《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 5


We were now in LA, it'd been a couple of weeks since the whole thing with Lauren in the kitchen. We hadn't talked about it at all, nor had it happened again, which was kinda disappointing, but I didn't have the nerve to talk to her about it. She hadn't been avoiding me or anything but still nothing had happened.

While in LA I had been asked to do a few interviews for a movie I had done a while ago that was being released on DVD soon. As expected, a few of the interviewers had asked me about 'the tweet' but I had avoided answering the question, and luckily they hadn't pushed me. I was currently on my way to film The Late Late Show with James Cordon, I had a feeling he would probably ask me about it too, and I had no idea how I was going to answer him. I had been on his show before and with us both being from England and living in LA, we had bonded over that and I got along with him, he was a really nice guy, plus he was absolutely hilarious and could sing really well. Due to this I wasn't too nervous, but just wasn't sure how I was going to avoid answering this question. I arrived at the studio where it was shot and found out who else was going to be on the show. They were; Emilia Clarke, aka Kahleesi, which was one of the most exciting things to have ever happened to me, and Chris Hemsworth, which I was not sad about, because he is one good looking man.

I got my makeup done and changed into my outfit for the show, when one of the producers came in and said we had 10 minutes until the show started.

I walked out of my dressing room and took a selfie with my name card outside the door and posted it on snapchat with the caption 'guess where I am!!!!!', before heading to the area were I had to wait before walking on stage.

After James started the show he called the 3 of us out introducing us individually. I sat closest to him with Emilia next to me and Chris next to her. Once we were all seated, James started with the interview.

'So', he started, 'how are you all?', he asked

'Good, thanks', said Chris first, followed by a 'I'm great, yeah' from Emilia and a simple, 'tired, but good' from myself.

'I can't help but point out that everyone here is English, other than you Chris', James pointed out

'I just like being the odd one out James, what can I say, I'm unique', he replies, making everyone laugh

'Well, you're not that unique, there's a lot of Australians in the world', I said jokingly. He just laughed.

'So where do we start?', James said moving on, 'y/n, you said you were tired how come?'

'Well, I've had some time off, so am currently following my girls in Fifth Harmony around on tour, which is not as relaxing as it may seem', I told him, 'you'd think because I'm not the one performing, they'd let me sleep in, but noooooo, I have to get up with everyone else at ridiculous times in the morning, and it doesn't help that we often end up staying up really late messing around in the empty venues'

'So you're just following them around while they're on tour?', Emilia asked me

'Yup, the 'Ultimate groupie experience' as Dinah keeps putting it', I replied laughing


'That must be pretty fun though, being able to go to all their shows and stuff?', James asked, doing his job of basically making us talk about random stuff for an hour.

'Yeah, it really is, it's great being able to hang out with them lots, we don't always get to see each other a lot when they're on tour and I'm shooting, so its nice to be able to be that close to them, even if it does get a little crowded sometimes, but yeah. Plus I get to go to all the shows for free', everyone laughed at that last bit.

James moved on to asking Chris and Emilia questions about their lives at the moment and the things they were there promoting. Prompting them to tell some funny stories, getting some laughs from the audience.

After a while, he turned back to me and I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say.

'So, y/n....', he trailed off

'Just say it', I said rolling my eyes lightheartedly, might as well get this over with.

'The tweet', he stated, 'explain'

'Well, I'm not going to tell you who it's about if that's what you want', I said laughing

'At least explain a little about what's going on', he pleaded

'Fiiiiiinneee', I stretched out, 'I just got fed up of not doing anything, you know, as celebrities our lives are so controlled by so many people, I just wanted to take this one thing into my own hands for once, and do what I wanted, instead of doing something someone else wanted me to do', I explained

'Preach it sista', Emilia said, smiling at me. I smiles back at her.

'So does the person you were talking about at least know who they are?', James asked

'Of course', I said

'So what do they think about the whole thing?'

