《From the Bottom of My Heart, I Love You (gxg) (AU)》Ch. 17: Cafés & Books pt. 2
After that short awkwardness, Danielle took the little girl in Beatrice's arms and immediately left. The little girl waved goodbye to Beatrice which Beatrice tried not so hard to wave back but gave the little girl a small nod. Beatrice didn't say anything to Ava and Ava didn't want to ruin Beatrice's mood and so she didn't say anything and just stood there in the line.
When it was their turn to order something, Ava took care of it. Beatrice was in her own thinking phase, Ava just pulled Beatrice in her side while they waited for their order. Five minutes later, they were called for their order. Ava grabbed the paper bag and told Beatrice to follow her behind, it was a good thing that the food court was near the fun zone.
Ava saw a clean table and put all the stuff she was holding down on the table, Beatrice sat down to the chair and Ava sat on the opposite. Beatrice fell in silence while Ava prepared the food that they bought. It was two boxes of corn dogs because it was a buy one get one free, it contains four large, delicious, mouth watering corn dogs with their sauces.
"Bea? You can start eating." Ava spoke.
"I'm not hungry, Ava." Beatrice replied, the tone of her voice came out strong and rude. Indicating Ava that she is bothered because of what happened earlier.
"Your stomach doesn't agree with you?" Ava said.
"I'm not hungry, so just—" Beatrice started to raise her voice but Ava grabbed her hand and looked at her right in the eyes.
"You're mad, Beatrice I get that. But please, not here." Ava said to Beatrice, in a soft and gentle way so the older girl won't yell anymore. She was hurt to see Beatrice acting that way, she remembered the woman earlier. The only reason for Beatrice's mood to change, Beatrice felt a small movement of Ava's thumb, assuring that it's okay. She's okay.
Beatrice noticed the sudden sadness from her love of her life's eyes, she softened right away. Beatrice found herself calming down, Ava didn't let go of Beatrice's hand which Beatrice gave a gentle squeeze.
"Are you calm now?" Ava asked.
"Maybe a little. Thank you." Beatrice replied.
"You should eat, your stomach keeps making sounds." Ava said, let out a soft chuckle escaping from her mouth. Beatrice gave her weak smile and grabbed the first corn dog, dipping to the sauce and took her first bite.
"I'm sorry." Beatrice said to Ava.
"Why are you apologizing, Bea?" Ava asked. Beatrice didn't say anything and continued eating, Ava was confused but didn't bother asking the older girl a question. She then suddenly remember about the plushies she won earlier at the arcade.
"Look, I got these earlier at the arcade while I was waiting for you." Ava said to Beatrice. Beatrice watched the younger girl grab the two plushie toys and playfully wave it to her.
"A moon and a sun plushie." Beatrice muttered. Ava nodded her head with a smile on her lips.
"Here. The sun is yours, the moon is mine this time. I couldn't exactly remember the story you told me when we were little but I was a little bummed because we didn't match our symbols." Ava said, recalling the faint memory of their childhood days.
"What I remember is you telling me, I'm your moon." Beatrice replied.
"And I am your sunlight. I will never forget that." Ava said. Beatrice wondered if Ava still remembers the line that still gives Beatrice butterflies in her stomach and makes her heart pound so hard against her chest.
Being around Ava made her feel more vulnerable and gentle, this girl had so much impact on her and it was strong. When Ava held her hand earlier when she almost burst out her anger but the touch of this girl had pushed it all away.
Beatrice knows she is falling for Ava, what she is feeling towards the girl is getting deeper and she knows she can never escape that and will hurt her so badly in the end. She watched the younger girl smiling down on the toys as her mind gave her negative thoughts.
"I don't know who that woman was and what she did to you. I mean I know she's the girl that everyone hates including you but seeing you mad and sad Beatrice hurts me. I just really hope you can open up to me. I'm still… Me." Ava spoke. Beatrice remained silent as she looked at Ava, memorizing again her features. From the eyes, to her lips, to her cheeks, everything about this girl in front of her was perfect.
"I love you, Beatrice. I will always love you, you know that." Ava suddenly spoke. Confusing Beatrice, she was in complete shock and speechless after hearing those words. Those words that Ava meant as them being best friends since they were born, words that made Beatrice feel more nervous. She was caught off guard with what Ava had just said.
