《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 12: Blue Lotus


[ author's note ! hehe sorry for the long and slow updates, life's been a bitch recently and i havent had the free time to write. anyways thanks for reading! ;> ]


"Are you sure you want to trust a person like me? You might regret it when it gets too painful, we cant stop the treatment half way through."

Feiyun teased, her hands adding various herbs into the warm water. The smell of herbs and medicinal flowers waft through the air.

"Never regretted anything in my life."

Tian Huo's eyes glowed with cold confidence as he took off his outer robe. Exposing his jade like skin,strong shoulders and chest as if carved like a Greek statue. On his skin, there were various scars from battle. One look and you know this man was a warrior.

Feiyun drew her eyes away and chuckled as she walked closer to Tian Huo, "there is no one alive who has never felt regret." Even she regretted the decision in her past life. To trust her best friend so much yet betrayed for love.

Tian Huo eyed the lady in front of him, her beautiful eyes tracing his face. Her sentence was light on the outside but he felt a heavier tone underneath, as though she was telling that to herself.

He grabbed Feiyun into an embrace, surprising her slightly. His cool skin pressing against her cheek.

"I am not you heater!" Feiyun pouted as she pushed against his chest.

" Its about time, get into the bath." Feiyun pointed at the warm water. Then she turned and exited to the outer room where Ruyi and another older gentlemen was standing.

The old man, Old Zhao was the main housekeeper of the estate. he had followed Tian Huo since Tian Huo was a baby and was the only remaining servant that Tian Huo allowed to stay by his side. Old Zhao led a handful of male servants in the manor but they were never allowed into Tian Huo's courtyard.

Everything within Tian Huo's courtyard was handled solely by Old Zhao.

"You two, the lord's treatment will be long through the night, not a single disturbance allowed through out the treatment otherwise there will be complications. understand?"

Feiyun eyes were cold with seriousness. She knew the implications that would happen should the treatment be interrupted. The synthetic pill she created was a double treatment. One pill was meant to be taken while the other was meant to be dissolved in water. Attacking the poison from inside the body and outside, completely eliminating the poison. After which 101 silver needle acupuncture to the back to release the toxins.

Should the treatment be stopped half way, It might enter the meridians and truly destroy the foundation causing paralysis and even death. Judging by how long the poison has been in Tian Huo's body, Feiyun suspected that it will be extremely painful, she could only sigh deeply in her heart.

"This servant understands." Old Zhao bowed, he could see the importance of this in Feiyun's eyes.

"Also, prepare a medical cauldron for me and a large barrel of ice. The higher rank the better i don't care how long it takes to find it, bring it to me. oh, and together with some small snacks and tea."

With that Feiyun turned back into the room, closing the door.

Once back inside, Tian Huo had already entered the water, sitting in a lotus position. The mist in the room causing everything to be clouded.


Due to the humidity, Feiyun took her long luscious hair and tied it into a ponytail with a ribbon.

"i will start now, we can't stop once it has started, no matter how painful. i will have to seal your fainting acupuncture point as well... You have to resist the pain no matter what and trust in my every direction. when we are done, i will have a surprise for you. "

Feiyun planted a kiss on his cheek as Tian Huo glance at her with his deep blue eyes and nodded his head before closing his eyes. Taking the pill and popping it into his mouth while Feiyun cracked the other into the water.

By now the full moon was shining brightly, the lunar energy rising. The poison in Tian Huo's blood started reacting sending excruciating pain throughout his nerves. The start of the detoxifying process had just begun but Tian Huo could clearly feel the effects of the pill. His eyebrows creased slightly.

It was as if a thousand ants crawling throughout his body, tearing apart his veins and nerves, while his skin felt like it was repeatedly being skinned.

He started shivering followed by cold sweat forming on his forehead. The veins on his body were bulging out blue and black, crawling all over his body yet not a single groan or cry.

Feiyun seeing this sight, felt a fist clench at her heart. clearly she could see the amount of pain he was going through. right now his entire body was pale like that of a dead person with all those blue and black lines crawling all over his body.

Yet there was nothing she could do, no amount of anesthetic would help and worse still it might complicate the treatment.

She knew that his senses were enhanced right now and even poking the 101 silver needles will be extremely painful. yet without hesitation she held the first needle steady in her hand, as a professional how could she be nervous.

"i will begin the first needle..."

starting from the back of the neck, Feiyun inserted the needle swift and steady. she could clearly feel Tian Huo flinch slightly, yet his posture still remained the same, calm and collected as if not in pain although beads of sweat dripped down his face and into the water.

After roughly 3 hours, the 40th needle was inserted. right now, Tian Huo's entire upper back was covered by silver needles, making him look like a hedgehog. However, what was the most shocking was the amount of violet blue liquid travelling down from each needle.

Truly living up to its name of being odourless, the violet blue poison excreted from the body did not have a scent.

Feiyun wiped at the sweat on on her forehead, the room was hot like a sauna right now and she was clothed heavily in her robes.

Tian Huo was still in the midst of fighting back the pain, shivering from time to time.

After the 50th needle had entered,Old Zhao had arrived outside and knocked once before alerting Feiyun.

"Wangfei, we have prepared the medical cauldron and barrel of ice. "

Feiyun looked at the murky blue water, a small smile on her tired face. Right now was the best time, at 50 she will have to wait for a bit until the next needle.

"come in, set the things beside me now." Feiyun beckoned.

