《Quarterback's Study Buddy》Chapter Seventeen


The sun had begun to set behind the bleachers. Noelle was really enjoying herself with her family--she chose to ignore the fact that her ex-boyfriend (if she could really call him that) was practically the star of the game. He looked good though--she could still appreciate him physically, right? She sighed a bit, maybe it was best to forget about him and their whole relationship/fling thing. Noelle actually planned to hand in her resignation for the library on Monday. She wanted to focus on her school-work and never think about Carson Holt again.

"Hey, you good?" Margo asked.

"Yeah, just spacing out." Noelle replied.

The players were slowly leaving the field for the half-time show. Noelle planned to get another soda and use the bathroom during this time. However, two band kids decked-out in their colorful uniforms bumbled up to her.

"A-Are you Noelle? Uh Cartwright?" One with fiery orange hair peeking out of her hat said nervously.

"Uh yeah, I am." Noelle was beyond confused.

"Can you come with us please?" The other band kid said with his dark eyes and golden saxophone still in his hands. Noelle looked at her family to see if they were seeing the same thing she was seeing. Her dad nodded his head as if telling her it was okay to go. And Lydia put her thumbs up and smiled at Noelle.

"Um, okay." Noelle got up from her seat and swiftly followed them. They walked super fast and they were headed straight to the middle of the football field. Noelle was trying her best to keep up on the slippery field and before the band kids could abandon her on the empty field. Noelle asked:

"What's going on?"

The girl with the fiery hair smiled and blushed, "Oh sweetie, you'll love it. You're honestly the luckiest girl ever."

The boy with the dark eyes rolled his eyes and directed the girl by her shoulders to move off the field, "Christina, come on." He said as he practically dragged her off the field.

Noelle was confused and blinded by the stadium lights shining in her face. She could feel everyone's eyes on her and the crowd was just as confused as she was.

Meanwhile, Carson had practically ran to the Box to grab his mic and adjust his audio slightly. The president of the AV club helped him out and gave him the run down.

"Alright, everything is all good. You better hurry, she looks terrified."


"Thanks, I owe you!" Carson yelled as he sprinted to the bleachers.

Music started to play over the stadium speakers. Noelle looked around and her eyes landed on a silhouette. But she knew that silhouette without a doubt. "Oh Jesus..." She muttered to herself.

"...It's just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you..." He started to sing. Noelle couldn't help but crack a smile. He wasn't much of a singer--he was actually pretty bad. Her face began to heat up and she covered her face with her hands. He was singing to her, she couldn't believe it.

"...You'd be like Heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much..." He began to approach the edge of the field. He was still in his cleats and muddy uniform but his helmet was off and his shaggy hair was wild and messy. "...At long last love has arrived and I thank God I'm alive..." He had that stupid smile on his face that made butterflies swarm Noelle's stomach whenever he flashed it her way. So much for trying to get over him.

"...You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you..." He was walking closer to her when he stopped. And suddenly the marching band stood up in the bleachers and music swarmed her ears. Trumpets and flutes all in-tune with this song that Carson was belting out just for her.

"I LOVE YOU, BABY! AND IF IT'S QUITE ALRIGHT, I NEED YOU BABY! TO WARM THE LONELY NIGHTS!" He belted as he began to dance along the field. The people in the stands sung with him and clapped on beat. It was absolutely magical. The roaring voices of the crowd were in-sync for this moment. All singing for her.

Noelle was speechless at best. She wasn't sure if she wanted to kiss the boy dancing frantically for her love and affection or kill him for making things that much more difficult. She wanted to cry but, she didn't know why. Towards the end of his song, he got on his knees in front of her.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Noelle?" The sound of his voice echoed in the mic. And all eyes were on her for sure this time. Her heart wanted to say 'yes' so bad because he made her heart flutter effortlessly. But, her brain thought about Carson and how he was capable of hurting her so much--And they weren't even seriously together. He squeezed her hand and stared down into his eyes. She really didn't know what to fucking say and this was an incredibly sweet gesture. However, she took a deep breath and nodded her head 'yes' slightly. For now, she would say 'yes' but they were definitely going to have a serious conversation later.