Her whole body was heating, the effect of Ava on her was stronger than she imagined. This isn't too good, Beatrice wanted to say it to her but she knew it won't change anything between them unless she tells her best friend that she's in love with her.
"Oh no! They started eating without us!" Luna exclaimed. Startling Beatrice and Ava, Ava giggled and smiled at Luna while Beatrice just glared at Luna and shook her head.
"Please refrain from speaking too loud Luna, you almost give me a heart attack." Beatrice said to Luna.
"My apologies, madam." Luna replied, she was teasing the president. Beatrice rolled her eyes while Ava and Luna giggled. Beatrice and Ava decided to bring the corn dogs they haven't finished back in the dorm since they will be eating pizza.
They finished buying the things they needed, they went to the famous pizza parlor to eat their favorite pizza. Beatrice and Luna took care of the order, Ava, Camila, Sam and Dana were left at the table.
"So this Clara Danvers, familiar with that name? I heard my classmates talking about how they dislike her so much." Camila spoke.
"Why is that? You can't just hate on somebody without knowing them." Ava said.
"I bet she's a gemini." Dana spoke.
"No. Don't pull that because of her sign shit. I've had enough of that." Sam replied to Dana who rolled your eyes.
"What do you think is Beatrice's sign?" Dana asked.
"She's a Virgo. Camila and I are Leos." Ava replied.
"Luna is an Aries." Camila spoke.
"Oh, me and Sam are Aries too." Dana replied.
"Have you heard about the new girl though? Clara Danvers?" Sam asked.
"Oh yeah, some of the students in her year hate her, especially the og classmates of Beatrice." Dana added.
"Why is that?" Camila asked. Ava was curious too, Clara Danvers is the name of the girl that Beatrice had shown around the school the other day so Ava didn't see Beatrice that much.
"I heard that she was involved with the whole Beatrice and Quinton thing. She was dating Quinton before I was just surprised that she suddenly came back here and studies in the university where Beatrice is." Dana said.
"I was really curious who this Quinton is. Do any of you have any pictures of her?" Ava asked, just to make it an excuse so they would show her a picture of this Quinton. She wanted to confirm if they are referring to the same person she had met earlier. Dana showed her the picture of the young Beatrice and Danielle hugging each other with a big smile on their lips.
"Here's the close up if you really want to see that face." Dana said.
Ava finally confirmed the girl she met earlier, Ava was really curious but after seeing Beatrice act so cold earlier she is determined to what really happened between Beatrice and Quinton. But she didn't want to invade the privacy of the older girl and didn't want to push her, she wanted Beatrice to be the one opening up to her.
"Ava? Ava?!" Camila snapped her out from her thoughts.
"Hmm?" Ava hummed in response.
"You suddenly spaced out, are you okay?" Camila asked.
"Ah yeah, I am. I just remember that I am needed in the arts club since I will be helping out the students to draw and design." Ava replied, giving her sister a small smile.
Camila didn't buy it but let her sister off, Ava knew she can't lie with her twin sister and even if she does try to lie to her, Camila is smart and she is as good as a mentalist which Ava hates because she knew she can't hide anything to Camila.
Beatrice and Luna came back from the table where they found the rest gossiping about any plans after the events, Sam and Dana had planned out the after party and had a perfect place for it. Sam's mansion,
They finally received their orders afterwards, Beatrice ordered Ava's favorite pasta. Pasta linguine with deep fried boneless chicken, Beatrice ordered the same while the rest stick with the pizzas they ordered. While eating, Beatrice hesitated to take one slice of the pizza as she saw the pizza toppings. She hated the black olives, she would prefer the pepperoni or the cheese pizza. She would take the black olives out from the pizza slice and then after she's done, she eats.
Beatrice gave up and continued eating her pasta when Ava handed her a place of two pizza slices without the black olives. Ava gazed at Beatrice who was so innocent while handing her the plate.
"What? You don't like the black olives so I took them out." Ava spoke.
"How did you know that?" Dana asked.
"When we were little her mom would spank her butt for not eating the black olives in any food especially with the pizza." Ava proudly replied, the rest of the gang giggled.
