《Anomalies [BXB] ✔》Chapter Twenty-Three
Could it be that desire for a good thing has become a bad thing because that desire has become a ruling thing?
Excitement courses through me as I sit in the middle of the strawberry field. I already ran around and picked the best looking ones and accidentally filled up all the baskets, so I decided to eat some to find what shape and size around here taste the best.
But all these red fuckers taste good!
"I'm so jealous that you- -berries- -grew up here." I say to Jasper, popping another strawberry in my mouth. "These are fucking great."
This one isn't as juicy but it's really sweet, and I'm pretty sure I actually let out a small groan at how good it tastes.
All my senses are so pleasantly overwhelmed right now that I'm not in as much control as I normally could be, even given the Tourette's and all, but my medicine has taken me down a notch from how chaotic I know I would be without it.
Now I probably look like a cat that just rolled around in cat-nip for too long.
But fuck it.
These are so good.
Besides, all the sounds I've gotten from Jasper cancel out any embarrassment from how vocal I am right now.
"Oh?" Jasper grins, face flushed red but he's not too flustered. "Can I try it?"
Nodding, I prop myself up on my knees with what I deem as a perfect strawberry in hand.
But he doesn't take the strawberry, instead he grins, grabs my hips with both hands and pulls me into him.
He's still leaning back, which makes us the same height -so it's easy for him to lean forward and kiss me.
I gasp into him, dropping the strawberry to be able to grip onto his back and hold his jaw.
As our lips slide together, both of us tasting like strawberries, he clutches onto me harder, pressing closer to me as he sits up straight.
My entire body grows hot, us both gasping for air but not breaking away to get any.
Jasper hums, the deep sound catching in the back of his throat as his tongue swipes across my bottom lip before his mouth is parting mine and deepening the kiss.
A growl echoes out of my chest but I don't let it stop us.
My boyfriend just tightens his fingers in my hair, hand sliding up to cup the back of my neck.
Heat pools in my stomach as he kisses me harder, tongue curling around mine as our waists slide together.
Then he pulls away, panting for air.
He lets out a small, breathless groan as I hold him tighter and press a small his back to his lips.
God, can we just kiss like that forever?
"You're right," Jasper says, voice coarse as he takes another deep breath, meeting my eye as I sit back on my heels, still trying to blink away the fuzziness in my mind. "Those are really good."
I smirk, leaning in. "Want to try them again?"
He smiles and gives me a short, sweet kiss for a few moments before pulling away.
It's not as much as I expected but it's as much as I got, I'm okay with that, besides, now he tastes like strawberries.
"So," Leaning a bit back to get more comfortable face to face, I feel his hands on my hips tighten, making me grin. "You said that this isn't the only thing you wanted to show me today? Though I don't know how it-" I growl. "-can get better than this."
The musician chuckles, "You probably won't like it more than this, with your strawberry obsession and all, but I think you'll still appreciate it."
"Strawberry obsession?" I grumble. "I don't have a strawberry obsession, it's not my fault those red fuckers taste so good."
"What was that?" Jasper leans into me teasingly. "I don't speak strawberry."
Rolling my eyes, I reply, "One, I'm not a strawberry, and two, where are we going?"
"Fine, not strawberry but you are a God," I should have seen that coming. "So I'm taking you somewhere sacred."
Like, a Denny's parking lot at 3am sacred, a church sacred or the kind of place you and only you deem holy sacred because trust me, those are all very different things.
Jasper only hums in reply, pulling us both up to stand. Before we even get to walking, he wraps his arms around my shoulders and cuddles me into his side.
The giant being a giant, I fit perfectly.
"It's full of magic," Jasper promises, squeezing me gently. "You'll see."
I'm not sure if I believe that, the only thing truly magical around here is the man in front of me and I doubt any place can compare.
"Lead the way, I'm sure I'll like it even if I'm not a god."
How could I be?
My name is just a name, it doesn't add any extra stardust in my veins.
"Excuse me, sir, but you are a god" My boyfriend huffs. "And I don't appreciate this blasphemy."
"It's not blasphemy, Jasper," I tell him, more than amused. "You're just a dork."
"I am a dork," At least he admits it. "But that's not the point." Interwinding our fingers, Jasper tugs me forward to walk closer to him. "Now, c'mon, it's almost three and that's the best time to get there."
Humming in reply, I just watch Jasper as he takes us through the massive building, stopping in a huge garage with lots of old, very cool cars and a few motorcycles.
He pulls me along until we get to the motorcycles, one of which I know is Jaspers but honestly, I can't tell them apart that well.
Dropping my hand, the musician grabs the keys, two jackets and a helmet.
Damn, there are a lot of cars in here.
Like a lot.
"Castor!" Jasper chirps, bouncing back in front of me with a jacket and helmet in hand, which only makes me smile. "Those will make sure you don't get too hurt on the very, very low chance we crash but if you're more comfortable riding in a car, it's no problem at all. See? The keys are over there."
"The motorcycle's fine," I chuckle, shaking my head at him as I unfold the jacket, which is almost too big for me but fits me a lot better than one of his sweatshirts. "Whose jacket is this?"
