《The Land of Stories: The Adventure Continues》The End Game


In the throne room, Younger and Older Alex, Annabelle, Carrie, and Brystal were in the middle of a magic battle against Edmund and Evelyn.

"Edmund, look at this newbie!" Evelyn said to Carrie. "It's cute watching a beginner try to be so tough."

"Well, this beginner I think is quite advanced." Carrie said and waved her hands and two massive, thick green vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around Evelyn and pinned her down to the ground. She screamed and tried to get out of the vines but had difficulty. "Alex now!!"

Carrie took the cuff out of her pocket and placed it on Evelyn's wrist. Her struggling stopped and her face went pale. She was weakening.

"What's, happening, to...me," Evelyn said weakly.

"Our plan." Older Alex said and high fived Carrie. "That was amazing Carrie. I wasn't doing that advanced magic until my 5th month of training. It's like you were born to do this."

"Maybe I was. It is in my blood." Carrie said and smiled.

On the other side of the room, Annabelle, Younger Alex, and Brystal were taking care of Edmund. Each shot the powerful fairy's threw at him, he dodged.

"Haha, you'll never get me." Edmund taunted.

"We'll never back down," Annabelle said and shot another ball of light at him, but Edmund created a shield and the ball disintegrated.

Brystal tried to take the next shot but Edmund waved his hand and knocked her wand out of her hand and it shattered into little pieces. Younger Alex quickly waved her hand and reassembled the wand.

"Wait I have an idea guys." Younger Alex said. "All of us together."

The fairy's formed a circle around their opponent and all shot beams of magic on him. He tried to fight the intense magic but instantly went down. Annabelle then slapped a cuff onto his wrist. He instantly became weak just like his sister.

"We did it!" Carrie cheered.

"That was only round 1," Brystal said.

"She's right." Older Alex said. "Now it's a waiting game."

On the other side of the castle, Allyson, Older and younger Conner, Elizabeth, Matthew, Nathaniel, Gabriel, and Jake had their swords up ready for any opponent that came their way.

"I understand why you never told us about this place, Dad," Matthew said. "It's a nightmare."

"It wasn't always." Older Conner said. "There was a time where we had peace. That was when I could have shown you this place."

"Dad, nonetheless, we had a great childhood," Elizabeth said.

"I'm glad. That's all I wanted for you three." Older Conner said. "But I did deprive you of your roots and your other family."

"Dad, you actually did show us this world. You showed us through your books. We were just dumb and weren't willing to open our eyes." Matthew said. "We're also sorry for wanting to send you to an assisted living community. We just thought you were crazy."

"Thanks for reminding me of that." Older Conner said. "After all this is over. We'll be discussing that horrific idea and I don't care if you are adults you will be punished because you are still my children."

"Understandable," Elizabeth said. "Just so you know, it was actually Matthew's idea. He talked me into it."

Just then 8 armored soldiers surrounded them with their swords up.

"Guys get behind me." Older Conner said to his kids. The soldiers closed in on them. Allyson tried to use her magic to destroy them, but they blocked her magic blasts with their shields.


"My magic doesn't seem to work on them," Allyson said. One of the soldiers then swung their sword at Allyson but she blocked it. "Let's fight these guys until I can find a way to destroy them all."

Older Conner and Younger Conner fought side by side fighting two of the soldiers.

"So anything else I should know about my future?" Younger Conner asked.

"Start writing our award-winning book series a lot earlier." Older Conner said and swung his sword but the soldier blocked it with his shield. "We need the money. I think that's it. We have a pretty good life, I wouldn't change a thing. We have a great wife and amazing kids. I wouldn't change any of this. I mean it about the other things I said to you, especially about the anti-aging cream."

"Ok, thanks for the advice." Younger Conner said and kicked the soldier to the ground.

On the other side, Elizabeth was struggling. She swung the sword and missed and right when the solider she was fighting with swung his sword at her, Nathaniel stepped in and blocked the shot and knocked him to the ground.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome," Nathaniel said. "You know you're stronger than you think. Just think about your daughter. You're doing this for her."

The soldier quickly got up and Elizabeth took all her strength and swung her sword at the soldier and her sword started to glow and a blast of light shot out of the end of it and it sent the soldier flying across the room, knocking his helmet off.

"Go Lizzie!" Matthew said. "You did it!"

"What just happened?" Elizabeth said terrified.

"You just did magic!" Allyson said.

