《From the Bottom of My Heart, I Love You (gxg) (AU)》Ch. 18: Surprises
They went back to their table as Ava was taken back from the table setting, it was perfectly prepared by the people itself. Ava had already got the clue, she caught Beatrice earlier texting through her phone. Beatrice had all of it prepared, her favorite sunflower was set on the middle of the table.
Beatrice pulled the chair for Ava, Ava couldn't help but blush even more. All of this sweet gestures of the older girl, she finds it adorable of Beatrice. And now she wondered if she was like this with the girls she had dated, Ava suddenly had a question in mind. She didn't want to ask right away but her curiosity couldn't let her keep it to herself for any longer, as soon as she saw Beatrice sat down and told her to start eating. Ava questioned her right away.
"How many girls have you taken here? You know, like a date." Ava said. Beatrice stopped slicing her well done meat, gathering her thoughts before answering the younger girl's question.
"Sadly to say but none." Beatrice replied.
"But I remember Annie—" Ava started speaking but Beatrice cut her off.
"She's not counted. She never was." Beatrice spoke. Her voice didn't show coldness and firm but hurt. Ava didn't say a word, she was hoping that Beatrice would at least tell her what really happened.
"There's no other girl besides her then you." Beatrice added.
"I know I'm not in the place to ask. But I… I've been dying to ask you. What really happened between you and Quinton?" Ava asked.
"Are you really ready to hear everything from my past?" Beatrice asked.
"Bea, I'm ready to hear and to finally understand what really happened to you." Ava replied.
"One day, I will please. Just hang on, a little bit. Okay? I'm still trying to take everything in its place." Beatrice said.
"Okay, okay. I understand and respect your privacy, Bea." Ava replied, grabbing Beatrice's hand. Beatrice tensed a little then somehow found herself relaxed afterwards.
"Why don't you tell me about your life back in Chicago right before you met JC? Wait no. How did you two meet by the way?" Beatrice asked. Changed the topic.
"It was a rage party in Chicago, he was there for visiting his relatives and one of his relatives is a friend of mine. They tag him along to the rage party and then boom, we met." Ava replied.
"You're a party girl, huh?" Beatrice asked.
"Well, what do you think of me? An innocent girl who stays at home? I caused too many headaches to mom and dad." Ava replied, giggling for recalling all her rebellious days.
"Care to share what bad ass moments you have then." Beatrice said.
"Let's see, hmm… My dad had to bail me out of jail for running the car through the store that cost 35, 000 dollars. The worth was bigger than my monthly allowance." Ava replied.
"35,000 dollars Ava. Geez, what the hell were you thinking?" Beatrice questioned, her eyes were wide opened after hearing that story.
"I was drunk and having too much fun with my friends and so yeah. I've caused too many troubles and mostly Camila is always there to save my ass." Ava replied.
"All I ever did was disappoint my parents by the gang fights and shit. Mostly because with Quinton." Beatrice said, Ava caught her attention. Did Beatrice just give a small detail about her past?
"Gang fights? Wait what?" Ava asked.
"Moving on! You're a wild girl that's what I'm getting." Beatrice replied.
"I'm a very wild, wild woman Beatrice." Ava said with a smirk on her lips and raised an eyebrow at Beatrice who suddenly regretted what she said. Her cheeks started heating, she was once again blushing, too much had already happened earlier and now this happened again.
They continued eating, talking about random things that Ava would think about while Beatrice listened to her most of the time, this gave Beatrice a chance to look at Ava who was just sitting there, talking about something that she hardly listened to since her attention was on her.
Her eyes were basically just studying everything about the woman in front of her, Ava is beyond perfection, it made her speechless. Beatrice would have to bring her sketchpad next time and sketch this masterpiece on a piece of paper that she will hold onto forever.
"God really took his time making you, huh?" Beatrice said. It was the exact moment when Ava gazed at her and smiled. Ava heard what her best friend had said, she would admit that her butterflies went crazy. Crazier than she felt with JC, Ava felt a little weird out but she just found herself smiling at the older girl when she met her eyes.
