《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 12


'What do I say if they ask me?'

'I don't know', Lauren answered over our current FaceTime call, 'just say, we're friends and we figured it'd be easier for you to move in with me, than find your own place to live while you're shooting in Miami'

I was currently in LA getting ready to do an interview about my upcoming new TV show. Word had somehow got out that Lauren and I were moving in together, though I have no idea how.

'I hate lying to everyone', I muttered, 'there's so much pressure, if it was just to my parents or something I'd be fine'

'Speaking of parents, we should tell them don't you think', Lauren suggested.

You see we hadn't actually told any of our parents yet, they knew we were moving in together, but they thought it was just as friends. My parents didn't even know 'the tweet' was about Lauren.

'Yeah, we can tell mine when we're in London', I decided, 'what about yours?'

'My dad and Taylor are coming to visit us while we're in London, but my mom has to work and Chris has collage'

'I guess we'll have to tell them when we get back then', I concluded, 'either that or text them or something'

'Yeah, can you imagine that, 'hey mom, y/n is actually my girlfriend and we're moving in together, ttyl', she'd be really impressed with a text like that', Lauren said sarcastically, 'seriously she'd probably drop everything and get the first flight out here, just so she could shout at me in person. No, I am not texting my mother about this y/n'

'Well then she's just going to have to wait, they all are'

'Oh my god, when they come to London, I'm going to have to lie to dad and Taylor's faces', Lauren suddenly realised

'Unless you tell them, then tell your mum when you see her'

'But I'd feel bad telling them before my mom'

'Okay, just do whatever you want Lauren, it's your family', I say giving up trying to help her, 'going back to my original problem, what do I do if I get asked about us moving in together?'

'Just say we're friends'

'Really good friends, who sleep together on a regular basis'

'Maybe leave that part out', Lauren replied, giggling

'Y/n! We gotta get going!', my manager shouted to me

'Alright', I screamed back, then turned back to my phone, 'I have to go, I'll call you later, okay babe?'

'Yeah, definitely do that!', she nodded frantically, 'I love you!', she said making kissy faces at the screen

'I love you more', I mimicked her actions then hung up and went to start my interview.


'Please welcome, y/f/n!', the host, which I don't think I mentioned is ELLEN, introduced me. That's right, Ellen, you heard me correctly. I am currently doing an interview with Ellen DeGenerous, one of the best human beings on earth. On, in my opinion, the same level as Michelle Obama and Oprah. On a higher level than the queen of England, (because she doesn't actually do anything), and an equal to even Beyoncé, again, in my opinion.

To say that I was nervous was an understatement, and while being sat in my dressing room, I had debated running away and hiding somewhere so no one could find me. But I hadn't, I'd managed to keep my cool, so it's all good. I am now walking out onto the stage, while 'Body Moves' by DNCE played in the background. I danced a little, but not too much, because I know for a fact that I'd end up falling over in these heels. They're not particularly hard to walk in or anything, I'm just not used to wearing heels.


I'm wearing these ^, with a black skater skirt and a greyish, kinda faded tee I got at a concert by The Weekend. Pretty simple, but I really don't care. This outfit reflects who I am. I was going to wear a jacket but I knew I'd end up sweating by ass off and sliding out of the chair. I already sweating and all I'm doing is walking over to sit down.

As I walked over to Ellen, she stood up and danced around a little, then gave me a hug and we both took our seats.

'So y/n, it's great to finally get you on the show', she started the interview

'It's great to be here, I've always wanted to come on Ellen, it's been like, my life goal', I said smiling and already feeling comfortable in her presence, 'everything I've done so far has simply been a means of getting here'

'Well, you've finally made it, are you going to retire now?', Ellen said, making the audience laugh

'I would, but I don't have a pension, or any money for that matter, at the moment, so I'd probably end up homeless'

'Oh well, we wouldn't want that', the audience was still laughing quite a bit. 'So speaking of homes', here it comes, 'I heard you recently moved in with Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony, what's going on there?'

'Um, we're just friends, really good friends', I lied. To Ellen. I'm going to hell. 'We figured that since the show is going to be shooting in Miami that it'd just be easier for me to live with her than to find my own place', which was kinda a distorted version of the truth, 'plus, she's always on tour or whatever, so she's hardly ever there anyway'

'So when you say you're friends, is that like Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake friends or....', she trailed off

'We're just really good friends', I stated again, but realised that I currently had a massive smile on my face, which was probably giving me away

'Alright', Ellen said, hopefully giving up on that topic, 'so you're new show, tell me about it'

'Well it's called Don't Tell Me, and it's basically about these 2 characters, Alexa and Eva', I started, 'I play Alexa and Alycia Debnam-Carey is going to be playing Eva. Alexa is like, one of the most popular people in high school, but not in a cheerleader type way, she's captain of the girls Basketball team and she's a bit mean, she wears leather jackets, rides a motorcycle, doesn't get very good grades, and is basically just like 10x cooler than I will ever be, so it's fun to be able to play that', I explained, 'Then Eva is pretty much the complete opposite', I continued, with Ellen nodding along to everything I was saying, 'she gets good grades, and she's really artistic and plays musical instruments and stuff, but she doesn't have many friends, and she gets bullied, not by Alexa directly, but by her friends. Then in the pilot, one of Alexa's friends finds out that Eva is gay and reveals it to the whole school, so she gets bullied even more. And while all this is happening Alexa is also struggling with her sexuality, but obviously hasn't told anyone, and they, as in Alexa and Eva, start a sort of relationship, but it just makes things even more complicated', I said giving all the information I'd been told I was allowed to give, 'and as the show goes on you see that Alexa is having some personal problems at home and it's all very hard for her'


'So what drew you to this show?'

