《Stone Cold Pacifist (Horror Sans x Reader)》:.Instincts.:


---(Y/n)'s Pov---

The snow below me felt cold as I looked over to the right side of my hip. I was shot, but it was honestly only a flesh wound. Crimson stained the white landscape below me... only to serve as a reminder of what I did for Papyrus. His brother seemed very surprised. "What the hell, (Y/n)."

Sans was shaking a lot. It almost looked like he was having an internal struggle between helping me or... letting his hunting instincts take over. I wasn't too fond of the idea that he was potentially planning on killing me. Taking in his appearance a little more, his smile seemed forced as he took a few steps forward with hands clenched into fists.

"I thought that you were calling me 'Human', Sans." I suddenly said, only for him to groan in irritation. Why hasn't the sniper shot a second time? The first shot was always the most important, but the second one was generally fired immediately after the first as a precaution. He could of ended me, right?

"Shut up. This isn't the time for you to be fucking sassy." Huh, actually... his line of fire must of been blocked off. Especially since there was a massive barricade of bones facing the direction of the attacker. Papyrus was still seemingly in the snow, but he was quick to approach my side while frantically looking at my wound.

He wasn't bothered by the smell of my blood. Papyrus knew that it was there, and that it smelt stronger than usual- but he didn't seem interested in it with some kind of sinister intent. No... he was actually concerned, and maybe even a bit frustrated at the sight.

"No need to look so triggered, Papyrus. I don't mind biting the bullet once in awhile." I hummed thoughtfully. The taller skeleton was on his knees beside me, desperately moving his hands to try and cover my wound... but then, Sans stopped him. "It is only a flesh wound. Actually, I would appreciate it if you both left. I don't need either of you getting in the way."

Now I was trying to be serious, but once Sans pressed his hand against the wound, he only pulled it back to lap up the blood... well, isn't that satisfying. His eye seemed to light up at the taste as his red tongue worked to clean off his fingers... why was he so interested in it? "What, don't even want to give me a shot?"

"Preferably not. I'd rather not fire you." Well, this turned into a pun war... and strangely enough, it was happening while I was on the ground bleeding. Sans crouched down and put an arm over his knee while staring at me lazily. Something about his posture seemed different, but he was hiding it well... almost like he knew how to evade my perceptive Soul.

"Oh? Are you saying that we're not of the same caliber?" He asked. Papyrus was groaning in the background, but Sans was very serious. He had that glint in his eye right now, the one that I could only describe as challenging. And even if he hid it very well, I knew that he was angry. I guess that his brother almost dying really did set him off.


He started to tap his fingers against his leg... was he anticipating something?

"Have you even scoped out our situation?" I could tell that by now, Paps wanted to yell at both of us for our conversation during this very serious moment. But in all honesty, we were both very set on this conflict. I wanted him to leave, I wanted-

And just before Sans could say something, another gunshot from a different angle rang out. The smaller skeleton summoned his hatchet to block the trajectory of the shot that was aimed at me... in fact, I was surprised. But at the same time, the first shot of a sniper was always the most dangerous. Because once you knew that they were shooting at you, things became much harder for them.

"" Sans shouted. He was pissed off, his eye was glowing as he summoned several sharpened bloody bones... only to aim them into the tree line. Within seconds, he was taking shots that weren't too random.

But whoever this person was, they did have some experience. Not like me, but still. "BROTHER. I DO NOT THINK THAT YOU WERE HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH HER. IT SEEMED MORE LIKE A CONTEST OF TERRIBLE PUNS."

Wow Paps, thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Struggling to get up, Sans shot me a very annoyed glare. He didn't want me trying to move, but to be honest? This is clearly my problem, not theirs. Now, I already made a promise not to hurt anyone else... but I never claimed that I had to save someone from something as simple as an accident? After all, this forest had many traps. "Sans, I do not want you or your brother to get hurt. This Human is more experienced with the concepts of LOVE."

"So what?" He mocked at me while Papyrus crossed his arms with annoyance. I could tell that the both of them smelled my blood, but they strangely were not acting on it in a negative way. Of course, Sans did something about it- he moved to taste it the moment that it was spilt. Strangely, it almost seemed to calm that insane glint in his eye.

"So I am going to distract him while you two leave." And just like that, I sprinted off into the forest. Using my perception, it wasn't too hard to detect this killer's location... also, it was a good thing that I left before Sans could threaten me. I could tell that he was reaching into his pocket to grab my prototype in an effort to make me back down. Though why should he care? He obviously wanted to kill me. Right?

---Vexin's Pov---

Going through the ruins was nothing in comparison to this. Those catacombs were filled with a lot of traps and even some kind of talkin flower. It told me about the caretaker to that particular area... and that it was dangerous. Being able to avoid it wasn't a big deal, but not knowing the traps was a real pain.

