《I Fall Apart(MattsWorld Tom x reader)》Emotions


Tom's pov

"Y-Ya kn-know,t-tell the g-g-guys I l-love the-them,I-I didn't want to h-hurt them a-and this is wha-what I got.S-see y-you in H-HEL-HELL." (Y/n) said,blood coming from her mouth,a look of fear soon coming onto my face.Her eyes closed as her head layed in my plam.I gently took her body in my arms,holding her so she wasnt able to fall "Oh how was I so dumb to say I was gonna kill you."I mumbled and stroke her cheek gently "So vulnerable." I said and picked her up.Paul and Pat had their guns ready."She trained you well." I said and smiled "Of caurse,she's the best." They said,I saw small tear on their faces "Come on boys,not time for tears!We'll save her.Now just show me a medic room and let me do my work." I told them.

They looked at eachother before nodding,showing me into the base "Soldiers no fighing!" I told my soldiers befove entering the base.The base looked,colorful.She realing wanted everyone to feel at ease.We soon got to a medic room and they let me in.I set (Y/n) down and looked at all the toals and the doctors "Gentemen,you'll do your BEST or I'll kill you all."I told them before I washed my hands,walking over and starting to do the job,the doctors helping me.

(Y/n)'s pov

All I was let with was my thoughts and pain.All I was able to feel was pain.I was dead.At least that's what I thought.

I wasnt able to feel,I wasnt able to see,it was like my body let go,my mind let go.

Soon I stanrted to wake up.I groaned quickly and slowly opened my eyes,my left eyes was the only one that was able to see.I was in my medic room hucked up to some machined.I caughed loudly and sat up,I was alone.


I unhucked myself from the heart montitor and stood up,my legs felt like gelly.I walked to the door,my ripped leggings sill on me and a tank top.I slowly open the door holding onto the door.

I saw my soldiers.I saw blue army soldiers."What..?"They all watched me.I felt..weak under their eyes.I felt akward.I stook a step forward,my legs shaking.One of the blue soldiers walked over and put his hands around me.

No one's pov

(Y/n) had slapped the young man.She growled lowly as the guy pulled his hands away quickly "I don't need HELP." She told him and stood up straight and started walking,limping slightly.Everyone watched.She looked around and growled at them "Get back to what you where doing!" she yelled and they all did what she told them.She walked to the office,quickly opening the door.There stood Paul,Pat and Tom.They all where shook.

"(Y/n)!"Paul and Pat ran over,hugging their leader tightly "We're so glad your okey!" Paul told her as the pulled away.

She smiled,caughing quietly before she spotted Tom.She walked over slowly,seeing the nervous look on his face "I-" Before he was able to say anything she hugged him.He was speachless but he hugged back,smiling slightly "So glad your awake." he mumbled softly "Oh shut up." she mumbled back,a smirk on Tom's face "That's my girl." he laughed and sat her down "What happened while I was out?Better yet how long was I out?" She asked."Tom here helped you and your wounds.You've been out for a few weeks now." Pat told her.(Y/n) looked at Tom,smiling slightly "We merged the army as well." Tom mumbled,scrathing the back on his neck "Ah that explains why there where blue soldiers." (Y/n) mumbled."You know I was planing to go see Matt and the others.Wanna come with me?"Tom asked.(Y/n) smiled and nodded "Yea,I really want to see them." she smiled.That smile.That smile mad Tom have butterfly's in his stomach.That smile held dear meaning to him.


"Then lets go."

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