'Well I can't know exactly what they're thinking, because I can't read minds, but like I said in 'the tweet', I know they feel the same way about me'

'So has anything happened yet or are they still being difficult?'

'They're still being a little difficult, but I'm working on it', I teased

'Well, I hope it works out in the end', James told me. I nodded in thanks

'Okay, we'll be back in a bit to play a fun little game, but for now we're going to break', James said directly into the camera.

Within seconds, I had people surrounding me touching up my make up and making sure my hair was all in place. I realised I hadn't taken a drink for the entire first part of the interview, even though I had a glass of water provided for me on the tittle table next to the seat. I picked it up and took a sip.

Emilia turned to me and smiled. 'I don't think I'd ever have the guts to do what you did, plus my publicist would be so pissed'

'You should have seen the text mine sent me after she saw 'the tweet', she was so mad, I could never repeat the language she used in that text', I told her laughing, causing her to laugh too.

'Okay guys we're back in 10', someone shouted as all the makeup artists and hair stylists ran off stage, out of view of the cameras.

The 3 of us were now all stood in a line on the stage next to the seating area, ready to play this game.

'Okay, welcome back, if you're just joining us, we're here today with y/f/n y/l/n, Emilia Clarke and Chris Hemsworth', James said pointing to us as he said our names, 'Now, we're about to play a game called 'Cell Phone Profile'', he told the audience, 'Okay, so Chris, you've played this before so you know what it's about, but for those who don't know, earlier on we took one of these guys phones, whose? I don't know, and went through it finding things to use as clues, after being shown each clue, I get to interrogate our wonderful guests and in the end I have to make a guess as to who I think the phone belongs to', he said then turned to us, 'lets get started shall we. Lets start with the last song that was played on the phone'. It's my phone, by the way, so I'm kinda nervous to see what kind of stuff they found on it.


We all turned to a screen, that showed a screen shot of the last song that was played on my phone. Oh, that's kinda embarrassing. It was 'Best of Both Worlds' by Hannah Montana.

'Okay, so we have 'Best of Both Worlds' by Hannah Montana', James said laughing

He turned to us, studying our faces individually, before he came up to me and said 'So, y/n, why would you have this song on your phone?'

'Well, you see', I said, trying to think of something fast, 'I've had that for ages', I said, deciding to tell the truth and see where that got me, 'and me and the girls were playing a game where we just put our phones on shuffle and just see what song starts playing, and that came up'

'mmhmm....', James hummed, sceptically, not sure whether he could believe me

He then turned to Emilia asking her the same thing he asked me. 'Well, what can I say, don't we all love a bit of Hannah Montana', she told him.

Turning to Chris and asking the same thing of him, he simply said, 'Like Emilia said, don't we all love a bit of Hannah Montana, that's one of my favourite songs to listen to while I work out'

'Alright, I think I need the next clue. Next up is a text from someone on the phone', he said turning back to the screen to see what the text said.

This is was extremely nervous about, I had lots of texts I'd rather people didn't see on my phone, especially ones from Lauren.

'Are you Netflix? Because I could watch you for hours', James read, 'okay, so it's a pickup line', he observed before turning to Chris. 'I could imagine someone would send you this', he said making the audience laugh, 'but who?'

'Well James', he said, 'that is a text I received from a buddy of mine, you see he likes this girl, and was giving me some pickup lines he wanted to use on her and asking my opinion of them', I have to admit, that was a very good lie, if I didn't know it was my phone, I could have believed him.

'I'm assuming he didn't get the girl...?', James said making us all laugh

'Well he hasn't actually said anything to her yet, he's a bit of a wimp when it comes to things like that you see, that's why he was saying them to me and not her', Chris lied again.

'Okay, y/n, why would you have this text?'

