《The Land of Stories: The Adventure Continues》Reunited


The group landed in front of the Northern Kingdom Castle. Around them looked exactly the same as it did before. Deserted and dark.

"So how are we going to hold down these villains long enough for us to start the spell?" Matthew asked.

"Brystal and I made these while you guys were out," Alex said and took three silver cuffs out of her pocket.

"We just have to get these around their wrists and it will temporarily stop their magic. When they are weak, we can chain them down and start the spell." Brystal said. "We have to take them by surprise. Carrie, Alex, Annabelle and I will use magic to get into the palace and the rest of you will come up through the dungeon. Stay there with the ingredients until we give you the signal."

Brystal waved her wand and swords appeared in Matthews, Nathaniels, Elizabeth's, Conners and Allyson's hands.

"Maybe I should go back and watch the kids. I'm just dead weight." Elizabeth said.

"Lizzie, I have faith in you," Carrie said to her sister. "This is for Dad and Mom. Fight for them. Fight like you do for Charlie."

"But I don't know anything," Elizabeth said.

"We'll do a quick session right now until we get the signal," Allyson said.

"Wait, Alex, if we come face to face if our future selves then we'll head back to our own time," Conner said.

"I've come up with a solution," Brystal said and she waved her wand. A pair of glasses appeared in Alex's and Conner's hand. "These will block the spell from taking you guys back."

"Great," Conner said and put them on. "How do I look?"

"Does it really matter at this point," Alex said and put on the glasses. "They need us. Now, let's get rid of these guys once and for all."

Inside the palace, older Alex and older Conner were still chained up to the wall.

"I can't believe we're just sitting here like sitting ducks." Older Conner said. "My arms are so sore!"

"Mine too." Older Alex said. "When we were younger, we would have escaped by now. Wait do you see that?"

A bright light then appeared in the middle of the room. Brystal, younger Alex, Annabelle, and Carrie appeared.

"Annabelle!" Older Alex said. Annabelle then ran over to her mother and used her magic to let her down and gave her a hug.

"Carrie? Is that you?" Older Conner asked in disbelief. Carrie ran over to her father.

"Dad! Yes, I'm actually here!" Carrie said and started tearing up. She waved her hands over the shackles and they disappeared releasing Conner. He then pulled his youngest daughter in a massive hug.


"How? How are you here?" Older Conner asked.

"I can ask you the same thing. Why didn't you tell us?" Carrie asked through tears.

"I wanted you guys to have the normal childhood I didn't have." Older Conner said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"I forgive you but thank you. For giving me the best childhood and for being the best Dad." Carrie said.

Older Conner smiled and hugged her again. "Now you've got to get out of here. It's going to get ugly and I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you."

"No, dad. I didn't train for 2 days and travel through time for nothing." Carrie said.

"What?!" Older Conner said.

"It's a long story. It's part of our plan." Carrie said. "We followed Aunt Alex's recipe. Listen I have a bunch more questions, but we can talk after."

"Carrie, where are the ingredients?" Older Alex asked.

"They're with the others keeping them safe." Younger Alex said.

"Oh, this is weird." Older Conner said. "Alex that is you. You really did travel through time."

"We really needed help. A ghost of, I guess our great grandmother came to us and told us to travel to get past Alex and you to help us save, well you." Carrie said. "And in the process we got Brystal to help us. We now know now how to travel through time! It's been a crazy week."

"You definitely have had a crazy week." Older Conner said.

"So what's your plan to start the spell?" Older Alex asked.

"We have these silver cuffs," Annabelle said and younger Alex took them out of her pocket and handed two of them to Carrie and Annabelle. "Once we put them on The Evil Queens children and Ezmia they won't be able to use their magic. We can chain them up and trap them."

"Ezmia?!" Older Alex and Conner said.

"Yeah she's back. That's another long story." Younger Alex said

Just then, the doors flew open and there stood Evelyn and Edmund.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join the party." Evelyn said. Older Conner went in stood in front of Carrie protecting her.

"If you two get near my daughter you will regret it." Older Conner said.

"Your reign over this world is over," Annabelle said.

"Who's going to stop us?" Edmund said.

"Us." Brystal said and waved her wand and a beam of light hit Evelyn in the chest and she fell to the floor. The magic battle has just begun. Younger Alex waved her hand and Older Conner had a sword in his hand. She walked closer to him.

"Go down to the dungeon and release everyone and help the others. We have things covered here." She whispered. Older Conner nodded his head and secretly walked out of the room and down to the dungeon.


