《Blood Magic and Other Drinking Games》Chapter 8


Hypatia did sleep, in Regulus' bed. Long after she had settled against his chest Regulus stayed awake, thinking. He had so much to do.

Their list of enemies seemed to grow every moment, but so did their allies. No doubt Tonks would bring her partners along with her next time, and he was sure he could count on Lovegood and Longbottom as well. Granger was apparently a legendary mind in her own right.

Not that he wanted them near this at all if he could avoid it. He felt the same about Hypatia, though he knew she would have to at least be aware of the horcrux hunt. It was not a talk he was looking forward to having. It was never a burden he thought to share in his past, but he had been wrong. He could admit that now.

He closed his eyes, allowing sleep to finally take him. His sleep was blessedly dreamless. When he woke the next morning Hypatia was already awake. She was standing in front of his desk wearing his Slytherin quidditch jersey with his name emblazoned on the back.

"Now that's a sight for sore eyes."

Hypatia smiled at him over her shoulder. She waved her wand and a tea tray floated towards him.

"Did you do this, love?"

Hypatia nodded as she sat on the bed beside him and curled her legs underneath her. She watched him fix his tea, memorizing how he liked it. He brought it to his lips, not missing how she stared at him as he drank.

"You don't have to serve me, you know. We have house elves."

Hypatia took a sip of her own tea as she thought. "I know. I have no intention to take over most of their duties, but I want to take care of you too, even if it's small things like this."

Regulus smiled as he allowed his back to rest against the headboard, "Alright then, if that's what you want."

Hypatia nodded her head. Her black hair bounced around her head in wild loose curls. Her eyes looked mirthful as she sipped on her tea and enjoyed the peace and quiet. It was so pleasantly different to the Dursleys, or even Hogwarts, where there were always people making a ruckus.

"You're beautiful."

Hypatia froze, "What, me? Right now? Like this?"

Regulus took their cups, set them on his bedside table, and pulled Hypatia into his arms. He brushed her wild hair away from her face, and caressed her cheek.

"You are especially beautiful just like this."

He pulled her into a kiss that made her yearn for more. She tried to move against him, but his hands stilled her hips. "We have to go to Diagon Alley, love."

"But do we really?" She whined, pressing into his hold. Regulus' self control was hanging by a thread. It would be so easy to give in to her, to lay here in bed, pin her down, and-

"Yes, we do. The longer we wait, the more likely we'll be ambushed on our trip. I want to be out of the alley before any Death Eater's are even awake." '

Hypatia sighed, and sashayed to the door. He cursed himself for doing the right thing.

"Where are you going?"

Hyaptia paused by the door with a teasing grin, "All my clothes are still in my room."

Regulus looked her over. She looked positively gorgeous in his jersey, her long black hair somehow curling in all different directions. There was only family in the house for the moment, but he couldn't stand the thought of anyone else seeing her like this.


"We've got to figure out a joint room before the Weasley's join us."

"We'll talk about it later."

She slipped out the door, giggling as she closed it behind her. She saw the heated look in Regulus' eyes. She knew he was probably punching his pillows in frustration, but it wasn't her fault. She had tried to convince him otherwise.


Hypatia fiddled with the sash of her dressing gown as she looked at her clothes. She wasn't quite sure what to pick. She was the Lady of two great houses now. She needed to look dignified, but at the same time she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself, not that she was usually able to avoid it anyways.

She picked up two of her go-to dresses from her walk in closet and walked into the main part of her room. She jumped at the sight of Regulus on her bed.

"You could have warned a witch! Merlin! You got ready quickly."

"Shower, shave, and clothes. Doesn't take that long for a man to get ready with magic."

Hypatia hummed her acknowledgement and went to stand in front of the mirror. She held each dress in front of her, tilting her head.

"What does Lady Potter-Black wear in public?"

"Whatever she wants," Regulus replied. "Other Pureblood ladies will follow your lead. You're the one with the power."

Hypatia looked at him for a moment. She hadn't really considered that. She stormed back into her closet, and stared down a dress she had bought on a whim, but never had the confidence to wear. She removed it from its hanger and came to stand in front of Regulus, holding it in front of her.

Regulus knelt on the bed as he saw the look in her eyes, "Now that is very fetching. It matches your eyes."

"I've never been brave enough to wear it," she admitted.


"It's all fancy...and I'm just plain. You don't even want to know how much this costs. I mean the lace was made by elves, and there's the crystals, but I just had to have it. I saw it in Diagon Alley before school, and wrote to order it from Hogwarts a month later."

"You are anything but plain, Hypatia. Wear it. Please. You deserve it."

"Are you sure?"

Regulus stood in front of her, his eyes nearly sparkling; he was so excited. "You can have anything you want now. Anything. It doesn't matter how fanciful or expensive it is. We have obscene amounts of money. I just want you to be happy. If the dress makes you happy, then wear it."

Hypatia felt her knees nearly give out at the intensity of his gaze. He moved the dress out of her hands, and pulled on the sash of her dressing gown. His hand skimmed under the fabric at the top, pushing it off her shoulders until she was left in her dark gray lingerie.

"I like these lace sets you wear," Regulus whispered against her collarbone.

"I'm glad," Hypatia forced out.

It was terribly hard to think well enough to form sentences when his lips were that close to her. She felt the loss of him as he disappeared into her closet. He came back with a pair of heels that matched her dress perfectly. He knelt before her, and looked up at her expectantly. The sight made her heart beat thunderously in her chest.



Regulus laughed and pressed a brief kiss to the inside of her knee that sent tingles up her leg.


"I'm going to help you get dressed."

