《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 11


Lauren was leaving today. For the rest of tour that is. I had decided to stay back in Miami for a bit to get our apartment ready for me to send all my stuff over in a few weeks when tour went to the UK. The plan was for the girls to go on the South American leg of tour then I'd meet them in Dublin and go with them on the UK leg then when they went to the rest of Europe, I would bring my stuff over to Miami, then I had to go back to work. The new TV show I'm going to be on starts shooting, and it actually shoots in Miami so this whole moving in with Lauren thing actually worked out really well.

We told Mani, Dinah and Ally about us a few days ago. They were a little mad we hadn't told them, especially considering Camila knew, but they got over it and are just really happy for us.

'If I'm late to the airport it's going to be your fault!', Lauren shouted from where she was stood by the front door. I was currently trying to quickly make myself look presentable to go out in public. I had just had a shower and hadn't had time to dry my hair, not that I dry my hair usually anyway, but that meant that my hair was still a little damp. To cover it up I threw on a random beanie on my way out of the bedroom.

'Nice hat', Lauren said as I walked towards her

'Thanks....?', I said a little confused as to why she was pointing it out

'Look in the mirror babe', I did as she said and saw that I was wearing Lauren's beanie that had 'Jauregui' written across it

'Do you want me to wear a different one?', I asked her going to take it off

'No! I mean, you look cute in it'

'Aren't you worried about people getting suspicious', I asked her. After talking a little more, we had decided that we were going to tell her management before coming out to the entire world, we figured they'd probably be less mad that way.

'No, we're going to be telling them soon anyway, plus it's fun to drop hints and watch the fans go crazy over the smallest little things', she explained to me, pulling me into her by my waist and kissing my nose, causing me to scrunch it up, 'we need to go, or I'm gonna miss my flight', she turned and picked up her suitcase.

We walked out to my car putting Lauren's suitcase in the back then I hopped into the drivers seat and she got in the passenger side.

I'm new to driving in the US. I'm used to everything being the other way round. And intersections confuse the fuck out of me. Like, what's wrong with roundabouts? They're far more simple and much easier to work out. I always get confused as to who has priority over me, because it's opposite to in the UK so when I think about it I start to question myself and do it wrong then everyone gets annoyed at me, which just adds to my stress in the situation. It's because of this that Lauren hates having me drive her places. It also might be because I have a tendency to drive a little faster than she'd like me to.


'You need to slow down', Lauren told me as she gripped the edge of her seat, her knuckles turning white.

'I'm only going 30', I told her

'Yeah, but we're in a 20 zone, that 10 over the limit', she informed me

'Believe it or not but I can actually do maths'

'You mean math', she tried to corrects me

'No I mean mathS, with an s on the end', I argued

'You're wrong'

'No, you're wrong. Why would it be math when it's short for mathematicS, with an s', I tried to convince her, 'it's not mathematic is it?'

'No but it's MATHematics not mathSematics', she argued back

'Whatever, maths sounds better, plus last time I checked the language we speak is ENGLISH, which automatically means I'm correct', she looked at me, still unconvinced, laughing a little at my argument.

'I can't believe I'm not gonna see you for a week', Lauren looked over to me, grabbing my spare hand

'It's only a week Lo, but it's good to know you'll miss me', I smiled back at her, squeezing her hand

'I didn't say I was going to miss you, just that I can't believe I won't see you for a week', she teased, 'finally I get a week away from you're annoying ass'

'Heeey, you love my ass', I smirked back at her. She hit my arm, 'OW!'

We pulled into the car park at the airport and sat there in silence.

'I know it's only a week, but I seriously am going to miss you', Lauren said, turning to me

'I'll miss you too', I said leaning over to give her a kiss. I sat back and saw that she had tears in her eyes, 'please don't cry, you're gonna make me c-cry too', I stuttered a little, feeling the tears coming on

'It's only a week, and we can talk everyday', she assured herself as much as me

'And it better be FaceTime and not just calling', I told her, 'I want to be able to see your beautiful face everyday', she laughed a little, sniffling as she tried to stop herself from crying.

I leaned over and gave her another kiss then we got out of the car and went to get her luggage.

I quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching us and when I didn't see anyone, gave her another quick peck on the lips.

