《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 6


'Lauren, what does this mean?'

'What are you talking about?', Lauren asked me, confused as to what I meant

'I talking about us, like, we're kissing, and it's getting pretty intense, and if I hadn't stopped it we might have had sex', I said bluntly, 'but what then? Would it just go back to how it was or would we be like...a we....?', I asked her hopefully

She backed away from me a bit and I was sure she regretted everything that had just happened.

'I meant what I said y/n. I love you. But I'm still scared. I want us to be an us, I really do, be I can't'

'Great, that settles it then', I said coldly, turning and opening the door to leave, but before I could, she slammed the it shut again.

'You didn't let me finish', she said, the beginnings of a smirk appearing on her face, 'I can't do it publicly'

'So you want me to be your secret girlfriend?', I asked her still slightly annoyed

'Is that not okay...?', she asked losing some of her confidence

'It's fine I guess, it's just, I kinda want to be able to go out with you in public, you know, and talk about you in interviews, without having to say you're being difficult', I told her

'I want that too y/n, but we can't, maybe one day, but not now', she told me sadly, 'also, um...', she trailed off, obviously not wanting to say what she was going to say next

'what?', I asked, puzzled by her nervousness

'Could we maybe, like, possibly, perhaps not tell the girls, at least for now'

I have to admit, that did sting a little, plus I didn't really understand why she didn't want to tell them, they'd known about us before, so why couldn't they know now?


'I just don't want anyone to know for now, we can tell them eventually, but for now can we just keep it between us?'

'Fine', I said not bothering to push her further, because I really didn't want to have to argue with her.

She leaned in again and pressed her lips against mine gently. We slowly moved our lips together. It felt good being able to kiss her again, even if it did have to be a secret.

'We should probably go to sleep, we gotta get up in the morning', Lauren said pulling away from me.

'Ugh, fine', I groaned, turning to go to my bunk.

'Where are you going?', she asked me

'To sleep, like you said...', I told her, a little confused

'We'll sleep in the back, so we can be together without having to be in a bunk and have the girls get suspicious if they find us', she explained, 'we can just say we fell asleep whilst talking or something'

'Oh, uh, okay', she looked at me funny

'Do you not want to?', she asked, sounding worried

'No no. I mean, yeah I do, I just, I was surprised', I said quickly, trying to sound enthusiastic without making it weird. Why the hell was I being so awkward all of a sudden, it's just Lauren. I guess I was just stunned or something.

Soon enough we were both cuddled up on the big couch in the back of the bus with a blanket over us, drifting off to sleep with my head buried in her neck.



I woke up the next morning to Lauren gently shaking me.

'Hey baby, we gotta get up'

'No, you have to get up, I don't need to do anything', I mumbled into her shoulder, my eyes still closed, causing her to giggle. That adorable giggle, oh how I'd missed it.

'Okay, well you at least gotta get off me so I can get up'. It was at this point that I realised I was, in fact, lying completely on top of her, my legs intertwined with hers and my hands tangles in her hair.

'Ugh', I groaned sliding off to the side a little so she could work her way out from under me.

Once she stood up, she lent down and placed a quick peck on my lips, like she always used to do when she had to leave before I was up. I smiled to myself as she turned to leave and went to get breakfast.

I was awoken again, what felt like minutes later, by someone jumping on top of me. I groaned before another weight was added causing me to groan even louder and open my eyes to see Dinah and Camila sat on top of me.

'Guuuuyyyyss', I whined, 'let me sleep'

'No y/n, we have to go soon, and you're coming with us', Dinah informed me

'Why do I have to come?'

'Because we're gonna be gone the whole day, so unless you wanna stay here by yourself all day, I suggest you get ready, quickly', Camila said jumping off me and hitting me in the face with a pillow.

I sat up ignoring the fact she just did that, 'what are you even doing today that means you're out all day?', I questioned

'We're going to do some sort of interview Q&A, meet 'n greet thing with some of the Harmonizers', she explained to me

'Wow really sounds like you know exactly what's going on', I said sarcastically

'Shut up, all I need to know is that it's gonna be fun and we'll be out most of the day. So hurry up and get ready, unless you were planning on going out like that', she said looking me up and down sceptically. I was currently wearing shorts, which were meant for running but we really comfy so I just wore them to relax, and a massive grey sweatshirt with no bra, (cause, I don't wear a bra 'less I have to). My hair was a mess, which was kind of expected since I hadn't touched it since the morning the day before, and all I did then was run my hands though it a couple of time and tousle it about a bit, so I quickly got up and went to go make myself look acceptable enough to go out in public.


About half an hour later we were all on the mini bus about to head to where ever it was this thing they were doing was. I was currently eating a slice of bread with Nutella spread over it, or should I say I was eating Nutella with a little bread holding it together. My addiction to Nutella is unhealthy and I honestly don't give a shit.

As I sat down, Lauren climbed in and sat next to me.

