《I Fall Apart(MattsWorld Tom x reader)》Your reality


No one's pov

Not a little while ago Tom and (Y/n) got ready to go.Tom and (Y/n) sat in the car,driving back to the apartment's.

It was quiet.

Tom was driving while (Y/n) was sleeping quietly next to him.Her hair covering have of her beautiful face.

It was peaceful.

Tom turned the radio on,quietly so he could listen to something.While (Y/n) was asleep Tom quietly sang

Everytime you cross my mind.You get right under my skin.Am I insane out of my mind the situation I'm in.

Tom singing pulled (Y/n) back into reality but she stayed quiet,listening,carefuly and smiling softly to herself.

And it get's harder just to breath,feel like the walls are closing in but all I need is some closure.

(Y/n) closed her eyes once again,enjoying the soft words that Tom sang.His voice went along with the song perfectly,the smile on his face enjoying the time.

I can't eat,I can't sleep,I have anxiety.When your not here with me I get anxiety.

I can't eat,I can't sleep don't know why you can't see.You give me,you give me,give me anxiet xiety.

They both sang along,Tom getting slightly startled knowing (Y/n) was listening to him sing.Tom glanced at her,seeing her soft smile helted away his problems.

Everytime I smile what I'm doing fine,does it show? 'Cause' I'm really freaking out,too scare of letting you go.

Then my heart drowns out my thoughts,my heads about to explode.What I need is some closure.

They both sang,their voice perfect for eachother.It felt like heaven,it felt like peace.It was pearfect for both of them.

I can't eat,I can't sleep I get anxiety.When your not here with me I get anxiety.


I can't eat,I can't sleep.Dont know how you can't see.You give me,you give me,give me anxiet xiet.

But the moment had to end,they got the the apartments.They both got out,sharing a small glance at eachother.

(Y/n)'s pov

I sighed quietly,I know Tom and Tord aren't gonna get along one bit.That's what I'm worried about.

We walked in,going to Matt's door.Knocking a few times we waited fo someone to answer.Matt soon answer,his eyes going wide."(Y/n)?I missed you so much!What happened?" He asked,not see Tom since he wasn't in his sight. "I uhh..got in a crash and um..Tom here helpt me." I mumbled,stepping aside so he could get a good look at Tom "Hey Matt." Tom whispered,nervousness in his voice even with a whisper."Tom!" Matt pulled him into a hug,smiling. "I thought you where gone!I thought you died!" Matt explained,a small tear on his cheek."I'm not Matt,I'm just..I'm back and I'm really really sorry for leaving." Tom told him,looking down."Oh who cares,your back!Alive!" Matt cheared happily.Edd soon came behind Matt and gasped,quickly hugging Tom tightly "Tom! (Y/n)!Your back!Your both back!"

Im glad I saw Matt and Edd happy,I'm just really worried of what's to come.What's to come with Tom and Tord.

After a small chat with Matt and Edd,Tom and me walked to Tord's apartment and knocked.Tord soon answered his eye's going wide as he soon pulled out a gun."What are you doing here?!" He yelled at Tom.I quickly stepped in "Tord calm down!Tom with me!I swear!" I told him trying to calm him "With you?!He betrayed us!Lied to us!Did harm to us!You can't just let him back in like he did nothing!That's insane!" He explaied but soon after calmed down.I saw tear,tears in his eyes,tears down his cheeks."Where did you go?What happened?" He asked me,pulling me into a hug.It was nice,it was warm.It was safe "Im here now,I'm alright."I mumbled to him gently,smiling sadly.


But oh I didn't know the hate that Tom was glearing at Tord.At me.

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