《Blood Magic and Other Drinking Games》Chapter 7


Hypatia turned to find Regulus looking at her heatedly. She sidestepped him, making her way down the hall towards the stairs. Regulus let her go with a smirk. She paused at the top of the stairs and winked at him.

So she wanted to play cat and mouse did she?

He couldn't help but laugh. He followed her as she descended the stairs. She moved quickly, though she threw him a glance over her shoulder every few seconds. Regulus moved slowly with his hands in his pockets, as if he had all the time in the world. He was enjoying this little game.

That black dress though- oh that black dress- he needed it off. As fetching the full skirt was, he wanted to see the way her ass moved when she stepped. He needed to see the swing of her hips, and feel her skin against his.

Hypatia disappeared into the Dining Room, and slid the door shut behind her. So that's what she was playing at. She wanted to pick up where they had left off. He slid the door open, and leaned against the jamb. She was sitting there on the table, in front of his chair. She was biting her lip, and batting her eyelashes, and it was all too much to resist.

Regulus crossed the room and pulled her to him by the fabric of her full skirts. Hypatia let out a breathy sigh that Regulus muffled with a kiss. He waved his wand to close the door behind him and lock it. That done, he tossed his wand on the table and took Hypatia back into his arms.

The pressure of his fingertips on her hips was heavenly. He pulled her even closer, pushing his erection against her.

"Do you feel that Hypatia?"

He thrust again against Hypatia, and this time he hit just the right spot. Her head lulled back as she let out the most desperately wanton moan Regulus had ever heard. He palmed her breasts through her dress, but it wasn't enough. With a bit of wandless magic he removed her dress.

Hypatia gasped as the cold air hit her skin. Regulus took her in, his gaze quickly heating her. His eyes were trained on her breasts as if he was hypnotized.

"Fuck, you're a vision."

Hypatia smiled. She was wearing a lace mint green lingerie set. Regulus wondered, how did she manage to look so innocent, and so utterly sinful at the same time? Hypatia gasped his name when he sucked her nipple into his mouth, soaking the lace of her thin bra.

Hypatia pulled at his clothes, getting frustrated at the line of buttons on his waistcoat.

"Regulus please, I need to feel you," she whined.

Regulus removed it for her with a wandless spell and she sighed appreciatively as she ran her hands down the muscled expanse of his abs and around to his chiseled back.

"I'll teach you that spell later."

Hypatia barely comprehended what he was saying because he was pressing his hips into her again, and biting her breast, and Merlin was it doing things to her insides. Her hands roamed over him as well as she was able while being onslaught by new sensations.

"You've been a very good girl Hypatia," Regulus whispered in her ear. "Such a good Lady of the house. I think you deserve a little reward."

Hypatia struggled to form words and was only able to choke out a very eloquent, "What?"

Regulus bit back a laugh. His wife, his, was positively lost to pleasure. Her breasts were littered with the beginning of little love bites that would no doubt darken over the next few hours. Just the thought made him impossibly harder.


"I'm going to finish what we started earlier."

He picked her up and wrapped her legs around him. In mere seconds he had her pinned against the ornate wood paneling of the Dining Room. This time he used a modified sticking charm to keep her aloft so he could utilize his hands more fully.

She was right there, and she was so wet, so perfect, but she wasn't ready yet. He could feel it through their bond. That was fine, he'd make her cum on every surface in this house, until she was begging him to fuck her. He satisfied himself with the delicious friction this provided instead. He pushed his hardness against her clit while he licked, bit, and nibbled her breasts. Her moans were music to his ears.

"More," Hypatia begged in his ear.

He stilled his movements, "Good girls say please, Hypatia."

"Please Reg, I need more."

There was something about her shortening his name, about the breathy way she spoke, that went straight to his cock. Just when she thought he was going to make her wait, he slipped his fingers into her lace underwear, stroking her clit with more intent. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she lost all sense of anything but the pleasure consuming her body.

"Fuck Reg, fuck."

He bit down on her nipple and she shattered. Her muscles went stiff around him as he continued to thrust. He released her arms and they came to rest limply around his shoulders. He came just seconds after her. They stood there, trying to catch their breaths.

