《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 15


Y/n P.O.V

We are currently on our way to a cafe in London to meet with my parents and of course, tell them everything. I'm pretty nervous, though I'm not sure why, they were extremely accepting when I came out to them and my sister has always said she thinks me and Lauren are good together. But after we broke up last time, they weren't particularly happy, I know they're just looking out for me, but they said some pretty mean things about how Lauren had 'fucked me around' towards the end of it all and when we actually broke up all my dad could say was 'good riddance'. I just hope they'll continue to support me in this and understand that I wouldn't do it if I didn't love her like I do.

They don't know Lauren is coming with me today, they know I'm bringing my 'new girlfriend', but they thinks it's actually someone new, not an old girlfriend that I got back together with. I guess we'll see how it goes.

We arrive at the cafe and go inside, I look around and see that my parents aren't actually here yet.

'Come on, lets go grab some food then sit down and wait for them to arrive', I tug on Lauren's hand which is firmly attached to mine. I can tell she's nervous, my dad never particularly like her, my mum loved her but for some reason my dad had something against her, and he blamed her for me getting tattoos, saying she's a 'bad influence' and stuff. My mum had always been able to tame his dislike for her though, but now I'm not sure whether she will want to.

We ordered our food and drinks, then went to sit at a table in the back corner where it was slightly less packed, it was a relatively quiet cafe anyway, people tended to come in here to do work on their laptops in the quiet with the free wifi, so it wasn't really noisy either.

'Relax Lo', I told her, grabbing her hand across the table and running my fingers over her knuckles gently.

'It's hard to relax when with every passing second you're dad is walking closer and closer, and I'm coming closer and closer to being dead', she said shakily

'He's not going to kill you babe'

'You don't know that, he's Italian, he probably has contacts in the mafia to do it for him'

'You're overreacting', I said cocking my eyebrow at her when she shook her head at me. We stayed like that for a few seconds before a crooked smile broke across my face and I sat back, shaking my head slightly and looking away from her.

'You're cute', she said, causing me to turn back and look at her to see her smiling at me, clearly having forgotten about her nerves for a moment.

'You're alright', I shrugged, causing her to lean across the table and hit me in the arm, 'owwie', I complained like a child and rubbed where she hit.


'I didn't hit you that hard, don't be such a child', Lauren said as she laughed slightly, causing me to jut out my bottom lip like a child when they're sad. She stood up and slid into my side of the booth we had claimed, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me into her, as I remained acting like the stroppy child she told me I was.

'Aww, I'm sowwy baby', she said in a baby voice and she kissed my forehead, nose, then lightly pecking my lips, breaking me out of my childlike act and making me smile again. 'Much better', she muttered as she leaned in to kiss me again, this time for slightly longer, as I moved me lips with hers for a second.

As I pulled away I looked up to see my father, watching with his arms crossed.

'Y/d/n, why are you-', my mother cut herself off as she came up behind my father and followed his deadly gaze towards us, '-oh', she actually sounded disappointed, she looks disappointed.

My father on the other hand looked ready to kill, both myself and Lauren I'm assuming. Then he just walked out, didn't say a word, just walked away.

'Y/d/n', my mum said as she followed him out, leaving Lauren and I alone again.

I roughly pushed her off of me as she still had her arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

'Y/n-', she started and tried to put her arm around me again

'Lauren just shut up, leave me alone', I said pushing her away again, probably a little rougher than I should have.

My parents are disappointed in me. As a child that's one of the worst feelings, disappointing your parents, it makes you feel shit, because they are the people that, no matter what, are meant to support you and be proud of you and what you do. Disappointing them means you've seriously fucked up.

'Y/n, they'll come round', she tried again, this time not moving any closer to me. She sounded as if she was trying to convince herself more than me.

'My dad never liked you Lauren he's not going to come round now', I said with no emotion at all. I got up from the table and started to walk back to the hotel we were currently staying in.

'Y/n, wait, where are you going?', Lauren asked as she ran to catch up to me

'I just need some time to think', I replied

'About what?', she pushed as I continued walking away from her, 'y/n, please, just tell me something'

'There's nothing to tell, I just need some time to think, go back to the hotel, I'll be back later'

'When's later?'

'Later is later Lauren, now please just go away', I said as I stopped walking and turned to face her.