When I thought that things would be easier once I managed to step outside of that place- I was fucking wrong.

Sure things appeared to fall into place with my target and what she stole so close... but I think that I may of underestimated her. Here I was, ready to snipe that tall skeleton Monster since he seemed like the biggest threat- only for her to push him out of the way and take the shot.


Just as I was going to make another hit, a barrier of sharp bones blocked my line of sight... and from one of the gaps, I could make out a single crazy crimson eye staring into the depths of my Soul... for the first time in my life, I felt like I was going to die.

That stare that it gave me was enough to make me shake out of pure fear. And here I thought that the taller Monster would be the real threat here.

But now that I was looking for a new position to work from, I couldn't help but ask myself one thing. Why did I suddenly feel hunted? Wasn't I the hunter here?

Coming to a skidding stop, I looked down and noticed a tooth like silver edge poking through the snow... and after a closer look, I noticed that I was staring at a fucking beartrap. This playing field was unique to my previous jobs. Especially since my target was already very familiar with it.

Now that I am on the topic about my target... was she friends with those creatures? Were they going to stand in my way?

After hearing a snapping sound, I turned around frantically while pulling a knife from my boot out of self defense. Just when I thought that It was nothing but a smaller animal, a hand gripped around my wrist and tried to pull me back into the damn beartrap! "I don't fucking think so!"

I shouted this while putting my balance on one of my still stable legs. My weight seemed like too much for my attacker as I moved my knife out to slash at her- but she already moved her body in an elegant fashion that I was not familiar with. And shit, she was actually pretty too.

Great. This assignment, where I had to kill some hot chick, sucked. Though maybe If I put her down fast enough... I could get something else out of her. "Hey. We can make this easy and maybe have a good time or something before your death. What do you say?"

"I apologize... but I do not associate myself with Government dogs."

I should of been pretty pissed off after that comment... but she somehow managed to sound even more attractive with that attitude of hers. "Shit. If this were a different situation, I'd be taking you on a date."

And then she started to throw punches in my direction. They were agile, but yet felt forced... like she wasn't trying to hurt me, but instead lead me into something. "You also have a very nice body."

I aimed my knife to slash off her shirt, but she once again moved out of the way. Damn, if she had a weapon right now... thank god that she didn't. This one was tough, and she was obviously younger than me! But obviously, this target also happened to be more experienced for her age. "Such a pity that I am going to have to kill you."

And then I saw my opening... she stumbled slightly from her blood loss, playing off her wound like it was nothing. Taking the opportunity, I slashed my knife against her stomach... it left a cut that wasn't too deep or anything. It was just enough to stop our fight.

Kicking her body against a nearby tree, she fell down into the snow with a small huff. Moving my hands forward, I could only find myself smirking. "Well since you're a little more calm... maybe you'll take me up on that offer? With my hands, babe... I can make this pretty quick."

As my arms reached out so that I could grab her coat, I couldn't help but let out a piecing scream as the sound of mangled flesh filled my ears. How the hell did I not see it? It literally happened within a single damn second! My hand that was outstretched in front of me... ready to strip her of her clothing was missing. Severed and left on the cold snowy ground. Blood fell from my wound, sticky and warm as it coated the white below me in scarlet.

Dropping my knife, I moved to clutch my bloody hand... but not before I felt the back of my coat being roughly grabbed. I started to get yanked away from my target, yelling and screaming while clutching my wound. Dragged in the snow next to my own body was a heavy looking hatchet that was stained by my own blood. I could see my reflection within the blade, I looked... terrified.

I could hear the Monster's uneven breaths, but at the same time? They somehow appeared calm. I was able to catch a glimpse of his blue hoodie through the blade, it was coated in fresh patches of red.

My instincts were telling me to run away.

I tried to dig my heels into the snow, but the Monster that was pulling me only responded with an annoyed grunt. He roughly lashed his hand slightly, causing him to throw me in front of him. Before I could protest and beg for him to leave me alone, to let me just do my job-

I heard a loud snap.

The bear trap that she tried to push me into was around my stomach. It's teeth like metal edges were digging into my flesh, effectively pinning me down. With the trap more revealed, I noticed that it was attached to a chain that was tied around a tree. Not that it mattered. I was dying, and I don't think that there was an escape. The one that put me into this position was the short skeleton... his eye glared at me, but his smile was wide with satisfaction as he raised his axe above his head. He was twitching with anticipation.

My eyes widened out of fear as his foot came down on my other arm. I was struggling to move, but it only made the beartrap tear into me more. And then, his blade came down on my other hand... "With no hands, ya look pretty fucking pathetic."

Watching as the Monster turned around and walked away, my crying and panicked screams came short once two large red boots appeared in front of me.

The last thing that I saw before he forcefully took my body out of the trap was that shorter skeleton... putting his blood stained hoodie over the unconscious girl. Fuck why did I take this stupid job.

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