《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 8


'What? She knows what?', I asked, confused at Lauren's sudden outburst

'About us, dummy', she explained like it was obvious, 'it all makes sense now, she was just trying to get me to admit we were together, she was probably doing the same to you'

'How the hell would she know, we've been back together for like 4 days, we haven't even had sex yet', she hit me in the arm when I said this

'Will you be serious, it doesn't matter how she knows. What if she tells someone?'

'Firstly, OW! Secondly, I am being serious, we haven't had sex yet. Thirdly, she wouldn't do that, contrary to what you said, she's not stupid, she'll be able to see that we wanted to keep it secret, and no matter how many surprises she may have ruined because she can't keep her mouth shut, she knows that this is serious, she wouldn't do that to us'

'We should still go find her though', Lauren said, 'try and explain things to her a bit'

'I didn't say we shouldn't', I said sarcastically


We soon found Camila, sat by herself up in the stands of the venue.

I decided to sneak up behind her and scare her, because when the opportunity presents itself, I shall not ignore it.

I crawled the ground behind the seats she was sat in then when I got behind her, grabbed her shoulders shouting, 'BOO!!!'

'*very loud, high pitched scream*, Oh my god! y/n! why would you do that?'

'The opportunity was there, so I took it', I told her, 'you should have seen your face, priceless', I said laughing

'Hey Camz', said Lauren from behind me

'Hey Lo', Camila said back to her


'So....there's no need for this to be awkward, you know she didn't mean what she said Mila', I turned to Lauren, nudging her, 'you can say sorry now'

'I'm really sorry Camz, I just, you were asking me so many questions and I-'

'It's fine Lauren, I shouldn't have pushed you, I'm sorry too'

'Awww, this is great! Camren lives on!', I shouted, shooting my fist into the air.

They both just stared at me.

'It was a joke guys, I know full well Camren is, and never was, in the slightest bit real, other than the friendship part, but I think they call that Laurmila or something'

'Just ignore her, I think she's slowly going insane, it's sad really', Lauren said, making both herself and Camila laugh

Silence again.

'Okay, so-', Camila started but was cut off by Lauren quickly saying

'y/n and I are back together'

'I KNEW IT!!!!!!', Camila shouted, jumping in the air

'How did you know?', I asked her when she calmed down

'I overheard you guys when we were at that Q&A M&G thing in LA', she explained, 'how long has this been going on then?', she asked gesturing between us


'Only like 4 days'

'And we don't want anyone to know yet, so if you could just keep this to yourself, that'd be great', Lauren asked her

'Sure I can, I'm so happy for you guys!', she said hugging us both, 'Can I ask something though...?'

'Sure', Lauren and I said together

'Why didn't you want me to know, and why can't the girls know?'

I looked to Lauren

'I don't know, I just, I don't want everyone to know, if they do then management might find out, and they'll be really mad'

'But we all knew last time'

'And last time management found out, I'm not saying it's you guys' fault but, it's just easier to keep from them the less people who know'

'Okay, I understand, I won't tell anyone, you guys can trust me'


Lauren and I had been back together for just about a month and a half now. The US leg of their tour had finished a few days ago and everyone had gone home for a while for some rest and to see their families. I had gone back to England for a few days to see my family in London and also go to a few meetings about some of my upcoming projects.

I was now on my way back to the US and was going to spend the rest of the time off from the tour with Lauren down in Miami.

There was a kid on the plane that just would not stop screaming. He wasn't even crying, he was just constantly talking loudly and screaming at his parents about god knows what, but as a result I hadn't been able to sleep, so was just listening to some music, trying to bloke the child out.

I just had all my music on shuffle, so some pretty random stuff had been coming up, that I completely forgot I had on there. UGH! by The 1975 had just finished playing and I was waiting for the next song to start playing.

The gentle sounds of the opening to No Way started playing through my head phones and as soon as I heard Lauren's voice, I felt a wave of emotion crash over me. I wanted to skip it because I could feel I was about to start crying, but I couldn't, it's just such a beautiful song, lyrically it was amazing and all the girls sound amazing in it. Plus it reminds me of Lauren, it's her favourite song from the album and she puts so much passion into it whenever she sings it.