"Mine, it's almost in perfect shape because I grew out of it almost a month after getting it when I was like, fifteen I think?"
Giving him a blank 'seriously' look I ask, "You were this tall at fifteen?"
That's not fair at all -I'm pretty sure I was fifteen when I stopped growing.
Kicking the motorcycle stand up, he glances at me as he starts to walk down the driveway, making me shrug on the jacket and follow him. "Does it make you feel better that I was a shortie up until freshman year?"
"Actually yeah, it does. Because I was tall for our age until around that point too. Damn," I snap my fingers, frowning. "If I met you sooner I would've had the chance to be taller."
I missed the chance to be taller than him.
"But now you're stuck as a pipsqueak."
Fuck no, I'm a regular sized human.
Scoffing, I retaliate. "Says the giant."
"But I'm a friendly giant," Jasper grins at me. "You're a strawberry grump."
Grunting, I stop when the musician does, but don't stop myself from giving him a small glare.
But that small glare turns into me accidentally checking him out.
"Do you know how to get on, Star?"
Jasper looks really good right now, hair not so messy but definitely not put together, smiling, jaw sharp and dimples popping, not to mention the many piercings and leather jacket he's wearing.
Shit what did I miss?
Oh, he asked me if I know how to get on.
"Yeah? I know how to get on." Is it safe though, what if I get us hurt or startle him. Fucking Tourette's. "Um...what happens if I tic and jerk us."
Probably something bad.
"I'm a steady driver, I'll keep us in the middle of the lane and I weigh quite a bit more than you so the chance of you overpowering one of my turns or anything like that is very low. We'll be on private roads, no busy ones, too so they'll be barely anyone to hit, either." He rambles this off without stopping to think.
Which makes me stop to think.
Did he have to think about that too, or was he worried about me crashing us?
"That response sounds like you've thought about this."
Jasper tilts his head at me, still smiling. "Of course, I want to keep you safe." Ah, fuck me, he's adorable. "So I need to make sure whatever we're doing or will be doing keeps you safe and comfortable. Like the jacket and helmet, but other precautions for all situations."
All situations...?
"And you do this for other things?"
"Of course," He says this like it's something people would normally, or should do for me. It's not, not at all. "I usually make sure that where we go won't be too busy or whatever because I know you don't handle crowds well and I make sure that there's nothing that you're allergic to on the menu because you, sir, are a dumb dumb who drank a whole pomegranate smoothie."
Grinning, I point at him, "And I still don't regret it."
I'm so not looking forward to the day he finds out I still drink hot chocolate and coffee that has nutmeg in it even though I'm allergic to that too.
In my defense, it just makes my mouth feel weird and won't kill me at all but it does make me really dizzy if I drink too much.
Plus it tastes good, that's a bonus.
Shaking his head at me, swinging himself up onto the seat with a sigh, Jasper pats the spot behind him. "Get on, Star."
Don't have to tell me twice.
Eventually Jasper parks in a very small lot, turns off his bike and pulls off his helmet, messing up his hair with one hand in a much too sexy way to be legal.
"It doesn't look like much," He says, minty eyes running over the dark woods and empty fields. "But the sacred place is like, a five minute walk into the woods."
Well this doesn't look like the perfect place to murder someone at all.
"This is technically our second date," I tell him, raising an eyebrow. "Is this the part where you kill me?"
Climbing of the bike with a pout, the musician says, "I wouldn't do that, Castor. I'm really bad at murdering things. I ran over this stick once when I was learning how to drive and I thought it was an animal and I started to cry. My Tio thought I was crazy for the rest of the month."
Man, I don't blame him.
Shaking my head, I snort. "That doesn't surprise me at all."
"Welp," Jasper shrugs. "I've embarrassed myself enough around you that I kinda think you're immune to it at this point."
"No, you're just a cute, oblivious, and clumsy puppy. Not embarrassing."
He wrinkles his nose at me, thinking about it.
Not being able to help it, I do it back.
Grinning widely at the action, Jasper chuckles and helps me down, a bounce in his step as he takes me hand and pulls me towards the woods -obviously excited.
Jasper trips once in the woods, making me catch him, but other than that it was a pretty cool hike through the trees to get towards what looks like a giant mesh tent.
Unzipping it, Jasper motions to me. "Go in Star, I'll be right behind you."
Pausing, knowing it looks really dark in there but deciding I can definitely trust him, I dunk under it.
And have to blink the darkness away.
Once I do I can see hundreds of different colored butterflies fluttering about, over flowers and spread out trees, a small path leading to a clearing where it's a bit darker but the sun was still high in the sky, making it all seem to glow.
Holy fuck.
I know I'm genuinely excited when I feel a bit of adrenaline rush through my system, sending my arm out in a tic but I can only keep staring at all the butterflies.
"Jasper," Looking back to him, I point with both hands at the ceiling. "Butterflies! This really is magical- -magic, magic, magic- -thank you for showing me! What...what is this place?"