"Hey! You were not supposed to say anything." Beatrice said to Ava, almost whining.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry…" Ava replied, she was trying to contain her laugh but failed.
"Oh hey, B! Are you ready for the tournament next month? I heard they were starting the tournament soon before you guys fly to Japan." Camila spoke. A new topic to listen to.
"Uh yeah. After the events, Luna and the team will be preparing so much. So late practices during the night, double time in training." Beatrice replied.
"Here we go again with overworked self and tiring days." Luna muttered.
"We can still beat them anyways, we hold the title for the past few years now." Dana said. Ava almost forgot that Dana is also part of the swimming team, Ava somehow felt excited for Beatrice, she didn't want to miss this one out. Ava found herself staring at Beatrice who was nodding her head but quietly eating her meal.
Ava was just listening to their conversation when her phone started ringing, it was JC. Her mind immediately stopped functioning, it was because she and JC haven't talked in awhile. She tends to still keep her distant for a few more days before she made up her mind to talk to JC.
"Hey I have to take this." Ava spoke to them as she excused herself to answer the call. As soon as she stepped out of the pizza place she answered the call.
"Hey." Is all she said.
"Hey, how are you?" He asked.
"I'm good. I'm here at the mall with Beatrice and the rest buying some stuff for the carnival." Ava replied.
"Oh okay. Have you eaten your lunch? We can grab some." JC said.
"I am eating lunch with them right now. Maybe some other time JC." Ava replied.
"Okay. Um, are you busy tonight? I wanted us to talk about what happened." JC said.
"JC just give me time okay? I'm-I'm still trying to process things. Besides, I'm busy as a volunteer committee." Ava replied.
"Okay, okay. I'm really sorry. I guess I'll have to wait for you then. Take care of yourself and don't forget to bring a scarf with you, you always get cold." JC said.
Ava could hear the sadness in his voice, Ava felt guilty for doing this but she needed more time to think through, she had so many negative thoughts running in her head that she couldn't even find herself thinking positively.
"I have to get going, JC. Bye." Ava replied. Hanging up right away, she didn't want to hear him say I love you, it will only give her a hard time. She didn't want to give in, she didn't want to hurt him either but she was also hurt on how he acted. He was her first love after all, or was it? Ava was suddenly confused by her own thoughts but soon was pulled out when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
She turned around and saw Beatrice looking at her with heart eyes, the softness in Beatrice's eyes were visible enough to notice. Ava smiled immediately while Beatrice was confused for a second but smiled back afterwards.
"What is it?" Beatrice asked. Ava quickly hugged the older girl which shocked Beatrice but she slowly wrapped her arms around the small girl. Ava closed her eyes burying her face on Beatrice's chest, inhaling the good scent that she was used to smell when they were children.
"Take me somewhere… Take me out tonight. Just you and me, far away from this trouble." Ava replied. Beatrice didn't say anything and just stayed with Ava for a couple of seconds before they decided to go back inside the pizza place and eat with their friends.
Beatrice now finds herself thinking of what to do after Ava offers her to take Ava out tonight, Beatrice was confused and was a mess. What will she prepare for tonight? Where is she taking the younger girl? These past few weeks, almost two months all that happened between her and Ava. She was gentle and soft with the young woman, all her walls were crushed down every time she spent time with Ava and everytime Ava would look at her or smile at her.
She feels like she is about to faint, her mind would reach cloud nine, her heartbeat is beating rapidly and her stomach is filled with butterflies, going crazy with just a small glance of the girl at her. Beatrice is going crazy for Ava day by day, she doesn't know how long she could keep it. While they were busy talking Ava perfectly gazed at Beatrice who was lost in her own thoughts but her eyes directly met hers.
"Cafés and Books. Let's go there tonight." Beatrice suddenly muttered to Ava.
"That means I get to see Annie?" Ava asked.
"Yep." Beatrice replied.
"Okay then." Ava said, smirking and pretending to act cool in front of the older girl.
They finished eating and walked around the mall for a little bit before they decided to head back to the university and get the things prepared. Ava had to prepare the menu designs and wrap the toys for the prizes, surprisingly Ava found out that Beatrice will be doing the preparation of the other food to sell during the carnival.
