《Everybody's a Killer if You Push 'Em Far Enough • Ivy Wheeler》Chapter 13.5


After a long awkward car ride stuffed in between Jake and Lexi, officer Peyton pulled up in front of the hospital.

"Wait here." He muttered, sliding out of the car with Chucky in his hand.

Ivy glared at herself in the rearview mirror as the two teenagers beside her flailed around, trying to get his attention.

"No!" Jake exclaimed desperately. "Wait! Let us out!"

"Hey!" Lexi gasped, banging on the window.

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Shut the fuck up, he clearly isn't listening to you."

They fell silent after that.

A few moments later, Devon's mom walked over to the car and opened the door.

Lexi practically shoved the door open. "Thank you!"

The three teenagers stumbled out.

"Come on." Ivy sighed, grabbing her brother's arm.

"Not so fast." Mrs. Evans said, stopping them.

She looked directly at the twins. "I need a word. In private."

Lexi glanced back at the hospital.

"Go get him." Jake whispered, gesturing for her to go.

She reached for his arm. "Thanks for not letting go.."

Ivy grimaced.

They watched blondie run away.

"Lets go." Devons mom said, grabbing Jake's arm.

Ivy's nostrils flared. "Let go of him. You're not taking us in yet, are you?"

She turned to Ivy and sighed. "I was just making sure you wouldn't run off again."

The teenager clenched her jaw.


* * *

"You see my problem?" Evans went on. "Neither of you even have an alibi."

Jake and Ivy were sitting in two plastic chairs across from Devon's mother who was interrogating them.

"I'm sorry, we didn't have time to make one for you." Ivy muttered, noticing how uncomfortable her brother looked.


"I'm sorry, this must be very hard." She went on, adding more fuel to the raging fire burning in the depths of Ivy's stomach.

She sat down, narrowing her eyes in on Jake.

"I just have a few more questions."

He nodded, continuing to avoid eye contact with her. "And then we'll be done?"

Ivy was very aware of how guilty he looked.

"Yeah." She said, placing a recording device down on the table.

There was a moment of silence.

"Tell me about Oliver." Evans began, still focused on Jake. "I heard there were some problems at his halloween party. Was he bullying you?"

Ivy wrapped her hands tightly around the edges of her chair, desperately trying to hold herself together while the detective questioned her anxious brother.

Jake shook his head. "No."

That was clearly a lie.

Evans sighed. "Do you know how serious this is, Jake?"

He ignored her.

"I can actually help you two, but not until one of you starts telling the truth." She went on, eyes drifting between the teenagers.

"So tell me, Jake." Evans tried again. "What do you know about Oliver's death?"

He shook his head once more, finally making eye contact with her. "I don't know."

Great answer..

Ivy sucked in a breath, digging her nails into the plastic chair.

"But its not what you think." Jake continued.

"Well, tell me what I should think." She said, leaning forward.

He didn't answer.

"And what about your father?" Evans asked, changing topics. "Was he hitting either of you?"

Ivy closed her eyes, struggling to stay calm.

How was this allowed?

How was this detective allowed to interrogate two fucked up teens who's father was just murdered?


"I-I don't understand what you're trying to ask." Jake said, raising his voice slightly.

"Did you need your dad to just stop hitting you.. and you didn't know what else to do?"

Ivy dug her nails in deeper.

"And Oliver, did you need him to just stop bullying you?"

Jake shifted in his seat.

"We didn't do anything, I swear-"

"Then who did?" Evans questioned. "Because for some reason, all roads lead back to the Wheeler twins."

Ivy bit her lip.

She continued to fight the overwhelming urge to rip the bitches throat out.

"Or more precisely, to your doll." The detective pointed out.

Jake's breath hitched in this throat.

"M-My doll?" He stuttered.

"Chucky." Evans clarified. "He's been at multiple crime scenes now. Do you know why that might be?"

Ivy could practically feel the world imploding around her as the tension in the room continued to increase.

"I-I said I didn't do anything!" Jake snapped.

"Then who did it? Tell me, Jake." She insisted. "Tell me and this can all be over!"

"It.." He leaned back in his seat. "It was.."

Ivy grabbed her brother's arm, stopping him. "Don't, she won't understand."

"Stay out of this, Ivy." Evans ordered.

"No!" She exclaimed, slamming a fist down on the table. "This is bullshit. You can't just sit us down like dogs in need of training!"

Just then the alarm started blaring.

"Code White. Resuscitation teams and defib units priority one."

Jake jumped up and yanked Ivy away from the detective.

They rushed down the hallway, running into Devon on the way.

"What's happening?" Jake questioned, out of breath.

"Caroline." Devon muttered, pulling them into the ICU.

The three teenagers stopped at the window, watching as Lexi's parents and a pile of nurses scrambled to figure out what was wrong.

Lexi joined them a second later, shoving in between Ivy and Jake.

"What's going on?"

Detective Evans came over too. "Just let the doctors do their job. Thats the best thing you can do for your sister right now."

Ivy spun around, eyebrows furrowing. "What the fuck would you know about protecting your siblings, interrogator cun-"

Jake stopped her. "Not worth it."

Just then, one of the nurses screamed.

Evans ran into the room to see what was wrong.

Ivy noticed a pool of blood forming below the hospital bed.

Right under Chucky..

The detective bent down slowly.

"Who is it?" Jake asked, knowing it was another body.

None of them dared to look.

Ivy turned her attention to Chucky who's head started to move.

She tapped Jake's arm and they all looked over.

Chucky stared at the four of them, a devious and horrifying smile spread across his half-burnt off face.

"What the hell.." Devon gasped.

The ginger doll held up his middle finger.

Lexi backed up in surprise.

Ivy folded her arms over her chest and blew out a breath.

"Well, that's new."

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