Hypatia's thoughts were racing. She'd never felt anything like that. None of her, albeit cursory explorations, of her own body had ever set off such intense feelings. When she opened her eyes again Regulus was watching her. She blushed and looked down, but he guided her face back up with a gentle hand. His eyes were hypnotizing.

"I love you Hypatia."

"I love you Regulus."

He smiled at her in a way she was sure would be seared into her mind forever. There was a vulnerability in his features that didn't exist around anyone else. She decided then and there that look was sacred. It was her look.

He brushed his fingertips over the swell of her breasts and smirked, "Sorry about the bruises."

"No you're not," Hypatia laughed.

Regulus beamed as he joined her laughter, "You're right. I'm not."

He released her from the sticking charm, though he kept her in his arms. He walked back to his seat, and sat down with her in his lap. She settled with her head against his chest. Regulus grabbed his wand, and cleaned them both with a quick spell.

"Is it hurting you for me to sit on top of you?" Hypatia asked self consciously.

"I assure you it is not. You are tiny, and I could never complain about having you on top of me. Ever."

Hypatia smiled as she snuggled into the crook of Regulus' neck, placing small kisses there. Regulus ran one hand up and down Hypatia's back, as the other held onto one of her thighs. It felt incredibly intimate, the way the were pressed against each other. She tilted her head up for a kiss, and he complied.

"I didn't really know it could feel like that," Hypatia whispered, her face blushing bright pink.

Regulus tucked a stray black curl behind her ear, "You never touched yourself?"

"I tried," she admitted sheepishly. "But it certainly didn't feel like that."


Regulus smiled smugly as he palmed her perfect ass in his hands. Hypatia made a little excited noise, and Regulus couldn't help but kiss her. She melted against him again. It was several minutes before their kisses slowed. Regulus leaned away from her, enjoying the sight she made as she straddled him.

"If you thought that was good, Hypatia, you've seen nothing yet."

"You mean...sex?"

"Sex...yes...but there are so many other things we can do."

Hypatia blinked at him. She knew there were other things. She had heard other girls whisper about them, even if it was improper. Still, the idea of doing them with Regulus, of the immense pleasure it could bring her, had her body turning warm all over again

A ding sounded through the room, and Hypatia looked around for the source. "What was that?"

"The house elves' way of getting your attention. They wouldn't want to find us like this."

Hypatia looked around the room, "What did you do with my dress?"

"Should be on the table over there."

Hypatia looked and found it where he said. She finally stood up on her heels, and found her legs felt a bit shaky. Regulus put his fist to his mouth, attempting to stifle a laugh as he thoroughly enjoyed the view of Hypatia walking away from him.

"You really do have a perfect ass. Has anyone ever told you that?"

Hypatia reached for his waistcoat and shirt and threw it to him with a smile.

"No, but thank you."

"Good, I'd have to kill them."

In a manner of minutes they were presentable again. Regulus muttered a spell that made the room smell decidedly pleasant, and not like they'd just been doing unspeakable acts against the hardwood.

"Shall we?"

Hypatia smiled, "Sure."


Winky gave Hypatia the report as Dobby conducted pots and pans behind her with ease.

"Your friends are much better, Mistress. Miss Granger is giving the Healers a hard time. She's wanting to come here, but they said she needs to stay an extra day for observation. She told them she needed to make sure the great lady is okay, and to stuff it. But I told her our mistress is safe, and strong, and now she rests."

Hypatia shook her head. Of course Hermione had tried to leave St. Mungos' early. That was just like her. "What about the others?"

"Heiress Lovegood went with Heir Longbottom to Longbottom Manor. Better wards."

"The Weasley's?" She asked despite herself. Ron and Ginny had been her friends a long time, even if she was closer to Hermione. They had followed her into the Ministry of their own volition.

"They is gone Mistress, back to the Burrow. Miss Granger is saying to tell you they sided with The Order."

Hppatia sank into the kitchen chair behind her. Regulus put a comforting hand on her shoulder. He didn't understand all the dynamics yet, except that Molly Weasley was an absolute bitch.

