. Before I married into your manor, she already tried to poisoned me once."

When Tian Huo heard this, he immediately thought about the wedding night. Panic and anger written all over his face.

"Then why did you not push me away that night?"He asked a foreboding anger he could not contain.

He was angry that he had cause her pain and if she died because of one selfish act of his, he did not know what he would do.

Feiyun smiled, she was happy he was so worried about her. She reached into her sleeve pocket where she activated her dimensional ring and opened a small hole into the dimensional space. 2 small pill appeared in her hand. She slipped it out and place it in her mouth.

"What did you just eat?" Tian Huo asked, his eyes concerned.

"The antidote to the poison in the tea, I told you I came prepared." Feiyun shrugged nonchalantly.

Tian Huo felt like he had been played by her. He pinched her cheek as punishment making her yelp out.

"Punish!" a sense of unhappiness as he looked out the window, his arms crossed over his chest.

Feiyun chuckled, rubbing her cheek, she then leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, surprising Tian Huo who held his hand to the spot she kissed and just stared at her in surprise. His mood immediately lighten up.

Feiyun just closed her eyes pretending she did not do anything.

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