《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 9


'Okay, you don't want to', I said answering my own question, 'that's okay, I won't bring it up again I get it-'

'Okay', she said

'What? Okay what?', I asked, not sure what she was referring to, 'Okay, to me not bringing it up again?-'

'Okay, we can tell them'

'I kne- wait, what? We can tell them?', she nodded, 'Really?!', she nodded again

I jumped up into her arms and wrapped my legs around her waist, 'Oh my god! I love you so fucking much!', I exclaimed leaning down to kiss her. I pulled away suddenly, 'Sorry I- You're okay with me saying I love you right?'

'Of course, I love you too', she said leaning in to kiss me again.

It soon became very heated, as she placed me so I was sat on the kitchen counter, with her stood between my legs. She moved down and started kissing, sucking and nibbling me neck, making me moan in pleasure. Her hands moved to the hem of my shirt, tugging at it, asking for permission to remove it. I gladly agreed, lifting me arms as she dragged it over my head, throwing it onto the floor somewhere. I did the same with her, dropping her shirt at our feet when I noticed she was not wearing a bra, meaning she is now only wearing her panties (I fucking hate that word but I have no idea what else to put so...).

'I don't think this is very fair, you're wearing way more clothes that me', she breathed against my neck, moving her hands down to the waist band of the sweatpants I liked to wear when I travelled.

I hopped down from the counter so she could drag them down. Once she had removed them completely and kicked them to the side she picked me back up again and started carrying me through her apartment to her bedroom. We only just made it when she dropped us both down on the bed, straddling me as I lay under her. I quickly flipped us over and started kissing down her neck.

'Tonight', I growled in her ear, 'is about you'

'nah ah', she said flipping us back over, 'I think I need to reward you for not getting annoyed we couldn't tell anyone'

'Well, it doesn't all have to be about me', I said as I ran my fingers along the waist line of her underwear, tugging it down.


I woke up the next morning with Lauren's naked body pressing against mine. I smiled at the thought of the night before, remembering both the nights activities and the conversation about telling Ally, Dinah and Mani about us.

I decided to get up and make some breakfast. Quickly throwing on a sports bra and a pair of shorts, both of which I found in Lauren's draws, not being bothered to get stuff from my suit case. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:03 am. Wow. I haven't had a lie in that late for months. It felt good to be able to wake up naturally instead of having to be shocked awake by an alarm. I decided to make some pancakes, because to be honest that's about the only thing I can cook without it going drastically wrong.

About 10 minutes later Lauren emerged from the bedroom wearing a large t-shirt and underwear, allowing her ass to peak out from underneath a little.

'Did I give you permission to borrow my clothes?', she asked, wrapping her arms around my waist, burying head face in the back of my neck


'I can take them off if you want'

'I'm too hungry for that', she said, moving to grab some of the 'pancakes' I'd already made, 'What are these supposed to be?', she asked me sceptically


'Really? Are you sure?'

'Shut up, at least I tried', I defended

'I think I'm just gonna have cereal'

'Fine, more pancakes for me', I said removing the last one from the pan and putting it onto a plate. I looked down at it. It looks disgusting, but I won't be admitting that to her. I covered it in syrup and took a bite. I had to physically hold back a gag. Why am I such a terrible cook? I followed the recipe, how could they go so horribly wrong?

'They good?', Lauren asked me, smirking at my attempt to hide my disgust

'mmhmm', I hummed unconvincingly

'You want some cereal?'

'mmhmm', I nodded, giving up trying to convince her they were good.

She stood up to get me a bowl and spoon while I looked at what cereal I wanted.


'Yeah', I replied looking up

'One: how the fuck do you manage to make such a mess whenever you cook', she asked, gesturing to the mess all over the kitchen, 'two: please don't tell me you used this', she said holding up the sugar I'd put in the pancakes

'Yeah why? Did you need it for something?'

'Babe...this is salt.....', she informed me, trying to hide a smile

'What? No its not, I'm not that stupid', I defended

'Yes, it is', she said showing me the packet

'Ugh', I moaned, 'apparently I am that stupid', I looked down

'Hey, no, you're not stupid, you're just a REALLY terrible cook', she said walking over to me, lifting up my chin, placing a gentle kiss on my lips

'Yeah, well, I was never good at cooking. Why do you think my cookery teacher hated me so much?'

'Well, it's good you don't need to be a good cook for me to love you', she said kissing me again. 'So I was thinking, maybe we could go out somewhere today...'

'Aren't you afraid people will see us and start asking questions?', I questioned

'Yeah, well, I was thinking, you know, we're gonna tell Dinah, Ally and Mani, and so I just thought maybe we could tease people a bit', she said, not sounding very sure of what she was saying, 'not tell them or anything but just hint a bit, you know spend more time together in public, post cute Instagram pictures together, plus it would probably annoy management, and I'm in the mood to do that...'

I stared at her, mouth open, eyes wide.

'Are you being serious right now? I only just convinced you to tell your best friends, and now you want to go around dangling hints in peoples faces? I must be really good'

'Shut up. It just all got me thinking, what could they actually do? The world already knows I'm gay, I'm gonna get a girlfriend eventually, why can't it be now?'