"I never want to do that again," Elizabeth said still petrified.

"Hold up. Guys, do you know who that is?" Allyson said and cast a spell so that the soldiers could freeze in their places. She walked closer to the soldier that Elizabeth knocked over. "Guys this is King Zhyler of the Charming Kingdom. Queen Hope's husband."

Jake walked closer to Allyson and discovered that she was right.

"All these soldiers must be the prisoners," Gabriel said.

"Allyson do you know how to fix them?" Younger Conner asked.

"Now that I know what they did. Yes, I do." Allyson said. Elizabeth walked over to her brother and Dad.

"I never want to do that again." Elizabeth said. "After all this, I want to go home and forget any of this ever happened."

"Me too, and I understand." Older Conner said. "I never wanted to learn magic either and I never did. Look how I turned out, but that was impressive."

Allyson waved her hands in the air and suddenly shiny dust fell from the ceiling and sprinkled on top of the soldiers. Each one suddenly came to and quickly took off their helmets revealing their true selves. The soldiers were Queen Cordelia of the Northern Kingdom, Goldilocks and Jacks son Hero's wife Penelope, King Quince of the Eastern Kingdom, Queen Cassandra of the Corner Kingdom, Red and Froggy's adopted son Slightly Hood-Charming, Queen Ash of the Eastern Kingdom and The son of Fairies Skylene and Xanthous, Flint.

"Ash?" King Quince said as he set his eyes on his wife.

"Quince it's really you!" Ash said and ran up and kissed her husband.

"Penelope!" Gabriel said.

"Gabriel! What happened?" Penelope asked her brother in law.

"Evelyn and Edmund cursed you all, is there anymore?" Allyson asked.


"Yes! Those evil twins have cursed our people. They are in the gardens and in the front marching." Queen Cordelia said. "Are our loved ones still in the dungeon?"

"Yes, they are. Right now that may be the safest place." Jake said.

"Jake, Gabriel, Nathaniel you'll come with me and we'll go and take the other soldiers out from under the Evil Twins spell," Allyson said. "Elizabeth, Matthew, both Conners, go and find the others. They should be in the throne room still. Be careful, Ezmia may still be lingering."

"Is there anything we can do Allyson?" Slightly asked.

"Head back down to the dungeon. Your no good to your people dead." Jake said.

"Jake is right. Follow me, I know where it is. They have taken over my family's castle after all." Queen Cordelia said. "Take back the kingdoms."

"We will," Allyson said.

Queen Cordelia led the others to the dungeon and the group went their separate ways.

Back in the Throne Room the girls had chained Evelyn and Edmund to the wall and waited for Ezmia to show herself.

"Should we just wait here?" Carrie asked.

"We should regroup with the others," Brystal said.

"Let's wait a few more minutes, they may be on our way, they must be wondering why they haven't received our signal. Plus I don't want to leave these two alone." Younger Alex said.

"Carrie you were amazing. Would you consider staying here and studying magic?" Annabelle asked.

"One part of me, the little girl part, would be screaming yes right now. However, I have a family. I have two more boys at home, along with an amazingly sweet husband. They are comfortable at home, I would never uproot them, just because of a dream I've had since I was little." Carrie said.

"I understand. I have two kids as well." Annabelle said. Just then the doors flew open and standing there in all her glory was Ezmia the Enchantress.

"Well, Well. Have I once again not been invited to the party?" Ezmia said.

"Ezmia you've been defeated before and we will do it again." Older Alex asked.

"Oh, I doubt that," Ezmia said. "I will not be defeated this time."

Suddenly, Ezmia was struck in the back with a blast of magic that made her fall forwards. Younger Alex quickly put the last cuff on Ezmia's wrist and she as well began to weaken and become pale.

"Or so you think." Older Conner said. He stood next to younger Conner, Matthew, and Elizabeth who was standing in the middle with her sword up. It was clear that she was the one who shot the Enchantress. Older Alex and Younger Alex, using their magic, chained Ezmia next to the twins.

"Dad, Matthew, Elizabeth!" Carrie said and ran over to them and gave them all a hug. "Thank God you guys are ok."

"We're fine," Elizabeth said.

"Elizabeth did you do magic?" Annabelle asked.

"I guess I did," Elizabeth said. "But weirdly it only really happened when I was holding this sword."

"The sword must have acted like a wand," Brystal said. "My magic is the same way. It just doesn't seem to work to its full potential without it."