She wanted to watch Beatrice making them, Luna and Camila were the others who were assigned with her. Dana and Sam stay with Beatrice, Ava was excited to finish at least half of the work and eventually visit Beatrice in the HRM laboratory. As they were walking back to their car, Dana and Sam insisted that they should be in Beatrice's car this time.
Ava felt a little bummed about wanting to be alone with the older girl. She was wishing that Dana and Sam would change their minds, Beatrice agreed to letting Sam and Dana ride with them but surprisingly explained that the back seat is filled with all the toys that they have bought. Ava smiled widely as soon as she knew that those two won't be joining them.
She was being selfish, indeed she was. She just wanted to spend time alone with the older girl who had shown nothing but softness and gentle approach to which Ava is surprised by the sudden change of Beatrice towards her.
The sweetest thing for Ava is that she had found herself yearning for Beatrice's attention every now and then, the company of the older girl has given Ava a new different type of comfort. She didn't want to question the older girl to why is Beatrice suddenly not giving her cold shoulders like she used to?
Beatrice opened the door for Ava and Ava couldn't be more happier in that small action of Beatrice, she knew how sweet Beatrice is, how caring and gentle this young woman to people she cares about, Ava hop in the passenger seat while Beatrice closed the door and headed to the other side of the car.
Ava put on her seat belt and just patiently waited for the older girl to start the engine and started driving. Beatrice started driving off, heading back to the university, Ava focused her eyes on the road as Beatrice did the same but a gesture that shook Ava had occurred. Beatrice grabbed her hand as they drove away from the crowded mall, Ava recalls making up a lie just so she could hold the older girl's hand.
Beatrice found herself sitting down in front of the paper works on the table, she returned at the council office immediately after the shopping, she needed to perfectly put everything in order before the university sport start. Tomorrow is going to be a long, long day for the council officers as they are mostly the assigned officers for the event. Any little problem that leads to big problems, needs to be immediately resolved.
She sat down and divided the names of volunteers for the committee and assigned the remaining students who weren't given a position. She saw Ava's name and she wasn't given any position yet just the task that was given to them earlier. Beatrice suddenly smiled, a small smile formed on her lips, she suddenly remembered the little interactions that she and Ava had.
That short happiness of her memory was replaced by the sudden memory that she didn't want to remember from earlier, her whole body tensed up and her heart was starting to shatter into pieces. Beatrice had flashbacks after seeing the face of that one person whom she never wanted to see ever again.
Beatrice felt tears start running down her cheeks, as she placed her free hand on her chest and just started crying a little loud. She could hear her heart breaking again just like the first time she felt broken from what that person did to her. She tried to cover her mouth to prevent more noise and all the muffling sounds were just echoing.
"Fuck…" Is all she said, the only word that came out of her mouth, she started shaking a bit from crying. Her first was gripping too tight, she was raging again. After seeing Quinton earlier all she could feel was madness crawling inside her.
"Beatrice?" The voice of that one girl whom she knew that she hated too from vain. Beatrice glared at the direction where she saw the girl. Clara Danvers who was suddenly taken back after seeing Beatrice in a mess.
"What do you think you're doing here?" Beatrice asked. The hatred from her voice was clear enough to be heard.
"I… I'm…" Clara couldn't finish her sentence, the eyes of the council president were glued to hers and all she could sense was anger and hatred. Beatrice stood up from her seat, approaching the girl who suddenly stepped back and found herself sitting on the top of the table. Beatrice reached her and wrapped her hand around the girl's neck, she didn't squeeze or tighten her grip but Beatrice wanted to.
"You, of all the people I get to see around the office, why you? You and her made my life a living hell Clara. Why do you dare to come here and face me?! Why the fuck are you here?!" Beatrice questioned, raising her voice. The heavy breathing of the council president was deep and almost breathless, Clara feared Beatrice ever since what happened before they separated their ways.
She knew how violent Beatrice became after Quinton had screwed up her life, she couldn't blame the council president for having rage on her. Clara wanted to speak up but too afraid to even slip a word out from her mouth, she didn't expect Beatrice to suddenly approach her like this.
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