He grins but I just continue to look around, trying to take it all in.
Fuck, this place is sacred.
"Welcome, this is butterfly land. It's sacred to my family. A l-lot of things happened here -both good and bad."
Turning back to him, I smile. "Tell me about them?"
He takes me to a clearing, which is the perfect spot to view everything from. The musician sets up blankets and pillows for us to sit on- -they were already here- -and starts to tell me how butterfly land became sacred.
Bar Red was abused.
And Clementine Astoria saved him.
Thinking of my own family, I know why it sounds like a familiar story.
"It's so full of love," Jasper says. "So full of good, but there's bad too. Fights happened here, a break up. In love there's always tragedy, though, I suppose."
There doesn't always have to be.
Between us -there doesn't have to be tragedy.
We can just be...happy.
"And me..." He clears his throat, making me try and pay more attention to him. "I'd have a lot of panic attacks when I was younger, because of my synesthesia. No one really knew how to help. I mean, how do you teach your kid or your student to exist in a world that looks completely different than your own? I had no good ways to cope."
I know how that feels and I really, truly, wish he didn't.
"But my dad brought me here and I just layed in the grass, watching and listening and feeling everything around me. I learned how to find peace here, how to focus on everything and ignore the little things, the stuff that doesn't really matter."
"It's beautiful, I'm glad it helped you. Does-" I growl. "-your family come here, still?"
"Of course," The musician nods. "When one of us gets hurt, we usually find our way here. Even if we're a ways away, we always come back. It's safe, y'know? It's always going to be here. Not a lot of other things are."
I hum in reply, knowing it must be special if he's taking me here. "Do the D'Silvettas come here too?"
Meaning, has he taken Vivianna here too?
"Not really," Jasper shrugs, leaning into me more. "No one is supposed to come here unless a Red is with you, or you think a Red is in trouble or hurt -because you'll most likely find one of us here if that is the case. Sacred, remember? Not just anyone can waltz right in."
This place really is their safe zone.
And not even the D'Silvettas come here.
Well, shit.
Frowning just a bit, I ask, "So why did you bring me here, then?"
"You're my butterfly," He laughs like that explains it all. And I guess, with the magic happening around us, it kind of does. ""It's important to me to show you this place. You're a Red's, you're mine, and... I don't know, it seemed appropriate to show you it. It's full of magic, and so are you. Thought you'd feel at home."
That's nice, but it's a safe spot.
Where people go when they don't feel safe, when they're in danger, from themselves or others.
"Is that the real reason?"
"It's... part of the real reason." He admits. "I didn't know if you had a safe place, too. This is my safe place, you are my safe person, and you're a butterfly. You're welcome here whenever you need to be, is what I'm trying to say."
"You're sharing your safe place with me."
My 'safe' place is a cliff, one that has rocks on the bottom that I've broken an arm on but the water freezes and I can skate on it, it's isolated, it's mostly safe to jump off, if you know where to land.
Sometimes though, I didn't really care where I landed.
Jasper would care.
That's why I'm here.
"You're...you're an anomaly, Jasper." I say, not knowing how else to describe it. "I think I have you figured out, and then you do something like this and change that."
"Well," We're both sitting up now, him glancing at me uncertainly. "At least it's a good change?"
"Definitely," I love him. "I like knowing more about you, even if it's weird stuff."
Because all of it makes me love him more.
"I have Olaf socks," He blurts. "Uh...I'm not sure why I just said that. But it's true, they're my lucky socks and they say 'I like warm hugs' on the bottom. Why do I keep doing that?"
I can't help it, I laugh, "Doing what?"
Being adorable?
As if on cue, the musician pouts. "You know exactly what."
"Enlighten me."
"The blurting out, thing. I never do it with anyone else!" Oh my god, wait -do I make him nervous? "Maybe Viv when I'm overthinking but she just ignores me half the time, off in her own mind anyway. But you actually pay attention to me, you weirdo."
Right, I'm the weird one.
"Why am I a weirdo for paying attention to you?" I ask, not about to mention the nervous thing, because, well, that would probably make him nervous. "You're my boyfriend."
"Because," Jasper pokes my nose and I'm really tempted to bite him. "Your observing skills are too strong. You're gonna be watching me one day and think, 'man, this dude is a doofus' and realize that I'm actually pretty dumb."
Well...he is a doofus.
But he's not dumb.
"Watch it, Jasper." Snapping a hand up to his jaw I make him face me as, a growling sounding out from the back of my throat. "You're not allowed to talk bad about yourself, not now, not in the future, and not even when you mess up. And you're not dumb, you're just excitable and you blurt things because you're comfortable enough around me to do so. Understand?"
He nods.
And I give him a light kiss, pecking his jaw where I grabbed him.
"You're important to me, Jasper," I say, kissing his cheek. "And I don't like when someone is mean to you, even if that someone is you."
Jasper moves closer and kisses my forehead, hand gentle on the side of my neck. "You're important to me too, Star, and right back at you."
I wasn't looking for anything and he showed me everything.
It's a bit annoying, really.
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