Great, I could feel the tears building up in my eyes, and soon they were going to spill over. Why was I even getting emotional? Yeah I missed her, but I was going to see her in a few hours. I put it down to the fact that I was tired, it was like 3 am back in England and I hadn't slept at all. I convinced myself of this, though there were most definitely other factors involved, probably revolving around the fact that we were still secretly dating. I'm not even sure I can use the word 'dating'. To be dating don't you actually have to go out on dates? We haven't gone on one the entire time we've been back together. We just hang out on the bus, occasionally sleep in each others bunks, but not too often so the other girls don't suspect anything, and very, VERY, rarely find some supply closet somewhere, where we can finally be alone and actually kiss without worrying someone will walk in on us. We haven't even had sex yet. It's not like we haven't tried, but it always got stopped before it actually happens because she has to go do a show, or someone almost walks in, or the girls want to go out and do something and would 'be suspicious if we stayed behind together'. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Okay, so maybe I am a bit, but when you have a girlfriend as hot as Lauren you want to be able to touch her without having to be hidden in some cramped, dark room that smells like toilet cleaning supplies. I just want to at least tell Normani, Ally and Dinah. That way, when we're on the bus with them I can sit on Lauren's lap and kiss her, and have Dinah make horrible gagging sounds and Normani and Ally say 'aawwww' at us, but no. We can't do that.


I'm going to talk to her about telling them while we're in Miami, hopefully she won't get mad at me. She did last time I brought it up. I thought she was gonna break up with me for it, so I hadn't brought it up again.

I also kinda hope that seeing as we will be alone at her apartment we might maybe be able to have sex too, that is if she's not mad at me. I feel like I've probably brought this matter up too much. It's not all I think about, I'm not a guy, but it would be nice. It's been a long time. In fact the last time I had sex was with some random girl I met after Lauren broke up with me at the end of last year, and that wasn't even that good, I ended up leaving because I felt like I was cheating on Lauren, even though I wasn't. So yeah, it's been a while.


About 2 hours later my plane landed in Miami airport, I quickly got my luggage and found a taxi, because Lauren couldn't pick me up 'in case the paparazzi see us', *rolls eyes*, I have to admit, I was getting slightly annoyed at the whole secret dating thing. It looks really fun from the outside, sneaking around, having sex in the back of your car, quickly pulling away from a kiss and acting like nothing was happening when someone walks in, in reality, you barely get to touch them and have to lie to all your friends which will probably result in them being mad at us for not telling them.

After a half hour taxi ride I arrived at Lauren's apartment. It was just after 12 am so when she answered the door she was wearing nothing but a large t-shirt and her underwear.

'Hey babe, you look hot', I told her smirking

She smirked back at me, then looked around behind me, 'Did anyone see you come here?'

'Babe, it's the middle of the night, I didn't tell anyone I was coming, why would someone have seen me, you're acting like someones stalking you or something'

'That is basically what paps do', she told me. I had to admit, this was very true, they sit outside your house in their vans like they're waiting for you to come out so they can kidnap you, plus they tend to be old creepy men.

'Are you going to let me inside or.....', I asked as I was still stood outside her door

'Right, yeah, sorry, yeah, come in', she said stepping to the side and gesturing for me to walk in, so I did.

Her apartment looked exactly the same as last time I was here. It was pretty small, considering she didn't sped that much time here, but it was nice. It was pretty clean, but you could tell someone lived there.

As soon as I put my stuff down, I felt Lauren's arms wrap around my waist. She pressed her front against my back and started to kiss my neck. It felt really good and I wanted to do that, but I knew if I didn't talk to her about the whole telling the girls thing now, I never would.

I turned around in her grip and she started to lean in to kiss me, but then stopped, looking at the expression on my face.

'Don't you want to?', she asked, loosening her grip on my waist slightly

'No, I do, we just, I just-'

'Am I moving too fast or something, do you wanna settle in a bit first?', she said cutting me off

'No, it's not that, I just-'

'Are you on your period or something?', she cut me off again

'Lauren, if you stop freaking out and actually let me talk, you'll find out exactly why....', I told her

'Sorry', she said looking down

'Okay, so, I just think, well, we've been back together for almost 2 months now, and I was thinking maybe we could, um, t-tell the girls, l-like Mani and Ally and D-Dinah, and obviously Camila already knows and stuff so we wouldn't need to tell her...', I stopped babbling and looked at her, an unreadable expression on her face.

'So? What do you think?'


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