We started walking towards the terminal where she was meant to meet Camila and some of their security. When we spotted them, we quickly headed over and greeted everyone.

'Hey, where's your luggage?', Camila asked me

'Oh, um, I'm not coming, I need to sort some stuff out, Lauren will tell you about it later', I said, not wanting to say anything with the security and so many other people so close by.

'Oh, okay, well, I guess this is bye then', she hugged me, 'wait. When will we next see you?'


'I'm meeting you over in Dublin and going with you around the UK, but then I have to go back to work and stuff so I can't do the rest of Europe sadly'

'Awww nooooo. It won't be as fun without you with us', she hugged me again

'I'm sure you'll find a way to have fun without me', I hugged her back, chuckling a little

'But what about our plans to go and explore Prague and Rome and Stockholm and Copenhagen and all the other places we're going?'

'I'm sure you can explore them without me Cami', I assured her

'Still...', she hugged me, again.

'Okay Camz, I think thats enough hugging', Lauren chimed in. Camila pulled away from our hug and Lauren was quick to replace Camila, wrapping herself around me, burying her face in my neck. I did the same to her, breathing in her luxurious sent.

We stayed like that for a while until the girls security said that they needed to go. I was biting my lip so hard as I watched them walk away, waving, that I could taste blood in my mouth, but I didn't want to cry here, with lots of people watching me.

I made my way back to my car and once I was inside, I let a few tears fall.

I drove back home and walked into the empty apartment.

I've never been here when Lauren wasn't here before. It's so quiet. There's no distant humming of a tune she has stuck in her head, no sound of the kettle boiling so she can make us tea or coffee, no music playing so loudly that the neighbours ask us to turn it down. Just no Lauren. It's so empty without her here. I have no idea what to do with myself.

I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone.

I was going to text her but decided that I would send out a tweet instead. If we were going to do this teasing this, I was going to do it properly.

@y/t/n: It feels so empty without you.

There, that's good, she'll know it's about her and everyone else will go crazy trying to work out who I'm talking about. Just like 'the tweet', but obviously on a much smaller scale.

Within minutes I could see that lots of the fan accounts that I followed, both my ones and Fifth Harmony ones, were talking about it. Saying things like, 'I bet this is about Lauren', then others saying 'why do you all think it's about Lauren? We don't even know that's who 'the tweet' was about', and then there's obviously the odd Camren shipper who hates it whenever anyone brings up anything to do with either of them dating anyone else, saying things like 'y/ship/n isn't really guys, because camren is and Lauren wouldn't do that to camila', which was obviously met with comments like 'Camren shippers are so delusional' and 'why do camren shippers have to involve themselves with everything'. Arguments. There will always be arguments between fans, they always pick up on the slightest little detail, which I have to applaud them for really, seriously they could be detectives or something. But they need to stop picking everything apart, they need to stop picking each other apart. Because that's is not what I, nor the 5H girls stand for. We all promote the idea that we all, especially women and girls, need to help bring each other up, not tear each other down. I'm kinda disappointed that my fans love that I promote that but then still go and try to bring people down just because they have a different view on something. We are all humans, we are never all going to agree on everything, it's impossible and if you want to try and control what people think then you're going to have to take away peoples basic human rights and if you do that then you're no better than people like Hitler, Trump, Putin, Kim Jong-un and all the different rulers of countries that are currently at war, trying to for the rights that they deserve.

I decided to tweet something about it so typed it and sent it out.

@y/t/n: I'm kinda disappointed that you guys find it so easy to tear each other down 😔

A few minutes later I got a notification saying Lauren had quoted my tweet.

@laurenjauregui: what she said

*quoted tweet*


It was now 1am and I had just finished a FaceTime call to Lauren. She'd given me a little hotel room tour kind of thing then we'd talked for about an hour, but she decided to go to bed so she could get plenty of sleep before having to get up early for their show in Mexico tomorrow.

I decided to go to bed too, considering it was pretty late.

It's already been an entire day. That means there's only 6 more days until I see Lauren again, and the other girls obviously.

I fell asleep thinking about a lot of things. Lauren, what I was going to do tomorrow, Lauren, the fact I should probably go buy some food tomorrow, Lauren, being able to tell the world about Lauren and me, Lauren Lauren Lauren. So mainly just thinking about Lauren.



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