《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 14


(Skip forward a little in time so you're now in England)

Lauren's P.O.V

Apple chapstick. That's what y/n's lips taste like. At first I found it kinda annoying, back when we first got together. But now, I love it. When she hasn't used it in a while, and the taste is faint, it's almost like I'm not kissing her. Though I know I am. I'd know her lips anywhere, with or without that wonderful fake apple taste on them. I love to tease her about her use of the stuff. Saying she's addicted to it, which of course she denies, though we all know I'm correct.

Her constant use of it means her lips are always soft, even though she says her lips are dry and that's why she needs it. But the best part is that it also means she subconsciously rubs her lips together in the sexiest way possible. And then she'll lick them a little and rub them together again. Honestly you have no idea how hot it makes her look. And how much it turns me on. But I can't really do anything about that right now, considering I'm currently sat in front of a camera with Dinah and 2 YouTubers called Rose and Rosie.

I've never really heard of Rose and Rosie before, but they seem cool and they're both pretty funny. They (particularly Rose) seem very excited to have us here, Dinah said she heard they were fans of us, so I guess that's probably why.

We're getting ready to film a video for their YouTube channel, well Rose, Rosie and Dinah are, I'm just sat staring at my beautiful girlfriend, who's sat across the room on her phone, probably mindlessly scrolling though tumblr, or looking for some new music on Spotify or something.

'Lauren!', I was snapped out of my thoughts as Dinah snapped her fingers in front of my face, 'stop being so obvious'

'Obvious about what?', I asked, confused about what she was referring to

'That you're totally in love with y/n'


'You've been staring at here for almost 10 minutes now, and it was cute at first, but soon someone's gonna notice and in case you'd forgotten, you guys aren't 'officially' dating yet', Dinah explained to me, putting air quotes around 'officially'.

'Right', I sighed taking one last glance towards the angel I like to call my girlfriend, noticing she had a slight smirk in her face, but was trying to hide it, before turning my attention to Rose who was doing the finishing touches to the lighting and camera set up before we started filming.

'Okay, so you guys know what we're doing right?', Rosie asked us as she sat down on the couch next to Dinah and I in front of the camera

'Yup, the whisper challenge', Dinah answered. I'd heard of this game before, and I've seen a few Youtubers play it so I know the rules, but I've never played it myself, so this should be interesting.

'Alright, let's get going then', Rose said as she pressed record in the camera and came and sat next to Rosie, Dinah and me on the couch.

'Hey guys, as you've probably noticed, we currently have Dinah Jane and Lauren Jauregui sat in our couch, and no, they are not photoshopped in, I'm not that delusional', Rose started off the video, talking to the camera.


'It's great to meet you guys', she then said, turning to face us, 'I'm a huge fan'

'She's not lying', Rosie chimed in, 'it's creepy how obsessed she is with you guys'

'I'm not obsessed, I just appreciate their talent and beauty'

'Well thanks, it's great to meet you guys too, you seem really funny', I said, joining the conversation.

'Aww thanks', Rose replied, 'right so today guys, we are going to be playing a game we've not done before'

'The whisper challenge....', Rosie whispered dramatically, causing myself and Dinah to laugh a little.

'Right so let's get right into it', Rose states, 'I'm going to start it off, telling Dinah the secret sentence, then she has to tell Lauren what she thinks it is, then Lauren tells Rosie, then Rosie has to tell us all what she thinks it is, and I'll tell you if it's right, got it?'

'Lets do this!', Dinah exclaimed, then placed the headphones over her head and pressed play in the music, which was so loud it made her jump. Meanwhile, Rosie and I left the room so we wouldn't hear what Rose was saying.

Y/n followed us out and sat next to me on the kitchen counter, as I just leant against it, placing her hand on my shoulder.

'This is fun', she whispered as she leant down next to my ear, causing me to jump a little as I hadn't expected it.

'What's fun', I questioned her, turning so I could look at her easily

'Nothing', she said, then looked away and licked her lips again, in a noticeably more seductive way than before.

'I know what you're trying to do', I whisper to her, then turned away so I couldn't see what she was doing with her beautifully soft, plump lips anymore.

'And what's that?', she breathed against my ear, causing my baby hairs to move around, tickling my neck and making me shiver.

'Y/n-', I started but was cut off my Rose entering the kitchen

'Lauren, you can go in now, Dinah knows what to do', she informed me

'Okay, cool', I replied, slightly flustered. I turned to go back to the living room we were filming in, but not before I caught a glance of y/n still sat on the kitchen counter, smirking to herself, so as I walked past her, I jabbed her in the stomach with my finger, making her double over, squeal and topple forwards off the counter. Now I'm the one smirking as I walked out of the room.

I arrived in the living room and sat in front of the camera next to Dinah.

'Put these on, then I'm going to tell you what I think Rose said to me', Dinah explained as I place the earphones over my ears and pressed play on the music.

She started saying the sentence, and honestly this is going to be impossible. It looks like she's saying something about stabbing a cornflakes at school. Or on her way to school? Yeah, I'm gonna go with that, I stabbed a cornflake on my way to school last year? That'll have to do.

'Okay I think I've got it!', I said, probably shouted by Dinah's reaction to me speaking. I took the earphones off, 'sorry, did I shout?'