Suddenly, her phone started buzzing. Beatrice and Ava's eye to eye contact was broken because of a phone call. Ava apologized and quickly took her phone inside her purse and answered it without checking the caller ID.
"Hello? JC?" Ava spoke, she immediately stood up and stepped a few meters away from their table. Beatrice's mood suddenly changed.
'Why do you always have to ruin this moment, Lawrence?' Beatrice thought to herself. She clenched her jaw, massaging her temples, she listened to the song playing in the background and suddenly thought of an idea. She calmly stood up from her seat, approaching the younger girl talking on the phone. She could hear the conversation as soon as she took a few more steps towards her.
"Um, I'm thinking about it. But I'll just give you an answer maybe tom—" Before Ava could finish her sentence, she felt her phone being taken away from her hand. Beatrice ended the call and turned off Ava's phone. Ava stared at the older girl with annoyance.
"You do know that was really rude. Give me my phone back." Ava demanded. Trying to retrieve her phone from Beatrice who only took a few more steps back from the younger girl as she placed her phone in her back pocket and pulled the younger girl by the waist, pulling her against her.
Ava was surprised by the sudden action, she froze and suddenly just felt different afterwards. "He was rude first, tonight you're mine. Let's dance." Beatrice spoke, staring at her eyes, down to her lips and then back to her eyes again. They started swaying around the small space, just a slow sway. Ava found herself resting her head on Beatrice's chest, they were just dancing slowly.
Everything else around them does not matter as of the moment, the only thing that matters is then together.
'Just in this moment, I want to be yours and you are mine. Even if your heart belongs to him.' Beatrice thought to herself. As she closed her eyes, just dancing along with the rhythm of their slow dance.
After the dancing and talking, Ava decided to do something. She took her seat on the older girl's lap which surprised Beatrice and then took a selfie for the both of them. Beatrice was too shook to even function a little, she was beyond shocked.
"There! Our first photo together." Ava said to Beatrice and then smiled at the older girl. Beatrice was breathless, she was too near, unexpectedly near the younger girl. Her cheeks started burning up and cleared her throat, lightly pushing off Ava. Beatrice's heart was beating too fast and her cheeks were burning.
'Damn you Ava.' Beatrice thought to herself.
Ava couldn't forget that night, it was very special. It cannot be erased at all nor be replaced by another memory that shall be remembered, the younger girl just couldn't take her mind off of that night. She would involuntarily smile whenever her mind reminds her of that night.
Today was the football game of the boys and swimming team of the university, Ava was divided because she got a text from JC saying he would love to have her in the game watching but she promised Beatrice that she will attend the game even though Beatrice didn't acknowledge the promise.
"Okay, um. Ava there's a change of plans, I might place you for taking photos in the swimming team. They are kind of the highlight of this year's seasonal games, the head of our department would want photos for the front page." Tallulah said to Ava.
"Yeah sure no problem." Ava replied. This will also be a chance for Ava to take photos for her project in photography class.
Ava suddenly spaced out and remembered the memories from the night at the Cafés and Books with Beatrice. It can't get it out of her mind, she kept having flashbacks, Ava just kept remembering the slow dance. It was very calming and relaxing, Ava couldn't help but feel… loved.
"Hey dude! Are you coming?!" Sam questioned the confused Ava. She was pulled out from her deep thoughts.
"Huh? Where exactly?" Ava asked.
"Um, we are supposed to watch Dana and President Beatrice for their swimming competition against the other universities. The coaches from the Olympic games that coached different contenders until they became the very best, they are here to watch Beatrice by the way, your best friend is such a popular swimmer." Sam exclaimed.
Ava couldn't help but smile, Beatrice deserved such recognition. That young woman deserves such high praise and recognition because that woman is smart and talented.
"Come on! Let's go!" Sam whined.
"Okay, okay! Geez, I'm coming!" Ava replied, running towards Sam's side. They both walked along with the rest of the people from different universities who would watch the swimming competition. The universities take this school event game way too seriously, Ava found out that the school still holds the title home of the champions.