I opted for telling the truth again instead of coming up with a lie, 'Well, Camila Cabello likes to send me pick up lines every now and then, this is just one of the many, she's a little strange'

'She's not the one 'the tweet' is referring to is she?', he asked

'Oh hell no!', I said, 'She's like my sister, that'd be really weird'

'Okay, lets have the last clue', he said not bothering to ask Emilia about the text, since we were running out of time. 'This one is a picture found on the phone', he explained looking to the screen again.

I looked to the screen and saw this picture appear.

If he didn't know it was my phone already, he had to know, why would the other 2 has this on their phone?

'y/n', he said, I tried to act as natural as possible, probably failing, 'Explain this to me'

'Well', I said trying to think of a reason I'd have this on my phone, because honestly, I wasn't sure, 'I just thought it was funny', that's all I could come up with.

James then turned to Emilia with a questioning look. 'Do you even need to ask anyone else?', she questioned him.

'Not really', he stated, making the audience laugh once again, 'okay time for me to 'guess' whose phone it is', putting air quotes around the word guess, because at this point I think everyone knew it was my phone. 'Let me see', he said stroking his imaginary beard, 'I think it's...y/n's phone!', he said pointing to me. I nodded, holding my hands up in surrender, 'it is', I said in defeat.

'YES! I knew it. Okay everyone, with that it's time to end the show, thank you guys for being here, and I'll see you all again tomorrow night!'

And with that the show ended.


A few hours later I was back on the bus with the girls and they were all preparing to watch my interview.

'I'm really tired guys, I think I'm just gonna head to bed, I'll watch the interview another time', I said heading to my bunk

'Okay, sleep well', they all said to me as I walked away


A little while later, I was lying in my bunk almost drifting off to sleep, when all of a sudden my bunks curtain was yanked open.

'I'm not being difficult!', Lauren whisper shouted, not wanting to wake anyone else up.

'What?', I asked, confused

'In that interview, you said I was being difficult', she explained, 'I'm not'

'You kinda are Lo', I simply said

'How the fuck am I being difficult?!'

'It's been 4 weeks Lauren, and all you've done is make me even more confused', I explained

'How am I confusing you?', she asked, sounding defensive still

'One moment you're avoiding me, the next you're shoving me against the kitchen counter and kissing me, then all of a sudden you're back to normal, acting like nothing happened', I explained, 'it's really confusing, just make your fucking mind up already, I'm getting tired of waiting again', I stated. At this she looked to the ground, embarrassed at how she'd been acting.

'I'm sorry y/n, I just, I don't know what to do', she said as I got out of my bunk, 'I'm feeling all these things towards you, but then I'm constantly being told that I can't do anything about them, but then you're here and I want to but I just don't, I don't know what to do. I really want to y/n, but I'm scared, what if management get mad? I don't want to lose all this', she said gesturing around her, 'this is all my dreams come true, but I don't want to lose you either because I love you and I don't know what I'd do without you. I just want someone to tell me what to do'

I just stared at her, she said she loves me. What a I supposed to say now?

'y/n? Please say something', she pleaded

I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

'I'm just gonna go', she said turning away

'No! Wait I...', I still had no idea what to say, but suddenly realised as I had pulled her back she'd stepped even closer to me and we were now only inches apart.

I looked down to her lips and when I looked back up saw that she was looking at mine too. I gulped. Why the hell was I so flustered and nervous?

We started leaning in, then heard someone move so she pulled away and looked to where the noise had come from. Nobody was there but just to be safe she dragged me into the back living area closing the door behind us and pushing me against it, pushing her lips into mine whilst doing so.

At first, I froze, I couldn't believe what was happening. Hadn't she just said she was scared to do this? I suddenly realised I should probably do something so wrapped my arms around her neck tangling my hands in her hair pulling her further into me, while she pulled my waist further into hers, making our bodies completely press against each other.

The kiss quickly became very passionate and she pushed her tongue into my mouth, not bothering to ask permission.

While I was most definitely enjoying this, I had a jumble of thoughts floating around in my mind, but one stood out and I needed it to be answered.

I pulled away and looked at her seriously.

'Lauren, what does this mean?'

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