《Quarterback's Study Buddy》Chapter Sixteen


Two Weeks Later: Day of Regionals

There were banners all over the schools halls and everyone dressed in their vibrant school colors but since that night in front of Noelle's house, it seemed like both of their moods shifted. Noelle shoved her books into her locker as she headed to her first period. She thought the closure she got from Carson would make her feel better but it made her feel worse: What if he did something stupid because of her? What if he really needs her and she just 'abandoned' him? Noelle knew that deep down splitting ways was best for both of them, right?

Noelle was about to enter her classroom when Carson suddenly halted in front of her accidentally. They kinda stared awkwardly at each other before Noelle shifted her eyes to the floor and briskly walked into her classroom. Carson thought she still looked as beautiful as ever. But, God was he still fucking angry and hurt that she didn't forgive him! He just wanted to grasp her shoulders and shake her body until she knew whole-heartedly that he only wanted her. But, at the same time, he wanted nothing more than to kiss her gently on the corners of her lips and apologize for everything he has ever done to hurt her as well as apologize for future pain he might cause. Noelle was so special to him. He hasn't touched a drink in just about two weeks. And that's gotta mean something, right? He thought as he watched her from the entrance of the classroom that wasn't his. He longed to touch her like she was a precious jewel. But, he sighed and moved on to his own classroom.

The school day seemed to flash before their eyes and the next thing Noelle knows is that she's headed towards the student parking lot to wait for Margo. When Carson caught up to her, "Noelle!" He cleared his throat nervously as she turned to face him. "Uh...I can give you a ride...if you need one." He looked down into her eyes as he rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. Noelle thought about it sincerely, Margo had a doctor's appointment and probably would be here for another 30 minutes.

"Uh sure." She answered and he smiled a little bit as they walked to his truck. The last time she was in his truck, he told her to get the fuck out of it. The memories kind of overwhelmed her however she pushed down her anxiety as she climbed into the front seat.


Carson had no idea as to why he offered a ride. A small portion of himself hated her for making him vulnerable but an even larger portion of himself wanted her be around him as much as possible even if he never got to touch or kiss her ever again. Being with her was enough for now.

As Carson and Noelle drove in a thick silence, Carson opened his mouth and asked, "So, are you going to the game tonight?"

Noelle was busy zoning out as she stared at the moving trees, "Um, football isn't really my thing."

"What? You wouldn't even go for me?"

"And watch my sort-of-ex-boyfriend run along a field? Nah I'm good."

Carson pulled up into Noelle's driveway and turned towards her, "Well, if you change your mind, I reserved tickets for you and your family."

"Thanks but I don't think we're gonna go. Good Luck though." Noelle said as she hopped out his truck and slung her backpack on her back.

Carson sighed, why was she so difficult sometimes? He wanted nothing more than to see her among the crowd cheering him on tonight. He knew this game was so important, not only was his last season ending soon, but scouts were going to be there. But, his head was so scrambled because of Noelle. Normally, the energy of the crowd fueled his adrenaline but if he just saw her in an empty stand cheering for him, he'd get the same reaction.

On Carson's drive back home he felt the brief vibration of his phone in his pocket. He reached for his phone and saw the notification.

Daisy: Hey, we need to talk.

Carson rolled his eyes and ignored her text. He honestly considered just blocking Daisy and every girl that wasn't Noelle. He just couldn't fathom being with any other girl. He shoved his phone back into his pocket as he continued driving.


"Dad, why are we going? I don't even like football." Noelle asked as her father practically danced at the idea of free tickets. He picked up Jason and swung him around as he giggled.

"Why not? It would be a great way to get out. And we can have pizza for dinner at the concessions." Her father replied.

Lydia came waddling around the corner, "I don't see why we can't go, Noe." She smiled lightly.


"Okay, I don't think you guys understand. Carson is on the football team."

Her dad stopped dancing, "Okay?"

"And, we're not together anymore."

"Honestly, sweetie, it's not like we're going to know exactly which one he is on the field. We'll just go for a little and if you're not feeling it, we can go home." Lydia said as she rubbed her shoulder soothingly.

"Well y'all can go, I'll just stay here. I gotta study anyway."

"Oh come on, Noe." He father interjected as he placed Jason back on the floor. "How about you get to pick where we go for dessert? Even trade?"

Noelle really thought about that exchange, was her choice of dessert really worth seeing her sort-of-ex-boyfriend for up to three hours give or take over-time? She squinted her eyes, "How about I get to choose dessert AND I'm off dish duty tonight?"

Her father smiled, "Deal." They shook hands. Noelle sighed heavily as she let go of her dad's hand and began to go upstairs, "I'm gonna take a nap."


The stands were jam-packed on both sides of the field. The game wasn't at their home field but it was held at their local sports center. Noelle and her family walked to their seats which were interestingly close to the field. Honestly, if someone wanted to, someone could hop over the railing they were sitting in front of and land in front of the cheerleaders. A few minutes later the players exited out the dome and the stadium roared. Noelle recognized Carson immediately--well his jersey said 'HOLT 'in capital letters on his back--by his build alone. Carson turned and flashed a smile her way, almost as if he knew she would be there tonight. She didn't tell him that she was gonna go. He jogged the rest of the way towards the field with his teammates.

Right before Carson left the locker room, Daisy managed to sneak past security and find him. She slipped into the locker room and approached him. "Carson, we need to talk." She said sternly. Daisy was stunning as usual: cascading blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a model figure. But, Carson didn't feel anything towards Daisy, not even lust.

He sighed, "Can this wait?"

"No! It needs to be right n-"

"Daisy! We'll talk after the game, end of discussion." He said as he grabbed his helmet and left her in the middle of the almost empty locker room. Daisy ran a hand through her hair and breathed deeply.


The first quarter was coming to an end and Noelle didn't think she'd be so into it but she was cheering enthusiastically every time their team made touchdowns. It was actually a lot of fun. The boys were smiling as they ate hot dogs and Margo even brought her girlfriend along. Noelle's eyes were drawn to Carson's figure on the field. He was still really attractive in her eyes. She silently scolded herself: Why couldn't she just move on already? They aren't meant for each other.

Noelle suddenly felt someone nudge her arm lightly. She looked over an saw David loudly smacking on his hot dog. "Noe, I've got a secret." He whispered as he took another small bite.

"What?" Noelle leaned closer.

"We've got a surprise for you." He whispered.

"Oh really?" Noelle thought he was probably going to mention that she got to choose their dessert location. She already knew the surprise but she didn't want to ruin his fun. "Can you tell me what the surprise is?"

"Well, it's--" David was interrupted by a swift smack on the back of his head by his older sister, Margo.

"Don't ruin the surprise, Goblin." Margo said as David rubbed the back of his head.

"That's why mom doesn't like you!" David yelled as he stuck out his tongue and Margo stuck out her tongue in retaliation. Noelle rolled her eyes as she watched the next play unfold on the field.

Carson was breathing heavily and in between plays he would look into the crowd and immediately spot Noelle's beautiful face laughing with her family. His head turned towards the clock on the scoreboard. He had about 10 minutes on the board until half-time. And honestly, he was more nervous about half-time than he was about this damn game. He prayed that she wouldn't walk out on him. He noticed his team mates settled into their positions around him and he immediately got his head in the game and tried to clear his mind.

The half-time show was going to go without a hitch, he was sure of it.

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