Somehow it gave Ava the pride and confidence that she is studying to a university where all the champions are born, home of the champions. That was their motto, it was written there in the banner whenever you enter the school and they change that banner every three months or four.
Ava and Sam entered the pool area, a lot of people are already in there. They were ready to watch the game, Sam led Ava to the announcer's room where they can get the whole view from the top, Sam made a few little arrangements and now he is one of the hosts for the swimming game of this event and Ava got to watch from a top view.
The younger girl seems to forget the decision she had been thinking about earlier, her heart already made the choice for her without letting her know. She sat down on one of the chairs and just waited for the game to start, Ava was excited to see her best friend do something that she is good at.
After five minutes of waiting, Sam and the other host announcer started making their speeches, greeting the rival schools who were seated from different benches. They started calling names from different universities that will compete with their swimming team.
Ava took a few photos from her phone, she forgot her camera again. But the phone would do it, the clear camera of the iPhone makes it better. She started taking a few photos of their students, she heard Dana's name was called and Ava just took pictures of her friend who was walking in and waving to everyone with a smile on her lips. A few more names were called before it was Beatrice's turn.
"Lastly, the ace of the team. The secret weapon of M.U. She is your royal Highness of this kingdom, the real mvp Beatrice Hansen!" Sam announced through the microphone. Ava stood up and as soon as she saw her, she took photos of the woman who just nodded her head to the people that surrounded her and walked towards her team.
One more thing she noticed when Beatrice was announced last, the whole crowd went loud and crazy the moment she started walking. Ava was too surprised by the sudden cheer of these people, how popular is her best friend?
"That woman still got it, Sam. Listen to the cheers of our beloved students, they are still crazy for the one and only Beatrice Hansen." The co-host said to Sam.
"Of course! Beatrice Hansen will remain superior in both worlds, Harold. Whether people will hate on her or love her, either way. The queen will remain unbothered by any of that and instead will show you how she rolls in the game." Sam replied.
Ava couldn't help but smirk, the impact of the woman to everyone is strong and she couldn't imagine how much pressure she goes through too. She continued taking pictures and then when she was satisfied, she sat down and watched the game.
The game started with three matches, Beatrice was the third player to swim against the new champion of the other university. Ava had to wait for Beatrice's turn, her phone started buzzing and saw the caller ID. It was JC. She stood up from her chair and went to the very corner of the room to answer the call.
"Hello?" Ava answered.
"Hey I was looking for you earlier in the crowd, I thought you'd be watching my game. You missed it again I think?" JC replied.
"Oh yeah. I'm sorry, the club made me change my time schedule so I am assigned to take pictures for the swimming team." Ava said. It was an excuse but it was half true at the same time.
"Really? Damn. Well, we won! We plan to celebrate after the event today, do you want to come?" JC asked.
"Um sure sure. I gotta go!" Ava replied, she was quick to hang up after hearing Beatrice diving in.
Beatrice dived in the pool, her only main goal is to win this round. When she was entering the pool area, her eyes caught a glimpse of the love of her life standing there far away from the crowd, watching her from above. Beatrice couldn't help but feel cocky at that moment, because for Beatrice she won against JC at this point.
She knew JC contacted Ava and wished for Ava to watch the game, though it seems like the faith is on her side today and now Ava is here watching her win this, Beatrice's mind was focused on the game but her eyes would wander back to Ava.
Few minutes of waiting, it was her turn to jump in. As soon as her teammate reached the last lap she quickly jumped in, her body just sunk down in the water hugging her well-built body. Beatrice relaxed her mind and let her body do most of the work, she would lift her head up for a few seconds to breathe air and then put her head back in the water again.
Within a few seconds just like in every record of her swimming track, she reached the end of the pull and made a flip under the water as she pushed herself to swim back from the starting line. She swam back, she knew she's winning, the voice of the crowd and the voice of the hosts were screaming out her name, releasing words like "Hansen is winning! Hansen is leading!"