'Well I just think it tackles a lot of really important concepts, you know', I answered, 'while the LGBT community is being far more accepted now than it has been in the past, there are still a lot of problems facing us, and I feel like not a lot of people realise that. It's not just external sources that are putting pressure on people, but also sometimes it's their families, and this show points that out', I explained, 'and I also feel like young people, like my age, who are struggling with their sexuality don't really have a platform or any characters out there that are in similar situations to them, so they feel like they're alone in it all, but they're not and I want to be able to show them that, by creating characters who they can relate to, who are going through all the same things as them, and show them that they can get through it and they can live their lives the way they were meant to'

'So when do you start production?'

'We've had the first read through, for the pilot and we've had pretty much all our costume fittings and everything like that, so we're just waiting for the last few sets to be built down in Miami, then in a couple of weeks we start shooting'

'So why is it being shot in Miami?'

'The show is based in Miami and there's was lots of discussion as to whether we shoot there or in LA, but they decided on Miami because it means they can use actual locations down there instead of building sets or finding paces in LA that look like Miami', I explained, 'plus Miami is better than LA', Ellen fake gasped and held her hand to her chest

'How could you?!', she exclaimed, 'well, actually, Miami is a lot closer to my home town, New Orleans so I guess you could be right'

'Miami has so much more culture you know', I told Ellen and the audience, 'you can walk down one street and be in party central, then turn a corner and be surrounded by all the best Cuban restaurants there are'

'LA has lots of different restaurants'

'I know, but I have yet to find a good Cuban one, and I love Cuban food', I told her, 'also, in Miami, literally like a 5 minted walk from my apartment, there's this amazing pizza place, it's like heaven, seriously, the best pizza on planet earth, I don't know how they do it, but it's amazing', I licked my lips thinking of the pizza

'Can you not find pizza in LA?'

'Yeah, but as good as the stuff from that place?', I put me hand on her arm, 'seriously Ellen, you have no idea, the things I would do to get that pizza'

'Wow, must be good'

'You have NO IDEA'

'Well that's all we have time for today', Ellen said finishing the show, 'I'll see you all again tomorrow, and we're going to go get pizza now'

The audience and I laughed and I waved bye to the camera.


'So how'd it go?', Lauren asked me, we were FaceTiming again

'It went really good actually', I told her, 'she didn't really ask about us, well she did but she didn't push me to explain anything'

'I told you you'd be fine, Ellen's great'

'Yeah, she makes you feel really comfortable', I said, 'I really do love Ellen'

'What about me?', Lauren said, pouting

'I love you too', I assured her, 'and please don't do that'

'Do what?'

'Pout like that'


'Because I just want to kiss it away and make you feel better but I can't, and that makes me sad'

'Now you're dong it', she said and I realised I was now pouting, 'and you'll see me again soon anyway. 2 days. That's all. Then we'll be in Dublin together'

'2 days', I repeated, 'it's still too long'

'I know baby but there's nothing we can do about it'

'I know'

'I have to go, we have a meet and greet', she said, moving away from where she had been sat, though I couldn't really see what was happening in the background

'Bye, I love you'

'I love you more', she said back to me, but before she could hang up, her phone was taken from her hand and Normani's face appeared on the screen

'Hey y/n!', she waved at me

'Hey Mani', I replied

'Oh, is that y/n?', I heard Camilas voice in the background, 'let me say hi', she took the phone, 'hey y/n!', she waving frantically

'Hi Cami', I waved back

'Guys give me my phone back', I could hear Lauren shout. Someone else grabbed the phone and Dinah's face appeared on the screen

'Hey y/n, you really need to do more than just talk to Lauren on this thing, she's really sexually frustrated right now'

'Dinah!', Lauren shouted trying to grab her phone

'I'm just telling the truth', Dinah defended herself, 'seriously, you better give her some when we get to Dublin, I can't deal with sexually frustrated Lauren for much longer'

'Dinah! Shit the fuck up!', Lauren shouted

'Lauren! Stop swearing!', I heard Ally shout

'Hey Ally'

'Hey y/n'

After a while Lauren managed to grab her phone back from Dinah and we said our goodbyes and hung up. I was currently sat in the airport waiting for my flight back to Miami. Then a few hours after getting back there, I'd go back to the airport to fly to New York, then go from New York to Dublin, where I could finally see Lauren again.

Soon enough, my flight was called and I was on my way.


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