'Little bit', Dinah said sarcastically, causing me to roll my eyes

'Just go get Rosie', she got up and left the room, leaving me sat in front of the camera.

Soon enough Rosie entered the room and sat next to me, taking the earphones and putting the over her ears.

'Ready?', I ask her, to which she sticks her thumbs up

'I stabbed a cornflake on my way to school last year', I said, over pronouncing each word, trying to make it easier for her to understand. It didn't really help, she just looked really confused, and slightly shocked.

'I got something, but I don't think it's right, little too inappropriate, even for our channel', she said, 'say it again'

'I. STAB-BED. A CORNFLAKE. ON MY WAY. TO SCHOOL. LAST. YEAR', I said slowly, over pronouncing each word again.

'Okay, I think I've got it', she said, removing the earphones from her ears, 'ROSE!!!!', she shouted, trying to get Rose to come back in with Dinah. A few seconds later they both re-entered the room, followed by y/n, and sat back down.

'Okay, so you've watched us all try and pass the message along, let's see how well we did, Rosie, what do you think in the sentence was?', Rose asked

'Well, I don't think it's what you said at the beginning but I got 'I stabbed a cold lake, by the way I'm too cool this year'...?', Rosie guessed, making us all laugh.

'You're correct, that is not what I said, not even close', Rose told us between her laughs, 'Lauren what did you get?'

'I don't think it's right either, because it's pretty similar to that, but I got 'I stabbed a cornflake on my way to school last year'?'

'Slightly closer, but still very incorrect, where did you get this stabbing thing from?'

'I swear that's what Dinah said', I complained

'I didn't say anything about stabbing, I said 'I stepped on a corvette on my way to school earlier''

'Still wrong, and I don't know where you got school from', Rose informed us

'Well, you definitely say something about stepping on a corvette'

'Still wrong, I said 'I stepped on a cornflake, now I'm a cereal killer'

We all stared at her blankly.

'How did you not get that?!', I said turning to Dinah

'You try understanding how British mouths move when they talk, it's different to how we talk'

We went on to try out a couple more sentences, one of which we almost got right.

'Well, thanks for being here guys, honestly this is a dream come true', Rose said to us.

'Well thanks for having us, you guys are dope', I replied

'Awwwww, thanks', Rosie replied and we group hugged, then they ended the video and turned the camera off.

'Seriously, thanks for doing this guys, you have no idea how long I've been waiting to meet you guys', Rose said as she packed away the filming equipment.

'Lauren, can we get food, I'm huuuuuungryyyyy', y/n whined as she got up from where she'd been sat and walked towards me, as I stood from where we'd been filming the video.

'Yeah babe, just wait a-', I cut myself off as I realised what I just said, '-minute....'. I looked over to Dinah to see if she'd picked it up, which, by the look on her face, she had, which meant Rose and Rosie probably had too.

I racked my brain to try and come up with some kind of excuse, but I couldn't think of anything in the moment. Shit. I'm going to have to tell them and hope they can keep it to themselves.

'Uummmm, did you...?', I started, slowly turning to Rose and Rosie, who we struggling to hide the smiles on their faces

'You two are together aren't you?', Rosie said pointing between y/n and me

'Urrrr, I, um, I don't, we urrr, we aren't, we just, please don't tell anyone', I stutteringly begged them.

'Of course, it's your private life, it has nothing to do with us'

'Oh my god, you have no idea, thank you so much', I hugged them both.

'Don't mention it, I'm just glad you're actually together because, OTP all the way', Rosie said excitedly, while gesturing to the 2 of us.

---------- (skipping forward in time because I have no idea where I'm going with this)

Y/n's P.O.V

Lauren and I are currently sat in one of the living areas in their tour bus. Seriously this thing is massive and they have like 3 of them. It's double decker and everything, I'm surprised it actually fits on the road. But the size of the bus is not the point I was going to make. We're sat on the bus, watching some scary film that's not really scary, well, it might be, but I'm not really paying attention, Lauren's hands are currently running up and down my bare abs, as I'm sat in my sports bra, shorts and socks with her lips dancing over mine, occasionally roaming down to my neck and back up again. To put it bluntly, we're in the middle of a pretty intense make out session. Then a thought pops into my mind, making me pull away, causing Lauren to groan.

'How do you know we can trust them not to tell anyone?', I asked

'What?', Lauren asked, confused and annoyed I'd pulled away to ask her that.

'I mean Rose and Rosie, how do you know we can trust them not to tell anyone?'

'Because we can', she said, then moved back in to try and carry on what we had been doing, but I placed my fingers in her lips to stop her again, making her groan, yet again.

'Y/n, we can trust them okay, trust me'

'But how can you be sure? We'd never met them before today and by the sounds of it they're pretty big fans of you guys, and us being together for that matter'

'Y/n, just have a little faith okay, they're not just some random fan account on twitter that like to try and find things out about us and spill our secrets to the world, now can we please continue making out because I have been craving you all day and if I don't get to fuck you soon I'm going to break something', Lauren exclaimed, seemingly all in one breath.

'Ugh, fine if we have to', I said sarcastically as I leaned back in to kiss her swollen lips. Soon enough you can bet we were doing more than just making out.


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