Outside, Matthew, Elizabeth, Allyson, Jake, Gabriel, Nathaniel, and younger Conner were sneaking around outside the castle trying to find a way in around the guards.

"What are we going to do? There are guards at every entrance." Jake said.

Allyson peaked around the corner and reach out both of her hands and aimed them at the two guards and they instantly started choking and fell to the floor.

"Great job babe," Jake said and high fived his girlfriend.

"Cool it's like you have the force!" Younger Conner said.

"The what?" Allyson asked.

"Never mind." Conner said. "Let's go quickly."

The group ran inside the dungeon and found everyone still in the exact same spots.

"Gabriel!" Goldilocks and Jack said.

"Jake!" Red and Froggy said. The guys ran over to the cells where their parents were being kept for a long-awaited reunion.

"We were so scared. What happened to you?" Jack asked.

"Jake and I found horses and rode back to the Fairy Kingdom and went to Camelot to tell Alex, Annabelle, and Allyson what happened," Gabriel explained.

"Thank goodness you weren't captured!" Red said and kissed her sons face through the bars.

"Allyson do you think you can open these cells?" Jake asked.

Allyson nodded and waved her hands and all the cells opened and everyone was free.

"Allyson thank you so much!" Queen Hope said and went up and hugged her.

"Your welcome. However for the time being, it may be a safe option to stay here." Allyson said. "We'll take out all of the guards and by that time hopefully the others will have the twins and Ezmia captured."

"What about our loved ones who were taken? We have no idea what became of them." Queen Hope said.

"We'll figure out what happened to them. Don't worry." Elizabeth said. Just then the door leading to the dungeon from inside the castle opened and Older Conner ran through it out of breath.

"Dad!" Elizabeth and Matthew said.

"Elizabeth, Matt?!" Older Conner said and ran over to them and hugged them tighter than he ever has before.

"We're so glad you're ok." Elizabeth said and getting teary-eyed.

"I'm as good as I can be." Older Conner said. "Where's Charlie?"

"She's safe. We'll get her when we finish this. Whatever this is."

"I'm sorry that you've been dragged into this. This is something I never wanted to happen." Older Conner said.

"It's ok Dad. Every family needs a little adventure and mystery." Matthew said.

"Also you look really different as well," Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, this is the only thing Evelyn and Edmund did to me that I didn't mind." Older Conner said and laughed. "Hold on you said as well. Did you see Aunt Alex?"

"No...Mom. She's back. She really didn't die." Elizabeth said.

"Yeah I know I had a vision. How did you get her out of there?" Older Conner said.

"I honestly have no idea. But I read this incantation from this book and it released her, but it did release someone else."

"Ezmia, I've heard. She hasn't shown her face here yet. But at least we know she's out there." Older Conner said.

"So your me in the future?" Younger Conner came out and said.

"Yup, not bad for a 50-year-old right?" Older Conner said.

"Yeah. So any advice for the future?"

"Eat healthy and listen to Bree about those anti-aging creams. Worked wonders for her, or just ask Alex about some potions. If this spell that I'm under wears off I would love to look like a younger 80."

"Thanks, I'll do that." Younger Conner said.

"We can't stand here like sitting ducks, we should at least make our way into the castle and see where they are keeping the captives," Nathaniel said.

"Nathaniels right," Elizabeth said.

"Ok then, follow me and keep your swords up," Allyson said.

Back in Camelot, the kids were in the kitchen rummaging through everything.

"Ugh! There's nothing to eat here except apples!" Ayden said. "I want chips!"

"If this is what people ate back in the day, I'm so glad I was born in the 21st century," Brighton said.

"I hate that we're just sitting here while our parents are fighting for our freedom. The letter was sent to me. I should be there helping them." Charlie complained. "I'm leaving."

"If you leave, you're going by yourself," Brighton said. "I'm not dying."

"Fine. I don't care if you guys won't help me." Charlie said. "Everyone in our family is something important. I want to follow in our grandparent's footsteps, and be a hero."

"I want to sit here and not die and find some edible food," Brighton said. "Go risk your life."

Charlie was so furious and she stormed out of the kitchen and walked toward the library.

"Charlie!! Wait!" Ayden yelled running after her.

"What is it Ayden?" Charlie said and turned to face her younger cousin.

"Please be safe Charlie. I believe in you. Your a leader, you've always been the smarter one out of all of us." Ayden said. "I believe in you, I believe that this is your destiny."

"Thank you Ayden," Charlie said and hugged her cousin tightly. "I'll be back soon."

"Go be a hero Charlie," Aiden said. Charlie smiled and continued her walk towards her destiny.

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