"I suppose that's to be expected," she admitted. "They're still underage, and Molly is their mother. But still, we fought together."

"I'm sorry Mistress. Is there anything else I can do for you? I should help Dobby with dinner."

"No, no, that's fine. Thank you very much."

Winky smiled brightly at her and scurried off, waving her hands to make vegetables start chopping themselves. Hypatia marveled at their skill.

"House elves truly are special," she whispered.

"That's true."

Regulus sat beside he, pulled her chair close to his, and intertwined their fingers.

"We can invite your other friends over before Hogwarts starts if you want. They must be very special to you."

"They are," she acknowledged. "Neville is the son of Alice and Frank Longbottom. He's my godbrother. Luna is the daughter of-"

"Xenophilius and Pandora."

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Pandora was one of my closest friends. Sirius told me she passed, and the name of her daughter."

Regulus kissed the back of her hand, as if reassuring himself that she was still there.

"I'm so sorry Regulus."

"It's okay." But the look in his eyes said that it was very much not okay. "I was prepared to die. I mourned my friends in my own way, but I meant for them to live. I won't be at peace until the Dark Lord is dead."

"Please be careful Regulus."

He smiled at her, "I will."


Dinner was served shortly, and Hypatia found herself hard pressed not to blush every time Regulus caught her eyes. Sirius glared at his brother as he sipped his wine.

"You two are nauseating," he whined.

"Don't make me tell stories about you and Remus in Hogwarts," Regulus warned. "I seem to remember finding you in the Astronomy Tower with Moony's-"

"That's quite enough thank you," Remus cut off.

Hypatia giggled as Draco watched the byplay with wide eyes. Cissa merely sipped her wine. At least there were no Dark Lord's murdering people in front of her. It reminded her of her teenage years.

"That's a good story actually," Sirius said airily.

"Oh Merlin, please no. You're like my dad. I can not, will not hear about your sex life."

Sirius beamed, before his face turned stern again.

"Can we be serious for a moment? I mean I'm Sirius all the time, but you get my meaning."

"Out with it," Regulus ordered.

"Do you really think it's safe for Hypatia to go with you to Diagon Alley tomorrow? Or for you to go at all? Don't you think there will be a target on your back?"

Regulus turned to Cissa, "What do you think cousin? What will the Death Eater's do next?"

Cissa set down her wine glass with a much put upon sigh. "The Dark Lord is furious that he has been outed before he was ready. He was still torturing people when Dobby saved us. Most of those Death Eater's will need time to recover before they could take part in another attack. How long do you plan on being in the Alley?"

"Two...three hours tops."

"That should be fine. The Dark Lord wants Dumbledore dead. I don't think he'll come for Lady Potter-Black again until he accomplishes that."

"Well that should buy us some time."

The rest of dinner passed fairly quietly, or as quietly as it could with the company at hand. Draco still seemed to be adjusting to his new reality. Hypatia was happy to see him smile when Sirius told a stupid joke. After dinner Sirius pulled Remus away with whispers about swimming nude. Draco and Cissa excused themselves. They clearly still needed time to rest. Hypatia stifled a yawn behind her hand as she watched them leave the Dining Room.

"Are you tired, love?"

"Of course not," she denied hurriedly.

Regulus tilted his head at her in scrutiny. "I thought I made it clear you don't have to be strong around me. You can tell me the truth."

Hypatia felt her posture sag in relief, "Well perhaps I am a bit tired."

Regulus gave her a gentle smile that made her stomach do somersaults. He reached out his finger and traced it over the back of her hand. He turned her hand over and intertwined their fingers.

"You fought an incredibly difficult battle against the Dark Lord, nearly lost Sirius, got blackout drunk for the first time, and soul bonded yourself to me all within twenty four hours. It's understandable to need rest."

"But I want to-"

Regulus stopped her with an intense look. It sent a shiver down her spine. He stood to his feet and pulled her gently to hers. He put one arm around her back, and tilted her face up firmly with the other.

"Are you going to be good for me Hypatia?"


Regulus smiled down at her. He loved the way she melted against him, how she felt in his arms.

"That's my girl. Let's go to bed." 

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