Hypatia lifted her foot and Regulus settled her foot into the stiletto. His hands traced up and down her calves, briefly squeezing her thighs before he picked up the other heel and helped her into it. She was held captivated by him as he helped her step into her dress, and zipped it up the back. He spun her around to face him.

"You look magnificent, Hypatia. I look forward to taking this off you, later."

Hypatia shuddered as Regulus stepped away from her. She tried to marshall her thoughts. Wand. Purse. She paused at the sight of her wand holster. She had taken it off to get in the shower. It wouldn't fit on her arm with the long sleeves of this dress.

"Leave the holster," Regulus instructed, sensing her internal conflict.


"Yes, love. I have one on. I assure you I am capable of defending you long enough for you to get your wand out of your pocket."

Hypatia blushed, "I know that, I just, it's always been just me. I had to protect everyone."

"You're not alone anymore."

"Right. Of course.


Hypatia held Regulus' arm as they walked through the Leaky Cauldron. There was only one patron, an elderly witch in a corner sipping on a mug of tea. She made no sign that she noticed them, and they passed through without issue.

"Where are we going first?" Hypatia asked.

"Gringotts. We have some business to take care of."

She didn't ask him what. Though they only passed a handful of people, she wouldn't want anyone to hear their private affairs. Florean Fortescue nodded at her as she passed his shop. She waved back and smiled kindly as they hurried on their way.

They entered Gringotts within a few minutes. A goblin approached them as soon as they did, motioning them to a side room. Hypatia was surprised, but Regulus seemed to expect it. They were ushered through dark halls of black marble until they entered an office.

"Please sit."

No introductions were made, and Regulus didn't seem to expect one. Hypatia and Regulus took seats across from an ancient looking goblin, who glared at Regulus.

"Lord Black I gather."

"As you say."

"Prove it."

Regulus smiled. The goblins were gruff, but that was good. At least they knew their money was being well protected. "Gladly. Here's my wand, and if you give me a knife, I'll be happy to do a blood test."

Hypatia gasped, "Regulus, you don't have to do that. He doesn't have to do that!"

The goblin just smiled sickly at Regulus and offered a ritual knife. Regulus took it and cut his hand. The goblin caught the welling blood on a piece of parchment. Regulus healed his hand while the parchment declared his legitimacy.

"Not just Lord Black, then. Lord Potter-Black."

"It's still new," Regulus told him. "We bonded yesterday."

The goblin nodded, dollar signs in his eyes. Two great lines joining was always profitable for them. There were nearly always properties bought or sold, trust accounts created, wills made, all of which they charged for.

"What can I do for you today Lord Potter-Black?"

"Many things. First, I want to make sure my wife has full access to the Black vaults."

The goblin looked at him piercingly, "Full access?"

"I don't like to repeat myself Master goblin."

"Of course Lord Potter-Black."

"Is that unusual?" Hypatia asked.

The goblin looked at her appraisingly, Regulus waited for the answer he already knew. The goblin shuffled papers on his desk, looking for the proper form.

"I've overseen many Pureblood vaults in my two hundred years of life. Only once before has a Pureblood wizard asked for his wife to have full access to his vaults. Traditionally the wife would have a separate trust and household vaults, plus vaults for each child."

"Who was the other?" Hypatia asked.

The goblin paused as he held out the form to Regulus, "It was your father, Lady Potter-Black. Lord James Potter was a great man."

Hypatia smiled as Regulus signed the form. She didn't need the money, it wasn't about the money, but the trust was everything. The fact that he wanted to take care of her even if the worst happened was reassuring.

"Is there a form like that for my vaults?" Hypatia asked.

"If you're certain," the goblin replied.

"I am."

Hypatia signed where she was instructed, and the goblin took the form back with wide eyes. These two were something different from the usual wizard and witches. Their bond was obviously much stronger.Regulus and Hypatia filled out withdrawal forms for gold. A junior goblin was sent to fetch the coins since Regulus had one more thing to discuss.

"You are aware of how the Black Family Trust works, yes?"

The goblin looked at him shiftily, "I am."

"I would like to invoke my right as Lord Black to make a withdrawal from Lady Bellatrix Lestrange née Black's vault."

"For what?" The goblin asked testily.

Lady Lestrange was famously mad, and though her cousin had every legal right to do what he wanted as her head of family, it was sure to enrage her.

"A cup."

Hypatia looked between Regulus and the goblin with wide eyes. She didn't know what this was about but she could tell it was important, no matter how nonchalant Regulus behaved. After a long moment the goblin broke the silence.

"You know what it is?"

"I do. I wish to destroy it. Do you?"

"Curse Breaker Weasley alerted us to its magical signature some time ago. Such objects are not allowed in our hallowed halls."

"Are you telling me you destroyed it?"

"Yes," the goblin sniffed haughtily. "Though it did put up a fight. It has been replaced with an exact replica. So you can see why it might be better to leave it in its place. Lady Lestrange has quite a temper."

Regulus sat back in his chair and laughed.

"Well this is marvelous."

"I'm glad to be of service," the goblin drawled.

"Go ahead, take a fee out of my vault as if you let me in. This is well worth the money."

"Well if you insist."

Hypatia was growing tired of not understanding what was going on. How do you destroy a cup? Why would you want to? They were definitely having a chat when they got home. The small goblin came in with the gold, and they were on their way.


"Are you going to tell me what that was about?!" Hypatia whispered as they exited Gringotts.

"I will tonight."

"I don't like being left out."

Regulus paused at the foot of the Gringotts steps and looked at her fiercely. Suddenly she felt silly.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Then trust me when I tell you later."

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