《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 7


Camila's P.O.V

It's been a few days since I heard what I did, we were now in Seattle, preparing for the next show, which was tomorrow. They can't have meant what I thought they meant. If they were back together I'm sure they would have told us, right? Maybe not. It definitely sounded like they were back together. Maybe they were just flirting. I'm so confused. I'm like 89% sure Lauren said something about 'keeping it secret', but maybe I missheard. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. They could be planning a surprise party for all I know. But then, with y/n's hand on Lauren's leg....they were definitely flirting.

There's only one way to know for sure. I'm going to have to get them to admit it to me.


I quickly looked up from whatever I'd been staring at to see Dinah looking at me weirdly, 'huh?'

'You do realise you've been stirring an empty cup of tea for the last 5 minutes right...?', she said pointing to my hands.

I looked down, and sure enough my hand was moving a spoon around in circles mixing a cup containing only a tea bag.

'I just like to make sure the tea bag is ready before adding the water', I said, which is literally the worst excuse ever I know, but it's all I could come up with.

'Sure you do', Dinah said, obviously not believing me one bit, 'what distracted you?'

'Nothing', I answered her, a little too quickly, she just looked at me, raising her eyebrows

'Right, whatever, I have to go, I hope whatever it is gets sorted or whatever'.

She walked away and I forgot about the tea I had been making. I'm going to get to the bottom of this, I'm going to get them to tell me.



y/n's P.O.V

I was currently sat in the back room of the bus reading favourite book, Girl Interrupted, for the millionth time.

Suddenly Camila walked in and sat down, staring at me.

'Can I help you?', I asked her, getting uncomfortable under her gaze.

'Um, no, I just, it's, uh, how are things going with you and Lauren?', she asked.

She couldn't know could she? No, she's probably just wondering if it's actually going anywhere. I mean, she knows the tweet was about Lauren, so she's bound to be curious.

'Uh, okay I guess', I answered vaguely

'So has anything happened yet? Like, have you talked about anything at all?'

'Um', I was starting to realise I was going to have to lie to her. It's one thing lying to the fans, but to your friends? That's hard, 'No, not really, I don't want to push her, if I do I might end up pushing her away', this was technically the truth, I didn't want to push Lauren, it was just the truth about a slightly different situation to the one Camila was referring to.

'So you're not back together?', she quizzed me

I swallowed the buildup of saliva I had been gathering in my mouth, 'No', is all I could say without risking her realising I was lying.

Camila got up and left. Didn't even say bye, or even really end our conversation, just left.

'Strange child', I muttered to myself.

Camila's P.O.V

y/n was definitely hiding something, but I still hadn't got her to admit they were back together. Maybe I'd have better luck getting Lauren to admit it. Maybe if I used a different approach...

Lauren's P.O.V

I was in my bunk reading when Camila came over too me and just stood there, watching me.


'Do you need something?', I asked her

'Are you just trying to mess with her or something?', she asked me, sounding slightly angry

'What? Who am I messing with?'

'y/n. You can't just keep leading her on if you're not actually going to do anything, it's not fair on her', she told me, still sounding angry

'I'm not leading her on', I said back defensively

'Really? Because she's been here for over a month now, waiting for you, it's not fair on her Lauren. If you're not going to do anything about this then you need to tell her, because she doesn't deserve this'

'Camila, it's not as simple as that, and you known it', I told her getting angry at her now, she has no right to come here and tell me what to do

'But it is that simple Lauren, you're either going to be with her or you're not'

'No Camila, it's not that simple, and if you're too stupid to see that then you need to go back to school or something', I instantly felt bad after saying this

'Well, if you hurt her, you'll have my stupid ass to deal with', she said walking away and leaving the bus.

Shit. I can't believe I actually said that. Camila is far from stupid, I just got too caught up in the moment, with all the anger and frustration.

Camila's P.O.V

I can't believe she actually said that to me. One things for sure, my plan backfired, majorly in fact. I was now sat in the venue we would be performing at the next day, right up at the back of the stands where the audience would be. There were a few members of the crew setting the stage up for our performance, but other than that no one was around. Initially I had cried for a bit after Lauren said what she did, but I knew she didn't mean it, I just pushed her too hard and she obviously didn't want to talk about it.

One thing I did get out of this was that I was now pretty sure they were back together, just trying to keep it secret for now. With the way they both reacted, y/n hella awkwardly and Lauren HELLA defensively, it was pretty obvious. I wonder how long they've been back together? It can't have been long. I'm happy for them, and I understand why they're keeping it secret, management would not be happy if they found out. I'll keep their secret, I just want them to admit it too me.

y/n's P.O.V

Lauren walked into the back room and sat next to me.

'Hey babe', I said leaning in to give her a quick kiss, but she pushed me away. Oh no. She wasn't having second thoughts already was she?

'Lauren? What's wrong? You're not breaking up with me already are you?', I asked, sounding slightly panicked

'What? No, of course not, I just...Camila just came and talked to be. Asking about us and stuff'

'She did the same with me, don't worry I didn't tell her', I said, relieved

'I know, it's just, we got into an argument and I told her she was stupid'


'She was just asking so many questions and saying stuff about us when she doesn't know the whole story and I just got annoyed and it just came out and now I feel really bad'

'Well were is she now?'

'I don't know', Lauren said looking down.

'We should go find her', I said standing up

'Oh my god', Lauren said, grabbing my hand, I looked back to her, realisation was all over her face, but I had no idea what she had realised

'What Lauren?'

'Oh my god', she said again covering her mouth, 'she knows'.

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