《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 10


y/n P.O.V

'Are you okay though Lauren?', I heard a voice ask

'I'm fine Camila, it's just y/n, she could have been seriously hurt', I heard Lauren's voice reply shakily

'I know, but she's fine'

There was a pause.

'Lauren, it's okay to let go now, she's safe. That's why I'm here. You need to look after yourself too'

Another pause, then a sob.

'I can't just let go Camz, I have to keep it together. What good am I to her like this?', I heard Lauren sob out.

I was still lying on the couch, not wanting to move so they think I'm still asleep. I felt so guilty. While I'd been having a near mental breakdown, Lauren had been trying to hold herself together for me. She gets really bad anxiety when she's in the type of situation we were in...I don't know how long ago. How long had I been asleep? When did Camila get here? Can I smell pizza? I decided to get up, and walked into the kitchen.

'Hey', I said greeting them both sleepily. Lauren immediately turned away from me, trying to hide her tear stained face.

'Hey y/n', Camila greeted me back, 'how ya feeling?'

'Better', I said, giving her a quick hug. I walked over to Lauren, who was trying to act like she was busy with something, and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

'Thank you', I said quietly, kissing her bare shoulder, 'for being strong for me', I kissed her shoulder again, 'but I'm okay now baby', she turned around in my arms, looking down, still trying to hide her face. 'Lauren', I said, lifting her chin, 'it's okay, I'm here for you too, you don't have to deal with it on your own'

'I know- I just- when I- if I had- I would've- you would've- I couldn't- I needed to-', she stuttered out, sobbing. I pulled her into me, hugging her close, not bothering to say anything. I always say I'm terrible at comforting people, but I think I'm doing a pretty good job to be honest.

'You 2 are cute, but the pizza's getting cold', Camila stated, making us all laugh.


It was now 9:30, we had finished all the pizza and were now watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This is probably my least favourite one to be honest, it was good the first couple of times but after you've watched it a few more it gets a bit boring. I just feel like it's just kinda filling in the gap between the first one and the third one, but whatever. It's still good, just not my favourite. You know what, it probably has something to do with the fact that Hermione is a statue for half of it so isn't as involved, she's my favourite character because, you know, Emma Watson. Plus Harry as a person just annoys me, he just needs to realise the whole world does not revolve around him and the whole situation they are in is WAAAAAAYYY bigger than him. My annoyance at him doesn't stop me from loving the franchise though. Anyway, moving on from that topic, Lauren is basically asleep, stirring a little every time something a little dramatic happens and Camila is so intently focused on the screen I don't think she's blinked since they entered the chamber. I was lying half on top of Lauren, with my head on her chest so I could see the screen.


'Your chin is digging into my boob', Lauren muttered, her voice rasping from sleeping. I jiggled my chin around so it dug in more, simply to annoy her. 'OW! Staaaahhhpppp', she exclaimed in her baby voice, pushing my head back.

I moved to put my head back where it was but she stopped me.

'But your boob is comfy', I whined

'Well it feels like you're trying to dig a blunt knife into it'

'My chin isn't that pointy, you're overreacting', I told her

'Oh, I'm overreacting am I?', she quirked an eyebrow at me. Before I could do or say anything she was jabbing her fingers into my sides.

'Lau- no Lo stop, please, oh my god', I screamed, wiggling away from her, 'Lauren! Stooooop!'

'Guys, if you're gonna fuck can you do it somewhere else, I'm trying to watch the film', Camila said, shaking her head at us.

'This is our house Camz, we can do what we want, where we want', Lauren told the other girl, laughing, but stopped tickling me anyway.

I didn't say anything. Lauren said this was 'our' house. It's not ours, it's just hers. I'm a guest just like Camila. Maybe she wants it to be ours? But she hasn't even brought up the subject before, has she? Maybe she had and I just didn't notice. No, I'm sure she hasn't, I would remember that. She probably didn't even mean it that way. I'm over thinking again. I need to learn how to not do this. But still, she said that, she said this place is 'ours'. Does that mean something or am I just overthinking? She probably hasn't even noticed what she said. She prob-

'y/n?', I was snapped out of my thoughts by Lauren poking my cheek


'Whatcha thinkin bout?', Lauren asked me curiously


'It doesn't seam like nothing'

'It doesn't matter', I said trying to move away from the subject

'It does matter. There's clearly something bothering you', she pushed

'It really isn't important Lauren, so just drop it', I said, a little harsher than I had anticipated.

'Okay....', she muttered and got up rather abruptly, causing me to fall into an uncomfortable position. I sat up and watched her walk into the kitchen.

'I'm gonna head home', Camila stated, drawing my attention to her, 'We should plan some time to watch the other films, have like a Harry Potter marathon or something'

'Yeah, that'd be fun, as long as we don't have to re-watch this one, I think I remember what happens in it by now'

'That's why I said we should watch the other films', she said, emphasising the word 'other', 'anyway, I'll see you guys around, and if not, I'll see you at the airport when we head to MEXIIIIICCCOOOOOOOOOOOO', she shouted the last part, doing a little dance.

