《I Fall Apart(MattsWorld Tom x reader)》One last drop of blood


(Y/n)'s pov

I was working in my little lab,g roaning quietly.I stood up and walked to the door,walking out with my phone in hand.Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate."Huh Paul's calling." I mumbled and pick up,placing the phone on my ear

"Oh thank the lord you picked up."

Paul's voice told

"Yea,why wouldn't I?"

I asked.

"The Blue army leader called.He said he was coming for you but when he saw you wheren't there he said home,I'm coming for her at home."

I gasped slightly and rushed to my room,looking under my bed

"Alright thanks for telling me,I'll be right to the army now." I told him and hung up,taking my red army jacket and gun.I quickly took my keys and phone and jumped out of the window of my room,luckly there was a garbage bin under.

I ran to my car and sat in,turning on my car and sta rting the engen,speeding off quickly.I panted softly,my face writen with fear.Tom was gonna get ride of me?I thought I was able to trust him.By now the hot tear spilled down my cheeks.That bastard placed me like his own toy.He told me I ment something to him and this is how he shows it by wanting to end my life.Just to be the feared person on the world.I sniffled and wipped my eye with one hand,turning the wheel.I put my hand back on the wheel and my eyes widen.A truck was heading my way,the boom.

My car landed in a yard,the red army yard.My body hurt,Ipushed the door open,and got out with my gun.There was blood on the side of my face,my jacket was ripped on my left arm,my leggings ripped on the bottom.Half of my face was full of glass,my eye burnt as I knew there was a large peace of glass stuck in it.I walked over to the base,the soliders all outside,Paul and Pat too.I stood infront of them,sighing "Let's get to work,the Blue army is gonna be here soon,since he didn't find me at home." I told them "But Leader your hurt!You can't fight!" Paul explained "I'm fine,I can fight just fine.Worry about yourself." I told him.He was right,I was badly hurt.My body felt like breaking but I had to fight,I wasn't weak.But my body felt weak,my legs where shaking.I was about to fall but the two helped me stand "Thanks guys.You know if Blue kills me.." I mumbled "red don't say that." Pat mumbled quickly "IF he does, I want the two of you to continue to fight,to win,to lead the army together." I told them,holding onto them "Anything for you leader but.." Pat told then Paul continued "We won't let him kill you,not when you changed this army so much." The smile.I giggled slightly and nodded a little,my body going weaker.I stayed strong seeing the Blue army near "Hold your stance soldiers!" I told my soldiers,seeing them with their weapons.


Then I saw Tom,he had a smirk on his face he knew I got into a crash and he LOVED it.He knew I was weaker.He knew I was vulnerable and he ENJOYED that.

I held onto the two,my next giving away as my head lowered quickly "Shit.." I mumbled,the pain growing.

"What's the matter,(Y/n)?Can't take a bit of pain?" Tom spat,he stood only some feet away from me,his soldiers behind him.I growled "You wanted to finish me huh?And here I thought I was able to trust you." Anyone was able to hear the pain in my voice but he didn't.I felt a metal hand grip my chin,making me wince.He pulled my head up quickly a yelp of pain coming from me.Some hair feel on my face,where the glass in my eye was.He smirked seeing me in pain.I was shaking,tears ran down my left side,not from JUST the pain no from Tom as well.His eyes glanced at the hair over my eye as he pulled it to the side,gently.A small gasp came from Tom,that what I thought.My body felt heavy,my only working eye felt heavy "Y-Ya kn-know,t-tell the g-g-guys I l-love the-them,I-I didn't want to h-hurt them a-and this is wha-what I got.S-see y-you in H-HEL-HELL." I told Tom,blood coming from my mouth as I saw a look of fear on Tom's face.My body soon gave into the pain.And soon everything was dark and the only thing I felt was pain.

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