'You know I love you right?', she asked as she moved closer to me and placed her hands hesitantly on my waist, not wanting me to push her away again. I looked down avoiding her eyes. She moved one of her hands up to grab my chin between her thumb and forefinger, lifting my head up, making me look at her. 'I love you', she said again.


'I know', I stated

'Please say it back y/n', she pleaded

'I love you too', I said so quietly you could hardly hear it. She looked sad as she dropped her hands down by her sides.

'I'll see you back at the hotel then yeah?'


And with that she walked away, back to the hotel and I walked, aimlessly, thinking about this stupid situation I got myself into and what I should do about it.

----------- 6 hours later

Lauren's P.O.V

It's been just over 6 hours since y/n walked off by herself, I've called her god knows how many times and sent her an infinite amount of texts, but she hasn't answered any of them. I'm starting to get worried, what if something's happened to her? What if-

My thoughts were cut off when the door opened and in walked y/n.

'Oh, you're still awake', she muttered as she entered

'What do you mean 'oh, you're still awake'?, of course I'm still awake', I shot back, slightly annoyed she hadn't let me know where she was.

'You shouldn't have stayed up'

'I stayed up because I care about you, I was worried', I said the last part quietly as I place my hands on her waist and pulled her closer to me, making our bodies touch. I lean in to place a gentle kiss on her lips but she turner her head so I was met with her cheek instead. What the fuck is up with her? I stepped back a little so I could see her face better, she was avoiding my gaze at all costs. This is bad.

'Babe? Please tell me what's wrong', I begged her

'It's nothing, I'm going to bed', she turned to go get ready for bed before I stopped her by grabbing her arm gently.

'It's clearly not nothing y/n', I looked into her eyes, and for the first time since I can remember, I can't read exactly what she's thinking, and it scared me beyond belief.

'I want to go to bed Lo', she pulled her arm out of my grasp and walked into the bathroom.

A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom in her usual sleeping attire of shorts and a sports bra. I was sat on the bed waiting for her to come back out. She's not getting away from this conversation, no matter how hard she tries. She sat down on the bed next to me and started scrolling through her phone.

'Are you going to break up with me because of this?', I asked her, getting straight to the thing I was most terrified about.

'What?', she asked, turning to me rather shocked, 'why would you think that?'

'Because, I had to ask you to tell me you loved me earlier, and even then it wasn't particularly convincing, then just before I went to kiss you and you gave me the cheek, you've never done that before', I started rambling, 'and with the whole thing that happened today with your parents, I just thought that maybe you're rethinking everything, and maybe now you're thinking you don't actually love me', my voice cracked on the last word as I said it out loud, if I keep talking I'm going to break my own heart so I stopped, hoping she would have something to say.

She reached her hand up and wiped her thump across my cheek, and it was only then that I realised I had tears slowly flowing out of my eyes. She looked pained, like she was trying to decide something. She looked away from me, taking her hand away from my face.

'I do love you Lo', she said not looking up, 'way too much', she looked back up to me now, 'that's why this is so hard'

My heart broke, she's actually going to break up with me. 'Please don't do this y/n, please don't leave me, I can't live without you', I begged her, doing nothing to try and stop the flood of tears coming from my eyes.

'I don't want to Lauren, I love you more than words can explain'

'Then don't, please y/n, I don't know if I'll be able to live without you, I know we're not perfect but my life would be so shit without you there', I continued to beg her

'I feel like I have to choose between you and my family'

'You don't, I'll talk to your dad, I'll buy him a new car, I'll get my tattoos lasered off, I'll do anything, just please don't do this'

'I don't plan on breaking up with you Lauren, because if I have to choose I'll choose you', I watched her, studying her eyes to see if she was telling the truth. I found she was, but she's holding something back.

'But...?', I prompted her

'But...I don't want to lose my family'

'You don't have to, have you even talked to them yet?'

'Maisie text me earlier asking why when dad got home he looked like he wanted to rip someone's head off, I told her to ask mum and she hasn't replied since then'

'You should talk to them, we should talk to them, explain everything, maybe they'll understand'

'Maybe', y/n muttered as she moved to cuddle into my side, 'let's just sleep now though, and I promise I will never leave you as long as you never leave me'

'I promise', I moved around so we were both comfortably wrapped in the sheets, with y/n's face buried in my neck and our legs intertwined.

I don't know what I'd do without this girl.



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