"Where are the others?" Older Alex asked.

"They went the free the others who were bewitched by these two," Matthew said and pointed to the twins.

"What have you done to me?" Ezmia said trying to fight her restraints.

"Getting rid of you. Once and for all." Younger Conner said.

"You really have to stop trying Ezmia. You always seem to lose." Older Conner said.

"I won't. I, deserve...the world." Ezmia said.

"Let's start. I don't know how long those will last." Younger Alex said.

Elizabeth took her backpack off of her back and took out each of the items. They took the page from the journal, the mask, the branch of the oldest tree, the pen of an author, the wand of wonderment and formed a circle. Elizabeth then placed the book in the middle of the circle open. Once the book was opened, a beam of light shot out.

"Ok, so now it needs a spark of new magic." Younger Alex said. "According to the letter."

"Carrie, she's new to it," Annabelle said. "Want to try?"

Carrie looked at her dad for guidance. He smiled and nodded and Carrie got down on her knees and placed her hands on the floor. The items lifted up but quickly fell to the floor.

"It didn't work," Carrie said. "Elizabeth, do you want to try?"

"What the heck. Might as well try." Elizabeth said. She pointed her sword at the items and once again they lifted and fell. "Well nothings working."

Everyone then looked at Matthew.

"Oh no. Not happening. Never." Matthew said and crossed his arms.

"You'd want to try since the fate of the world is at stake," Carrie said.

"Fine." Matthew sighed. He stuck out his hand at the items for only a few seconds and nothing happened. "See nothing happened."

"Wow, you put in such an effort," Carrie said being sarcastic.

"What about me?" A voice said from behind them. They all turned around and saw Charlie.

"Charlie!" Elizabeth and Older Conner said. They both rushed over to her and Older Conner hugged her tightly.

"I'm so glad you're ok." He said.

"I'm glad you're ok Grandpa!" Charlie said.

"Charlie what are you doing here?" Elizabeth asked.

"I wanted to help," Charlie said.

"Wait a minute. Who was the letter sent to?" Older Alex asked.

"Me. I received it." Charlie answered.

"Then it's meant to be Charlie." Older Alex said. "There's another thing I forgot to mention. I thought I sent it to Carrie, because not only has she never used magic, but I had a vision many years ago that she would be the next heir of magic. The spell not only has to be cast by new magic, but by the next heir. I sent the letter wanting it to go to the next heir. It was sent to Charlie. It's meant to be her."

"My daughter, Charlie?" Elizabeth asked. "She hasn't known about magic or this world till now. How is she this heir of magic?"

"By blood. The magic in our blood has chosen Charlie to be the next." Older Alex said.

"Alex you first thought it was Carrie. Now it's Charlie?" Older Conner said.

"I know. I thought it was Annabelle too, but magic has a mind of its own. I can't decide who is the next heir, magic does. Just like it decided me all those years ago."

"Can I try mom?" Charlie asked. Elizabeth looked at Charlie. How could her sweet little girl be capable of powerful magic? Could her only child be someone so powerful and important like her aunt? Elizabeth nodded and Charlie walked forward towards the items.

"Who's this little girl. Do you really think she can defeat me?" Ezmia said weakly.

"If I could do it. So can she." Younger Alex said.

Charlie kneeled down and put her hands on the floor. She closed her eyes tight and focused hard. Suddenly, the items floated up and spun around fast. The book floated up and the items created a bright glowing magenta-colored portal. Younger Alex waved her hand and unchained Evelyn, Edmund, and Ezmia. The twins were sucked into the portal quickly, but Ezmia tried to escape its power, but she was so weak she couldn't.

"You will see me again. If it's the last thing I do!" Ezmia yelled as she went into the portal. Charlie quickly stood up and the items fell to the ground and they quickly disintegrated and the book closed.

"Charlie you did it!" Carrie cheered and hugged her niece. They all cheered and hugged each other. Elizabeth hugged Charlie tightly and looked into her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you." She said. "How can little you do that? You surprise me every day."

"Thanks, mommy," Charlie said and hugged her mother tightly. Older Conner, Matthew, and Carrie walked up to them and they all hugged each other tightly.

"I'm so proud of all of you." Older Conner said to his kids.

"Thanks, Dad," Matthew said.

"Now that we saved you and all of this is over, Mom is under a sleeping spell back in Camelot," Carrie said.

"What are we standing here for?!" Older Conner yelled. "Let's go!"

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