'Ohhh, that looks good, can I have some?', she asked me, looking longingly at my breakfast



'What?! Why?!', she questioned me, looking offended

'Because, 1 it's mine and if you were hungry you should have got your own, and 2 it's Nutella so it'll get all over your teeth and face, and being the good secret girlfriend I am, I won't let you embarrass yourself like that', I explained to her taking another bite, then smiling at her, knowing full well I had Nutella stuck to all my front teeth.

She simply raised her eyebrows at me then folder her arms across her chest.

I finished my breakfast, brushing any crumbs I had on my lap onto the floor, and lent my head on Lauren's shoulder, taking the opportunity to get a little more sleep since it was still pretty early. Well it was like 7:30, so it wasn't that early but still, I was tired.

A little while later we arrived at the place this Q&A, meet 'n greet thing was and were quickly ushered into the building, being guided in by the girls security, along with my old buddy, Dave.

Once inside, we were brought to a small room with some tables filled with food and a stack of chairs in the corner. There was a set of double doors opposite the single door we walked in through, where I assume they'd be going to do this Q&A and M&G in a few minutes. I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to be doing so I just decided to get one of the chairs and sit down while they talked over what was going to happen. Soon enough someone came through the double doors and informed the girls that the Harmonizers were being let in and were taking their seats. About 10 minutes later the girls walked out to screams and shouts from their fans. I was still not totally sure what I was meant to be doing but made the decision to walk into the room after them and lean against the wall between the door the the stage, I was fully aware that people could see me but didn't really care assuming they'd all be focused on the reason we were all here.

The girls all took their seats on the platform at the front and greeted everyone with cheery 'hellos', earning a cheer from the crowd.

After a while the Q&A was in full swing and everything was going smoothly, with the girls all being asked various questions about a whole range of things, from their new album, to the current favourite TV show. One fan asked simply 'Rihanna or Beyonce?', to which they all showed shocked expressions, with a 'How can you expect us to choose?!' from Ally and a panicked 'Riyonce!' from Dinah, which everyone laughed at, of course.

Then all of a sudden a boy, whose name I didn't catch said 'My question isn't actually for the girls, but y/n', he said turning to me, which definitely caught my attention, 'Is Lauren the person you were referring to in your tweet?'


Is he even allowed to do that?

This is a Fifth Harmony Q&A. I'm not part of Fifth Harmony.

I looked out to everyone around me, they were all looking at me. What am I supposed to say? I don't want to have to lie to him, but I was going to have to. I looked over to Lauren and did the only thing I could think of. I laughed. To me it sounded pretty fake, but I guess they all believed me.

'Lauren?!', I exclaimed, 'I didn't realise y'all were still not over that whole y/s/n (your/ship/name) thing', I said hoping it sounded convincing enough, 'No, it's not Lauren'

The boy looked pretty disappointed as he sat back down, and I couldn't help but feel bad. Trust me dude, I want to tell you it's real as much as you want it to be, I thought to myself.

After that I decided it would be a good idea to go wait back in the small room we came in from, I didn't want to have to stand there trying to keep myself composed, in full view of everyone.

After about another hour and a half of sitting around in that little room, scrolling through my social media feeds several times, creating a rather interesting snap story and trying to distract myself from the food that was beckoning me over to it more and more every minute, they were finally done with the Q&A and M&G and came back into the room. As everyone started to fill plates with the food, I walked up next to Lauren and quietly said, 'You better be happy, I looked like a total idiot out there'

She looked over to me, 'I don't know what you're talking about', she said innocently

'Right', I gave her an extremely fake smile and walked away to sit down and eat

'You're not mad are you? Because we talked out this y/n, and you agreed we could keep it a secret, at least for now'

'I'm not mad Lauren, I just wish it didn't have to be a secret, I wish I didn't have to lie to your fans, to our fans, about it', I said not looking at her, only at my food in my lap

'One day, just not now, okay?'

'Okay', I said pouting

'Please don't do that', she pleaded, but I just looked up at her and carried on, 'y/n', she whined, 'seriously, you're making me feel bad, plus all I wanna do right now is kiss that stupid little pout right off your face'

'I'm not stopping you', I told her a smirk creeping onto my face a little, but I was still trying to keep my pout going. I failed and just resorted to smirking at her, putting my hand on her leg

'Uh uh, no, we are not going there', she said slapping my hand away

'Oh come on, there has to be some sort of supply closet around here somewhere', I said looking around, the smirk still on my face

'Stop, this is not helping me at all'

'It has to be helping with something', I teased, looking down to where she had her legs folded over one another

'Okay, why are you doing this to me?', she asked, shifting uncomfortably, 'Is it because of that boy, because you know I can't do anything about the questions they ask'

'No, I'm just in a teasing mood', I said like it was nothing

'You're so frustrating'

'Awww, babe, there's no need to get sexually frustrated now. I know I'm good, you'll get me eventually'

'I'm leaving', she said getting up and walking away from me, making me laugh.

Little did we know, Camila had just heard our entire conversation, and needless to say, she now knew, and had not idea what to think.

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