We said our goodbyes, hugged and she left.

'Are you going to tell me what you were thinking about now?', Lauren asked me

'It's really not important Lo, I don't get why you're so intent on finding out what it was', I told her, 'just drop it'


'I'm want to know what it was because I care about you', she insisted, 'and whatever it was was clearly bothering you. I just want to know so I can help you'

'It's stupid, it doesn't matter'

'I don't care if it's stupid, if it bothers you it's important'

'You probably didn't mean what I thought you meant anyway'

'What? So it was something I said?', she questioned me, 'did I say something wrong?'

'No, I mean, it guess not, I wouldn't have anything against it but I just- if you didn't mean what I thought you did it'll just be weird'

'Just tell me, I promise it won't be', she pushed me

'You can't promise that when you don't know what it is', I told her

'Yes I can'

'What if it scares you away?'

'Why would it scare me away?'

I'm just going to have to tell her.

I sighed. 'Before, when we were talking, you said something, and I'm probably just overthinking it, it probably doesn't mean anything, you just weren't thinking-'

'Did I offend you or something?', she asked me, slightly worried

'No no, I just- ugh, I don't know...'

'What did I say that's made you this uncomfortable?'

'You said that this is our house, and technically it's not, it's just yours, and I just thought maybe you wanted it to be ours or something, but like I said you probably didn't mean it like that and I'm just overthinking and I-'

'Do you want to move in with me?', she interrupted me

'What?', I asked shocked

'I'm not asking you to move in with me, but if I did, would you want to?'

'Uuuuuuuhhhhhh, I don't know, I mean, it'd be nice, you know, we could see each other more and stuff, but like, we only just got back together, isn't it too soon?', I said, totally unsure of what I was supported to say

'I don't know, I mean, I don't exactly want to break up with you, ever, but if you think we're moving too fast, you don't have to, I'm not forcing anything'

'I just, I don't know, I want to, but I just, I don't know', I stuttered out, not sure what to say, 'this is weird, I knew I shouldn't have said anything'

'No, it's not weird, it's fine', Lauren said trying to de-awkwardise the situation

'No Lauren, it's weird, admit it, I've freaked you out'

'I mean, I don't expect it to be that, but I said it, so I guess I want it to be our house, or apartment at least'

This is weird, and awkward, I should have just not said anything, or lied or something.

'Are you saying you want me to move in with you?', I questioned her

'Um, I guess', she said sounding very unsure

'You don't sound very sure', I told her, raising my eyebrows

'No, I am sure, I want you to move in with me. Will you move in with me?', she asked, sounding more confident

I paused and just stared at her. She literally just agreed to telling the other girls, then she wants to start 'hinting' to the rest of the world, and now she wants us to move in together?

'You're not dying are you?', I asked her

'What? No. Why would you think that?', she asked me, very confused

'Because just the other day you wanted to keep us a secret and didn't want anyone to know, now you want me to move in with you, you realised people are going to notice that right?'

'I know, but I've been thinking, while you were in England, I don't want to hide anymore, and we don't have to actually say we are together, we can just move in together and then people can assume what they want. Obviously we'll be asked lots of questions but we'll just dodge them or something', Lauren explained, stepping closer to me and wrapping her arms around my waist, pulling me into her, 'I want you- no, I need you y/n, and I'm not afraid anymore, I've come too close to losing you you many times, I've pushed you away and, too be honest, I'm surprised you're still here, because I've put you through hell and that's not fair. But I love you, I want you and I need you and I don't care about management anymore'

I just stared into her eyes, lost in them and her words, damn she was always so good with words.

'Are you going to say something?', she queried, snapping me out of my thoughts and back to reality

'I just- I thought- and you- just before- you didn't- and now- I- we can- and not lie- and I just-', I stuttered out, obviously not making much sense. I didn't know what to say. I was shocked. Had this actually worked? Had that tweet actually done what I intended? Had it actually, seriously, legitimately worked? Had she actually just agreed to not hiding anymore?

'You do realise you're making absolutely no-', I cut her off by smashing my lips into hers, if I couldn't think of the words to tell her how I felt, I'd show her, by channeling every emotion I was feeling right now into this kiss, which I did, I showed her how happy and excited and nervous and thrilled and all the words you could possibly think of that related to this into it. And so did she. I've never shared a kiss with anyone that contained as much emotion as this, from both sides.

Our lips moved perfectly in sync, her tongue gently stroking my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I granted instantly. Our bodies were firmly pressing against each other, her arms gripping my waist tightly, mine wrapped around her neck, pulling her into my even further, if that was possible. We didn't go any further than kissing, but eventually made our way to the couch, where we laid close together and eventually drifted off to sleep after watching some random, late night tv.


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