Old Zhao walked in with a barrel of ice while Ruyi was holding a gold and red medical cauldron with four dragons at the top of curling towards the bottom.


"Wangfei, do you need me to start a fire for you cauldron?" Old Zhao offered, looking at the tired Wangfei, he wanted to do something to help her ease her fatigue a little bit.

"No, i won't be using fire for this." Feiyun smirked a little.

Thats right, this era they have never heard of sub-zero pill making. if one can make pills from extreme heat, then one can also condense pills from extreme cold. It took Feiyun 10 years to master this skill in her past life, she was not a medical expert for nothing.

Saying this, Feiyun took out a small packet of white crystal salts from within her space through her sleeves. Taking a handful of Ice and placing it into the cauldron then pouring the crystal salt in it, slowly a cold mist flowed out from the cauldron.

Right now, one could clearly see a thin layer of ice being formed on the cauldron. The temperature inside has dropped to subzero temperature and continued dropping even further.

She had already prepared before hand the necessary herbs needed and slowly placed them in. the sound of sizzling and then fragrance of the herbs added waft through the air. Then very gently, Feiyun grabbed a glass vase that she had at the side of the bath and pour the collected Violet blue poison that was being excreted from Tianhuo's back, into the cauldron. It flowed thick and sticky and disappeared into the pot.

Feiyun covered the cauldron and sank the entire cauldron into the barrel, not a single part of it left exposed and untouched by the ice, and then finishing by sprinkling the remaining white crystal salts into the barrel and closing the lid.

Ruyi and Old Zhao watched as Feiyun hands moved, experience and swift, not a single trace of hesitation. She was doing this as though she had done it a million times all while keeping an eye on TianHuo's condition. They were really curious what magic Feiyun was trying to pull, they have never heard of making pills with ice.

Soon she left the barrel to the side and ignored Ruyi and Old Zhao who were still in the room, looking at her as if wanting to ask her a million questions.

Turning her attention back to TianHuo and picking the remaining needles. After the 50th needle, she could finally start swiftly inserting the remaining.

Hours passed by, currently 5 hours have passed since the beginning of the treatment, Feiyun finally finish all the needles. By now the bath water was a deep blackish blue while Tian Huos entire back was stain violet. His complexion was as pale as death his lips trembled slightly yet not a single sound escaped his mouth throughout the entire treatment.

This made Feiyun really admire his strength and tolerance. Only the two of them knew how painful this treatment really was.

Feiyun took a bucket full of warm water and washed down TianHuo's back, clearing the poison remnants. When his back was finally clean, she began taking out the needles, one by one her hands moving as quick as lightning.

By this point, Old Zhao and Ruyi had retreated outside, tonight they gained a new sense of respect for Feiyun. With their own eyes they saw why Tianhuo was interested in this young lady. Only he could see her true potential that others might have deemed as useless.

"Old Zhao, Ruyi, Help TianHuo out of the bath and put a clean robe on him. Then bring him to the inner chamber."

Feiyun's voice was soft yet the trace of a dignified lady. When Ruyi entered, he saw that Feiyun was hugging a fainted Tian Huo, his eyes panicked, 'could it be that the treatment was interrupted at the very end?'

" Relax, he fainted after i was done. He held on well, come hurry and take him out." Feiyun could clearly read the sign of anxious and panick on Ruyi's face.

After they left, feiyun opened the ice barrel and used a glove from her space to remove the medical cauldron. It was encased with a thin layer of ice which easily broke of.

Inside, the Sub-zero pill was a success. 2 small crystal pills sat in the pot, each a clear transparent blue like the ocean. It resembled marbles although its size was just a little bigger than that of a pea. Seeing that the pill was clear like glass she was satisfied.

The pill was similar to ice, if there were impurities in the pill the results would not be a crystal clear glass like pill.

A satisfied smirk appeared on feiyun's face, today she killed 2 birds with one stone. Not only did she cure Tianhuo's poison, she manage to salvage the Lan Jing lotus poison, a poison that cant be bought even if one was to sell cities. Having such a rare poison in her hands, Feiyun being a poison fanatic was ecstatic.

'Blue lotus... I'll name this poison pill blue lotus.'

feiyun thought to herself , truly satisfied. After placing the two pills into separate bottles, she put them back into the space. After which she looked at the black blue water and then left to the inner chambers.

" Wangfei, master is currently asking for you. "

Old Zhao appeared just as feiyun approached the room, yet Feiyun noticed that his eyes were slightly sad but she could not tell the reason.

"He woke? so fast?" Feiyun asked slightly surprised, she had expected him to be out cold until sunrise.

Old Zhao nodded his head and bowed deeply as Feiyun brushed past him. Once she entered the inner chamber, TianHuo was lying on the bed, his beautiful eyes closed. Feiyun approached him and gently sat by his side.

"Does it still hurt?" Feiyun asked gently.

TianHuo nodded as he opened his eyes that was still the colour of deep blue. Seeing his blue eyes, Feiyun finally understood why Old Zhao had such sad eyes.

"i can cure the poison but i won't be able to turn the color of your eyes back to normal, it has been too long since the poison entered."

Feiyun said, slightly dejected. She had her doubts whether the treatment would be able to change his eyes but alas, it was not. She did not mind his eye color but she knew that to them, this blue eyes were a negative topic.

"Do my eyes scare you? " Tian Huo asked after a short pause.

Feiyun shook her head, " No, they are beautiful, like the ocean."

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