And just like that she finally reached the beginning line from where she started and the crowd roared of joy, their team won the round. Beatrice smiled just like the champion that she is, the whole crowd were clapping their hands and chanting her name. Her coach helped her to get out of the pool, she earned two thumbs up from her coach and the rest of her teammates clapped their hands for her.
"Hansen! Hansen! Hansen!" The crowd chanting. Beatrice felt nothing but like a champion that she always was, all the pressure and overthinking were set aside for a while. Beatrice waved back to the crowd, waving at the people who consider themselves as fans.
"Bea!" A girl's voice squealed from the distance, a familiar voice which is music to Beatrice's ears. She turned around and saw Ava running towards her direction, she didn't expect Ava would be running all the way from the top just to go down here and came towards her.
"Congratulations!" Ava said as soon as she rushed towards Beatrice's arms, hugging the older girl despite getting herself wet. Beatrice is still soaking wet from the water, Ava didn't pay attention. She was so proud of her best friend, Ava looked up to stare at the older girl and they both giggled afterwards.
Everyone was still roaring with joy, Beatrice told Ava to hold on to her varsity jacket that she had brought with her earlier before she jumped into the water. Ava gladly accepted it but after, she wore it and continued waiting for Beatrice. Sam came and found her near the pool area's entrance, telling her that he will be waiting for Dana.
"Are you wearing the council president's jacket?" Sam asked as he just noticed now the jacket that Ava is wearing.
"Yep!" Ava proudly replied.
"Girl, it looks good on you. I have never seen that jacket looking good on someone well besides Beatrice herself. Wow, you can pull it off. I mean let's be honest, the design and the color is too ugly, it didn't harmonize well." Sam said.
"Dude, stop. Someone might hear you saying that." Ava replied. Giggling at her friend's remarks.
"Any plans after today's event?" Sam asked.
"I guess I'll finish the other stuff for the carnival and maybe help out Beatrice to prepare the food although the Carnival won't happen until Thursday. So maybe just hang around the storage to fix the stuff I guess." Ava replied.
"I heard this gossip by the way. That you and Beatrice went out of the university the other day?" Sam asked.
"Wait. What?" Ava questioned.
"One of the football team players, Dylan said they saw you two going out. He said that you two were lowkey dating, JC punched Dylan for that." Sam replied.
"What the fuck?" Ava asked. Surprised by the sudden news she just heard coming out from Sam's mouth.
"Um. I'm sorry?" Sam replied. Ava didn't think twice before taking off, leaving Sam alone. She took her phone out of her pocket and texted Beatrice that she had to do something urgent, pressing send she quickly dialed JC's number and waited for it to rang.
It may seem too dramatic but Ava doesn't like it when JC will get himself in trouble, the last time she had seen him like that getting himself in trouble was when they visited a party and a boy tried to harassed her and JC found out, the boy did not hesitate to swinging his fist and almost break his nose. The ring lasted for a few seconds before JC picked up the call.
"Ava?" JC answered.
"I heard you punched Dylan. Was that true?" Ava asked, walking fast to find him.
"Ava—" He started off but Ava cut him off.
"Where are you?" Ava asked.
"I just finished my shower, I was planning to grab something to eat near-by the university." JC replied.
"Meet me in the gate." Ava said before hanging up. She just wanted to be sure JC wasn't hurt at all.
On the other hand, Beatrice read the text of Ava which caused her to lose interest and ended up being her usually cold self, she felt defeated by the end of the day. She just put on her clothes, minding her own business when she suddenly got a text again. She wondered who it was and so Beatrice checked her phone and was surprised to see the text.
Her parents are here and wishing for her to come see them in the Blossom Hotel, her parents are in town and it can only mean one thing she will have to attend all her father’s meetings while they are around the town. Beatrice closed her locker door and eventually left the locker room with a bad mood again, she didn’t waste no time but headed back to her dorm room to change to something comfortable and presentable in showing up to her parents.
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