《Everybody's a Killer if You Push 'Em Far Enough • Ivy Wheeler》Chapter 15


"This is all my fault." Jake muttered, staring down at the pile of shit in front of what used to be Oliver's locker. "Oliver would still be alive if it wasn't for me."

Ivy understood his guilt, but she knew his words weren't true.

Even if he hadn't brought the doll home, Chucky still would have wandered his way into their lives.

"Jake, look-" Ivy began to say, just to be interrupted by Devon.

"Pain's a lot easier if you let someone feel it with you." He said, gazing at her brother sympathetically.

That was a lot nicer than what she was about to say.

Jake sucked in a breath as he turned away from the shrine.

Devon noticed his sudden surge in emotion and took a step closer to him.

"Hey, close your eyes." Was all he said.

Jake turned to him and laughed nervously. "What?"

Devon's expression didn't change. "Just do it."

Ivy's eyebrows furrowed. "Okay, demanding."

Jake shot her a look and she immediately understood the assignment.

"Alright, well.. I'm gonna go." She rambled on, sliding backwards. "See you at home."

Ivy spun around and hurried down the hallway.

Of course she was going to let Jake bond with Devon.

He needed it.

* * *

It was dark out now.

Ivy and Jake were stuck in their room doing homework while Junior practiced for one of his practices down the hall.

"I can't concentrate." Ivy groaned, collapsing against her bed.





"Oh my fuck!" She exclaimed, grabbing the pillow beneath her head and squishing it against her face.

Jake just laughed.

"You're so dramatic."

She shot up, glaring at him. "Dramatic? It sounds like there's a fucking marching band parading down the hallway."

He shook his head, staring intently at his computer screen. "No it doesn't."


Jake's been hiding in the corner of the room on his laptop since they got home from school.

"What are you doing?" She asked, swinging her legs over the side of the bed to face him.

He ignored the question.

"Jake." She went on, continuing to pry.

"Don't worry about it." He muttered, typing something.

Before she could reply, a voice echoed through the house.

"Dinner!" Bree yelled, signaling for the kids to come down and eat.

The thudding stopped.

Ivy breathed out. "Great. My favorite time of day."

Jake set his computer down on the table and closed it. "It's not that bad."

She rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Don't lie."

They headed downstairs.

Junior shoved past Jake as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Dick." Ivy mumbled.

Jake nudged her arm. "Be nice."

She paused. "You don't see him being nice to me."

He shook his head and walked over to the table.

Ivy hesitantly followed.

Logan was already seated.

Jake sat down next to their lovely cousin and Ivy plopped down next to him.

Bree walked in a few minutes later, holding two large plates full of crap.

She placed them down in the center of the table and took her seat.

Everyone started eating.

Ivy picked up her fork and stabbed one of the pieces of chicken, picking it up and dropping it down on her plate.

Bree watched her with wide eyes.

"So, I have good news." Logan said, breaking the silence.

"You do?" Bree questioned, turning her attention away from Ivy.

A crash of thunder shook the house, sending a flash of light through each window.

Jake flinched.

He seemed more on edge than usual.

All Ivy wanted to do was run upstairs and check his computer.

She didn't.

But she wanted to.

"Are you okay?" Ivy whispered, tapping her brother's arm.


He nodded.

"I made a few phone calls." Logan went on, snapping the twins back into reality. "Thanks to a favor owed, Junior, you're still going to nationals next month."

Junior's face dropped.

Ivy and Jake turned to each other, sharing the same unimpressed look.

Bree noticed her son's expression and frowned. "Is that the best idea?"

Logan's eyebrows furrowed.

"The doctor did say that Junior was-"

"I missed regionals because I was in the hospital." Junior said, interrupting her. "I didn't qualify for nationals. Isn't that kind of unfair?"

Ivy rolled her eyes.

The thunder crashed outside again.

"Let this be a teaching moment, kid. In life, when you get advantages, you have to take 'em." Logan explained, holding his fork in the air like a weapon.

Ivy was starting to see the similarities between him and Luke.

Junior turned away from him and looked down at his plate.

"So in a week or two you're gonna-"

Jake's phone buzzed, cutting him off.

Everyone turned to him.

He picked it up fast and looked at the screen.

Logan sighed. "In a week or two, we're gonna have you back our there running."

He half-smiled. "I even got you a trainer."

Bree clenched her jaw, clearly just as unhappy as Junior with Logan's decision.

"That guy, Dobbs. He's the best."

The room fell silent.

Ivy glanced at Jake's phone, noticing multiple texts from Devon.

She grinned, leaning back in her chair.

Jake swallowed dryly and put his phone back down on the table.

"That's okay right?" The conversation continued.

Junior rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, just like how Jake does.

Bree sighed. "Logan-"

Jake's phone went off again.

"Jake, please, no phones at the dinner table." She breathed out, gesturing for him to put his phone away.

He glanced between the two of them then picked it up.

Junior looked at his screen and immediately, his face fell.

"What's she doing texting you?" He questioned, spotting Lexi's text.

Jake's eyes widened.

"She hasn't returned my texts all day." He went on, glaring at them.

Ivy shrugged. "That seems like a you problem."

His nostrils flared.

Bree reached her hand out. "Okay. Phone, now."

Jake shook his head. "Sorry, I-I can't do that."

"You can have it back after dinner." She said calmly.

The phone buzzed again.

"He's not giving you shit." Ivy said, folding her arms over her chest.

"Language." Logan scolded.

She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. Hand over the phone, Jake." Junior said, being the little shit he is and agreeing with his mom.

"No." Jake replied, eyebrows furrowed.

Junior scoffed and went for the phone, attempting to snatch it out of his hands.

Ivy immediately jumped in and grabbed Junior's wrist. "Hell no." She said, twisting it.

He winced.

"Stop." Bree ordered.

"What are you doing?" Jake muttered, yanking his phone back.

Ivy tightened her grip around his wrist.

Bree continued scolding them.

"Ow! Stop!" Junior shouted, slapping Ivy's arm.

Suddenly, Logan shot up from his seat and grabbed Junior. "Drop it." He demanded, startling the teenager.

Junior instantly let go of the phone, giving it back to Jake.

Ivy clenched her jaw, fighting the pit of anger raging inside of her.

Jake hesitated then grabbed the phone.

He got up out of his seat and moved away from the table.

Ivy followed.

They raced back upstairs.

"What is it?" She asked, closing the door behind him

Jake's face turned blue as he opened something on his phone.

"Look." He said, handing it to her.

Ivy frowned as her eyes landed on a photo of Lexi's little sister holding Chucky.


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