'I'm not sure it's the timing they care about Lauren, if it was anyone else they'd probably be fine with it, it's just me'

'Well, I don't care'

'Maybe it's because I'm bi, maybe they want you to be with a lesbian...?', I suggested, 'I guess I could do that, I've always been more like 60:40 to be honest, girls are way less complicated, plus there's the whole no need for contraception thing, which is good, because I always forget'


'No, you're perfect just the way you are. If that is the reason then that's like discrimination, you have rights too', she told me

'Yeah, bisexuals are the most accepting people there is, we love everyone, we don't chose one side and just ignore the other. We don't discriminate, everyone else does', I said smiling at her, 'even you'

'I discriminate against everyone who isn't you, I'm y/nsexual'

'Smooth, Jauregui, very smooth', I told her, 'So going back to our original conversation, what did you think we could do?'

'I don't know, I can't think of everything, I already thought of the idea of going out', I rolled my eyes at her

'Lets just go down to the beach or something, I can't do that in England', I suggested

'Sure, sounds good, I'll make some food and we'll have a picnic', she said while walking over to the fridge, 'you still need to eat breakfast, unless that one bite of a pancake was enough for you'

I just ignored her a sat down to eat some cereal, while she made us some sandwiches and other picnic-y things, putting it all into a bag with a couple of towels for us to sit on.


About 2 hours later we were down on the beach, in the most secluded area we could find, which wasn't very secluded considering we're in Miami. We were now eating our food after spending some time in the water. A few people had recognised us, but we'd been quite lucky so not many people had seen us, and as of yet the paparazzi had yet to show their ugly, creepy, old men faces, but there was no doubt that they'd show up soon, if they hadn't already and were just hiding in bushes or something.

We spent a couple more hours down on the beach and eventually decided to start heading home. We began walking off the beach, carrying all our stuff, when all of a sudden a swarm of about 15 paps started running towards us. They were all shouting things at us and I could barely make out what any of them were saying, but managed to pick up some stuff about whether Lauren ad I were together or if we were just hanging out as friends.

Lauren was in front of me trying to push her way through the crowd to her car, while I was following closely behind her, trying to keep up so we didn't separated.

I tripped over someones foot, but managed to stay on my feet, just. When I looked back up, all I could see were cameras flashing in my face. Where is Lauren?

'Lauren!', I shouted, trying to find her in the crowd. 'Lauren!'. I had not idea which way I was meant to be walking. 'Lauren, where are you?!', I shouted again, looking around frantically trying to find her. I could feel my heart rate slowly start to pick up. 'LAUREN!', I screamed this time, starting to panic. 'LAUREN! Please answer me!', I felt like I was being squeezed to death. 'Lau-', I started to shout but was cut off when someone was pushed into me and I fell to the ground. All I could do was curl up in a ball, with my arms wrapped tightly around my legs, my eyes squeezed shut, trying to block out the sounds of all the people around my. I couldn't breath.

'EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!', I heard someone shout.

People slowly started backing away a little, but not enough for me to be able to uncurl myself and stand up. Suddenly I felt someones arms around me.

'y/n, it's okay, baby, I'm here, you're okay', Lauren whispered in my ear, hugging my tightly. She didn't try to make me stand up, knowing full well I couldn't handle my own weight right now. She just sat on the ground with me, waiting for me to calm down, with her arms still around me, whispering assurances in my ear.

Gradually I calmed down, after the majority of the crowd around us had dispersed, and I uncurled myself, still gripping onto Lauren's shirt as tight as I could, so I wouldn't lose her again. I don't remember actually grabbing hold of it, but I wasn't planning on letting go until we got out of there. We slowly stood up and walked to Lauren's car, her arms still around me. She opened the passenger door and I climbed in, putting my seat-belt on.

'It's okay now, you're alright, okay?', she assured me. I nodded and she walked to the driver side of the car.


We arrived back at Lauren's apartment a little while later. I just walked over to the couch and sat down, switching on the TV, still trying to get over what happened. I've been in situations like that before, but it's never gotten that bad. I've always had security with me to get the crowd to back up. It's never been that bad before. I ne-

'y/n? Babe? Are you okay?', my thoughts were cut off by Lauren's quiet voice beside me.

I looked over to her and nodded.

'Are you sure? You haven't said anything', she asked again, worry written all over her face.

'I, I t-thought I'd l-lost you', I stuttered out, followed by a sob escaping my lips. She pulled me into her lap, wrapping her comforting arms around me again.

'You didn't okay? I'm right here. I'm fine, you're fine, we're fine. Everything is fine', she comforted me. We soon fell asleep like that, me wrapped in her arms, gripping her shirt like my life depended on it.


Lauren's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked down at y/n, she's still asleep, good, she needs to rest.

I picked up my phone, not looking at who it was. 'Hello?'

'Lauren, oh my god, are you guys okay? I heard what happened. How's y/n? I heard she almost got trampled. Is she okay? Is she hurt? Are you hurt? I'm coming ove-'

'Camila', I cut off her rambling, 'We're fine, we don't need you to come over'

'I don't care if you need me to come over, I need me to come over. I need to see you're both okay. With my own 2 eyes', she said, sounding a little panicked, 'I'll be there in like 10 minutes', she said before hanging up.

I guess Camila's coming over. Might as well make use of it.

Me: Pick up some pizza on your way over

Camila: sure, watcha want?

Me: just get plain cheese, y/n doesn't really like toppings

Camila: ok, I'll be there soon

I didn't bother responding, knowing she'd probably be driving now.

I slowly worked my way out from under y/n, trying not to wake her up, and walked into the kitchen to get some plates and a few other bits of food ready for when Camila got here with the pizza.

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