He flashed her that boyish smile and picked her up and connected their lips together. It was electric and magnetic in the best ways. She relaxed and sighed into their kiss and he caressed her face lightly. The crowd cheered loudly as they kissed. If this was some romantic comedy, this would be the part where the couple would live happily ever after and everyone would assume their relationship was healthy and happy. However, that's not the case.

Tyler saw the whole thing from the sidelines and even though he wasn't really on good-terms with Carson at the moment, he still clapped and cheered for him as he got his girl. Because at the end of the day, that was his homeboy. "Whooo! Get her, Car!"

Carson still had Noelle in his arms and he had no plans to let her down anytime soon. She whispered in his ear, "I'm gonna kill you, Holt." She was only half-joking when she made that statement.

"Ooo Noe, how did you know I liked it rough?" He grinned playfully at her. He carried her off the field and let her down onto her feet when they were out of public view.

"Carson, why would you do that?"

"Because I like you?" He chuckled.

"I'm serious, we're nowhere near ready for that."

"Noe, I've been trying to get help and I've been working on myself. What else do you want from me? Name it and I'll do it. Want me to get sober? Check. Want me to proclaim my undying love for you publicly? Done. What do you want me to do?" Carson looked desperately into her eyes.

"Carson, as much as I love that you're getting help for yourself, you need to do that for yourself. Not because you think getting sober is a fast-track to my heart--"

"Give me another chance, Noe." He grasped her dainty hand and pressed it to his lips. They were warm and the warmth seemed to spread throughout her hand. "Please." If she said 'yes' what's the worst that could happen? She ends up scarred and heartbroken or she could end up happy and in love with this adorable boy. She was truly torn. If she said 'yes' there would be no room for regret, unless he disappointed her. Noelle opened her mouth to say her response. When a gorgeous blonde bombshell approached them.

"Carson." The bombshell said. Carson looked at the girl with impatience written on his face.

"Daisy, I'm busy come back another--"

"I'm pregnant." Daisy, the bombshell, blurted. Noelle's were wide with shock and she was utterly speechless again that night. Carson's eyebrows were strewn with worry and shock as well. Daisy just kind of stood there awkwardly. "I just thought you should know, since it's yours." And with that she turned gracefully and walked away. Carson watched as Daisy walked away.

"Shit..." He muttered. He briefly looked down towards Noelle. "Stay here, okay? I'll be right back." He said as he sprinted to catch up with Daisy and figure out what the fuck is going on.

Noelle stood there. The word pregnant seemed to keep echoing in her head. The boy she liked. The guy that just professed his love for her got another girl pregnant? Noelle tilted her head towards the sky and sighed. She didn't even say 'yes' officially to his confession of love before he managed to hurt her again. This had to be some fucked up joke. That was it. She was ready to go home and pray this weekend never ended. She walked back to the bleachers and asked Margo to drive her home.

"Noe, you sure you don't wanna stay? Your boyfriend might want to celebrate after." Lydia winked and nudged Noelle's shoulder.

"Don't give my daughter any ideas, Lydia." Noelle's father piped in.

"What? She's young, let her live." Lydia replied.

"Actually, I've got a killer migraine right now and I kinda wanna lay down." Noelle lied but she was so close to tears that she'd do anything to get the hell out of here. Margo nodded and pecked her girlfriend and told her she'll be right back.

Both Margo and Noelle walked side-by-side as they crossed the parking lot. Noelle spotted Carson and Daisy, the bombshell, arguing near a few cars in the parking lot. Margo noticed she was acting weird.

"You okay, Noe?" Margo asked as they approached her car.

She quickly wiped a tear from her eye, "Yeah, I'm fine. This headache fucking sucks."

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